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Valenship 2008: A Sam/Jack Holiday Celebration

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    wave 8:



      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
      I wanted to do something for every shipper this Valenship. Ship Days are my absolute favourite part of shipping online, and I wanted to share that with everyone.

      Thanks Oma, you've been a very busy girl


        wave 9:




          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Alright, my first oldie repost. My collected evidence, through SG1 S10, that Sam and Jack are together is here.

          It's also here, just not as pretty (ie, no piccies):
          The reason I KNOW Jack and Sam are together, anything TPTB might do to indicate otherwise being so OOC as to be IMPOSSIBLE for me to believe, is:

          1) After the events of Threads/end-of-Moebius, Jack would be a complete lying jerk if he actually left Sam after promising he'd 'always' be there for her in response to her coming to him (and 8 years of watching them interact and their looks during the scene tell me he understood exactly why she was on his back deck). Jack is not a jerk and a liar, therefore they are together. (see, logic?)

          Okay. That, really, should be enough. BUUUTT.... Other less important reasons:

          2) Sam has been WAY too happy and confident and completely free of angst after 8 years of angst for any explanation other than the angst is gone because she and Jack are together. You just don't dissolve your feelings and your need for happiness because you 'decided' to be happy. That's what she learned in Threads.

          3) Jack would never ever ever have taken a deskjob in DC (one of his least favorite places in the universe) where he would have to wear his dress uniform all the time (his least favorite clothes) and spend all his time doing paperwork and meeting with politicians and diplomats (his least favorite activites). Unless Sam needed him to. So they could be together. No other explanation I can conceive of is not OOC... And he seemed so content and smug talking about it when he appeared on SGA's The Return II... and has appeared a lot less miserable about his current situation than he did when commanding the SGC, and his D.C. job has to be much worse than that ever was.

          4) When Sam returns to the SGC in Beachhead, for some reason which makes no MILITARY sense, Landry is having to talk Jack into 'letting' Sam come back. There's something clearly beyond military decisions there, probably because Sam left in the first place on her choice and it's her decision to come back (remember, both Cam and Jack had 'any position you want' offers, you gotta assume Sam would as well). Sam gives a 'Jack' smile when reporting to Landry, a perfect example of her new-found happiness post S8.
          Compare this to pre-with-Jack angst.

          5) When Sam explained to Barrett whey she took a desk job, which also seems OOC, she gave some goofy explanation about Cassie. When he asked if she were single, she was WAY too smug and self satisfied for any explanation about being in an emotional 'holding pattern' of deciding she couldn't be with anyone but Jack but not actually being with him. People who are still pining ain't this happy.

          6) In 4th Horsemen When Orlin told Sam they could wait to resume their 'relationship' until he was older, she looked hugely uncomfortable. And not in a negative way, she again gave that slightly smug, happy, and secretive smile like there was another reason she couldn't be with Orlin besides his age...

          7) When Martouf came from an AU, Sam almost kissed him, but pulled back at the last moment clearly relieved. If she didn't have a prior emotional commitment, why not kiss him and satisfy her curiosity? She kept Martouf at a careful distance after that...

          8) In The Return II on SGA, Jack tells Weir he's going home at the end to "a shower, hot toddy, and...." then he trails off smugly and suggestively. Many of us saw that as implying female type companionship, which would be the first time Jack has ever openly admitted to that without embarassment, because he's actually proud of his relationship with Sam. And he obviously has someone waiting for him at home, since he assumes all this coziness

          9) Sam says d’oh in Line in the Sand when Cam brings her decaf. After 8 years of day-in-and-day out contact at work, she never picked up on that phrase, and still looked at him a bit oddly whenever he used it. Now she is using it casually and as if it is no big deal after two years of no real contact with him at work. Obviously they’ve been together a lot of screen and in a a very personal way if she’s finally picked up on one of his favorite phrases and integrated it so fully into her personality that she doesn’t even make a big deal out of saying it. Simlar to Dr. Carter saying ‘For Crying Out Loud’ in PoV.

