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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hrm.. I'm going to do a bit of a pic run to bring my spirits up since I can't seem to find a copy of the new Torchwood epi that premiered today to download....


    Made by Me!



      Made by Me!



        Made by Me!


          What better way to celebrate my 2,700th post than with our favourite Blushing:


          pretty-eyed boy?

          Made by Me!


            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
            Hey now, there's nothing wrong with Country music!!!

            *Whistles innocently*

            Of course I was referring to the bizarre facial hair, goofy behaviour, random eating, wigs and stockings...really

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              *Whistles innocently*

              Of course I was referring to the bizarre facial hair, goofy behaviour, random eating, wigs and stockings...really
              That's what I thought!

              *sends menasing glances at Res*

              Oh wait.. that's not to menasing is it?

              Made by Me!


                afternoon thunkers
                Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  I'm not sure if vardogr has seen these or not. Not that its any hardship to post them for the umpteenth time

                  B-movie moment
                  Nope. Haven't seen it yet. And you might as well know, I am lazy when it gets to skimming through all the pages. I don't care if they're reposts as long as they are good ones!

                  Thanks Res.

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  Also for vardogr, as per request (admittedly to smurf ). Warning to everyone else already 'in the know'- Brother's Keeper Joan Crawford wig alert...

                  In the words of Monty Python- "Run AWAY!!!"
                  Ack! I'd rather choose the Slash-wig. I hope I don't get nightmares because of it. But if I do, I know who to blame.

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  ...and to make up for that (the horror! the horror!), a favourite of mine, if purely for the neck on display
                  Ah. A neck person. Anything specific with what you're gonna do with it if you get the chance? Dangerously bordering on crossing the PG-line here. Well, it was just an innocent question. I think.

                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  Wish. Command. Thing.

                  The horror. The HORROR!!!!

                  Ah, BK and its endless procession of wigs.

                  *wonders if vardogr has seen the Beer For My Horses music video*
                  Just watched it. What's with the beard? I mean, that's the first thing that got my complete attention. And it successfully kept my eyes glued to it the entire time! CN was evidently goofing off, I know. It was "revolting" at first but when he combined it with the *ahem* sexy get up and the blond wig... it was down right hilarious.

                  And of course... the belly button. *sigh!* Can never get enough of them.

                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  What better way to celebrate my 2,700th post than with our favourite Blushing:

                  Helloooo... belly button!


                    On a pic posting mood.


                      Originally posted by vardogr View Post

                      Thanks Res.
                      You're welcome

                      Ack! I'd rather choose the Slash-wig. I hope I don't get nightmares because of it. But if I do, I know who to blame.
                      That won't give you nightmares. The Hitler moustache and red lingerie get-up for 'Ultimate Fight' probably would though. Thank goodness its not available on DVD...

                      Ah. A neck person. Anything specific with what you're gonna do with it if you get the chance? Dangerously bordering on crossing the PG-line here. Well, it was just an innocent question. I think.
                      The word 'everything' doesn't break any rules, I don't think

                      And of course... the belly button. *sigh!* Can never get enough of them.
                      He does have a very cute navel. Which we were denied viewing in S6. Boo!

                      Courtesy of smurf, as always


                        afternoon thunkers
                        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                          Originally posted by vardogr View Post
                          Nope. Haven't seen it yet. And you might as well know, I am lazy when it gets to skimming through all the pages. I don't care if they're reposts as long as they are good ones!

                          Thanks Res.

                          Ack! I'd rather choose the Slash-wig. I hope I don't get nightmares because of it. But if I do, I know who to blame.

                          Ah. A neck person. Anything specific with what you're gonna do with it if you get the chance? Dangerously bordering on crossing the PG-line here. Well, it was just an innocent question. I think.

                          Just watched it. What's with the beard? I mean, that's the first thing that got my complete attention. And it successfully kept my eyes glued to it the entire time! CN was evidently goofing off, I know. It was "revolting" at first but when he combined it with the *ahem* sexy get up and the blond wig... it was down right hilarious.

                          And of course... the belly button. *sigh!* Can never get enough of them.

                          Helloooo... belly button!
                          Hehheh... that's a line we like to frequently cross in here... it seem to happen most often when either Res or I are here... or is Smurf is discussing the finer points of (mmm) Thor!

                          Originally posted by mckaychick View Post
                          afternoon thunkers
                          Hiya Mckaychick! How are ya? I'm not to good, came home sick from work today.. icky...

                          Made by Me!


                            Happy Friday!


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              Happy Friday!


                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Originally posted by smurf View Post
                                Happy Friday!

                                T'isn't anything happy about it... I went to work for 8:30am and was home by 9:30am... worst migraine I've had in 8 years.. complete with nausea and stars in the eyes.. on a happy note though, Res I love your new banner that the ever-talented Smurf made!!

                                Made by Me!

