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Tok'ra Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation thread

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    Originally posted by Hathor_girl View Post
    I'm a bit different than others, I think. I loved Martouf the moment I saw him, throwing away the other multitude of ships for Sam I had been considering up until then (Narim, Jack, Daniel) and immediately started shipping Sam/Martouf/Lantash hard. Because cute, adorable, handsome, sweet, charming... thunk!

    Lantash? I love him! I want to see more of him! I love him at least as much as Martouf, if not more. But I want him in Martouf. I'm weird that way.

    I have never met JR, unfortunately, but everyone says he is a very nice person, so I would very much like to. Also, hot!
    He's charming, for sure! I didn't even like the character Martouf when I met him (my avid S/J shipper 15 year old self wouldn't stand for liking "the enemy" lol) but I came away from meeting him with a bit of a crush actually lol. He's got the world's most infectious smile next to Amanda Tapping!

    Same was true of Colin Cunningham but I always liked Major Davis anyway.
    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

    My fanfic


      JR Bourne does have a nice smile.

      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


        Originally posted by HorusGuard View Post
        Keep up the good work Glad to see ppl are beginning to see reason. Marty must die -he's the worst of the Tok'ra. Not that the rest of the snakes are any good. Don't think Jack would agree to take the headsnake - maybe find a way to let Lantash die too and have Jolinar die of sadness or something so Jack can have just Sam.

        of course he would - given the right kind of symbiote and the right kind of circumstances (maybe a genetic defect or poisoning (with some stuff that either never leaves the body (nanites anyone?) or destroyes something vital (leading to chemical imbalances - which a symbiote could regulate without constantly having to heal the host (a symbiote can "burn out" we know that from the Anubis-Super-Soldiers) constantly)

        as for "the right kind of symbiote" - early on in the series Jack might have been able to accept a symbiote (why early on? - because the condescending and arrogant Tok'ra have not had the chance yet to show the Tau'ri that they think that everyone not blended is a kind of second-class citizen (akin to a particularly intelligent monkey!), even more so if those monkeys do not have technology to rival their own...hell even Jacob displays that kind of arrogance (when the experiment with the X-301 fails, when they want to keep their first mothership, when they want to take the one Thor was in...) yes, Jack can't just cooperate with that/tollerate that (he might be against the whole idea, too - but persuasion would work better at the start of the show (season 1 and early season 2)) as for the symbiote itself:

        someone who has recently lost someone important (like a previous host or a lover/mate) might work, because Jack is often brooding/moody and someone who can relate might work best, that is why i propose that the best symbiote would either be:

        Jolinar (she has just lost her host when we meet her, she is also a fellow "soldier" (she is an undercover operative), she has experience commanding troops (she was engaged in toppling a system-lord when RA (and Apophis? - i am not sure about him) helped defeat her) and she has a will to live and fight like Jack himself!)


        Selmak (he/she is in the process of loosing her host when we first met him/her and yet again, the Tok'ra have not yet had much of a chance to make a bad impression on Jack - IMHO that is why he hates them, his "i hate snakes" is a cover...we often see him argue with Hammond against just bending over backwards for the Tok'ra, but he never states he wants them to die or that he does not want to help them at all...well back to Selmak: he/she works well with Jacob Carter (and let's face it, there are similarities between Jack and Jacob - they have both lost someone, they both believe in fighting - and if need be: dying - for a cause, the both serve their countrie etc.)

        or if none of those to was available (or the blending happens in a later season - after overcoming Jacks resistance or out of necessity):

        Lantash (why? - he likes Sam (Jack does as well), he is fierce if he believes in something, he knows covert-ops (he was undercover many times as far as we know), he is a fighter himself and he is loyal (to his host for one, but also to his cause/his people!))

        as for marty:

        well i do not hate him, i just hate seeing him paired with Sam (because Sam belongs either with Jack IMHO or if that is not possible: Daniel!..Jonas, McKay, Sheppard or Mitchel might work, too - but non of the guys on the show that wanted her...Narim, Marty, that Police-Guy (hated him!) etc.)...Marty himself is a likeable guy IMHO, it just irks me that he flirts with Sam

        so no, he does not have to die IMHO - he can be far far away and Sam could IMHO (if she had Jolinar alive in her - and not Jack (my favourite outcome)) have convinced Jack if she gave him (and the SGC) enough vital information about the Goa'uld and their technology (and if she had initiated contact with the Tok'ra herself)...hell Jack likes her already (he might not love her at start of season 2 but he could love her and Jolinar IMHO)

        so, ranting done

        hope that there are going to be more Tok'ra-Stories soon that are Sam/Jack (with both being hosts or just Jack...or just Sam...also I think that one would convince the other to become a host to in either case, as it would prolong the time they had as a couple

        greetings LAX
        ps: note: if there are such stories PM me (except if Sam winds up pregnant, sorry i just do not see her (career military - and she never shows extreme like for children!) having a child (even more with Jack who has lost his only son and is past the age of wanting much family...and he kind of has/had Skaara


