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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Callista View Post
    LOL! Wouldn't that be great if after all his near and actual deaths Daniel ended up outliving everyone else and made it to 102?

    Of course he will! I've taken it as cannon that he will live until he's lost his hair ever since 1969 aired. Remember what the future Cassie said:

    'Hello, Jack.Teal'c? Daniel? I hardly recognized you with hair.'

    Ok it's open to interpretation but still


      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
      Hey, no problem! I probably could have phrased my original post a little better, need to feel stupid. Just glad it's cleared up.
      Originally posted by madaboutdanny View Post
      Don't worry Jess, I know that you are never rude
      Thanks guys *hugs*

      Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
      Total Word.

      I'm getting more than a little tired of the passive-aggressive negativity towards Daniel on this forum. It's often subtle (sometimes not) but it's there in spades. I'd quote examples but I'd probably get modded to hell and back.

      I'm a DANIEL fan, seasons 1-10, and sometimes I feel I have to apologise for that, for all sorts of reasons.

      Well, hey. I will not apologise for supporting the actor and character I see as being the heart and soul of the series. Daniel is the most interesting, complex, difficult, enjoyable, character of the lot, as far as I'm concerned. And, no, I'm not dissing Daniel fans who feel he just isn't the same, has changed beyond all recognition throught he years, etc etc ... I just don't feel that way.

      I'll support Daniel (and Michael) for as long as people want to talk about Daniel, enjoy him, debate him.

      I suppose what I'm trying to say is that, for me, Daniel is a great character, for all seasons, all reasons ... faults and foibles and all.

      And I love him.
      I know it's been said so many times, but very well said. Even with some of the issues I've had with Daniel (esp. recently), I still adore him and he is still one of my favorite characters. I've found that I've almost had to apologize for being a fan of his in various places - not so much here but elsewhere - and it does get annoying.

      Love the con report and pics, iolanda

      Nice to see you here, Kriss. I started watching SG-1 during season 6 when Daniel wasn't around, except for those few appearances. When SciFi started airing the reruns, I watched from the beginning and I totally fell in love with Daniel. Sam became another one of my favorites as well, mostly because I am a scientist myself and could identify with her. And so I loved the interplay between the two of them as scientists and friends. So, that's pretty much my story.

      Deeds, thanks for adding your pics to MSOL...some very nice ones and I love hearing your stories about the con. Very nice what Michael said about playing Daniel.

      I don't want to keep beating this like a dead horse because again I don't want to bring any more negativity to the thread... but what you (Deeds) said about people being negative here is why I've thought about leaving. I can't remember many people posting here negatively. The only things I can remember in the past year or 6 months is people complaining about negative things said about Daniel in other threads. I remember people posting here how they hate the "action Jackson" nickname that people in other threads are using and some of the criticisms against him.

      Which, fair enough, you are allowed to be annoyed about. But if they do annoy you, then maybe it would be best to just visit this "safe haven" and not poke around in the threads where Daniel is dissed (offhand I know of only one...not sure if there are others). That way we can talk about all of Daniel's positive qualities and just "tune out" the negative things said elsewhere.

      I know I have the unfortunate tendency to slip into negative territory a bit too often, so that's why I was offering to leave. I can't really think of anyone else besides myself (and the people complaining about the dissing of Daniel in other threads) who was negative here, so I figured you were talking about me. I don't want to stay if I don't have anything positive to contribute...and certainly not if other people feel this way.


        Originally posted by JessM View Post
        I don't want to keep beating this like a dead horse because again I don't want to bring any more negativity to the thread... but what you (Deeds) said about people being negative here is why I've thought about leaving. I can't remember many people posting here negatively. The only things I can remember in the past year or 6 months is people complaining about negative things said about Daniel in other threads. I remember people posting here how they hate the "action Jackson" nickname that people in other threads are using and some of the criticisms against him.

        Which, fair enough, you are allowed to be annoyed about. But if they do annoy you, then maybe it would be best to just visit this "safe haven" and not poke around in the threads where Daniel is dissed (offhand I know of only one...not sure if there are others). That way we can talk about all of Daniel's positive qualities and just "tune out" the negative things said elsewhere.

        I know I have the unfortunate tendency to slip into negative territory a bit too often, so that's why I was offering to leave. I can't really think of anyone else besides myself (and the people complaining about the dissing of Daniel in other threads) who was negative here, so I figured you were talking about me. I don't want to stay if I don't have anything positive to contribute...and certainly not if other people feel this way.
        Jess, is not just that thread, I never go there, too scary...the fact is that almost everytime there is a discussion on last 2 season, or even the 8 and 7 -not to mention season 6- there is ALLWAYS someone that start to diss Daniel and how he changed...the action Jackson....too much Jonas was much better than him..........Whatb I have to do? I have to stay forever just on MS/D thread? I don't think so! Sometimes I cant' help myself and I have to answer to certain post!!! I don't wanna hide my love for Daniel, otherwise this will become more and more a forum about Jack and Sam or J/S, and I'm pretty bored to read allways the same entusiastic comments about the same characters....Sometimes I wonder if Daniel, after all, was in Sg1
        To me Sg1 is, first and foremost, Daniel, then J/D and in the end Jack. Now is too late for me but tomorrow evening I'll post my 2 cents about Action Jackson
        Last edited by madaboutdanny; 29 April 2008, 04:05 PM.
        Sig made by slizzie1986


