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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SueS
    This is how I view the end of Threads [spoilers] I've looked at Daniel's second decension as either, a last gift from Oma...I think it's possible that in that moment right before she picked her fight with Anubis, Oma did something to ensure that Daniel was sent back to earth.
    Oh, it's possible. My trouble with the way this was handled is that virtually anything is possible.
    It's possible that Oma used her last nanosecond to see Daniel off safely and alive. It's possible the Others helped him, either out of gratitude or because they think he's more trouble than he's worth. It's possible Daniel did it all himself. It's possible that mysterious "other option" that Oma "couldn't discuss right now" came into effect (and, if we're lucky, the writers will get around to discussing it for us, one day). It's possible that some heretofore unidentified follower of Oma's immediately stepped in to continue her work the minute she disappeared with Anubis and his/her first order of business was to take care of Oma's favourite human. It's possible the bleedin' Blue Fairy came along and made him a real boy again.
    I've got nothing to work with, in favouring one possibility over another, except my own preference.

    The other problem being that I find none of the possibilities wholly to my liking, which makes choosing a preference somewhat difficult.
    I don't like having to hypothesize that nanosecond myself in order to make Oma's gift a viable option, much as I might like that to be the case. I'd rather not "owe" the rest of the Others anything, though, I'd prefer Daniel help himself than have those guys to thank for his life - but I'm not up for "Daniel The Invincible," either, so
    what is a girl to do?

    The Blue Fairy is looking better and better.

    I like the idea of Daniel now being officially susceptible to death like the rest of us. It makes the prospect of Daniel being in danger more real.
    Yes, that much I know I prefer. With the most recent spoilers for 'The Fourth Horseman,' though,
    we know even a card-carrying Ancient is vulnerable to attack, so even an inordinately charmed Daniel could be susceptible to any number of nasty things.
    Don't know if that makes me feel better or just that much more uncertain about what happened in 'Threads.'



      Originally posted by Tucker Case
      Yes, that much I know I prefer. With the most recent spoilers for 'The Fourth Horseman,' though,
      we know even a card-carrying Ancient is vulnerable to attack, so even an inordinately charmed Daniel could be susceptible to any number of nasty things.
      Don't know if that makes me feel better or just that much more uncertain about what happened in 'Threads.'
      I haven't read the spoiler itself, but from your post I think I feel better about the questionable status of Daniel's mortality.
      'Death' for an ascended ancient is bound to be a bit different to death for mortals, so it might mean a whole new level of danger for him.
      If he *is* in any way still posessed of ascended powers, that is. I just hope we do find out.



        Originally posted by Tucker Case
        Oh, it's possible. My trouble with the way this was handled is that virtually anything is possible.
        It's possible that Oma used her last nanosecond to see Daniel off safely and alive. It's possible the Others helped him, either out of gratitude or because they think he's more trouble than he's worth. It's possible Daniel did it all himself. It's possible that mysterious "other option" that Oma "couldn't discuss right now" came into effect (and, if we're lucky, the writers will get around to discussing it for us, one day). It's possible that some heretofore unidentified follower of Oma's immediately stepped in to continue her work the minute she disappeared with Anubis and his/her first order of business was to take care of Oma's favourite human. It's possible the bleedin' Blue Fairy came along and made him a real boy again.
        I've got nothing to work with, in favouring one possibility over another, except my own preference.
        There's always Shifu. Wasn't he following Oma's path and be the one most likely to have sympathy for and want to help Daniel again? Just my wild guess, of course. It would be a nice way to tie him back in to the show.


          Originally posted by Seshat
          There's always Shifu. Wasn't he following Oma's path and be the one most likely to have sympathy for and want to help Daniel again? Just my wild guess, of course. It would be a nice way to tie him back in to the show.
          Shifu could very well qualify under "unidentified follower of Oma..." blah-di-blah whatever the heck I said and, yes, I can see him helping Daniel because he wants to and not just because it's what Oma would want. Skaara or Kasuf might fit the bill as well. Or the three of them together: Father, son and grandson helping out a member of the family.

          Still just one of many possibilities but this one just might be to my liking.




            Originally posted by Tucker Case
            Shifu could very well qualify under "unidentified follower of Oma..." blah-di-blah whatever the heck I said and, yes, I can see him helping Daniel because he wants to and not just because it's what Oma would want. Skaara or Kasuf might fit the bill as well. Or the three of them together: Father, son and grandson helping out a member of the family.

            Still just one of many possibilities but this one just might be to my liking.


            I hadn't considered the idea of all three of them working together to help Daniel! That's a very interesting idea, but perhaps has a little too much "Return of the Jedi"-ending flavor to suit me. That said, I would be quite happy to see ANY or ALL of the above-mentioned actors returning to their roles. I particularly miss Kasuf, as I think his character was always very underused.


              Originally posted by Seshat
              I would be quite happy to see ANY or ALL of the above-mentioned actors returning to their roles.
              So would I. If we must have Choose Your Own Ending storytelling, then I'm going to have to fall back on the sentimental favourites: For me, that Daniel's little ascended family.

              I'm finding this thread very therapeutic. Not only do I have a your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine 'Threads' explanation I actually like, I'm feeling quite a bit better about Daniel's mortality issues. I may not have the first clue how
              he got out of the diner - and his clothes - and into Jack's office
              but whatever the explanation for it, it doesn't make him invulnerable.

              All very good.



                lol. Yes, whoever sent him back--or if he sent himself back--they still haven't gotten the hang of that whole beam back down with pants
                thankee toasteronfire


                  Poor Daniel. Even here you end up on page one. Well, back you go, then.
                  thankee toasteronfire


                    Maybe it we get this up top near Bondage Thursday on the MS/Daniel Thunk thread, people will notice...
                    thankee toasteronfire


                      Finally recovered from the trip to Vancouver-- see I have a lot to catch up on! How sweet it is!

                      Click here for the latest news on Michael Shanks

                      Michael Shanks Online

                      Daniel Fanfic Archive ~ My SG-1 Scribbles ~ My Pros Scribbles


                        Welcome back!
                        thankee toasteronfire


                          *dusts Daniel off*

                          Well, at least you're getting good use on your thunk thread.
                          thankee toasteronfire


                            I keep waiting for Dana_Jeanne to post another "Which ep is this from?" Daniel piccie so we can guess...


                              hehe. Me, too. Maybe she forgot--that Daniel Thunk thread can be EXTREMELY distracting.
                              thankee toasteronfire


                                Some time I plan to do a "best Daniel ep" poll. Anyone want to narrow it down to a few? And by 'a few' I mean anything from 20 to 100, I'm not bothered, cos if it's a lot I can do 'heats'.

                                We could possibly have heats in 'topics': Hero Daniel; Daniel Character Development; Daniel In Peril...

                                What does everyone think?


