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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    I'm so sad to see this thread disappear all the way back to page 5! There are some very very good and meaningful discussion of the Daniel character here, very insightful and made me think from the other points of view on this character. Which is why I want to see this thread resurrected! I've enjoyed reading the discussions and would love to see more (hoping it just might help me make it to season premier... apologies to anyone who isn't looking forward to it.)

    Although with the character taken apart and reasembled from his childhood up so many times, I guess it's understanble that there probably aren't a lot left to discuss. So I will just state, once again, that I adore Daniel; one of the best fictional character ever written. Too bad he's not real.

    Well, here's a question then: Does he remind anyone of a real person (male or female)? By his characteristics, his behaviors, his uncorruptable moral beliefs. I won't say by looks as a lot of people can look like other people.. and etc. Sorry if this has been a topic already.. I didn't actually read through 96 pages..


      hi nyxlily! you're not the only one who needs help getting through the season break... most of us are at thunk thread, thunking like crazy during this time of need... anyways, in answer about your question, recently, my friend helped me make an astrological chart for myself. i like daniel, am a cancer. as a matter of fact, if i was born on my due date, he and i would share a birthday. alas i was born two weeks early.... *sigh* anyways, i found it extremely entertaining how much Daniel's character fit his astrological profile.... i'm now convinced that one of the writers is an astrologist or believes in astrology strong enough to refer to an astrology chart when working on Daniel's quality quicks.... my only regret is that, with the exception of Need, we don't really see Daniel's sexual side.... apparently, Cancers are supposed to be major horndogs... definately explains my frame of mind ..... anyways, point i'm trying to make, is that most, if not all, Cancers will remind in some way or how in mannerism of Daniel.

      oh and for reviving the thread, i'm sendin green your way
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        Thanks for reviving the thread, nyxlily! If Daniel the character can come back from the dead a few times, it's only fitting that his thread does.

        I actually can't think of anyone in real life who really embodies Daniel's qualities. Maybe myself, in that I can be very stubborn and can geek out about things that might not interest anybody else. Oh, and I talk fast. And, sometimes when I'm really flustered or frustrated, I can trip over my words like Daniel. Maybe that's why I like him. Because I'm self centered, and like characters who remind me of myself My brother is a genius like Daniel, but he's not at all like him in any other respect.

        I find Daniel shares a lot of traits that I find endearing in fictional characters. I've said before that the reason I started watching Stargate in the first place was because someone said that Daniel was my type of character based on another character in another tv show.
        I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

        Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

        Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

        Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

        Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


          Yes, bless you, nyxlily! I was trying to bring the thread back but I couldn't think of a topic for some reason.

          I am definitely quite a bit like Daniel: I'm extremely empathetic. I honestly would sacrifice my life for someone else, if I didn't I couldn't live with myself anyway. I love learning about people, who we are, why we are, different cultures and traditions, differences and similarities. I am a total history buff (particularly Egyptian history), as well as fascinated by mythology. Also, well, I'm pretty darn smart, probably not as smart as Daniel, but genius level, so, yeah.

          Ayan, going off topic a bit, I wouldn't say all Cancers are "horndogs". I mean, if you look at the way Daniel is when he likes a gal, he's no sort of slimeball (and 'Need' doesn't count, because that's not Daniel, not really). I know more Cancers than any other sign, and they're all different, but none are sex crazed. I'm not saying no Cancers are like that, I'm just saying I'm certain that one's astrological sign has absolutely no bearing on their personality.


            Got to agree with that one b/day is 7th July (one day before Daniel's) ....I think "passionate but loyal" does sum us Cancerians up very well......when we truly fall in love it's the whole way and possibly one of the most important and lasting things in our lives.....I think this applies to Daniel and his love for Share....if she hadn't been taken from him I think his love and loyalty and faithfulness would have been forever.... However if that had happened then his part in the story would have been pretty short I guess!..

            As for other traits well I'm not sure but I think Daniel could err on the side of moodiness and a touch of the sulks if he can't get his point of view across to some people....I know I do sometimes.... Again though I'm not sure if that's astrological or just a personality trait I get from the way he is portrayed...

            First time contributing to this thread although I've always kept up with reading each gentle with me!...

            Deeds xx
            Thanks to slizzie1986 for signature
            MSOL - Official Website of Michael Shanks


              Originally posted by 1DanielForMe
              Ayan, going off topic a bit, I wouldn't say all Cancers are "horndogs". I mean, if you look at the way Daniel is when he likes a gal, he's no sort of slimeball (and 'Need' doesn't count, because that's not Daniel, not really). I know more Cancers than any other sign, and they're all different, but none are sex crazed. I'm not saying no Cancers are like that, I'm just saying I'm certain that one's astrological sign has absolutely no bearing on their personality.
              ok, so maybe not complete horndogs, but Cancerians are supposedly have stronger sexual conotations.... i wish i had my friends book so I could tell you guys exactly what it says.... one thing i do remember is that most Canerians have a hard exterior and may seem emotionless and/or callous on the outside, but are very emotional and tender on the inside, which we really see with Daniel... at first glance, yes he's very compassionate, but he's also reserved. it's not until you get to know him do you see who he truely is. he's not someone who awards trust easily, and once your in, your in. another thing it said was that Cancers are proned to trouble and hurt, which definately fits Daniel.... no one gets into more trouble or gets hurt more often than him.
              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                If Daniel isn't quick to trust, I don't think that's an ingrained personality trait, but something that's been developed over years of finding enemies and getting knocked down. I mean, in CotG, he jumped out unarmed to greet a bunch of aliens he didn't know, which led Jack to say that he hadn't changed.

