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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by nayanroo View Post
    I'm really stressed so I'm going to post screencaps and eat my half-off Easter candy.
    Sounds like a plan. Someone else can eat my chocolate though - April has not been kind to my waistline. I really need to fit exercise into my daily routine before I start doing a fair impression of Jabba. At least I can say, hand on heart, that I'm a "well rounded" individual


      Originally posted by misaditas View Post
      Sounds like a plan. Someone else can eat my chocolate though - April has not been kind to my waistline. I really need to fit exercise into my daily routine before I start doing a fair impression of Jabba. At least I can say, hand on heart, that I'm a "well rounded" individual
      I'm heading into my very last finals week so uh, eating healthy... or in general... is kind of a "when I remember" thing. College has wrought havoc on my body anyway. Something to do with all the time I spent on my behind or in the lab. XD


        Originally posted by nayanroo View Post
        I'm heading into my very last finals week so uh, eating healthy... or in general... is kind of a "when I remember" thing. College has wrought havoc on my body anyway. Something to do with all the time I spent on my behind or in the lab. XD
        My problem is the sheer amount of time I spend on my rump - today I wrote from 9am to 2.30pm. At least tomorrow I have dance class, but I really need to schedule some exercise time daily. Things are only going to get busier and I need to lose weight. I'm not even admiting how heavy I am *cringes*


          Taken at Dragon Con of Cliff and Dominic Keating from Star Trek Enterprise.
          Visit me on


            Misa, don't ever put yourself down due to your weight. It's highly overrated, and many thousands of ppl who are "obese" do just fine and have no health problems.

            I find that the actors that are discussed in these thunks and go to the cons are totally non-judgemental. Doctors are the most judgemental people that I know of when it comes to physical appearance. My bf says to not even worry about those things, and he's "underweight".

            I'm sure if any of the actors judged a fan that way, and said some snide remark, they'd get their pants sued off them, and AG would be on here telling us the scoop about the shag who got his comeuppance.

            Sorry if this is too personal, but I underwent something I call "doctor supervised weight gain" in that I had a serious disease that they refused to consider, and one of the symptoms was weight gain. Once I got a diagnosis (not from a doctor), I was able to change my diet, and the gain stopped, literally the next day.

            Aesop's moral: Stay away from doctors, they are not your friend!


              At least with weight-related issues! Honestly I'm content with how I look and haters gonna hate. Now if only I could find a pic to go with that...

              I got nothin'. So have more screencaps (oh the things procrastination motivates...)

              "idk man"

              "omg shut up before i choke you"

              Something about this seems ominous...
              Last edited by nayanroo; 03 May 2011, 09:04 PM. Reason: I JUST WANT TO BE PERFECT


                Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                Taken at Dragon Con of Cliff and Dominic Keating from Star Trek Enterprise.
                I'm glad you told me that, because I'd no idea who it was LOL. The only person I'd recognise from Enterprise is Connor, and that's because of SGA. Oh, and Sam from Quantum Leap (and whose real name escapes me).

                Cliff continues to look very good. But he needs to be on my TV and not just SG repeats (Sky 2 cut his scene from Threads yesterday. I was very unimpressed.) I think they should get him on Castle. I might have mentioned this once or twice on Twitter. Maybe

                Originally posted by Ibn Rushd View Post
                I find that the actors that are discussed in these thunks and go to the cons are totally non-judgemental. [snip] I'm sure if any of the actors judged a fan that way, and said some snide remark, they'd get their pants sued off them, and AG would be on here telling us the scoop about the shag who got his comeuppance.
                I don't believe for one second that Cliff would say anything, but... I look back on some photos and cringe. I can be slimmer and for that fact would be ashamed of myself. It's the main reason I'm glad I can't get to Starcon or Shore Leave. He might not say anything but he'd think it and that's not the impression I want to give.

                But more than anything, I want to do it for myself. I'm not ever going to be as slim I as was in my twenties - I've have five kids, fcol! - but I can get down to size 18, maybe even 16. That would be good.




                    :: just drools ::

                    Oh the man is so sexy....
                    This isn't about love. This is about revenge....


                      Originally posted by AllyCat View Post
                      :: just drools ::

                      Oh the man is so sexy....
                      So very true.


                        Ok, on page 565 there was a link to the youtube version of American Affirmations, and I watched it. Very moving message with moving pictures (no not a "movie"). Sometimes I feel that if Canada goes corrupt then the first thing I'm doing is head to the US.


                          I found the YT vid the other day while looking for something else. I haven't watched it yet, for no real reason than just not. My own experience of America is one I look back on with a lot of pleasure - that surprised me, but I think I'd picked up a lot of groundless prejudices from TV and newspapers. Before 09 I'd never had a huge desire to visit and the only reason I did was because of the con. Now? I'd go back in a heartbeat. And definitely for longer than a weekend.

                          Okay, need to keep this legal. A real drag, that, heh.

                          This is my favourite promo shot. God, that smirk! *dies*
                          Last edited by misaditas; 05 May 2011, 01:08 AM. Reason: Photobucket!fail




                              Geez, men really are the same the universe over - give them something sharp and they immediately have to test the edge on themselves. Mittens, that's all I'm sayin'.