          I too could see Jack, maybe taking Lantash under the right circumstances.
          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


            yes - but there never (at least to my knowledge) stories were it is PERMANENT (they always "de-blend" later on, which is just stupid IMHO...(i would love a constant companion, as long as he/she knew when to keep silent - if something like that existed i would do that...given the chance to talk to the symbiote before...i might even do it without that...who knows, i like all the perks: health, more physical fitness (strength, reflexes, endurance etc.), longer livespan (even more with a sarcophagus, as long as you do not over do it), a companion, new knowledge (IMHO the blending shares the knowledge of host and symbiote) etc.

            well, what about the others? i mean, nothing against Lantash, but he is the most "boring" option (while Jolinar is the most exciting IMHO)

            hell, for heavens sake:

            blend Jack with say Anise (that might make for an interesting story)

            greetings LAX
            ps: i would love a story were say Cameron Mitchel - after his crash with the 302 - was unable to walk again without healing by a symbiote (that would be "nice"...or even if the symbiote just sped up the healing process (i hate doing harm to "my" least permanent harm))
            pps: or another one about Sheppard being drained by a wraith and it being possible that a symbiote could repair the damage (meaning that it is not really "aging" but celular damage that happens when a wraith feeds?)


              As Hathor_girl mentioned a page or two back, there is this story:

              Together for ever by ALIMOO1971
              What if Lantash ended up in Jack instead of Elliott
              Rated: PG-13
              S. Carter & J. O'Neill

              I know I have seen others with Sam and/or Jack as host, but it is true that it is rarely permanent. I will look through my bookmarks (I don't like the Sam/Jack ship at all, so I don't have a lot of Sam/Jack fics bookmarked, but I will check)

              as for Cam as host, there is this, which is a great story:

              Title: Ophiucus Rising
              Author: slybrarian
              Genre: Action/Adventure
              Rating: PG-13
              Characters: Cam Mitchell(, Sam Carter(Jolinar), Martouf(Lantash), various other Tok'ra and Tau'ri
              Pairings: background Sam/Martouf(Jolinar/Lantash). It is very background, only alluded to now and then.
              Summary: Critically injured during the Battle of Antarctica, Cameron Mitchell faces spending the rest of his life in a wheelchair. Sam Carter, his oldest friend and host to Jolinar of Malkshur, gives him another choice: become a Tok'ra host. He takes a chance and accepts. Now he must adapt to sharing his body with another person, even while trying to make a place for himself at Stargate Command.

              The Sam/Jolinar/Martouf/Lantash pairing is only briefly alluded to in the background, so I don't think it should bother much (I can generally ignore Sam/Jack in fics if it is only mentioned briefly).
              Smilies made by Roeskva (

              "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                Oh, and I would love to see a fic with Jack host to Anise! Someone write it, please!
                Smilies made by Roeskva (

                "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                  Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                  Oh, and I would love to see a fic with Jack host to Anise! Someone write it, please!
                  That would be interesting. I don't know Anise very well!
                  sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
         Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                    Believe it or not, I just updated All That We Leave Behind. Once again, my deepest apologies for the unconscionable delay between updates. I've been in a state of flux with regard to my work life and my personal life. As of next week, I will have relocated, and will be starting a new job shortly after that. What with everything that's been going on, my ability to write and edit has taken a major hit as my Muse quite understandably went into hiding when the figurative excrement made contact with the proverbial rotary impeller. She has only recently crawled out from behind the sofa and begun to assist me again, though we do seem to have reached an agreement as to how she will handle any future difficulties or upheavals. Once I've settled into my new place, I should be returning to a schedule of updating every ten days to two weeks.

                    Without further ado, here are the links to the new chapter:

                    On my own website


                    On AO3

                    On Symbiotica

                    (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                    Sum, ergo scribo...

                    My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                    now also appearing on DeviantArt
                    Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                      sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
             Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane



                        (Yes, I'm female. Okay?)
                        Sum, ergo scribo...

                        My own site ** * All That We Leave Behind * Symbiotica ** AO3
                        now also appearing on DeviantArt
                        Explore Colonel Frank Cromwell's odyssey after falling through the Stargate in Season Two's A Matter of Time, and follow Jack's search for him. Significant Tok'ra supporting characters and a human culture drawn from the annals of history. Book One of the series By Honor Bound.