          10)Sam’s PERSONAL directory’s password is revealed as ‘Fishing’ in LiS. If she and Jack weren’t together, fishing should have a negative connotation, not be so closely associated with her PRIVATE life J.

          11) In The Shroud, Sam and Jack are alone in her lab. They are comfortable and intimate with each other. They converse as equals, and without any of the UST or angst which has been a part of nearly all their interactions previously, compared towhat we would have seen in previous seasons.

          The reason I and many others assume they're married is varied. Personally, I do so because, assuming they got talked into both staying in the military for duty/honor reasons, the best way to do so and still be close to each other in chain-of-command and not be breaking regs is by being married. Oddly, probably because marriage is a legally and socially binding contract considered more important than ones career, marriage between people who would otherwise be considered 'fraternizing' is allowed by the regs. Given Sam's fear of being left by those she loves and Jack's need to be there for her absolutely which I believe he admitted in Threads gives their marriage as the most likely solution to their problem. Also, people going into combat typically don't wait to marry for long because of the whole worry about imminent death thing.

          There are many examples of Jackisms from Sam, as well, which indicate they've been spending time together: From Company of Thieves: twirling the wrench, from McKay and Mrs. Miller: snapping her thumbs, from Quest I: 'get a room'. Just too name a few than jump out at me right now.

          Some examples of the immediate change in their attitudes towards each other in Threads:

          1) Actually sitting so close they're legs have to be touching close in the briefing room after not even sitting in chairs next to each other for the first part of the season.

          2) Also, how close they were sitting while fishing.

          3) He acts like a total Alpha Male around her at the beginning and end of Moebius, taking every opportunity to touch her and give her personal orders that he knows she'll follow.

          4) He also admits he does what she says, "She won't even let me go back to see the Cubs win the World Series" exactly like a boyfriend and completely unlike a General talking about a Lieutenant Colonel. Because of course she's been giving him personal orders for years herself, he's just suddenly proud of the fact.
          I think I can help with the pictures. Read that ^^ Watch this (if you haven't already). Yep. That should just about do it...

          (the 'ship sails)

          I know I'm not here half as much as I'd like to be. I'm like a distant cousin who only attends the major family gatherings, and then closets herself away for the rest of the year. Nevertheless, my shippy mind, heart, soul, and blood cells couldn't stop shipping even if you paid me. Because if you paid me, I'd just run away with the stash and set up some kind of shipperville so it's not even worth *trying* to convince me Sam and Jack are not together because a) I won't believe you, and b) there is no way that a monkey can be mistaken for an elephant.

          I'm sure I had a point.. one that was not completely self-centered...

          Clearly it escapes me.

          *love and hugs ship family*


            I loved catching up at the moment it is so amazing.... but just one question who gave the liquor to Nad???? Loved your poems Nad!!!

            Loved Bekki hers too, especially the very gutter one Yeah I am in the deep now lol

            Jenn your slides are amazing as always Good to see you back more

            Natacha: *thud* for your wallpapers

            and everyone else glad you are all here, enjoying yourself with picspams and other things... My list of bookmarked fics are growing, so keep it up
            Greened everyone I could... But I am sure I will run out soon


              Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
              No way in hell is this NOT worth a repost (or several in fact). i greened you, this was just amazing *is in awe*
              Oh, this is just so wonderful. Thanks a million! So need that.


                The Valenship 2008 Fic/Vid List
                Please quote this post, remove the "QUOTE" tags, and add your own!

                vball2003_1999 "Tell him"

                AstraPerAspera True Companion

                Atlantis_babe34 (a vid to tie you over before i post myFan Mix! I Knew I Loved You


                atfan - PS Sam I love You

                JenniferJF - What Counts

                VastlySuperiorStuff: Botany Lesson A little fic written just for Valenship!
                Equations for Falling Bodies High angst warning! I posted this last week.

                Bekki: Hello Yellow Brick Road (Maybe not shippy, Bekki, but it'll get lost if it's not posted here)

                dreamer one:Command Performance

                dreamer one: If Only (last year's story, one of my personal favorites!)

