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Daniel Jackson Discussion and Appreciation

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    To be honest the compassion is still there.

    You can see it in the episode.

    Daniel is always the first one to check that
    the soldiers who are injured are ok. I think I saw a few times where he actually stoop down to check that they are ok.
    Good direction there by Peter DeLuise to remind us of Daniel is still the moral compass of not only SG1 but SGC.

    Interesting plot device that Daniel was the first person who supported
    Khalek when he was freed from the statis pod and it runs out he would be the person who kills him

    I think he has become a hardass because
    he has grown wiser and he has become more proficient at doing threat assessments. I mean his "new guy" comment might be joke but I think it shows Daniel's maturity when doing assessing dangers. Later on this awareness is heightened when he knew the threat that Khalek could potentially posed and he knew to protect them he knows what he has to do which is to kill Khalek. To him this is not something that he wants to do but he has to and Khalek knows it and that is why Khalek kept digging at him about having to kill a man before. There's an edge to Daniel now but the compassion that makes him so special is still there. Even Richard Woosey can see this that's why he told him that the family of the soldiers who lost their life would be looked after because that's what will be weighing on Daniel's mind.

    What do you guys think?


      DS is right.... Daniel is still compassionate, but in the past years, his compassion is what always got him screwed over.... he's just learned to be more wary. once he assess the threat, he is the first to react because of all the hardships he's faced in life.

      the reason he's coming off as a hardass, is because we've never seen him react so fast, he always had to butt heads with O'Neill, who had as much experience in the inter-galaxtic field as he did.... but with O'Neill gone, Daniel feels the weight of responcibility has fallen on him.... no one knows better than he what the gou'ald are capable of, no one has the the same skills he does. he's not just an archealogist or linguist, he is a psycho-analitical thinker who thinks not with the culture of his home land, but the cultures of dead civilizations, of other planets..... he never thinks of himself, and if he does, it's in the context of the knowledge he has buried deep in subconscious and his experience....
      I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


        well said, everyone. I spent a few hours at, sg1 thread, there is alot of discussion there also regarding this episode, very eye opening for me...but I still stand that something, has changed daniel. maybe many things...and this is probably a good thing, as the whole dynamic of the story has also changed...don't want the show to be stagnate... people/characters need to grow and change...

        I agree with both of you. thanks for your input.


          Long time no post, but since this thread is so far down, now seems a pretty good time to do some posting.

          I posted my thoughts on Prototype in the episode thread, but just a few thoughts here.

          I think there's precedent from the very first season for Daniel to take the position he did. Daniel's never been one to give the Goa'uld the benefit of the doubt, and Khalek was all Gou'ald, right down to his DNA. Remember, Daniel blasted a tank full of infant symbiotes in the first season, and I believe only lacked the strength to kill Apophis in Serpent's Song, definitely not the will. (Remember, he threatened to kill Apophis, and Apophis taunted that he lacked the strength and the will)

          I also found his scene at the end with Woolsey very good. Daniel was being, I guess harsh is the closest word, but it's still not the one I want, but not cruel. He couldn't forgive Woolsey for not listening and indirectly being responsible for the deaths of those men, but he was also understanding. He knew how Woolsey felt, he understood the urge to study and learn more. Plus, he took no satisfaction that in the end he was right. He wasn't accusatory. I think he was as understanding as he could be and I think Woolsey responded to that.
          I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

          Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

          Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

          Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty

          Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate


            Originally posted by Dani347
            Long time no post, but since this thread is so far down, now seems a pretty good time to do some posting.

            I posted my thoughts on Prototype in the episode thread, but just a few thoughts here.

            I think there's precedent from the very first season for Daniel to take the position he did. Daniel's never been one to give the Goa'uld the benefit of the doubt, and Khalek was all Gou'ald, right down to his DNA. Remember, Daniel blasted a tank full of infant symbiotes in the first season, and I believe only lacked the strength to kill Apophis in Serpent's Song, definitely not the will. (Remember, he threatened to kill Apophis, and Apophis taunted that he lacked the strength and the will)

            I also found his scene at the end with Woolsey very good. Daniel was being, I guess harsh is the closest word, but it's still not the one I want, but not cruel. He couldn't forgive Woolsey for not listening and indirectly being responsible for the deaths of those men, but he was also understanding. He knew how Woolsey felt, he understood the urge to study and learn more. Plus, he took no satisfaction that in the end he was right. He wasn't accusatory. I think he was as understanding as he could be and I think Woolsey responded to that.
            In response to your thoughts on Prototype:

            I believe Daniel was fully capable of killing Apothis. As to why he didn't kill him? It has more to do with his compassion for the host then lacking either the strength or will. I think it also has to do with not shooting someone in the back or while they are down. Or that Sam came by just in nick of time. I often wonder what would have happened if Daniel had been left there for a bit longer. Would Apothis be able to push his buttons to the extent that he would have Snapped and attempted to kill him despite the compassion he had for the host? At that point in Daniel's life I think there was a chance that Apothis could have succeeded.

