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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    More Action Jonas! Hurrah!


    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Luckily for us, Action Jonas (bless him) leads onto Throughly Whumped Jonas.

      Where is IHS when needed, hmm?

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        And even cynical little me awws at this I'm getting soft as I get older

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

          Daniel and Jonas in an episode together is great, as far as I'm concerned. But Daniel's mid-shot expression here- I'm a PG forum here. I can't caption it. I just can't
          I'll plug in an extremely immature one then:

          Daniel: *thinking* Oooh boy. That felt good, been waiting to let that one go all day!

          Jonas: Did you just fart?!

          The intelligence of Sal at midnight. Good night now!
          Awesome sig by Laura
          "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

          The randomess that is me
          Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty


            Oh dear

            Good night

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post

              Love the expression. Complete 'WTF?'

              Peek-a-boo!!!! I see you! (Okay, I know it's sad that I've been relegated to talking to a tattoo! But since they're not likely to give us more . . . interesting . . . things to peek at . . . <shrug>

              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              Luckily for us, Action Jonas (bless him) leads onto Throughly Whumped Jonas.

              Where is IHS when needed, hmm?

              Ooooh, I love wumped Jonas. I loved this episode other than the leaving scene and the fact that we didn't get to see what happened between his getting hurt and coming into the gateroom. That, IMO, was a crock! But then, so was sending him off the show and back to Kelowna to begin with.

              Idiot PTB! They don't know a good thing when they've got it.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Hi ladies!!! I love whump Jonas too! It's insanely hot to me lmao....

                Made by Me!


                  Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                  Hi ladies!!! I love whump Jonas too! It's insanely hot to me lmao....
                  I never found him hot but I found him deliciously cute.
                  I was teed off with TPTB for not making more of him; I watched season six expecting a pay off, for them to go somewhere with Jonas and they never did. It was a waste of Corin's talent and a potential storyline.



                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    I never found him hot but I found him deliciously cute.
                    I was teed off with TPTB for not making more of him; I watched season six expecting a pay off, for them to go somewhere with Jonas and they never did. It was a waste of Corin's talent and a potential storyline.

                    The incredibly annoying thing was that in the opening of season seven there were these great moments with Jonas where you saw the face he'd put on over the last year crack and saw a man instead who was both jaded and yet also had faith and hope. So much potential that they didn't go along with, and in his final eps it's all right there. And he had that great chemistry with Michael and that really annoys me as well- Jonas had this great dynamic with Sam which showed her as being a confident, funny woman as well as brilliant, helped to expand Teal'c and him and Daniel were great and there was so much potential in that relationship alone for both characters

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Yes, just at the moment the relationships had slotted into place completely and (I felt) the character had stopped hiding elements of who he was, they dumped him. Grr.
                      It would have been fascinating to have seen what SGA would be like if everything had gone to plan. If Jonas had been in the Weir role, I image it might be a Deep Space Nine type show. Less like SG-1 and more centred around exploring Atlantis itself.


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        Yes, just at the moment the relationships had slotted into place completely and (I felt) the character had stopped hiding elements of who he was, they dumped him. Grr.
                        It would have been fascinating to have seen what SGA would be like if everything had gone to plan. If Jonas had been in the Weir role, I image it might be a Deep Space Nine type show. Less like SG-1 and more centred around exploring Atlantis itself.
                        He would have been a nice contrast to the team they ended up assembling, especially as he had a (minor) established dynamic with McKay. Oh, what could have been

                        Someone post something shiny to look at, before I get even more melancholy...

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Although, I wonder who wouldn't have made the cut, or which character would have been female to balance the numbers.


                            Elbow and gun pron.


                              Originally posted by smurf View Post
                              Elbow and gun pron.

                              Ah, merci. I feel better already

                              Well, apart from the uni stress, the work stress, the fact that my debit card details have been stolen by someone in Poland...

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Ah, all good things come in threes.
                                Poor you. ((res))

