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Samantha Carter/Martouf/Lantash Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
    Indeed. And we hit 1000 posts.

    Sigs by the very gifted Luciana
    STARCON - For further information, please go to: aurorisentertainment


      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
      Indeed. And we hit 1000 posts.

      Congratulations!!!! Well done
      My ships: sigpic
      (Sam/Jack, Sam/Rodney, Sam/Martouf/Lantash, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet)

      Sam/Jack, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet, and Sam/Rodney smilies made by the talented zuz - THANKS. Smilies merged into one sig by the awesome Nolamom - THANKS!


        Celebrating 1000 posts...


        [Save Martouf/Lantash in the movies!] | My fics on | My fics on Symbiotica


          That's a cute pic! Them looking at each other
          sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

          Favorite love-dodecagon:


            It's a great pic! I don't remember it, but it must be from Tok'ra II? Or is it Serpent's Song?
            My ships: sigpic
            (Sam/Jack, Sam/Rodney, Sam/Martouf/Lantash, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet)

            Sam/Jack, Sam/Cam, Sam/Daniel, Sam/Janet, and Sam/Rodney smilies made by the talented zuz - THANKS. Smilies merged into one sig by the awesome Nolamom - THANKS!


              I guess Tok'ra II. He promising to take care of her father.

              (Have to think of that JR&Amanda vid.... "I'm taking care of your father..." )


                Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                I guess Tok'ra II. He promising to take care of her father.

                (Have to think of that JR&Amanda vid.... "I'm taking care of your father..." )
                What vid is that?
                Sig made by the very talented Luciana.


                  That one.

                  One of the cutest things I've ever seen.


                    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                    That one.

                    One of the cutest things I've ever seen.
                    It's a great vid One of my favorites.

                    Luci - I've never asked, but I think I will now - who is the guy in your sig/avatar? And who are the Winchesters? Yeah - Stockholm is far away from civilization...

                    [Save Martouf/Lantash in the movies!] | My fics on | My fics on Symbiotica


                      From the show "Supernatural'
                      sigpic Avatar, and icons in sig by Luciana

                      Favorite love-dodecagon:


                        Exactly. It's one of my favorite shows. I'm addicted.

                        Jensen Ackles is Dean Winchester...and there's his brother Sam. Oh and the Dad...John. And they're all hot. But Dean is the hottest!

                        And I fell in love with that convention pic of Jensen laughing.


                        I watched that video again...and it's almost killing me when he says "She remebered!" *happy sigh*


                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          Exactly. It's one of my favorite shows. I'm addicted.

                          Jensen Ackles is Dean Winchester...and there's his brother Sam. Oh and the Dad...John. And they're all hot. But Dean is the hottest!

                          And I fell in love with that convention pic of Jensen laughing.
                          I think I've heard of the show, but I've never seen any of it. I don't think they're showing it here, but I may be wrong. I very rarely watch TV (like once a year or so) - I almost exclusively watch DVDs.


                          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                          I watched that video again...and it's almost killing me when he says "She remebered!" *happy sigh*
                          Yes, it is a wonderful video
                          Smilies made by Roeskva (

                          "Hear this. The days of the Goa'uld System Lords are numbered. Tell them that I died with hope. My death only feeds the fire that burns strong in the Tok'ra." (Jolinar, "In the Line of Duty")


                            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                            I watched that video again...and it's almost killing me when he says "She remembered!" *happy sigh*
                            Ooh, I get goosebumps and happy shippy squees just thinking about that video. There are only a few other acting couples that send off so much chemistry to so thoroughly infect me with it even from the other side of a screen...they need to do more things together!

                            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                              Yes they do. Don't know how often Iw atched it already.

                              Just the beginning makes me faint already.
                              I so do love them.


                                Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                                Ooh, I get goosebumps and happy shippy squees just thinking about that video. There are only a few other acting couples that send off so much chemistry to so thoroughly infect me with it even from the other side of a screen...they need to do more things together!
                                they have wondeful chemistry could watch them all day- they should do lotsa movies/tv-shows together
                                Sig made by the very talented Luciana.

