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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SLBaum View Post
    Dragoncon pic from He looks so thin. Maybe we should send him care packages to fatten him up a little.

    A bit of extra weight would not harm him one bit, but I still wouldn't say 'no' to that

    Some buffed-up Jonas pics from 'Changeling' for contrast


    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Minor leaning

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        *Makes mental note to buy Jonas clone a pink apron...and to start drinking coffee*

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Good morning, everyone!

          His con pics scare me.

          I know, Jonas. He's a bit wild for you. It's okay. *kisses*


            Do you think the movie recorded?

            It should have. My friend set up the DVR over a week ago to record Hidden Secrets, but it was on during the middle of the night on her local service, so we won't know until she goes home after work today whether it worked or not.


              Originally posted by SLBaum View Post
              Dragoncon pic from He looks so thin. Maybe we should send him care packages to fatten him up a little.

              I was thinking that when looking at a previous con pic.
              On the other hand; neck thing.
              Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post

              It should have. My friend set up the DVR over a week ago to record Hidden Secrets, but it was on during the middle of the night on her local service, so we won't know until she goes home after work today whether it worked or not.
              The wonders of technology... hopefully.



                The spousal unit got called in an hour early for work, so here I am looking at all my other men! I must be living right.

                Gosh.....but CN does look a bit thin in that Con pic. Perhaps he's thin for a role? (she says hopefully)

                Still waiting for more of CN's work to make its way up on my Netflix queue. Right now I'm working through "Smallville" and want to finish up with that before my train of thought gets derailed and I forget what I watched. Well, that made sense in my head; not sure it makes sense now that I've typed it out though.

                Did "Hidden Secrets" tape?



                  Me again!

                  RES........I met the spousal unit at work! He got a job in the same department I was in and I had to train him. I'm still attempting to train him after all these years! In fact, tomorrow is our anniversary......we'll be married 22 years. I don't know where all the time went!

                  How's Frodo?



                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

                    The spousal unit got called in an hour early for work, so here I am looking at all my other men! I must be living right.

                    Gosh.....but CN does look a bit thin in that Con pic. Perhaps he's thin for a role? (she says hopefully)

                    He's naturally long 'n' lean, and I'm not sure that with all everything he's done recently whether he's had the time or inclination to put on a bit of weight after Parzania, in which he was even skinnier. This is all speculation, of course. Like Manuel, I know nothing
                    Apparently he gets more work when he's lean than when he's buffed up- at one con he said that his agent nearly had a fit when he turned up post-Jonas because they didn't know what to do with him when he was that big. Remember that Corin mostly does comedies and drama, and is good at character-driven roles and skilled at delivery, as opposed to running around shooting stuff The Skiffy stuff is after his ability to do the action got really noticed on SG-1. Not that he hadn't done it before, and hopefully he'll do it again. He's good at it, and of course our beloved equations might come into play

                    Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                    Me again!

                    RES........I met the spousal unit at work! He got a job in the same department I was in and I had to train him. I'm still attempting to train him after all these years! In fact, tomorrow is our anniversary......we'll be married 22 years. I don't know where all the time went!

                    How's Frodo?

                    Hmm. I'm not feeling anything on my end and that's a bad, bad foundation. Oh, how I love starting the 'conversation'. It's not the first time this has happened In better news, Frodo is doing well. Although he skits like mad if you try to pick him up, when you do he'll settle nicely if it's late (against my hand, because it replicates the solid warmth of his siblings) or- like this morning in the garden- will climb all over you, test everything with his teeth (jeans, cardigan button, ring, metal watch strap, belt, etc ), eat copious amounts of grass from your hands and then lap and try to climb right over your shoulder, over the chair towards a big tasty-looking plant He has to learn lots of new things and get into a routine, but he seems to be settling

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Parzania was a couple of years ago now, and he appeared much more built during 3 Moons and Speck. He's probably just going through another of his skinny periods.
                      It'd be nice if he's thin for a role, but you'd have to wonder what type of role needs him that skinny.


                        Originally posted by smurf View Post
                        Parzania was a couple of years ago now, and he appeared much more built during 3 Moons and Speck. He's probably just going through another of his skinny periods.
                        It'd be nice if he's thin for a role, but you'd have to wonder what type of role needs him that skinny.
                        That's the problem with all his hinky release dates- Parzania seems like last year *shakes head*. There were definite arms in Speck. I might have noticed Send him cookies

                        And hello, Piglet

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Thunker bait and this one especially for a certain person


                          Courtesy of smurf, as always



                            Courtesy of smurf, as always



                              Courtesy of smurf, as always



                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

