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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    The question had been about what they do outside of their careers. Cliff is very involved in animal rescues. Here Andee is telling about the charitable things she's involved in

    Steve made his way over, I don't remember the joke exactly, but there was some bum slapping involved between Corin and Steve....


    Made by Me!


      Ordering some drinks

      Made by Me!


        Telling the story of the Klingon that wanted to wrestle him


        Made by Me!


          I have a lot of individual pics of him too, they're just not uploaded yet, so we'll move onto the group pics from the Auction at night. Again, he showed up late, but jumped right in there! It looked like he was having a blast!

          The Sea Sheppard Conservation Society flag. It went for over a whopping $6k!
          Corin and Dan Payne (Super Soldier)

          Corin, Dan, and Alex Zahara (Mind-cool alien from Metamorphasis)

          Alex, RDA, Dan, Garwin Sanford (Nareem & Simon), and Corin.. yes, it's a gratuatis shallow pic.....

          Made by Me!


            Up for auction was a book that contained all the trading cards. Corin had a blast showing it of throughout the crowd. I have a pic of him yet to upload that is really hilarious.. I'll explain it more than.. let's just say he had A LOT of fun with the cards....
            Dan & Corin

            Alex, Dan & Corin

            Garry Chalk (Russian Col.) & Corin

            The Sea Sheppard Sweater.. I wanted it... badly.. but it went for more than one of my paycheques I believe....

            Oh yes, Dan, Corin, and Tom McBeath (Maybourne)

            Made by Me!


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              Hello there!

              I have been missing most of this month, since we had to evacuate to avoid not one, but TWO hurricanes. Yep, both Gustav and Ike sent us packing and heading for parts unknown.

              I have been trying to catch up in these threads FOREVER. I had trouble getting CN's thread to load several times too.

              Sooooo.......I see Corin has taken his shirt off again at a Con. Where was this taken? AND.....more importantly, why wasn't I there? *stupid hurricanes grumble*

              Before the hurricanes, I was in the hospital. Jeez.......I need a break! RL is killing me.

              Hey IHS, good to know you're safe.

              I think that shirtless pic was from the second Gatecon he attended (2004 maybe?)
              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
              Okay gals, sorry this has taken me so long (I'm still not actually done yet...) but here are the beginnings of my pics of CN form Gatecon!! The first batches are all in the folder i've named "Group Pics".. that's him with other people. (or other people with him depending on how you look at it...) A few are probably a little blurry... if they are, I kept them in because there is a story behind them, one that I will attempt to tell LOL... The first panel consisted of him, Cliff Simon (Ba'al), Steve Bacic (Camulus), and Andee Frizzell (Wraith Queen)

              He was late coming out on stage, a fact he later told us he had no good reason for, he just was late LOL!

              They were all laughing at Cliff, he had a voice distortion thing that he kept talking into.

              Thanks for the sharing the pics. Looks like it was good fun.
              *is jealous*


                So I haven't been able to think of anything to post the last few days so I've been content just to lurk, but I figured I'd actually pop in and just mention what's up. Between work and school I haven't really had time to actually sit down and type something. And on top of that, now, my dad and brothers are re-shingling the roof, and putting dormers in the upstairs rooms so I've hardly gotten any sleep cause they start pounding away at the roof before 7 in the morning. I finally just went out to my car today and slept for 2 hours So because of all this I've been putting off capping 'Raging Sharks.' I will get to it.... eventually xP

                As for Jonas, I'd love to have him back. By the sounds of it, Corin would like to bring him back too! We really need to be starting a petition or bombard someone's email with requests to bring him back.... oooh, he should head a team on SGU.....
                I've been saying Jonas should head SGU since I first heard about the show! I posted my reasons why he should head the mission on another thread... I'll go dig them up....

                *A few minutes later*

                In the first one someone asked what kind of techno-geek we should have on the show and this is what I said:

                I say have the techno-geek be Jonas He's really smart, and quick study (so he loves to tell everyone), but he usually doesn't go into all that techno-babble. Not to mention he has the ancient gene, and is a pretty good translator. I bet he could pick up ancient pretty quickly. We already know he can handle a gun pretty well, but he's more a scientist then soldier. I think he's sort of a cross between McKay and Carter, which is something I think would work. Even if it's not Jonas I'd like it to be someone who's sort of a mix of both characters. And not a soldier, we have enough soldiers already.
                And my thoughts on Jonas being the leader:

                I think Jonas would be the perfect leader. He has the in-field experience from being apart of SG-1 for a year, and he has the diplomatic experience from overseeing the alliance between all the nations on his planet. He's extremely smart, a very quick study; I mean he read all the material on the base in just a few weeks. And didn't they say he was leading the fight against the Ori on his home planet? (I think Joe Mallozzi said something about it a while ago).
                So I'd be fully prepared to fight to have Jonas brought back. It's been like.. what...? 5/6 years since we've seen him? I'd like to know what Jonas has been up to all this time!!

                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                Okay gals, sorry this has taken me so long (I'm still not actually done yet...) but here are the beginnings of my pics of CN form Gatecon!! The first batches are all in the folder i've named "Group Pics".. that's him with other people. (or other people with him depending on how you look at it...) A few are probably a little blurry... if they are, I kept them in because there is a story behind them, one that I will attempt to tell LOL... The first panel consisted of him, Cliff Simon (Ba'al), Steve Bacic (Camulus), and Andee Frizzell (Wraith Queen)

                He was late coming out on stage, a fact he later told us he had no good reason for, he just was late LOL!