          Oh, sorry about that, Mad... I didn't know that people were dissing Daniel in other threads. I thought it was just the anti-season 10 thread. I don't go into too many other threads, so I guess I don't see it much. But if it is showing up in other threads that you like to visit, I can see how it would upset you. I think it is important not to back down from your love of Daniel. Stand up and be proud that you're a Daniel fan. I used to belong to a site where most loved Jack and Sam and J/S, and I was not happy that people didn't like me being a fan of Daniel. I had to leave the site because it wasn't fun for me anymore.


            Originally posted by JessM View Post
            Oh, sorry about that, Mad... I didn't know that people were dissing Daniel in other threads. I thought it was just the anti-season 10 thread. I don't go into too many other threads, so I guess I don't see it much. But if it is showing up in other threads that you like to visit, I can see how it would upset you. I think it is important not to back down from your love of Daniel. Stand up and be proud that you're a Daniel fan. I used to belong to a site where most loved Jack and Sam and J/S, and I was not happy that people didn't like me being a fan of Daniel. I had to leave the site because it wasn't fun for me anymore.
            I sympathize...and it's not just Daniel either. Just try being a fan of the Tok'ra. It just seems like there are certain things which are generally approved of, and anything else gets challenged. There's something like that in every fandom, and I usually end up on the side that's not-so-approved.

            ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
            ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


              Originally posted by JessM View Post
              Which, fair enough, you are allowed to be annoyed about. But if they do annoy you, then maybe it would be best to just visit this "safe haven" and not poke around in the threads where Daniel is dissed (offhand I know of only one...not sure if there are others). That way we can talk about all of Daniel's positive qualities and just "tune out" the negative things said elsewhere.
              I do consider this a safe haven yes.....but if I'm being completely honest then yes, I sort of felt that a couple of your posts have leant slightly towards the negative and I didn't enjoy seeing them on a Daniel Appreciation thread.....but that's just my own personal feelings.........maybe I'm a tad naive to want completely "positive" stuff on this thread alone.....I probably am....and in no way would I want you to leave...(((hugs))) ....I definitely have NO desire to visit any of the Anti-threads or the general threads where the SG characters are discussed in full because of my feelings about the treatment of Daniel on GW....

              Don't worry Jess...there are just 3 threads now that I visit, and very sporadically.....In fact now that the Vancouver Con is over, I'll be reconsidering my participation very carefully on any thread on Gateworld over the next few days.........I stayed mainly for my old friends on the J/D thread, for the new ones I met in Vancouver and to post a link to my pics when they went up on ms-online....I got interested in this thread again because it was nice to see it up and running again with more people on here.....

              Good luck with the support of Daniel guys........I believe he's worth it, I do still believe he gets a rough deal here for someone who imho is the heart and soul of the SGC........I think being a fan of his is sometimes a bit like his life - a very tough ride.....

              Deeds xx
              Last edited by discodiva; 30 April 2008, 05:18 AM.
              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                Good luck with the support of Daniel guys........I believe he's worth it, I do still believe he gets a rough deal here for someone who imho is the heart and soul of the SGC........I think being a fan of his is sometimes a bit like his life - a very tough ride.....

                Deeds xx
                Daniel is the heart and soul of the SGC. It won't exist without him. In fact in realities where he isn't working for the Stargate program, Earth is in serious trouble. It just isn't Stargate without him. (Although I like Jonas, the SGC was missing something that year. The spark was gone out of the place when their Archeologist is missing.)
                thanks Stef

                Thanks Wendy


                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  I sympathize...and it's not just Daniel either. Just try being a fan of the Tok'ra. It just seems like there are certain things which are generally approved of, and anything else gets challenged. There's something like that in every fandom, and I usually end up on the side that's not-so-approved.
                  Oh, I know how that is too. Bad enough the poor Tok'ra haven't been heard from in ages on the show itself... I know exactly what you mean - don't forget this is a S/D shipper talking, lol! But in my 5 and a half years in the fandom I think I'm learning which places are generally good not just for my shipping preferences but for my character preferences, and I try to stick to those as often as I can.

                  Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                  I do consider this a safe haven yes.....but if I'm being completely honest then yes, I sort of felt that a couple of your posts have leant slightly towards the negative and I didn't enjoy seeing them on a Daniel Appreciation thread.....but that's just my own personal feelings.........maybe I'm a tad naive to want completely "positive" stuff on this thread alone.....I probably am....and in no way would I want you to leave...(((hugs))) ....I definitely have NO desire to visit any of the Anti-threads or the general threads where the SG characters are discussed in full because of my feelings about the treatment of Daniel on GW....

