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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    I've been suffering depression over Christmas. Not as bad as 'considering self-harm/suicide', but bad enough for me to have no Christmas sprit and to be glad when we took the decorations down today. I've treated myself to Continuum, on the grounds that if a large dose of Cliff doesn't cheer me up, nothing will.

    Hubby has been hanging pictures around the house. Today he told me that I could have Cliff hanging on the wall, instead of standing near my computer desk. If Cliff was hanging on the wall, he wouldn't stay there for very long. Come to think of it, he wouldn't stay standing near my computer desk, either. Unfortunately, it's just a signed photo, not the actual person.

    Happy New Year, everybody. Hope it's a healthy and prosperous one.
    Dragon by name, Cheerful by nature

    Sig by *E*K*R*


      Originally posted by Cheerful Dragon View Post
      I've been suffering depression over Christmas. Not as bad as 'considering self-harm/suicide', but bad enough for me to have no Christmas sprit and to be glad when we took the decorations down today. I've treated myself to Continuum, on the grounds that if a large dose of Cliff doesn't cheer me up, nothing will.

      Hubby has been hanging pictures around the house. Today he told me that I could have Cliff hanging on the wall, instead of standing near my computer desk. If Cliff was hanging on the wall, he wouldn't stay there for very long. Come to think of it, he wouldn't stay standing near my computer desk, either. Unfortunately, it's just a signed photo, not the actual person.

      Happy New Year, everybody. Hope it's a healthy and prosperous one.
      *huggles* Sorry to hear about your depression. *huggles* I hope watching Continuum helped, once I get back to UBC, I'm going to try and find some time to cap all the lovely arm porn.

      Yay! Have you figured out where he's going to be hanging then? I say somewhere where you'll see him a lot, but not enough to annoy hubs.

      *huggles* Happy New Year to you as well!
      Awesome sig by Laura
      "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

      The randomess that is me
      Nibbles Zane Ducky Pixie Ace Bunny Sally Hunter Kitty






            Originally posted by Salamas View Post
            *huggles* Sorry to hear about your depression. *huggles* I hope watching Continuum helped, once I get back to UBC, I'm going to try and find some time to cap all the lovely arm porn.

            Yay! Have you figured out where he's going to be hanging then? I say somewhere where you'll see him a lot, but not enough to annoy hubs.

            *huggles* Happy New Year to you as well!
            Continuum helped a bit, but hasn't cleared the problem.

            As for the picture, it's staying put. I can see it out of the corner of my eye as I type, and only have to turn my head slightly to look at it. The area of wall above it is reserved for the poster of my sig banner, when I finally get a large version printed and then signed by HRH. I have no idea when that will be as the person who made the original hasn't been around much for nearly two years. Sa'Hut_IH' said she'd do one for me, but she's been busy with other things and I don't like to push on this. I may have to try to do it myself.

            Iffy, thanks for posting the pictures. Ba'al trying to figure out how to cheer me up, perhaps?
            Last edited by Cheerful Dragon; 04 January 2009, 05:48 PM.
            Dragon by name, Cheerful by nature

            Sig by *E*K*R*


              Wow. Two weeks without a Cliff/Ba'al fix. *madly scans all missed posts*



                Originally posted by Cheerful Dragon View Post
                I've been suffering depression over Christmas. Not as bad as 'considering self-harm/suicide', but bad enough for me to have no Christmas sprit and to be glad when we took the decorations down today. I've treated myself to Continuum, on the grounds that if a large dose of Cliff doesn't cheer me up, nothing will.

                Hubby has been hanging pictures around the house. Today he told me that I could have Cliff hanging on the wall, instead of standing near my computer desk. If Cliff was hanging on the wall, he wouldn't stay there for very long. Come to think of it, he wouldn't stay standing near my computer desk, either. Unfortunately, it's just a signed photo, not the actual person.

                Happy New Year, everybody. Hope it's a healthy and prosperous one.
                Aww!! That's terribly unfortunate! *hugs* I hope you get over it soon!!!! Just keep looking at Cliff!!

                Boys and their toys!!

                Made by Me!


                  Hubby and I were watching Sanctuary last night and when this one character walked on, Hubby exclaimed "Wow.. that should have been Ba'al playing that role!" When I got a look at him and discovered who the character was to be, I TOTALLY agreed!! Cliff would have been PERFECT for the role!!!


                  Made by Me!




                      Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                      Hubby and I were watching Sanctuary last night and when this one character walked on, Hubby exclaimed "Wow.. that should have been Ba'al playing that role!" When I got a look at him and discovered who the character was to be, I TOTALLY agreed!! Cliff would have been PERFECT for the role!!!

                      I know exactly who you mean! It was my first thought when he came on screen too! He was very smooth and goatee'd, just like ba'al!
                      Too cool for a signature.


                        Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                        I know exactly who you mean! It was my first thought when he came on screen too! He was very smooth and goatee'd, just like ba'al!
                        And the thick accent.... and kind of snarkiness... Cliff would have been perfect for it!!!

                        Made by Me!


                          Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                          And the thick accent.... and kind of snarkiness... Cliff would have been perfect for it!!!

                          I'll have to tell Damian Kindler off for that.

                          I hope you start feeling better soon, Cheerful Dragon.
                          Visit me on


                            I hope you are feeling better for the New Year Cheerful Dragon. A good healthy dose of Cliff never goes astray.

                            OK say in a supreme fit of fangirlness (and stupidity) I finally discovered what is in Ba'al hand in that delicious Continuum pic

                            HP: On the right just below my shoulder blade, hurry it really itches!!
                            Last edited by humanityspotential; 05 January 2009, 07:06 PM.




                                Originally posted by humanityspotential View Post
                                I hope you are feeling better for the New Year Cheerful Dragon. A good healthy dose of Cliff never goes astray.

                                OK say in a supreme fit of fangirlness (and stupidity) I finally discovered what is in Ba'al hand in that delicious Continuum pic


                                HP: On the right just below my shoulder blade, hurry it really itches!!
                                ROFL!!! That's a good one!!
                                Visit me on