                They were all laughing at Cliff, he had a voice distortion thing that he kept talking into.

                I love the pictures!! It looks like it was so much fun! I can't wait to hear the story about the cards

                Side Note: I thought about writing a story about Jonas coming back for Sam and Jack's wedding and he shows up with a little girl (about 5 or 6) as his "date." It turns out Kiana was pregnant but they didn't find out until later. I don't think Kiana and Jonas wound up together so I had it that Jonas kept their daughter and then Kiana later died in and Ori attack ( lol I'm so cruel). I never wrote it cause I couldn't come up with a name for his daughter Any thoughts?


                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                  Hello there!

                  I have been missing most of this month, since we had to evacuate to avoid not one, but TWO hurricanes. Yep, both Gustav and Ike sent us packing and heading for parts unknown.

                  I have been trying to catch up in these threads FOREVER. I had trouble getting CN's thread to load several times too.

                  Sooooo.......I see Corin has taken his shirt off again at a Con. Where was this taken? AND.....more importantly, why wasn't I there? *stupid hurricanes grumble*

                  Before the hurricanes, I was in the hospital. Jeez.......I need a break! RL is killing me.

                  Great to have you back

                  Awesome pic run, Sunnie. Thank you very much for sharing. I would green you, but alas, I cannot

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                    Always dissing Martouf eh Buc

                    Good to see you back!! I need to get on YIM sometime soon!! As for Jonas, I'd love to have him back. By the sounds of it, Corin would like to bring him back too! We really need to be starting a petition or bombard someone's email with requests to bring him back.... oooh, he should head a team on SGU.....

                    Oooh.. that's good!!!! I hope it comes out!!

                    I really need to get a screencapping program....
                    Thanks! I'm on YIM every night, but nobody is every there, and if they are, they're marked "busy." Never anybody to talk to anymore.

                    As for the pictures from the con that you posted, who is the girl sitting on Corin's right? I don't recognize her!

                    Thanks, and hope to talk to you soon!
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                      As for the pictures from the con that you posted, who is the girl sitting on Corin's right? I don't recognize her!
                      That's Andee Fizzell aka The Wraith Queen, we never see her "face" on the screen since she's always under heavy-make up as the Queen (and always died in that very episode,
                      that's why it's Andee's wishes that she can haveher role live for more than ONE episode )

                      This is the next day panel... it was very hard to take a picture of Corin from where I sat
                      so yeah... just an itty-bitty Corin face to see
                      Last edited by L-JADE; 21 September 2008, 12:04 AM.
             : lilferret


                        Buc, That woman is Andee Frizzell. As LJADE said, she's the Wraith Queen. She's also an incredibly sweet and funny woman, I thoroughly enjoyed talking with her!

                        I'll try to get on YIM soon. RL's been difficult lately, I'm driving 3hrs a day for work, so I don't have much time to do anything else LOL!

                        Originally posted by L-JADE View Post
                        That's Andee Fizzell aka The Wraith Queen, we never see her "face" on the screen since she's always under heavy-make up as the Queen (and always died in that very episode,
                        that's why it's Andee's wishes that she can haveher role live for more than ONE episode )

                        This is the next day panel... it was very hard to take a picture of Corin from where I sat
                        so yeah... just an itty-bitty Corin face to see
                        It's all good, I have enough to make up for it LOL!! All-in-all (and I'm honestly not even done going through the pics....) I have over 90 of Corin alone... that's more than even RDA (so far).... I feel like a bit of a creeper.... I'll try to get some more up today, but it's cleaning and laundry day, so that may not happen LOL!

                        Made by Me!


                          Originally posted by MyStargateLife View Post
                          So I'd be fully prepared to fight to have Jonas brought back. It's been like.. what...? 5/6 years since we've seen him? I'd like to know what Jonas has been up to all this time!!
                          I'd like to know what he's been up to all this time, and I wouldn't even need to see him. One line! Is that too much to ask. *pooches*

                          Side Note: I thought about writing a story about Jonas coming back for Sam and Jack's wedding and he shows up with a little girl (about 5 or 6) as his "date." It turns out Kiana was pregnant but they didn't find out until later. I don't think Kiana and Jonas wound up together so I had it that Jonas kept their daughter and then Kiana later died in and Ori attack ( lol I'm so cruel). I never wrote it cause I couldn't come up with a name for his daughter Any thoughts?
                          Azure Angel Midnight Sun.

                          Not really. I'm rubbish at names.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            I'd like to know what he's been up to all this time, and I wouldn't even need to see him. One line! Is that too much to ask. *pooches*

                            Azure Angel Midnight Sun.

                            Not really. I'm rubbish at names.
                            Walter: We heard from Jonas Sir! He's alive and well and has started some sort of pantless clan on P3X 881... he said to tell the girls from Murd'rin Row to come join him. He has quite a few members and even a flag!


                            Made by Me!


                              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                              Walter: We heard from Jonas Sir! He's alive and well and has started some sort of pantless clan on P3X 881... he said to tell the girls from Murd'rin Row to come join him. He has quite a few members and even a flag!

                              Awesome. Get this woman a job on the writing staff of SGU, stat!


                                Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                                Walter: We heard from Jonas Sir! He's alive and well and has started some sort of pantless clan on P3X 881... he said to tell the girls from Murd'rin Row to come join him. He has quite a few members and even a flag!

                                Considering the context of the storyline (I think it has real potential, personally), I'm dreadfully curious as to what the flag will actually be used for...

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

