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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Haha again, I think that was MS's personal nagging. The glasses seemed to be a nod to the Spader character and honestly, after eight or nine seasons, I think MS's version can stand on his own

    kay x


      I guess I am in the minority here (or I AM the minority, heheh) but I am just "meh" on Daniel's new glasses. I won't deny that I HATED them when I first saw the season 10 cast pics. I thought "Where's Daniel? Who is this guy??" I found it so hard to get used to them and I just thought they looked wrong on him. I think it had a lot to do with the way the cast pics looked themselves - they were heavily airbrushed imho (poor Claudia lol) and I think the glasses look a lot better on him on tv (though I did think it was weird that we only started seeing them in the 6th ep of the season and not right away). I've warmed up to them and do think they are trendier ...heck I'm wearing glasses right now that look a LOT like his (though he wasn't the reason why I chose the frames, really). But I'm a petite person with a small face and I think he can get away with frames a bit larger since he has a pretty large face.

      Even though the new glasses don't bother me anymore I'll still kinda miss the old ones. They just emphasized his bookish-ness (for lack of a better word lol) - and I guess the new ones just complete his transition into "ActionJackson" along with the
      much shorter hair in the second half of S10...

      I suddenly miss my cute little archaeologist... *hugs S1 Danny clone*

      okay, enough babbling from the loon... hope I didn't scare you all off
      Last edited by JessM; 16 February 2007, 04:26 AM. Reason: not sure if need spoiler tags for discussing hair...but better safe than sorry ;)


        I hated the new glasses in the promo shots because they were neither "Daniel" nor "Michael Shanks" pics....just a hybrid of the two and as Jess said above, airbrushed to within an inch of their life....

        However now I really like them on Daniel....especially when he is dressed in his "civvies"....

        I have to be honest I also don't mind Daniel going "OOC" either in this me it seems that quite often when Daniel has faced down something so absolutely awful and terrible in his life and comes through it yet again he goes a tad OTT afterwards.....

        As far as my take on Bad Guys goes....

        His frustration at everything just boiled over.....frustrated at the fact he couldn't do the one thing that he was best at (especially with a kindred spirit who I'm sure he'd have had hours of fascinating discussions), frustrated that even with his warnings about how terribly wrong it could go he was outvoted by his team, frustrated at some of the guests' sheer stupidity when placed in a situation like that (that was one of the first things that Jim noticed in this episode - although his words were less than complimentary and not repeatable on a PG forum... *snortle* ) - I also think Daniel was probably frustrated and angry that Mitchell left him there doing nothing of use and just being there to act "the heavy mob" with Teal'c....and he just snapped...I also bet he kicked himself good and hard when back at the SGC and pondered on the whole sorry mess ...

        I always remember the end of "Origin" when for the first time ever Daniel admitted to Jack he was scared....think of what's happened to him since sure his "acting out of character" in various situations was part way to hiding that fear...sometimes we lash out at those we don't actually blame for the situation but because they happen to be the ones around at the time....

        Just my take on Daniel's possible OOC behaviour over the past couple of Seasons.....not that I mind.....I'm absolutely loving Daniel at the moment - my interest in him and all things has been rejuvenated beyond my wildest expections lately....

        Deeds xx
        Last edited by discodiva; 16 February 2007, 04:47 AM.
        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


          Hey Deeds What you say about Daniel's OOC-ness in Bad Guys makes a lot of sense. I could definitely see that as a reason for it.

          Daniel's behavior the past couple of seasons doesn't bother me as a whole - it's just little moments here and there that tend to add up for me and bother me somewhat... like what I mentioned about CoT... (spoilers)
          I wasn't expecting him to talk like that during his communication with the Lucian Alliance guy (memory is failing me at this point as to his name... but it was the scene where Daniel sat in the commander's chair). I thought it was a bit OTT and almost unexpected. I was also a bit bothered by the scene where he beamed the bad guy out of the ship (again I'm terrible with remembering names), and he and Vala wave to him as he's floating outside the ship.

          Again it's probably just me being way too intolerant and I need to just accept Daniel totally for the way he is now. I'm sorry but I just can't, no matter how I try. I still love him, especially when he's being his studious, caring and compassionate (and kicka$$ of course, lol) self, and I know the way he sometimes acts is a product of all the crazy things he's been through, but I still just have a small problem with a few of the things he does sometimes.

          I'd go on about how it seems that Daniel has seemed rather uncaring (with few exceptions) about 3/5 of his team lately but I think I've beaten that dead horse a little too much - and I blame the writers for that. I'm sure if there was better writing we wouldn't see that because ideally I don't think it's in Daniel's character to be that way.

          Okay so I am REALLY starting to not make sense now so I'll shut up Sorry if I posted an unpopular opinion and I hope you all aren't mad at me
          Last edited by JessM; 16 February 2007, 05:28 AM.


            I also admit I didn't like the new glasses when I first saw them - I agree that those promo pics didn't help...

            But I've gotten used to them now and think they suit him, I do think it was the right time for a change. I can relate because I wear glasses that are very similar, I used to wear bigger frames but switched to smaller ones a few years back when it became possible to thin the lenses right down (I am very short sighted ).Hope that makes sense...

