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Jonas Quinn/Corin Nemec Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Anuna View Post
    Whoa!!! I love "The Goonies" (and the ship of course!!), and I always wondered about that big ring!! Btw, hello again... I was kinda sick again last few days...

    *Pets Anuna*
    Are you recovered now? Nice to have you back

    It is very cool. 'The Goonies' is a great-looking film, and apparently Corin got to go on set for a bit and then saw it in the cinema, and aged about eleven that had a huge impression- because what could be cooler than playing around all day on big slides and working with all these amazing people?
    I have to run away to get ready to go out and also tidy stuff up out of guilt...

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Feelin lot better, thanx!!!
      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


        Welcome to the thread, LandJrule!

        Sorry guys, I know I said I'd be around after lunch. I blame the universe.


          Originally posted by smurf View Post
          Welcome to the thread, LandJrule!

          Sorry guys, I know I said I'd be around after lunch. I blame the universe.
          Bad Universe! *Smack*

          I love that cap. Why is that CJ always manages to look like he's eyeing everyone up? Although knowing him its probably completely intentional... There is a rather cheeky little icon to that effect, which I can't post because it contains a naughty word...

          Courtesy of smurf, as always


            *peeks in*

            Awww.....poor Jonas is in the Infirmary! What episode is that from? I can't wait for those episodes to get here.

            Why didn't they keep the Jonas character around SG-1 after S-7?

            Last edited by iheartshep; 04 March 2007, 11:13 AM. Reason: spelling!


              Originally posted by iheartshep View Post
              *peeks in*

              Awww.....poor Jonas is in the Infirmary! What episode is that from? I can't wait for those episodes to get here.

              Why didn't they keep the Jonas character around SG-1 after S-7?

              I believe the ep is 'Prophecy'.

              Do you want an essay from each of us on that subject? General thoughts:
              a) Daniel was back.
              b) Jonas had been filling Daniel's place on the team, and therefore was not needed.
              c) 'Jonas is needed on Kelowna!' Which I can understand with the character (he cares about his homeland, and has huge guilt issues) but still! Visits!!
              d) 'We can't afford a five-man team'- we know that's BS
              e)Jonas received a huge fan backlash. Those who hated him couldn't wait to see him through the wormhole, and those who didn't mind him were so fed up of the whole nasty situation in fandom that they wanted it over and done with. As I've said before, 'forgetting' about Jonas was them sweeping that entire black moment in the fandom under the carpet. He was the fallout guy. I think there is an article by one of the mods concerning the 'problems in fandom' that puts that latter view across clearly- 'we can all be friends again, because its the way it used to be!'
              f) 'There are no more stories for Jonas'. You probably know by now that Jonas was originally meant to be on Atlantis. Watch season 6, see the beginnings of his genetics arch. Then watch the chair scene in 'Rising' and put Jonas in it. It actually works with him, dialogue and all (and that is no criticism of John- I'm very fond of him ). Also consider Jack's role in 'Lost City'. Hmmm... Oh, and have you seen S10 'Counterstrike'? Huge story right there...
              g) Under NO circumstances, none whatsoever, mention this topic to Shadow. Quiet, now, you understand?

              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                g) Under NO circumstances, none whatsoever, mention this topic to Shadow. Quiet, now, you understand?
                Awww, whhhhyyyy?


                  Backlash from Daniel fans sounds soooo familiar - had to deal with some of that myself, and where I come from there are not so many Stargate fans, and there is even less Jonas - fans. Actually I like both Daniel and Jonas and I think two of them could be good friends. But I supose that happens only in my fanfics.

                  One more thing - I newer saw Jonas as a Daniel replacement, because they are just too different. They are both very smart and that is probbably the only charachteristic they share; Daniel has a pretty bad dark side (that he mostly has under control, but it's there) that Jonas doesn't seem to posess - he does have guilt issues, but it's not even near Daniel's issues.
                  I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                    Re Anuna: I completely agree. I saw all the eps out of order and only came to the show when S8 was showing on cable (which I didn't see until this summer anyway). When I got online, I couldn't believe the negativity that had existed. Why can't we like Jonas, and why can't we like them both?! Its only recently that people have actually been able to move past this, although some people will always hate him, or not like him just because he's not their kind of character. Oh well, their loss, our gain
                    I take it you're on the 'Call it Even' fanlisting, then?

                    Re Smurf: You know. Championing of the Jonas!! Shadow created this hallowed thread. This deserves respect

                    This strikes me as being very much a Valley girl pose and gossip moment:

                    "And then I was like 'yeah!' and he was like 'totally!', and it was so cool, and did you hear about that guy...that marine guy..."

                    Courtesy of smurf, as always


                      Actually.... what is "Call it Even" fanlisting?

                      Yeah... I was, like, born yesterday

                      I am sooo happy that there are people in this world who actually like Jonas. Most of the time I feel alone in my view of Stargate characters / shipping / et cetera.
                      I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                        Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                        Actually.... what is "Call it Even" fanlisting?

                        Yeah... I was, like, born yesterday

                        I am sooo happy that there are people in this world who actually like Jonas. Most of the time I feel alone in my view of Stargate characters / shipping / et cetera.
                        Not much happening at the moment, but it kinda makes me feel better. The icons section is worth a look, and I think there are links, etc:
                        Call It Even

                        Oh, I'm the opposite of nearly everyone. Doesn't help that as I write a little bit (well, try to) I have a tendency to side with TPTB sometimes

                        Courtesy of smurf, as always


                          Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                          Re Smurf: You know. Championing of the Jonas!! Shadow created this hallowed thread. This deserves respect

                          This strikes me as being very much a Valley girl pose and gossip moment:
                          "And then I was like 'yeah!' and he was like 'totally!', and it was so cool, and did you hear about that guy...that marine guy..."
                          Could we not poke her a bit. Aw, go on, go on, pleeeeaaassee!

                          j/k Shadowmaat. I'd send hugs but I wouldn't want dig myself deeper.


                            Originally posted by smurf View Post
                            Could we not poke her a bit. Aw, go on, go on, pleeeeaaassee!

                            j/k Shadowmaat. I'd send hugs but I wouldn't want dig myself deeper.
                            I really, really don't think she'd like that. And besides, talking about by proxy and all that

                            My Jonas clone! *Loves*

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Well, at least I'm not alone on this "opposite side" - and there is Jonas with us of course!!
                              I'm not weird, I'm limited edition.


                                Originally posted by Anuna View Post
                                Well, at least I'm not alone on this "opposite side" - and there is Jonas with us of course!!
                                Fighting the good fight. Bless him

                                His 'hero' shot. Elbows aplenty

                                And I've just read your rep comment. Thank you, that's a lovely thing to say. I'm glad. Usually I just confuse or scare people. I must be improving in my disposition and social presentation.
                                Via the internet. Hmm, that's not right...

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