            I believe it was true to Daniel's character to take the position he did. With Kahlek you there is no distinction between host and symbiote. He is all Goauld. Daniel wouldn't have compassion for something so purely evil. It was the very fact that Daniel was the one suggesting that Kahlek be killed that emphasized just how dangerous he was. It was by ignoring his advice that lead to the death of the men and the near escape of Khalek.

            I don't think of Daniel as being Harsh when Woolsey asked him for forgiveness. I think of him being honest and direct. He wasn't going to sugar coat it. You were correct that he took no satisfaction in the fact that he was right. Even tho, at this moment, he couldn't forgive Woolsley, I think he did have an understanding for the position that Woolsley took.

            Daniel has changed over the past 9 years. His innocence and enthusiasim have been tempered by his experiences. Instead of making him hard and bitter, I believe they have made him more compassionate and more driven to understand the world around him. For the most part he now thinks before he acts. He is more aware of the consequences of his actions. He is not only more confident in himself and his friends but in his place in the Universe.
            Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


              [QUOTE=Scarym1]In response to your thoughts on Prototype:

              I don't think of Daniel as being Harsh when Woolsey asked him for forgiveness. I think of him being honest and direct. He wasn't going to sugar coat it. You were correct that he took no satisfaction in the fact that he was right. Even tho, at this moment, he couldn't forgive Woolsley, I think he did have an understanding for the position that Woolsley took.

              Yes, that's why I said harsh wasn't exactly the word I was looking for. I meant, he didn't try to soften it by a polite lie, or say something merely to ease Woolsey's guilt.

              Some people see Daniel not trying to find another way with Khalek, as being less compassionate, eager to kill, bloodthirsty. I wonder if that's because there are other times when there was another way, and Daniel advocated that. I was thinking last night of something I read that reminded me of Daniel. It was in a book called Emily Climbs. On the surface, this has nothing to do with Daniel. It's a young adult book about a girl in Canada probably in the early 1900's. But, it talked about the difference between being stubborn and being pig-headed. The difference is a pig headed person will constantly ram their head against a brick wall. A stubborn person accepts brick walls, but you have to do a heck of lot to convince them the wall is brick and not cardboard. I see Daniel as being stubborn. He continue to fight, to argue for another way, to try to save someone even if the chance that he'll succeed or that others will listen is insignificant. And, I think that's kind of become his legacy. How you might describe him if someone wanted a quick character bio on him. Which is why I think it seems off for him to be the voice that says, "kill him" However, while Daniel will fight for that sliver of a chance to do things differently, he is capable of seeing where there's no chance. Where there's only one option. He's had 8 years experience to recognize that Khalek was a brick wall that could only be removed one way.

              Hope my metaphorical talk made sense

              I'm a girl! A girly girly girl!

              Okay, you got me. I can't accept change. This message may look like it was typed on a computer and posted on the internet, but it is actually cave drawings delivered by smoke signals.

              Naquada Enhanced Chastity Belts -SG1 edition. On sale now! Heck, I'll give them away

              Daniel Jackson Appreciation and Discussion -because he's more than pretty


              Daniel Jackson: The Beacon of Hope and The Man Who Opened the Stargate



                I think the reason why Daniel didn't hesisate to want to kill Khalek once he found out he was pure Gou'ald is because of Shifu's dream.... He remebered what it was like to have the genetic knowlodge of the Gou'ald, what it did to people, innocent people, to him.... He understood what kind of evil Khalek was capable of because of that dream. Then he also understood what kind of abilities Khalek had cause of his own Ascension.... He understood what was going on in Khalek's mind out of first hand experience... albeit, the experience in question was a really long dream, but it is as much apart of him as the experience he accumilated in the field.
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  Originally posted by Scarym1
                  In response to your thoughts on Prototype:

                  I don't think of Daniel as being Harsh when Woolsey asked him for forgiveness. I think of him being honest and direct. He wasn't going to sugar coat it. You were correct that he took no satisfaction in the fact that he was right. Even tho, at this moment, he couldn't forgive Woolsley, I think he did have an understanding for the position that Woolsley took.

                  Yes, that's why I said harsh wasn't exactly the word I was looking for. I meant, he didn't try to soften it by a polite lie, or say something merely to ease Woolsey's guilt.

                  Some people see Daniel not trying to find another way with Khalek, as being less compassionate, eager to kill, bloodthirsty. I wonder if that's because there are other times when there was another way, and Daniel advocated that. I was thinking last night of something I read that reminded me of Daniel. It was in a book called Emily Climbs. On the surface, this has nothing to do with Daniel. It's a young adult book about a girl in Canada probably in the early 1900's. But, it talked about the difference between being stubborn and being pig-headed. The difference is a pig headed person will constantly ram their head against a brick wall. A stubborn person accepts brick walls, but you have to do a heck of lot to convince them the wall is brick and not cardboard. I see Daniel as being stubborn. He continue to fight, to argue for another way, to try to save someone even if the chance that he'll succeed or that others will listen is insignificant. And, I think that's kind of become his legacy. How you might describe him if someone wanted a quick character bio on him. Which is why I think it seems off for him to be the voice that says, "kill him" However, while Daniel will fight for that sliver of a chance to do things differently, he is capable of seeing where there's no chance. Where there's only one option. He's had 8 years experience to recognize that Khalek was a brick wall that could only be removed one way.

