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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Kales View Post
    the long hair and my god, the cheek bones

    (I'm thinking specifically about Jess's avatar pic here - from Fire and Water, I think?)

    kay x
    Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
    UMm yes. Fire and Water or the red shirt at the end of Singularity. Or Thor's Hammer.MMMMMnn.

    I know this may be the wrong threaad but this is what I'm talking about in Thor's Hammer:
    *grin* Yeppers, I took my avatar from Fire and Water I have maybe 10 different pics I made (most of them long haired Daniel) to use as my avatar but I can't bring myself to change from the F&W pic. There's just something about it

    Oh I love the red shirt in Singularity (I read a fan's review or episode guide to that one, and she agreed re:the shirt and said she wondered if Sam took him shopping or something, LOL). I think he wears it again in FIAD actually.

    *sigh* I loved him in Thor's Hammer. There is one point, I think it's where he and Sam are talking to Kendra about Teal'c being their friend and so many people say he looks quite like James Spader there... will see if I can find a cap to show you what I mean...

    ah, here we go...

    I love the way his hair blows around his face in that scene too... oh my I am getting absolutely shallow now!! Has anyone ever visited the SG-1 forum on SciFi's website? They had a few Daniel threads going there and when they'd talk about how he looked in the early season eps, they'd do something called the floof-o-meter (they called the long hair "floof", LOL). I haven't been there in a while since the boards are a bit crazy now but it was pretty entertaining


      Originally posted by Kales View Post
      Haha *thunkage* Or the green shirt in Threads

      *attempts to draw matters back to more intellectual discussion of Daniel/MS*

      Hehe I read in an interview a few min ago that MS begged the wardrobe people to change Daniel's style and make him 'better' fashion-wise. He really is insanely protective of the character - it's kinda wonderful.

      kay x
      I think I remember reading something about that too. Heehee it is a bit funny I also read another time about the hair that he wanted it short but they couldn't do it right away so they kept cutting it shorter and shorter bit by bit til they just said "eh, it's enough" and went all the way for Out of Mind. Guess it was just luck that he was doing Hamlet during the S2-3 hiatus then. Makes me wonder sometimes though how long he'd wanted to do that - not right away I'd think because he obviously knew the character had long hair in the film.


        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
        It's only fanon, rather than canon, but I always liked the idea the Sam and/or Janet took our wayward archeologist in hand and took him shopping for anything but plaid shirts.

        Oops - didn't see your post FF before I posted my ramblings! Oh well, GMTA!


          Haha, yeah, that Hamlet production is pretty famous now - at least amongst Stargaters

          I remember an interview - oh i was so wasting time, I know - with this little snippet:

          "So they said Hamlet, and I said, oh interesting. Which part? And they said... Hamlet. And I thought, hmm. Interesting."

          Hehehe... Floof. I love that. I think he wanted to do it for ages but the same way that s1 Jack is less overtly funny, they had to pay a little bit of respect to the film characters. MS also said that the allergies annoyed him hehe, I thought they were endearing...Although I understand why they phased them out in the end.

          kay x


            Originally posted by Kales View Post
            Fic reccing for those who also love this ^ idea

            Not mine, just love it:


            kay x
            Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
            Laughs. I can just see Sam mothering him like that. I am such a sucker for The Wonder Twins.

            I love it too - thanks for the link Kales! Cute Daniel/Sam friendship story and I can see her mothering him like that too. I also love the last line - lol poor Daniel!

            I had an idea a couple of years back to do a little story about why Daniel wore the bandana in First Commandment. It wasn't much but something about him having a bad hair day (ran out of conditioner and used someone else's or something like that) and not being able to find the boonie so he wears the bandana instead.