                I'm not sure if I consider reserved to be the same as appearing emotionless or callous. I do agree that he does get hurt easily, (emotional hurt) again, probably more in the early years, but there's some of that now. But, I think that's because he's more open than most.

                Personally, I'm glad Daniel hasn't been written as a "horndog" *shudder* or anything like that.
                I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                  I have a question, to help me work on a theory. For those people who like Daniel, when you're listing the character traits that attract you to someone, does physical prowess and the ability to protect someone rank high on your list? And, this isn't about whether or not Daniel could protect someone (I mean through his physical skill), but whether or not his fans see that as an essential quality, or even a quality that's of high importance.

                  Okay, here's why I'm asking. I was on a forum for the show Numb3rs. For those who don't know it, the premise is two brothers, one's an FBI agent, one's a math genius - They Fight Crime!. Someone asked which character was everyone's favorite. When people said the FBI agent (Don) one of the reasons that kept popping up was because they felt that he could protect them. Sometimes they would make a point of comparing him to his brother (Charlie), like "I like Charlie, but Don's my favorite, because if I were in danger, he could beat the bad guys." (paraphrasing) I found it interesting, because I've never really had that on my list of attractive qualities for a character. I don't find it unattractive, it's just never been on my list period. I'm more interested in whether or not a character is engaging, interesting, likable, and sweet (being a protector doesn't mean you can't be all these things as well) than whether or not they have the ability to protect.

                  To bring this back to Daniel, especially in the first season, I've gotten the feeling that one of the reasons some people didn't count him as their favorite was because he wasn't in the role of protector. It was a quality that was high on their list for what made an attractive (personality-wise) character, and they found Daniel lacking in it. Like I said, that's not high on my list. It's not something I oppose, but if someone asked me to make up a list of character traits for an ideal guy, (especially in fiction) being a protector would be behind a lot of other traits if it made the cut at all. So, I wonder if others feel this way.
                  I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                  Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                  Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                  Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                  Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                    Being able to beat up the bad guys doesn't lead to a lot of interesting storylines - that's probably on reason why Teal'C wound up doing the Jaffa High Council stuff.

                    Stargate doesn't really have a dedicated "protector" any more - they have "fearless leader", "socio-political geek", "astrophysicist egghead", and "token alien", and all four of the main characters can handle a gun.

                    I'd have expected a lot of people would really like season 1 Daniel because they see themselves in him.


                      Originally posted by Toresica
                      Stargate doesn't really have a dedicated "protector" any more - they have "fearless leader", "socio-political geek", "astrophysicist egghead", and "token alien", and all four of the main characters can handle a gun.
                      Yeah, I wasn't really thinking in terms of position but more character trait. I mean if I were to describe Daniel to someone who had never watched the show, first thing would be he's super intelligent, then, I'd probably mention his sensitivity and stubborness. I probably wouldn't volunteer any info about whether or not he had the ability to protect people (not as a position, but as a skill). Not because of a lack of skill or not, but because it's not a main factor of who he is.

                      I just mean that sometimes when people mention why they like a certain character best, they list the feeling that said character would make them feel safe as the main quality. But, at least some people (me included) who like characters like Daniel don't often voluntarily list that quality. If asked, they might say yes, it's nice to have. And, might mention skill with a weapon if asked, but it wouldn't be the first thing they'd mention in relation to Daniel.
                      I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

                      Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

                      Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

                      Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


                      Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


                        in truth, the only reason i ever tuned into SG1 was b/c of the mythology draw... i mean, i was into scifi, but SG1 never caught my eye until i was bored... i chose one heck of an epi [( Fragile Balance )] to start watching.... Daniel was still rediscovering himself and so naturally was drawn to Jack, but not b/c he's the protector or the fearless leader, but b/c of his witt and sarcasm..... of course once i got hooked, i never missed an epi, and i caught up quick on the S1-6, as well as the movie..... the more i watched, the more i fell in love with Daniel..... now it's not Daniel per se, but the Idea of Daniel... a geek pacafist who is willing to set aside moral values and learn to defend himself if the situation called for it, on top of which he's chivalous and always looks for a moralistic out before resorting to violence.... The concept that Daniel represents is so rare in the world and for me he has become the mold for the perfect man.... not to mention his sence of humor is to die for and his perseverance can't be matched.... i mean i still love Jack, but sometimes he allows the military to restrict him even though he is better than that.... he's a afraid to buck the system too much.... Daniel isn't, and i think that's what i like most about him.... anyways, that just happens to be how I feel about it. what do you think?
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          What really drew me to Daniel is his whole personality. He just has this great screen presense, I just can't help but be drawn to him.

