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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    lunch bump...


      Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
      We call those the dimples and nipples shots. Then we run from the PG police as fast as we can.

      LOL....I suppose it's a much catchier name than "pit porn"...


        You guys have been having WAY too much fun without me.

        Smurf, are you on hoilday in Hong Kong? Have fun if you are. If not, have much more fun.
        Last edited by LaCroix; 11 May 2007, 11:01 AM.


          Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
          You guys have been having WAY too much fun without me.
          Welcome back!

          I hope this doesn't mean we're going to get into trouble now.


            Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
            Welcome back!

            I hope this doesn't mean we're going to get into trouble now.

            No. Just the nice pretty pics. that I've missed.




                Welcome WWLH! *waves*

                Hmmm.....I don't remember what question I asked Corin, but he did answer it. I'd have to go back to the site to refresh my memory. For the comment, I told him I liked "Mosquito Man" as part of what I wrote. His response: "You liked Mosquito Man? You are crazy!! Just kidding!" Ah with a sense of humor are verrrry sexy.

                *grrrrowls at "MM" bed shots* That scene alone was worth sitting through the film. Not that it matters but
                when she scratched him and made him bleed, why did it not affect him or turn him mosquito-y? He was the only peep in the whole film the mosquito didn't screw with




                  Originally posted by iheartshep View Post

                  Welcome WWLH! *waves*

                  Hmmm.....I don't remember what question I asked Corin, but he did answer it. I'd have to go back to the site to refresh my memory. For the comment, I told him I liked "Mosquito Man" as part of what I wrote. His response: "You liked Mosquito Man? You are crazy!! Just kidding!" Ah with a sense of humor are verrrry sexy.

                  *grrrrowls at "MM" bed shots* That scene alone was worth sitting through the film. Not that it matters but
                  when she scratched him and made him bleed, why did it not affect him or turn him mosquito-y? He was the only peep in the whole film the mosquito didn't screw with



                  I would say that she didn't transfer any of the bug DNA because she had a relatively small amount in her system? If they'd gotten to finish, it might have been a different story?


                    Thanks Addy! That makes sense!

                    If it's Friday......that MUST mean AT is at it again!!!! That woman loves taking off Corin's clothes!!!! ROFL *goes back to drooling over pics*



                      Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
                      Thanks Addy! That makes sense!

                      If it's Friday......that MUST mean AT is at it again!!!! That woman loves taking off Corin's clothes!!!! ROFL *goes back to drooling over pics*

                      Yeah...I don't think her husband will let her do that to him public.


                        Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                        Yep, he was Scully's partner Doggart for a season or two when David went off for a bit a la MS (not sure exactly how long, as I was too young to watch it). So a ironic parallel with CN there...

                        He's not a bad-looking chap, and not a bad actor either. A lucky trainful of people got a eyeful of all the handsomeness during the T2 filming because they were doing the 'arrival scene'- when he is sent back in time and comes out of the vortex-thingy naked- because behind the wire fence you see was a railtrack. He did the nude scene in front of the fence and a whole train full of people literally came past. Apparently he stood there completely unashamed and waved to them
                        Eww! Robert Patrick isn't, as far as I'm concerned, 1/100th as attractive as Corin. As a matter of fact, it should be illegal to put the word 'attactive' in the same sentence with his name. I'm sure my dislike of the character of Doggett contributed to that opinion, but even when I saw him on T2, before XF, I thought he was weird looking. I'll concede that he and Corin did have similar hair. <g> But Corin is sooooooo cute!!

                        But just to clarify, The XF/David situation was actually closer to being like RDA's in SG. David left at the end of S7 to spend more time with his family and his two growing children. When it looked like XF was going to end after S8, he came back for the finale, then stuck around for the premier of S9 when it got renewed, knowing they'd have to explain Mulder's absence for the rest of S9. After the premier, he was gone until the very end. S8 and S9 of XF, for me, are very much like S9 and S10 of SG: they don't exist in my word. <g> Or, at least, they're not canon.

                        As you can see, XF is a tough topic for me because I disagreed so adamantly with the direction TPTB went with the show in the final few seasons, and then having the exact same thing happen with SG. It's like history repeating itself!

                        And now, to bring it back on topic . . .

                        - Mary
                        SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                        Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                          I think the XF situation is still a little bit sore for a lot of people, whatever they thought of the changes. So...change of topic to on topic is good

                          Its the hair and the face shape at a particular angle that does it. Corin definately wins out on the cuteness stakes by a long stretch

                          Courtesy of smurf, as always


                            Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                            Eww! Robert Patrick isn't, as far as I'm concerned, 1/100th as attractive as Corin. As a matter of fact, it should be illegal to put the word 'attactive' in the same sentence with his name. I'm sure my dislike of the character of Doggett contributed to that opinion, but even when I saw him on T2, before XF, I thought he was weird looking. I'll concede that he and Corin did have similar hair. <g> But Corin is sooooooo cute!!

                            But just to clarify, The XF/David situation was actually closer to being like RDA's in SG. David left at the end of S7 to spend more time with his family and his two growing children. When it looked like XF was going to end after S8, he came back for the finale, then stuck around for the premier of S9 when it got renewed, knowing they'd have to explain Mulder's absence for the rest of S9. After the premier, he was gone until the very end. S8 and S9 of XF, for me, are very much like S9 and S10 of SG: they don't exist in my word. <g> Or, at least, they're not canon.

                            As you can see, XF is a tough topic for me because I disagreed so adamantly with the direction TPTB went with the show in the final few seasons, and then having the exact same thing happen with SG. It's like history repeating itself!

                            And now, to bring it back on topic . . .

                            I don't like to acknowledge that those seasons with RP ever existed... It was a ridiculous time for the XF.

                            Made by Me!


                              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                              You guys have been having WAY too much fun without me.

                              Smurf, are you on hoilday in Hong Kong? Have fun if you are. If not, have much more fun.
                              Holiday. It's not ridiculously hot, so it's quite nice. I've got access to t'internet for a few days to chase up some emails - not so nice.

                              To go with my previous tea comment, can I add that I actually liked the Robert Patrick seasons? I thought they did well catching the early seasons' lightness. I was pretty darn bored of the miserable, conspiracy arc by then. Personally, I would have been more than happy if they had got shot of Mulder properly - since the actor obviously wasn't interested any more - and stopped making everything about him even when he wasn't around.
                              Heh, sounds familiar...


                                Good old Redemption...