                  Don't worry Jess...there are just 3 threads now that I visit, and very sporadically.....In fact now that the Vancouver Con is over, I'll be reconsidering my participation very carefully on any thread on Gateworld over the next few days.........I stayed mainly for my old friends on the J/D thread, for the new ones I met in Vancouver and to post a link to my pics when they went up on ms-online....I got interested in this thread again because it was nice to see it up and running again with more people on here.....

                  Good luck with the support of Daniel guys........I believe he's worth it, I do still believe he gets a rough deal here for someone who imho is the heart and soul of the SGC........I think being a fan of his is sometimes a bit like his life - a very tough ride.....

                  Deeds xx
                  Deeds, I hope you don't think that I or anyone else would want you to leave GW at all. You clearly have fun on the J/D thread and if it brings you joy then you should stay. I'd hate to think that I am making this a miserable place for you. But if I am then say the word and I will leave. It's not that I want you to leave so I can proclaim this thread mine and think that I've "won" or anything like that... If it makes you happy then I'll either leave or I'll bite my tongue and refrain from saying anything that could be perceived as negative about Daniel. But I will not lie and say things that I don't believe in... that's just how I am. I am quite content to talk about the positive things that I love about Daniel but if certain things bother me I'll just keep them to myself. Are you okay with that?

                  But what I was saying before about not visiting places that make you unhappy... if you want to stay on the threads, can't you just put the specific posters on "ignore" if you don't like what they have to say?

                  And now I will shut up... so, something positive about Daniel... hmmmm.... Well, I love it when he goes into "research" mode and starts babbling away about something. Being a scientist myself I can relate when you find something that excites you so.


                    For those of you who don't frequent the DJ/MS Thunk Thread any more, a far better by a thousand times than I could ever do, Con Report from ms-online.....


                    Read it and enjoy, it's me *whispers* I got a sneaky peek before it went up a couple of days ago....

                    Deeds xx
                    Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                    MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                      Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                      For those of you who don't frequent the DJ/MS Thunk Thread any more, a far better by a thousand times than I could ever do, Con Report from ms-online.....


                      Read it and enjoy, it's me *whispers* I got a sneaky peek before it went up a couple of days ago....

                      Deeds xx
                      it is a great read I agree with you on that pics are great and the panal just sounds like a hoot!!!


                      Our Stargate Forum ~Michael Shanks List ~Michael Shanks Online


                        Originally posted by Suebsg9 View Post
                        it is a great read I agree with you on that pics are great and the panal just sounds like a hoot!!!
                        Oh it was. I ruined more pictures laughing than I managed to actually get good ones.=)
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                          For those of you who don't frequent the DJ/MS Thunk Thread any more, a far better by a thousand times than I could ever do, Con Report from ms-online.....


                          Read it and enjoy, it's me *whispers* I got a sneaky peek before it went up a couple of days ago....

                          Deeds xx
                          Honestly that report is so hilarious! You can just imagine being there, Michael is very funny . The people at Ms-Online did a wonderful job, thank you very much


                            Originally posted by discodiva View Post
                            For those of you who don't frequent the DJ/MS Thunk Thread any more, a far better by a thousand times than I could ever do, Con Report from ms-online.....


                            Read it and enjoy, it's me *whispers* I got a sneaky peek before it went up a couple of days ago....

                            Deeds xx
                            The man gives good con.

                            I still haven't recovered from the time he called me "baby" at French City Con, lo those years ago.


                              Originally posted by jdjunkie View Post
                              The man gives good con.

                              I still haven't recovered from the time he called me "baby" at French City Con, lo those years ago.

                              Oooo you lucky thing you!....

                              Maybe he'll call you something like that again next month....

                              I love this answer re: Daniel.....

                              My favorite line to say? (he thinks) "I have no idea." That's my favorite Daniel Jackson line, because it embodies that perplexed look on his face all the time and kind of embodies who I am as a person as well, so... (laughter)... "I have no idea".

                              A very good friend of mine on Live Journal said something so true the other day.....she said that, and again I quote....

                              Michael knows what's best for Daniel and it's not up to us to tell him what Daniel should or shouldn't be.

                              I sooo agree with this.....others may not but I think that the man who's been playing him for the past 10 years - or 11 if we count the films and this new season's Atlantis - should have a pretty clear view of what Daniel would be comfortable in his own skin with....

                              She also had some other great things to say on the "maturation" of Daniel but I'll leave those as they are her thoughts......the one thing that she is though, is a darn fine writer who writes a strong, believable Daniel with faults but an over-riding sense of fairness and compassion.....which is how it should be imho.....

                              Deeds xx
                              Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
                              MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


                                I have to admit that was a great con report Sounds like MS was really in his element/on his game at this con. I really enjoyed reading it... oh, and, ahem, looking at the pics too of course