                          I love Daniel's passionate defense of what he believes in. His compassion for others. His intelligence, and his loyalty. He would go to hell and back for you.
                          His willingness to give so much of himself and expecting nothing in return. Despite the personal sacrifices he has made to help others, Shyla (I think that is her name) in "NEED", to saving the people of Kelowna & the tragedy of "ETHON", he still out there trying to help.

                          In his own way he is protecting others, using his intelligence and compassion to do it instead of using a weapon. It never occurred to me to list that as a character trait. It is just something he does naturally.
                          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                            Originally posted by Dani347
                            Yeah, I wasn't really thinking in terms of position but more character trait. I mean if I were to describe Daniel to someone who had never watched the show, first thing would be he's super intelligent, then, I'd probably mention his sensitivity and stubborness. I probably wouldn't volunteer any info about whether or not he had the ability to protect people (not as a position, but as a skill). Not because of a lack of skill or not, but because it's not a main factor of who he is.

                            I just mean that sometimes when people mention why they like a certain character best, they list the feeling that said character would make them feel safe as the main quality. But, at least some people (me included) who like characters like Daniel don't often voluntarily list that quality. If asked, they might say yes, it's nice to have. And, might mention skill with a weapon if asked, but it wouldn't be the first thing they'd mention in relation to Daniel.
                            Okay, here's my thought... I am a sucker for the damsel-in-distress getting rescued by her hero. Yet I'm also a fan of independent, strong-willed women who fend for themselves. Sound hard to merge? It is. However, I love Daniel because of his compassion and knowledge, his inner strength, boundless generousity and kindness and his loyalty. The thing is that, even in the early seasons when he wasn't as "buff" or trained, he was protecting people in a way that no one else on the show did: he protected them emotionally. As Scarym1 said, he did this with his intelligence and compassion. Sure, someone else could have taken down a few dozen Jaffa when Daniel couldn't, but that same someone wouldn't tell you that you didn't have to go through this alone, recommend detachment (even if only by example), or refuse to acknowledge the emotional stuff in general. They can protect you, but a shield is still a shield. You can't get close. The thing that draws people to Daniel is that he is open to them.

                            Or at least it seems that way to me...
                            The really disturbing thing is, this is me on a GOOD day.


                              Daniel is my favorite not because of his ability to protect someone, though he is more than capable. But if I want muscle and brawn, I'd have picked Jack or Teal'c. I like Daniel because of his willingness to do what's right, no matter what (and often at his own expense).

                              Since there are so many reasons why Daniel is my favorite character. I've made a convenient and easy to read list just for you (with bullet points)! There are no spoilers; I've just put them there in case people don't want the details and just the main points.
                              • Selflessness
                                His willingness to sacrifice himself for anyone. -Anyone-. Seriously, would anyone else had been so quick to do what he did in Meridian? Saving total strangers who were warned what they were doing was dangerous, but was ignored? I really do wonder if Sam, Jack, or Teal'c would have put themselves in that situation if given the chance. What do you guys think? And there are many many more instances where he put others ahead of himself, not just for his team or people he know. I wonder if he was born with this selflessness or a trait that was instilled in him as he was growing up. Since he had already demonstrated this in the movie, we can safely say he didn't acquire it during his time with SG1.
                              • Compassionate
                                I don't think I need to elaborate this point as it is pretty self explanatory and it ties in with selflessness.
                              • Intelligent
                                Erm.. I guess I don't need to elaborate on this point either! Well, I also love the fact that he so relentlessly pursuit knowledge, often endangering himself in the process. The episodes often pointed out to demonstrate the 'essential Daniel' is The First Ones and The Torment of Tantalus and I love both of them.
                              • Unwavering moral stance
                                Throughout 9 years, despite what people say, Daniel has NOT change in this respect. He might be more proficient with weapons, but he always always try to find a way to talk out of a difficult situation first. But the main point here is that he will do what is morally -right-. Like someone else said already, he will shoot down his enemies only because he -knows- that it would be useless talking to them -enemy Jaffa, Goa'ulds (they're pure evil, no matter what), and our newest enemy: The Ori-. Unless there are instances that I've missed, I'd welcome the correction!
                              • Sense of humor
                                Need I say more? And he got more snarky as he spent more time with Jack.. but I really love that.
                              • Shallow moment - he's sooooo handsome.
                                I don't need to say more on this point.

                              All of these, plus more, and all his flaws, has created in him such a strong and powerful personality. I know some are against the evolving Daniel, but I think in essence, he is still the same. He just know how to defend himself better and not be a burden to his teammates. I also know that its been argued again and again, so I'll let it go at that.


                                Originally posted by nyxlily
                                Like someone else said already, he will shoot down his enemies only because he -knows- that it would be useless talking to them -enemy Jaffa, Goa'ulds (they're pure evil, no matter what), and our newest enemy: The Ori-. Unless there are instances that I've missed, I'd welcome the correction!
                                Even with Goa'uld and Ori, he did a lot more talking and a lot less shooting.

