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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Hello! My God I do have a long way to go to catch up to some of you guys. I'll probably never hit 15,000 in my life! LOL! Okay, if anyone in here at this time is following me on my job issue, I talked to the girl again today who does the human resources and it sounds like an iron clad cinch! I think I've pretty well got the job pending my background check and that is in the bag because I have never done anything criminal in my life and don't intend to. Hee hee hee. On the totally awesome front, Only 2 more weeks until Dragon*Con!!!! CORIN!!!!!!!! Squeeeeeee!!!!! I can't wait! I'm excited because I have another friend flying in on Friday to stay with us and hang out with Morgania and I at the con. She was going to Creation con in Chicago but changed her plans as soon as she found out that I was going to Atlanta for Dragon*Con!!! I love it! I have some other big news that came about yesterday but I'm keeping it under my hat. I think there is only 1 person on the thread who knows what I am referring to. Shhhh to this person. All I'm going to say is that this new "project" is a HUGE opportunity for me! Well, that's all I am gonna write at the moment because I am hungry and must get breakfast. TTFN!

    Rachel (veryangrystargatefan)

    This is me sitting on the Stargate Blanket I made. Stargate #1.

    Please spread the love. Help a fellow GWer. Click this thread link!


      Whoa. That's a lot of info, Rachel Congrats on the probability that you have the job, and yes, I will keep quiet until you say so

      Courtesy of smurf, as always


        Hey there!

        I just remembered somewhere a few pages back, someone asked what our favorite Jonas episode was. I got sidetracked by that Multi-Porn-Cartwheel/Handstand-Corin photo.......and my train of thought was derailed. *ahem* I'd have to say at the moment "Prophecy". You know......poor whumped Jonas. Watched it several times already. I may have to do some research and watch them again to see if I like any of the others better. This will be such a hardship! I think not.

        As for the Best Delivery of a Line in a Corin Performance.....I'd have to say one of his lines in "Speck".
        in the bar scene, with the pickle and the peanut.
        Every time I think about him saying that line, I smile.

        At the moment, I'm on a "Smallville" kick. As soon as I finish with seeing what happens to Clark, I'll be back with Jonas. SQUEEEE!



          Tucker: Evening, guys. firefly says she hasn't forgotten about you guys, but she's been a little busy lately so she sent me into the thread as a peace offering, and that she hopes you'll forgive her.


            Look at what firefly sent us!



              I loved Prophecy too. It was an outstanding episode and Corin was simply great. I loved to see selfless Jonas there and wanted to give him a hug dozen of times.

              *hug me*
              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

                ...I got sidetracked by that Multi-Porn-Cartwheel/Handstand-Corin photo.......and my train of thought was derailed. *ahem*
                Best possible description of that photo ever

                I'd have to say at the moment "Prophecy". You know......poor whumped Jonas. Watched it several times already. I may have to do some research and watch them again to see if I like any of the others better. This will be such a hardship! I think not.
                'Prophecy' is also rather good. Contains one of my favourite Jonas shots (where he's standing alone in the darkened SGC corridor) and also Sam taking his hand, which is so sweet. And if you like your whump, you're be quite happy with that one. Which you do, of course

                As for the Best Delivery of a Line in a Corin Performance.....I'd have to say one of his lines in "Speck".
                in the bar scene, with the pickle and the peanut.
                Every time I think about him saying that line, I smile.
                His line delivery throughout that film is great, especially as so much of it was improv- including that scene, I think. Clarification, anyone?

                At the moment, I'm on a "Smallville" kick. As soon as I finish with seeing what happens to Clark, I'll be back with Jonas. SQUEEEE!
                I'm busy getting through my stock of bought DVDs and borrowed DVDs- although my stacked-up things to watch does include Parker- so I'm not exactly Corin-free at the moment. Just watching the one
                with the pirate radio station. I have to say that I cracked up entirely at Mikey's rock hour' when Parker got out the smoke machines and spotlights and they did the cliched guitar thing. That must have been fun to film

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                  Look at what firefly sent us!


                  Tucker: Hey. Hope I'm not intruding.


                    Hello Firefly. How was work?

                    I can't seem to get Photobucket to load today. No Jonas pics this evening, it seems

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                      Hello Firefly. How was work?

                      I can't seem to get Photobucket to load today. No Jonas pics this evening, it seems

                      Tucker: Hey res. firefly will be with you in a minute. I think she's also having some technical difficulties with Photobucket.
                      firefly: *is screaming at computer in the background*
                      Tucker: Apparently, she already had the page with my photos open but is having difficulties with other pages.
                      firefly: ARGH! *gives up*

                      Hi res. Work was sucky as usual, the air conditioning STILL isn't fixed so I had to do my shift in 31 degree temps. (90 F). AND I still haven't been paid yet... How's your day been?


                        That's not good. Why is it that at work the air con is usually either blasting cold or isn't doing it's job? *Pets Firefly*

                        I've mostly pottered around, watched DVDs and I'm currently having a mini Corin marathon in the shape of the slightly guilty-tinged pleasure that is Parker Lewis

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          That's not good. Why is it that at work the air con is usually either blasting cold or isn't doing it's job? *Pets Firefly*

                          I've mostly pottered around, watched DVDs and I'm currently having a mini Corin marathon in the shape of the slightly guilty-tinged pleasure that is Parker Lewis
                          I don't think I'd mind so much if it was cold, at least then I could wear a jumper or something but it's almost unbearable at the moment.
                          I have yet to see Parker Lewis. Is it good?


                            Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                            I don't think I'd mind so much if it was cold, at least then I could wear a jumper or something but it's almost unbearable at the moment.
                            I have yet to see Parker Lewis. Is it good?
                            Parker Lewis is a bit hard to describe... Even though it is really a kidcom, it's a lot smarter, funnier and a heck more surreal and slapstick than most. Actually, it's mostly surreal and slapstick And it has Corin in it when he's about nineteen, and he's great in it. And PLCL has just shown me that CN looks good in a leather jacket, which just proves that it's good, doesn't it?

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                              Parker Lewis is a bit hard to describe... Even though it is really a kidcom, it's a lot smarter, funnier and a heck more surreal and slapstick than most. Actually, it's mostly surreal and slapstick And it has Corin in it when he's about nineteen, and he's great in it. And PLCL has just shown me that CN looks good in a leather jacket, which just proves that it's good, doesn't it?
                              Corin and leather? Count me in


                                Originally posted by firefly827347 View Post
                                Corin and leather? Count me in
                                I don't have a picture, unfortunately But I enjoyed it muchly

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