                  Hope my metaphorical talk made sense

                  It makes a lot of sense.

                  I think that is why people see him as being off because for the first time we are getting to see a side of him that we haven't before. If there was any other option then Daniel would have definitely been the first one to suggest it. But like you said his 8 years of experience made him see that for the first time there was really no other way out. There was nobody to save here. No one deserving of his compassion. Daniel would never have made that recommendation without looking at it from all angles.
                  Last edited by Scarym1; 10 October 2005, 02:54 PM.
                  Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                    I adore this thread. I adore Daniel. I posted this question in the General Discussion about all the characters but I figured I'd post it here since you guys will have more insight into our favourite blue-eyed archaeologist.

                    I was at my friend's place reading with him and we came across this article: Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People

                    I immediately wondered whether Daniel would find this amusing or just silly. Then I started wondering if there are any instances where Daniel really laughs on the show. I can't remember any in particular - beyond the chuckling over the 'toss the symbiote' game with Chaka.

                    So if anyone remembers any scenes where Daniel laughed about something... that would be great Plus, what types of tv shows etc do you think he'd find amusing/entertaining? I don't mean Discovery Channel being interesting. I'm talking what would tickle his funnybone?

                    What does everything think? I couldn't ask my friend because he's not very tolerant of my Daniel/Stargate obsession. Am I obsessed when I see archaeologically based DVDs (for example The Mummy) and wonder if Daniel would like them or if he'd be too busy yelling at the screen over the inaccuracies? hehe

                    Thanks for tolerating my stupid questions heehee

                    Good night Atlantis, Good night crescent moon
                    In all my years of searching, I am here...
                    I've finally found you.

                    You can be whatever you want to be... in Atlantis!



                      Originally posted by ImaginaryGoddess
                      I adore this thread. I adore Daniel. I posted this question in the General Discussion about all the characters but I figured I'd post it here since you guys will have more insight into our favourite blue-eyed archaeologist.

                      I was at my friend's place reading with him and we came across this article: Archaeological Dig Uncovers Ancient Race Of Skeleton People

                      I immediately wondered whether Daniel would find this amusing or just silly. Then I started wondering if there are any instances where Daniel really laughs on the show. I can't remember any in particular - beyond the chuckling over the 'toss the symbiote' game with Chaka.

                      So if anyone remembers any scenes where Daniel laughed about something... that would be great Plus, what types of tv shows etc do you think he'd find amusing/entertaining? I don't mean Discovery Channel being interesting. I'm talking what would tickle his funnybone?

                      What does everything think? I couldn't ask my friend because he's not very tolerant of my Daniel/Stargate obsession. Am I obsessed when I see archaeologically based DVDs (for example The Mummy) and wonder if Daniel would like them or if he'd be too busy yelling at the screen over the inaccuracies? hehe

                      Thanks for tolerating my stupid questions heehee

                      Welcome aboard! No questions about Danny is stupid. Obsession, when you're not hurting anyone, is a good thing. Sorry can't really remember him laughing? Then again, do you remember anyone else LOL on the show, except for that one time in Seth when Teal'c tells the Jaff'a joke & starts cracking up? I can't remember.

                      Goa'uld queen in possession of Daniel, Jonas and Martouf clones
                      Lovely signature courtesy of Admiral Q O and Skydiver.


                        there was one epi in season eight where he like really laughed... and between Vala and Mitchell, he had another few good laughs... as for certain scenes, none come to mind.... he did have a few laughs in S7 too... basically, anytime after he "fell".... and i know there are a few before he ascended too, but i just can't think any specific scenes.....
                        I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                          i just remembered a scene in S8, right after the stargate gets stolen and Danyy's interogating the guys who were on duty.... they say something about getting coffee and Danny get's all serious and is like "You went to get while duty?!" and then they start freakin out and he's like "Gotcha" and chuckles....
                          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                            Oh, I love that! Did any one note in "Fallen", when he's joking about as he comes in to the briefing room, and he calls Jack "Jim" (for the second time)? Daniel may not really laugh that often, but I absolutely love when he does, of course. He really has the most wonderful laugh!


                              Thanks for those! The coffee thing with Walter and the other technician is so funny... nasty Daniel! Heehee... and the little 'I forgot what time the briefing was' (amnesia humor) following by the awkward/nervous laugh is so adorable. And the hurt look on Jack's face when Daniel calls him Jim again... that's priceless. Especially when Sam gives him that smug grin. Even with no memory, Daniel is subconsciously still messing with Jack heehee.

                              Good night Atlantis, Good night crescent moon
                              In all my years of searching, I am here...
                              I've finally found you.

                              You can be whatever you want to be... in Atlantis!



                                ohgod, there are soo many more and i can't remember any of them.... **smacks head in hopes memories will fly out and onto thread**
                                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.

