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Teal'c/Christopher Judge Thunk/Discussion/Appreciation

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    More hair. And touching concern for Sam.


      Lets talk
      Why is it that there isn't much Tea'lc fans???
      Why, why, why?


      Chris is such a good actor, why is it the writer allways make him a wallpaper??? In 'RE' it was all Cam and Sam, why not more Teal'c. They ignore him always in a cool episode...WHY???


        Originally posted by valaCB
        Lets talk
        Why is it that there isn't much Tea'lc fans???
        Why, why, why?


        Chris is such a good actor, why is it the writer allways make him a wallpaper??? In 'RE' it was all Cam and Sam, why not more Teal'c. They ignore him always in a cool episode...WHY???
        I'm not sure, I agree that Chris has done a great job on the show. Perhaps they use his presence more than his words. That seems to be what his character is mostly about.

        He is a very important part of the show and it's history. I doubt you could find many to disagree with that. Even if they did, they don't count anyway, right...............

        As for why there aren't more posts in this thread, I think people tend to forget about the strong silent types a bit easier.

        This is for you.


          Originally posted by off-world
          I'm not sure, I agree that Chris has done a great job on the show. Perhaps they use his presence more than his words. That seems to be what his character is mostly about.

          He is a very important part of the show and it's history. I doubt you could find many to disagree with that. Even if they did, they don't count anyway, right...............

          As for why there aren't more posts in this thread, I think people tend to forget about the strong silent types a bit easier.

          This is for you.
          You'r answers seems...right...i guess
          Thanx for the ARMS


            Originally posted by valaCB
            You'r answers seems...right...i guess
            Thanx for the ARMS
            No problem!! Ya gotta love those arms!!!!!


              Originally posted by off-world
              I'm not sure, I agree that Chris has done a great job on the show. Perhaps they use his presence more than his words. That seems to be what his character is mostly about.
              I think that's true. Hard to write up a funny list of Teal'c one-liners like one would for Jack or Daniel, for he hasn't been given much to say. And he's seldom used as the lead male in the show, I mean, how different would it have been if Vala
              had slapped that bracelet on Teal'c instead of Daniel for six episodes this season???
              Hmmm??? He's simply written as a supporting character, so he doesn't get as much screen time.

              But I'm sure he has plenty of fans, perhaps there's just not a large contingent of them HERE at GW. But WE'RE here!

              TEAL'C! TEAL'C! TEAL'C!


                Love it when he smiles.


                  Originally posted by Seshat
                  I think that's true. Hard to write up a funny list of Teal'c one-liners like one would for Jack or Daniel, for he hasn't been given much to say. And he's seldom used as the lead male in the show, I mean, how different would it have been if Vala
                  had slapped that bracelet on Teal'c instead of Daniel for six episodes this season???
                  Hmmm??? He's simply written as a supporting character, so he doesn't get as much screen time.

                  But I'm sure he has plenty of fans, perhaps there's just not a large contingent of them HERE at GW. But WE'RE here!

                  TEAL'C! TEAL'C! TEAL'C!
                  As much as i love Daniel and i DO DO DO LOVES him. If Vala put
                  those bracelet
                  on Teal'c it was ....hysterical, much more funny


                    Originally posted by off-world
                    I'm not sure, I agree that Chris has done a great job on the show. Perhaps they use his presence more than his words. That seems to be what his character is mostly about.

                    He is a very important part of the show and it's history. I doubt you could find many to disagree with that. Even if they did, they don't count anyway, right...............

                    As for why there aren't more posts in this thread, I think people tend to forget about the strong silent types a bit easier.

                    This is for you.

                    I also think CJ does a fabulous job as Teal'c. I'm not really sure why they don't give him more to do. He really was fabulous in his scenes with Gerak in FH2 and his scene at the end of RE was very moving. I often wonder though if perhaps Chris himself enjoys the position he has on Stargate. I mean the man is on a top rated scifi show. It's a regular job, pretty decent money. He seems to have a great time with the cast and crew and the way he chats at the Con's... it's obvious that he really has an extremely hard time concentrating on anything for too long. He's openly admitted that he has ADD at the con in Dallas, so perhaps this is part of the reason. I really don't know, but he is such a sweet man. I absolutely adore seeing him smile. It's a shame we do not get to see it very often with Teal'c.


                      Originally posted by Seshat
                      I think that's true. Hard to write up a funny list of Teal'c one-liners like one would for Jack or Daniel, for he hasn't been given much to say. And he's seldom used as the lead male in the show, I mean, how different would it have been if Vala
                      had slapped that bracelet on Teal'c instead of Daniel for six episodes this season???
                      Hmmm??? He's simply written as a supporting character, so he doesn't get as much screen time.

                      But I'm sure he has plenty of fans, perhaps there's just not a large contingent of them HERE at GW. But WE'RE here!

                      TEAL'C! TEAL'C! TEAL'C!
                      Teal'c is my daughter's favorite Stargate character. She's five, but she's been watching the show with me since she was three. Her favorite episode is WoO because there is a lot of Teal'c. Normally she'll just squeal when Teal'c is on the screen and when he's not she'll say 'Ok, mommy, just call me when Teal'c comes back.' I'm not sure what it is about him, but she thinks he's the funniest man on Earth. Totally flips for that eye brow raise he has.


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                        Teal'c is my daughter's favorite Stargate character. She's five, but she's been watching the show with me since she was three. Her favorite episode is WoO because there is a lot of Teal'c. Normally she'll just squeal when Teal'c is on the screen and when he's not she'll say 'Ok, mommy, just call me when Teal'c comes back.' I'm not sure what it is about him, but she thinks he's the funniest man on Earth. Totally flips for that eye brow raise he has.
                        So CUTE


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                          Teal'c is my daughter's favorite Stargate character. She's five, but she's been watching the show with me since she was three. Her favorite episode is WoO because there is a lot of Teal'c. Normally she'll just squeal when Teal'c is on the screen and when he's not she'll say 'Ok, mommy, just call me when Teal'c comes back.' I'm not sure what it is about him, but she thinks he's the funniest man on Earth. Totally flips for that eye brow raise he has.
                          What a great story!


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                            Teal'c is my daughter's favorite Stargate character. She's five, but she's been watching the show with me since she was three. Her favorite episode is WoO because there is a lot of Teal'c. Normally she'll just squeal when Teal'c is on the screen and when he's not she'll say 'Ok, mommy, just call me when Teal'c comes back.' I'm not sure what it is about him, but she thinks he's the funniest man on Earth. Totally flips for that eye brow raise he has.
                            I have the same situation here, my two year old LOVES him! He was the first one she recognized by name, the only voice she seems to recognize from across the house (she comes running) and her first reference when describing the show to other people. Kids have a sense for good people.



                                Originally posted by off-world
                                Kids have a sense for good people.

