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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
    suddenly you're on eBay and Amazon looking for cheap region 1 DVDs, and posting pics of an actor you'd never heard of before three years ago dressed in red lingerie and a Hitler moustache...
    *is scared*
    Perhaps I won't watch it after all, res...


      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      I think 'Not a problem!' would lose something in translation...
      I've just come this close >< to loading a german ep up to see what their translation is.
      Once again, although it is futile to ask-why is it not on DVD yet? Sony, oi...
      One of the mysterious secrets of the universe that.


        Parker Lewis won't hurt ya. Loads of viewers back in the day seemed to survive the experience. Honest

        I blame the insanity. And CN's habit of picking roles where he dresses or behaves in an amusing fashion. He's done a worrying amount of roles that seem to require drag at some point
        The lingerie and moustache is from 'Ultimate Fight' which is one that I have no intention of renting or buying, even if it was available (understandably I think they realised it was best not to) and his character in it is a loon. With some issues, apparently...

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
          And then you start to move further afield for your start posting (because someone else must have thought that the mention in S10 was awful!) and then you think that first, terrible thought:
          "Ooh, that's a nice pic."

          And then follows the DVD recommendations. And you get them on free trial, because that way it doesn't seem so bad...and you friends don't understand (because he's not as good as the 'other' one) and then suddenly you're on eBay and Amazon looking for cheap region 1 DVDs, and posting pics of an actor you'd never heard of before three years ago dressed in red lingerie and a Hitler moustache...

          It is too late for us all. And being as we are, we don't even want to go back
          Sounds about right, but mine started in S7. Long term addiction.


            Wow! Has this page got big since I was last here!

            I've not been posting or visiting for a while. I know, I know, but I'm sorry. I just feel sad sometimes that I see Jonas' pretty face and he just in my dreams now. I miss him.

            But I've been busy with the alternate real life.

            I wonder if there's any stories, I haven't told yet of the different times I've met Corin.

            mmm. I'll have to go away and think about this and come back tomorrow.


            Have fun!

            Janna Galaxy
            Janna Galaxy, Queen of The Gods
            The Strongest Will Survive!
            I'll Be The One To Save Us All!


              Originally posted by jannagalaxy View Post
              Wow! Has this page got big since I was last here!

              I've not been posting or visiting for a while. I know, I know, but I'm sorry. I just feel sad sometimes that I see Jonas' pretty face and he just in my dreams now. I miss him.

              But I've been busy with the alternate real life.

              I wonder if there's any stories, I haven't told yet of the different times I've met Corin.

              mmm. I'll have to go away and think about this and come back tomorrow.


              Have fun!

              Janna Galaxy
              Great to hear from you again, Janna. Don't be a stranger

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Hi Janna, long time no see. Bye Janna.


                  Originally posted by smurf View Post
                  Sounds about right, but mine started in S7. Long term addiction.
                  Smurf is doomed, doomed I tells ye...


                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    Smurf is doomed, doomed I tells ye...

                    But it's a pretty nice view on the way down.

                    Stop giggling at the back. Jeez, some people's minds...


                      Originally posted by smurf View Post
                      But it's a pretty nice view on the way down.

                      Stop giggling at the back. Jeez, some people's minds...
                      *stops giggling and tries to look serious*


                        In all *seriousness* should we set something up for tomorrow or some time next week? Introduce everyone new to the thread in the last couple of months to the various wonders of 'porn' challenges or the alphabet thang? Or not

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          In all *seriousness* should we set something up for tomorrow or some time next week? Introduce everyone new to the thread in the last couple of months to the various wonders of 'porn' challenges or the alphabet thang? Or not
                          Ask tomorrow when Addy and Anya are around. Their photobuckets will be helpful in getting everyone up to speed.


                            Alphabet thang??? Porn challenges???
                            Apparently it's not just the newbies that need explanations


                              The alphabet game is when we have to post pics for each letter- eg. 'z' for 'zat', Jonas with a zat, that sort of thing. Lots of pretty pics and some er, inventive words But consultation with Anya and Addy is definately required for that, as they are our big pic posters and also damn good at the game. What I'm terming a 'challenge' is actually really just an informal aside, like 'I have a weird urge for some Jonas gun porn' that is then met with a veritable barrage of pics for a few glorious hours. I once asked if anyone had any food pics as I was a little short on them and then there were loads. There was also the hand porn thing, which sounds more dirty than it actually is...

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                I love hand porn. The PG kind.