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              Oh, I wish. I love Daniel in his element and team cooperation. Speaking of excitable, I remember one episode when he was arguing with Jack where he actually jumped up and down. I loved that scene. Was it One False step?
              Hey, jckfan! Yep that was it - One False Step. The "Plant Boy Dance"


                Originally posted by MaeveBran View Post
                Yeah I don't think I can speak English that fast either. At least not well enough to be understood and it is my native language.=)
                LOL! I've never really spoken much Welsh so I have no idea if I'd be able to handle it. I sometimes talk pretty fast, usually if I'm excited or nervous about something but I don't know if I'd be able to do it as well as MS without tripping over my tongue


                  Originally posted by Maj_Cliffhanger View Post
                  Nodding. Evolution is one of my favorite. If I remember the commentary right - I think it's the commentary on Revelations??? - any way, one of the few commentaries that Michael did, he said the original write up for Evolution had a *whole lot* more Nick in it - or at least a lot more references to him (MS has a story credit for Evolution along with Kindler, though Kindler did the screen play) It got cut back to one passing mention, sadly!

                  I would have loved to see another Nick episode. Jan Rubes as a great actor!
                  I think I heard that somewhere as well, though I can't remember where. It is a shame. I thought Jan Rubes did an excellent job.


                    Originally posted by Kales View Post
                    Haha, yeah, that Hamlet production is pretty famous now - at least amongst Stargaters

                    I remember an interview - oh i was so wasting time, I know - with this little snippet:

                    "So they said Hamlet, and I said, oh interesting. Which part? And they said... Hamlet. And I thought, hmm. Interesting."

                    Hehehe... Floof. I love that. I think he wanted to do it for ages but the same way that s1 Jack is less overtly funny, they had to pay a little bit of respect to the film characters. MS also said that the allergies annoyed him hehe, I thought they were endearing...Although I understand why they phased them out in the end.

                    kay x
                    I remember that line! Teehee...

                    Someone mentioned "flying floof" at one point, too. It was for one of the S1 eps - probably Brief Candle - someone said "we get flying floof in this one too! When he runs from the gate room to tell Jack that Sam is coming back his floof goes 'boingy boingy boingy'" ... not joking! Very entertaining stuff

                    Yeah that makes sense. I remember him talking about the allergies too - think he said even in S2 that they were annoying. I think I understand why they phased them out too - he thought they added to the stereotypical geeky image (from what I've read). I think he mentioned allergy shots somewhere later on as well, but I can't remember where (unless that was just a fic I read, lol).


                      There is something about that pic, Jess, you're totally right. Maybe because it looks like he's in the middle of a highly impassioned speech

                      Ugh that's tragic- i wish they'd brought him back Last post of the night, people. Sorry. Have yet another ton of coursework. *Weeps*

                      kay x


                        Heehee - yeah now that you mention it, he does! I found this one a bit "Spaderesque" (is that a word? lol) as well...

                        (know the scene in the film where he's presenting the theory or whatever to General West and all the others in that sort of conference room, where he gives them the notes and says they'll have to share because he didn't bring enough? and then when he draws the diagram on the board and chuckles as he draws the pyramid with the little figures on either side? That's what this pic kinda reminds me of )

                        Aww *hugs* here's hoping the coursework goes fast for you! I've had to go through that and I don't miss it at all.


                          grin - can't resist posting the most spaderesque pic I think I've ever seen - yeah, it really is MS in The Fifth Race.


                            I did a few hours. then I needed to use wiki for a definition but somehow my hands typed 'gateworld' instead of immediately shutting down the window

                            Thanks, Jess, it's going alright. Oh I love that idea ... hey, there's an idea. Why don't we do a collaborative fic - the regular posters on here? We pick 5 eps where Daniel wears a bandana and try to come up with comic reasons why or something.

                            What does everyone think?

                            kay x


                              One more, again from The Fifth Race - they really did do a very good job casting the part with MS, just physically. Now add in the guys phenomenal acting skills and ... well, that's why we are here, right?


                                It's really weird - when MS, AT and CJ were auditioning, the three of them just sort of gravitated towards each other in the waiting room apparently. And then they all got the parts! Haha, the things Stargate legends are made of.

                                Beyond the uncanny physical resemblance, he does a great job of 'distracted archaeologist' (even if technically - history geek again - TPTB stretch credibilty on that score and send him spiralling into historian/anthropologist/political scientist territory every now and again, which i guess you could argue all factor in all the above disciplines...[/endrant]) and they couldn't have picked better for chemistry with RDA.

                                kay x