            Anyway Daniel has changed a lot over the years, IMO he's probably the most changed character on the show, but whereas I'll admit I've some misgivings about Daniel's character in some of the eps in S9 & the first half of S10, I think they've got it right in the last few eps, The Shroud and The Bounty definitely anyway.
            He's certainly looking pretty good to me

            Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


              I have the same problem with my eyes, grasshopper and that's the reason why I got similar frames - so they would look thinner. It is a big improvement for me.

              I hope no one thinks that I hate Daniel's new glasses - I wasn't trying to say that. Even though I don't love them I've gotten used to them and they don't bother me anymore.

              I agree and Daniel's behavior hasn't bothered me the past few eps - it was more, as you said, some of the S9 eps and first half of S10. I'm hoping that we will see a continuation of Daniel as in Bounty and The Shroud for the rest of the episodes.

              The whole "uncaring" thing is the thing that bugs me the most but again I chalk it up to the writers and I really hope they do away with that and show Daniel caring more or less equally about everyone.

              (and there I go, back to that. I guess I can't shut up... sorry everyone and again I hope you aren't mad at me for not loving every single thing about Daniel )


                Of course we don't Jess......after all it's a Daniel Discussion thread.....wouldn't be a discussion if we didn't have differing views....I'm very "up and into" Daniel at the moment so I'm going to be mainly putting positives in my views .....

                Deeds xx
                Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                  Yeah I suppose you're right... I am being much too silly (what can I say - I didn't have a particularly good morning, lol)


                    I have many fave Daniel moments.. I love the ones where hes all emotional. Especially this season and last season with Vala coming in. I think it was the Quest part 2 when her and Daniel are in the other bodies in the village and they burn her. When she comes back and starts crying and that line where shes like "i'm tingly all over, dont flatter yourself, Im pretty sure its not you.
                    Mannn..... the love between the 2 of them that hasnt been adressed drives me crazy.. come on.. kiss already. Or in Memento Mori, at the end when he confronts her and she finally remembers and he gives her that hug. Damnnnn.
                    They better get together by the end of the season, I absolutley love Daniel hes just so fantastic


                      Welcome to the thread, katielovesdaniel

                      Hmmm have you seen the Daniel/Vala ship thread? Think you may feel right at home there as well I myself am not a Daniel/Vala shipper (please don't hate me...I respect other people's opinions as long as they respect mine and I've been flamed enough for mine)... I like their friendship but I personally wouldn't like to see them get together because I think romance between anyone on the show could potentially kill the friendship dynamic that the show has been known for all these years. I do have my favorite couple (as I'm sure you can tell from my signature) but I don't expect to see them get together onscreen anytime and I don't trust the writers to do it well either, so I just root for the friendships.

                      Just curious, when did you start watching? There are some great emotional Daniel episodes early on too: Children of the Gods, Need, Secrets, Legacy, Forever in a Day, The Light... just to name a few.
                      Last edited by JessM; 16 February 2007, 05:44 PM.


                        Originally posted by grasshopper64 View Post
                        I also admit I didn't like the new glasses when I first saw them - I agree that those promo pics didn't help...

                        But I've gotten used to them now and think they suit him, I do think it was the right time for a change. I can relate because I wear glasses that are very similar, I used to wear bigger frames but switched to smaller ones a few years back when it became possible to thin the lenses right down (I am very short sighted ).Hope that makes sense...

                        Anyway Daniel has changed a lot over the years, IMO he's probably the most changed character on the show, but whereas I'll admit I've some misgivings about Daniel's character in some of the eps in S9 & the first half of S10, I think they've got it right in the last few eps, The Shroud and The Bounty definitely anyway.
                        He's certainly looking pretty good to me
                        Beautiful siggy Grasshopper. Kidwizz did a fabulous job!!


                          I agree - that is a beautiful sig!


                            For those of age and interested I just posted my Thor/Heimdall and Daniel/Janet fic but it is rated M so beaware. It is over at my live journal
                            thanks Stef

                            Thanks Wendy


                              Originally posted by strider6 View Post
                              Beautiful siggy Grasshopper. Kidwizz did a fabulous job!!
                              Originally posted by JessM View Post
                              I agree - that is a beautiful sig!

                              Thanks, well to Kidwizz, I just asked for J/D one that had an Abyss theme and it came out well, wish I could do sigs

                              If anyone needs/wants a sig, check out Kidwizz's thread in the fandom section.

                              Thanks to Kidwizz for sig


                                *Waves from the back*
                                Hi all. I'm pretty new to GW but am settling happily into my spiritual home on the J/D thread, but, as an out-and-proud Daniel fan I felt it only right that I should call in here and say hello.
                                A few things you should know:
                                I love Daniel in ALL his incarnations, from season one to season 10.
                                I love Daniel with the boonie and I love Daniel with the bandanna (the latter just shades it for me, I think)
                                I love Daniel with glasses and without (although as a specs wearer I prefer him with. But then again, think Beneath the Surface ... gah!, oh, and thunk)
                                I love the old glasses and I love the new ones.
                                I love floppy-haired Daniel and I love short-haired Daniel (as a shameless lover of the nape of his neck, I think I prefer short).
                                I love emotional Daniel and I love snarky Daniel.
                                I love archaeologist Daniel and I love diplomat Daniel.
                                I love Daniel with his team and mostly I love Daniel with Jack.
                                But most of all .... I just love Daniel.
                                So, is it alright if I play in your sandpit from time to time?

                                Oh, and Strider ... your sig sends me to my happy place!