                Bekki: The Way We Were (an ongoing fic)


                EDIT: Thanks Oma!
                Last edited by atlantis_babe34; 09 February 2008, 05:32 AM.
                Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                  I think I can help with the pictures. Read that ^^ Watch this (if you haven't already). Yep. That should just about do it...
                  Absolute, set in stone, PROOF! As if there were any doubt

                  I know I'm not here half as much as I'd like to be. I'm like a distant cousin who only attends the major family gatherings, and then closets herself away for the rest of the year.
                  It's always nice to meet distant cousins, welcome to Valenship


                    chelle db so pretty pics.! , Zoser- those hands! awww...! and congrats 3,300 posts! , JenniferJF-really nice giffs! , Bekki also congrats 500 posts yay! and LOL- the story about teaching Tea'lc "Roses are red..." , 0xNatashax0- great wallps!!!can I get one on my desktop? Please? , Thanks Oma for the gift! I didn't expect that you've made also one for me-thx!!!

                    Also want to virtual green everyone that I can't anymore and wish Happy Valenship!

                    And now... Row, row, row your boat gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream...0samjack.gif
                    Last edited by Achaja; 09 February 2008, 06:45 AM.
                    sig thanks to Luci


                      Right, finally managed to upload the vid on Photobucket, although YouTube still won't work . Anyway, here's my offerings for Valenship

                      Video - Hero

                      FanFic - Twelve Red Roses
                      Last edited by Sarai; 09 February 2008, 05:46 AM.


                        Ok so heres the Link to My Fan Mix.. its bland atm Cus Metho's is doing that artwork and hasn't been able to finish it on time. So when i do get the artwork i'll post it again back the family tread. But here it is

                        10 Romance/10 Angst Song Fanmix
                        Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                        Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                          Originally posted by Chocolatequeen
                          Look! It's Andy Warhol on ship!
                          *still squinting!*

                          I dropped the roses
                          When you dropped that surprise.
                          I just hope for one thing--
                          that she'll have your blue eyes.
                          Awwwwwww! *sniff*

                          Since we've been discussing D&C, I think I'll post the appropriate covers.

                          Oh how I love these!!!!! Wonderful blurb on the back covers. *angsty sigh*

                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post

                          Roses are red
                          Violets are blue
                          we left it in the room
                          with our happiness too

                          Finally, some angst...I thought something must be wrong with me
                          I've really loved reading all the roses are red poems.... but this one.......

                          Ooooooh the angst! *sniff sniff* Who has the tissues?


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            Right, finally managed to upload the vid on Photobucket, although YouTube still won't work . Anyway, here's my offerings for Valenship

                            Video - Hero
                            Wow Sarai, that's just beautiful! Worth waiting for, thanks

                            *shares tissues with Oma*


                              The Valenship 2008 Fic/Vid List
                              Please quote this post, remove the "QUOTE" tags, and add your own!

                              vball2003_1999 "Tell him"

                              AstraPerAspera True Companion

                              Atlantis_babe34 (a vid to tie you over before i post myFan Mix! I Knew I Loved You
                              and 10 Romance/10 Angst Song Fanmix

                              Sarai- Hero


                              atfan - PS Sam I love You

                              JenniferJF - What Counts

                              VastlySuperiorStuff: Botany Lesson A little fic written just for Valenship!
                              Equations for Falling Bodies High angst warning! I posted this last week.

                              Bekki: Hello Yellow Brick Road (Maybe not shippy, Bekki, but it'll get lost if it's not posted here)

                              dreamer one:Command Performance

                              dreamer one: If Only (last year's story, one of my personal favorites!)

                              Bekki: The Way We Were (an ongoing fic)

                              Sarai- Twelve Red Roses

                              HAPPY VALENSHIP EVERYONE!


                                Originally posted by 0xNatashax0 View Post
                                wave 8:

                                0xNatashax0, what a beautiful catalogue of Sam and Jack and their moments.

                                Just sayin', their 'Ship in pics - thanks. Wow this board's been at it! Loving it all!
                                MISSION: STARGATE REWATCH 2011-2012 ENGAGED DONE!
                                Beware Helen Magnus - Doctor of A$$-Kicking

