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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Hello everyone! Just thought I'd introduce myself, as I'll probably be popping by quite often. I'm GateWarrior. *nods & smiles to everyone*

    I just found this forum, but I've been watching the show since the beginning. Now, I may not be as 'up' on my SG-lore as I would like to be, but I'll do my best to keep up. So please forgive me if I ask a "dumb" question every now and again.

    Any hints, tips, or suggestions for this thread would be welcomed. Thanks!

    ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


      Lol. Good time to pop on in then!

      Another newbie here.

      Hello! I so love Daniel too. Nice sig.


        Hi Padfoot! At least I won't be the only newbie here.

        And thanks, I like my sigy too!

        ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


          Hi guys, some advice for you from someone who's been here for a week

          Just blunder about, post the odd "I'm new in these parts so forgive me if.." and generally have a good time and join in where you can, they seem a friendly bunch here, well I haven't had my head bitten off yet


            Originally posted by GateWarrior
            Hello everyone! Just thought I'd introduce myself, as I'll probably be popping by quite often. I'm GateWarrior. *nods & smiles to everyone*

            I just found this forum, but I've been watching the show since the beginning. Now, I may not be as 'up' on my SG-lore as I would like to be, but I'll do my best to keep up. So please forgive me if I ask a "dumb" question every now and again.

            Any hints, tips, or suggestions for this thread would be welcomed. Thanks!
            Welcome (and to Padfoot and Reefgirl too, of course).

            Do drop by the MS/Daniel Thunk Thread for more madness and mayhem and Bad Women (tm)



              Welcome GateWarrior, Padfoot, and Reefgirl!!!!! GW is a great place to have fun. Just to let you know, (to help you out) we have to GREAT threads here devoted to Daniel. This one and the thunk thread. This thread, we tend to have the serious discussions about Daniel. (His life, death, life...etc.)

              The thunk thread, on the other hand, is for the shallow admiration of Daniel, Michael himself, as well as other roles he may have played. We have loads of fun there.

              So, welcome and enjoy!!!!
              No snurching any Pictures I post!! (without my permission)



                Thanks for the welcome guy's


                  Hello, introducing my self to this thread...what can I say, I can't get enough of the man or the character...glad to finally stop lurking and join in all the fun.

                  need more drool over....who's got a bucket of ice water?? I heard something about a pond??
                  Last edited by cindyz; 05 September 2005, 01:30 PM.


                    Hiya cindy, and welcome! At the top of the Characters & Relationships thread is a poll for you to vote in



                      Thank you all for the warm welcome.

                      Ah, yes. I've been doing cannon balls in the "pond" (aka the MS/DJ Thunk Thread). I get it out of my system before I go anywhere else.

                      After I dry off, I come here.

                      .....So, where'd the conversation leave off?

                      ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                        Have I said welcome to you yet???

                        Cool sig, looks like it was made in paint! I have complete respect for anyone who uses paint!
                        Support SHEX, wear a shirt ... I did!


                          Originally posted by John_Sheppard
                          Have I said welcome to you yet???

                          Cool sig, looks like it was made in paint! I have complete respect for anyone who uses paint!
                          No, but that's okay. I knew you'd get around to it.

                          Good eye! Actually, the words were made by 'paint'. I cropped and resized using another program. I don't have any fancy photo progs (I'm too cheap?! ). Besides, for my uses, the 2 or 3 progs I have do just fine.

                          Yours is the second compliment I've had on my sigy. I have to say that I'm rather fond of it myself. I'll have to play with my progs more.

                          However, I've seen some sigys that are really cool, or cute, or flashy (makes me dizzy . ), or witty, or funny.

                          Yours is cool. How'd you make it? (you can PM me if you want)

                          Sorry to interrupt again guys. Please. Continue.

                          ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                            Where the heck did everybody go?!

                            Psst... I think they're all hangin' out in the Pond. Or in the gutter, as the case may be.

                            Oh. That explains it then.

                            I'll be over there myself.

                            ~ I have a LiveJournal !. ~


                              I'm here, only cos I had to work late


                                Originally posted by GateGipsy
                                The funny thing is that I've never really liked Maternal Instinct overall! It just has some great moments in it though, and the line 'Daniel, shoes', has to be an all time classic.
                                Ha, I was trying to think which episode I relized how much I loved Daniel Jackson, it was this one, the shoes and the umm if the fire is/was..... what ever it is, I am sure someone knows . Loved it. Of course didn't know it would eventually lead to him leaving . But he's back now so all is well in the world .

                                I love how he gets excited by things, hehe , Michael Shanks plays him so well too, and the relationship between him and Jack was just great, I will miss that the most with RDA cutting back on screen time. He really buffed up though I kinda liked the weaker geeki Daniel, but that hair really did have to go .

                                I also love the general talk before shooting side to Daniel, he does the diplomatic thing so well. Yep you definatley want him on your side in a tight situation, and his pain thresh hold is amazing .

