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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    I think you could be right.....Daniel has always come across as slightly snippy when frustrated in his efforts to discover new things....always has from the beginning of the series imho......I can't ever see him stopping or even wanting to slow down in his exploration, although one day old age and the ever looming desk job will beckon.....

    And when the time comes for this thread, and others, to be discussed I'll be on the side that's definitely voting to keep this one going as it is....I would hate it to merge with the Thunk Thread......although we don't post as often as some other D&A Threads I still think that Daniel, the one who opened the Stargate, who discovered so many wonderful (and dangerous I admit that too) things, should continue to have a dedicated thread like this....

    (I'll be fighting for the J/D Slash and Friendship Thread to btw - to me those two are still the most important members of the Stargate universe... - but that's OT and I know when to shut up....I do, I really do!!....honest....

    Deeds xx
    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


      Hello everyone.

      Some (or most ?) of you may be aware of the reshuffle and review of character threads going on since January.

      Well,I'm posting to reassure you that your thread is fine,no changes need to be made ,and all I've done is placed some tags at the foot of your thread to help new members when they use the forum search/tag functions.

      Happy Posting.

      GateWorld Moderator.
      The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


        Thank you very much's greatly appreciated....

        Deeds xx
        Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
        MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


          Yay! Good news. Thanks Bugpuss!

          So... on with the discussion and appreciation!
          Chief of the GGP (Gateworld Grammar Police). Punctuation is your friend. Use it!

          Great happy armies shall be gathered and trained to oppose all who embrace doubt. In the name of Hope, ships shall be built to carry our disciples out amongst the stars, and we will spread Optimism to all the doubters. The power of the Optimi will be felt far and wide, and the pessimists shall become positive-thinkers.
          Hallowed are the Optimi.


            I spoke a little too soon and kinda misread the memo from the boss.
            The thread itself isn't changing at all ,but "Jackson" has now been put in the title .

            This will make certain that all Daniel's fans can easily find your thread,then come add their thoughts .
            The place to "Gate" to during Outages for updates and info:


              I miss Daniel. I miss SG-1. I miss Daniel in SG-1

              So, to entertain myself while pretending to read the incredibly boring book that I'm supposed to have read by my next book club meeting this Tuesday night I've been contemplating what Daniel does with the team (original or newer).

              They apparently have team movie nights, but which member would he go have coffee with? Who would he call to go to a museum with him? If he were buying a new house or new furniture, would he ask any of his friends for advice and if so, which ones? And the question to end all questions, did Daniel actually go to the Jell-o wrestling with Jack and Teal'c when they called?


                Originally posted by Callista View Post
                I miss Daniel. I miss SG-1. I miss Daniel in SG-1

                So, to entertain myself while pretending to read the incredibly boring book that I'm supposed to have read by my next book club meeting this Tuesday night I've been contemplating what Daniel does with the team (original or newer).

                They apparently have team movie nights, but which member would he go have coffee with? Who would he call to go to a museum with him? If he were buying a new house or new furniture, would he ask any of his friends for advice and if so, which ones? And the question to end all questions, did Daniel actually go to the Jell-o wrestling with Jack and Teal'c when they called?
                I've personally always seen Daniel as a very much self-sufficient person, probably as a result of his upbringing, so I don't really see him asking his friends advice for things like buying a house or furniture. I think he knows what he likes and probably has little trouble deciding things like that for himself.

                For something like coffee or maybe dinner, I'd say Jack, Sam, and Teal'c, though it probably wouldn't be a regular occurrence. Mitchell too perhaps, but I'm not sure about Vala. He seemed to barely tolerate her for a lot of seasons 9-10 to me, so I don't really see him seeking out to spend more time with her.

                As for the Jello, I can see him getting the info for Jack and Teal'c, but then finding a convenient translation that just has to get finished by tomorrow in order to avoid going himself.



                  Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                  I've personally always seen Daniel as a very much self-sufficient person, probably as a result of his upbringing, so I don't really see him asking his friends advice for things like buying a house or furniture. I think he knows what he likes and probably has little trouble deciding things like that for himself.
                  Same here, re: the bolded. I've always gotten that from his attitude towards people, though also his actions. He didn't seem too upset on his own in the movie, nor essentially away from everything he knew on Abydos, and could even imagine leaving the team in Forever in a Day. He loves the people on his team, of course, but I don't see him needing to spend much time with them outside of work to keep that friendship going. If he went out to have coffee or to a movie, I'd guess that it'd be because they asked him, not the other way around.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    I agree about the house and furniture, but I suspect someone went clothes shopping with him somewhere along the line because his style certainly changed between the first couple of seasons and the later ones. Or, maybe that was part of the "enlightenment" he received from being ascended...perhaps Oma let him keep that in addition to being able to understand Ancient.

                    It definitely appears that he doesn't go to movies with Teal'c. Or if he does, he's not paying attention. Which is possible because I've seen at least two of the Die Hard movies more than once but still didn't get Mitchell's reference in Bad Guys until Teal'c explained . I can see Mitchell and Teal'c going to movies together and Jack and Teal'c going to sporting events together. I can see Daniel taking Teal'c to various cultural type things like museums or ethnic festivals.

                    I wonder who taught Teal'c how to drive? I'd say Jack, but he seems to like that truck a lot so he might be hesitant unless they were allowed to borrow a base car. Sam's also a possibility there.

                    It looks like they work out as a team on base and play basketball together there as well.

                    I do think he would like someone to discuss things with from time to time. When he picked up that book in Continuum he sure looked like he wanted to show it to someone but there wasn't anyone there. Maybe he belongs to a book group on the side.

                    I still can't decide if he went to the Jello thing, but since he already wasn't with Jack and Teal'c when they went to Sam's maybe he had a good excuse not to.