                          Originally posted by SF_and_Coffee View Post
                          Really? Drool?
                          sigpic Sparky story SGA Teen Wolf fanfic story Thor fanfic story
                 Crimson Peak story sig by yamiinsane


                            Originally posted by Skadi View Post
                            Oh, and I would love to see a fic with Jack host to Anise! Someone write it, please!
                            well - i would...if i could convincingly write Anise (and if i had a desire to kill Freya...also she is much too passive for my tastes, she still looks hot and is not on my "bad bad Tok'ra"-List...that list contains some of the more vocal Tok'ra that called the SGC (and earth) things like "primitive", "naive", "impatient", "fools" and other things along that lines)...and if i knew that i would finish a story (hell, i got my "In the Line of Duty" alternate Universe one to finish, i have plot-bunny of Cam Mitchel with OC-Symbiote one to start as the bunny is getting restless ^^...and that is only the start...i got a lot of bunnies hopping around in what poses for my brain!)

                            greetings LAX
                            ps: *sneers at the drooling people and says: get a grip - and clean that stuff up!*
                            well, got to comment on the picture - do not want to, but have to ^^:

                            marty looks good in that (he is hot - for a guy (and no, as far as i know i am not gay)) but he should keep his fingers of Sam, still...even more so, i mean as much as he likes Sam, he still treats her like a child sometimes (hell, all the Tok'ra do with them we are only slightly more advanced/intelligent then a monkey and thus have need of propper "guidance" (their guidance of course!) where they tell us what we can and shall not do - and like good pets they expect us to adhere to them...hell even Selmak (the Tok'ra next to Jolinar i like most) has this and Jacob (who is a highly skilled air force general simply takes it at face value) even agrees with it...hell Marty is condecending (all Tok'ra - with the exception of Jolinar...also she didn't have the time/need to express such sentiments - have that...) - so, knowing all that, i would say a relationship between them would not really work out (hell, she would have more of a chance to have a relationship with McKay (pre "Grace under pressure" from SGA) and he is condecending SOB - but he can admit Sam is brilliant, too which the Tok'ra can not...they did not aknowledge any advances we made with technology (the X-301 - even in its failure was a pretty large step forward, same for the X-302 but no, we are still monkeys, even in season 7 and 8 when we have our own space-ship already...)

                            arg, i halt my rant here (otherwise i will be stepping on a lot of toes - hell i probably already did)


                              First, adding a *drool* to SF_and_Coffee's *drool* No, I don't usually drool, but I would say that Martouf is hotness incarnate!

                              Then, Laxian of Earth - I will only say that I disagree with your assessment of the Tok'ra, nothing else
                              I think Earth and the Tok'ra are about equal when it comes to treating each other with disdain. Season 2 and 3 were not so bad about this, from either side, which is one of many reasons I prefer those seasons.
                              Smilies made by Roeskva (

                              "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                                why equal? - i would not agree to that, sure the SGC was hesitant in giving them hosts (but that is understandable is it, they met the goa'uld first, which are biologically the same as the Tok'ra) but otherwise they wanted to work with them, help them, give them supplies/ressources

                                the tok'ra told SG-1 and company in "The Tok'ra (1 and 2)" that if they didn't wish to be host that they are close to worthless and they did not think that earth could help them in any way (!) - that this angered Jack (he is a little sensitive!) is clear - if you add to that, that they pronounced us unfitt to handle advanced technology (they didn't want to give us any - even if they could have shown us how any and all goa'uld technology worked, along with their own (tunnel-crystals for example)) and the fact that they did not trust us fully (even with time, that they didn't spill their guts at the start is understandable, but after their first few missions together they should have started to open up!) well how could the SGC (and SG-1 - without Sam, who IMHO was blinded by the fact that her father was a Tok'ra and by Jolinars feelings for Marty) not feel like they were treated like pets (and only called when it suited the tok'ra - to play "fetch" for/with frickin' dog!)

                                with their help the SGC could have had its own fleet by the end of season 3 at the latest...but no, they toed the Tolan party line:

                                you are monkeys, we do not trust you!

                                greetings LAX
                                ps: the only one treating the Tok'ra themselves with disdain was JACK - and he had reason enough IMHO (firstly he had IMHO already started liking Sam when Jolinar happened, he had lost one of this best friends to a goa'uld and his "second son" (Skaara) as well...and the tok'ra did treat them unfairly often enough, that Jack - who has some soft spots (which they hit, big time at that) - is careful when it comes to them (and trusting them) is natural...i mean, no one else treated the tok'ra badly as far as i know...not Hammond, not Teal'c, not Sam and surely not Daniel!)