                      Originally posted by Callista View Post
                      I agree about the house and furniture, but I suspect someone went clothes shopping with him somewhere along the line because his style certainly changed between the first couple of seasons and the later ones. Or, maybe that was part of the "enlightenment" he received from being ascended...perhaps Oma let him keep that in addition to being able to understand Ancient.
                      Actually it was Michael that requested a change in his clothing....

                      Originally posted by Callista View Post
                      I wonder who taught Teal'c how to drive? I'd say Jack, but he seems to like that truck a lot so he might be hesitant unless they were allowed to borrow a base car. Sam's also a possibility there.
                      Daniel taught how to drive to Teal'c, it happened in "1969", there is a reference in season 6 "Smoke and Mirrors" here the excerpts from the script
                      How'd you learn to drive?
                      Daniel Jackson instructed me.
                      When was that?
                      I believe the year was 1969.
                      Sig made by slizzie1986


                        Originally posted by EvenstarSRV View Post
                        I've personally always seen Daniel as a very much self-sufficient person, probably as a result of his upbringing, so I don't really see him asking his friends advice for things like buying a house or furniture. I think he knows what he likes and probably has little trouble deciding things like that for himself.

                        For something like coffee or maybe dinner, I'd say Jack, Sam, and Teal'c, though it probably wouldn't be a regular occurrence. Mitchell too perhaps, but I'm not sure about Vala. He seemed to barely tolerate her for a lot of seasons 9-10 to me, so I don't really see him seeking out to spend more time with her.

                        The Bold part I disagree with but the rest of the post I agree with.
                        My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                        poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                          Actually, that's one of the very few instances I can think of where we actually did see two of the teammates socializing together outside of work but without the entire team. Daniel did take Vala out to dinner. (I believe him when he said he didn't intend it to be a date.)

                          The only other times I can think of just two of them hanging out together for fun would be Jack and Teal'c at Jack's cabin in "The Curse" (which Teal'c did not enjoy ) and then Jack and Teal'c bringing pizza over to Sam's and then deciding to go to the Jello wrestling after she sent them away. Also, Sam and Vala appear to have gone out shopping together.


                            Hey everyone!

                            Just got the link of this thread - thanks Deeds - and I thought I should make a post here ( especially cause there was no reply since April?? LOL ) so... Daniel Jackson... *sighs* The most interesting character in SG-1, and maybe even in the whole Stargate universe, such a well written, and so well acted! character, his world view changed many things in me, in the good way, his passion is just ... infectious , his heroism is astounding, he is just incredible... and so freakin' hot! LOL

                            .. that's all.



                              I brought this over from the DJ/MS Thunk Thread.....It's probably a repeat of what I've said on this thread many moons ago, but it's how I feel about this wonderful character and his many facets, so imho it bears repeating....

                              Daniel's character to me has always been the most complex, fascinating and in it's own way flawed....especially at the beginning of the series - therefore it had the most room to grow and "iron out" or "accentuate" those flaws....of course he had to change...he grew up in those years seeing and suffering things that are unimaginable to the rest of the human race........I know I've changed a lot since I got older and my views are more forthright, I'm more cranky and I've become a lot more cynical in my old age with people and the world in general...why in the hell can't he?....

                              I guess that "Daniel's change" is a great escape for those who want to vent at the loss of their "original" Stargate too.....he's an easy target in my opinion, especially on the boards...

                              But without Daniel, Jack would be dead....I doubt anyone else would have thrown themselves into the path of that blast, he opened the Stargate, he was the first intergalactic ambassador [by remaining on Abydos] and teacher of the universe and he saved the world a couple of times if I remember correctly.....and people want to complain that he's "changed"...pah!.....not in my opinion he hasn't...he's any normal human being would.....just because, again imho, his "arc" has been the most fascinating, deeply thought out and in places very frightening, he's always going to attract a lot more attention.....which, as far as I'm concerned, is absolutely right!...he's the most important factor in the whole Stargate story, from the film to the end....and, by his involvement in Atlantis and SGU, it seems on in to the future!!...

                              Deeds xx *Daniel fan forever and beyond*...
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                I agree that Daniel is complex and flawed. In fact, that's what makes him so interesting to me.

                                Sure, he's good looking, but there are plenty of good looking guys on TV. Sure, he's a good guy, but so is almost every other lead character or main cast character on TV. Sure, he's amazingly good at his job, but so is almost every other lead character or main cast character on TV.

                                What makes him stand out to me is that he's very, very human. He makes mistakes and feels guilty about them later. He sometimes gets carried away with his own viewpoint and has trouble compromising when he's sure he's right. He can be irritable. He gets tired and frustrated. He seems to get over some things quickly but hold onto and grieve other things for a long time. He can be a little arrogant when speaking on his own field of expertise. He knows he's capable of doing bad things, but he tries hard to overcome that. He struggles with some interpersonal relationships but has some simple, uncomplicated friendships, too. Sometimes he's funny. Sometimes he's serious. Sometimes he's sad. Sometimes he's full of hope. Sometimes he's full of despair.

                                That sounds like most real people I know. It does not sound like most fictional characters to which I've been exposed. Most fictional characters I can think of act in a certain way pretty much all of the time....whether it be wise-cracking or kind or snotty or greedy or whatever. All the real people I know move back and forth between those and many, many other characteristics.

                                I can fully understand and appreciate that some people are not entertained by some of those characteristics and don't want to watch them. I feel the same way about that both in regards to Daniel and to other characters. (Of course, I seem to have the opposite feeling to most in that I like Daniel more and more as he matures while many seem to like him less and less.)

                                Regardless, it's his quirks and flaws and changes that make him interesting to me for such a long stretch of time. If he never did anything different, I wouldn't need to see any more of him. His story would be finished. But, he does change and that's why I'm still interested.

