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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Cheerful Dragon View Post
    I can see Cliff's point. For a long time women have been speaking out about being seen as 's*x objects' (don't know how GateWorld reacts to that word). Repeated requests for Cliff to go shirtless aren't so very different. OK, a shirtless man doesn't show as much as a topless woman, but the reasons for wanting him to take off his shirt are pretty much the same.

    In my case the attraction is the man (personality, intelligence, etc) and the acting. I'm basing this on what I've picked up about Cliff from what people have said, and from my experiences of him online. He has a great body and seeing it occasionally is OK, but it's not essential.

    So, AG, you can tell Cliff that he has at least one female fan who ranks the man and his acting before his body. (Great face, though!)

    Well, now, maybe I should tell him he needs to cover his face too. I'll get him a veil. (giggle) He works so hard to keep in shape, it's frustrating when he won't show it off. I think a lot of it has to do with Michael Shanks, who often criticized him for taking off his shirt. It made him a little more reserved about it. Shanks would often say that fans don't ask the female actors to remove clothing, so why should they ask him?

    But, since Cliff now won't go there, I respect that. Personally, I think his taking his shirt off at three conventions helped him gain more fans. Women really wanted to see him at conventions after that. Suddenly, everyone knew who Cliff Simon was. It did get a bit over the top in Chicago in 2007, however. One fan was asking every actor to remove their shirt. The shirt removal was halted for all the actors at that point. It was fun while it lasted. And we can still admire a very hot man in this thread.

    CD, I'll let Cliff know your comments the next time the topic comes up. With me, it comes up at least every second con. He's so much fun to tease.And he has such a wicked sense of humour.

    Originally posted by Fainne View Post
    hihu Ba'alians,

    ver god conversation in here. CD i second that.

    i personally am very glad i didn't buy the ticket to London. one of my housemates gave me a stomach bug and im even to week to only sit up

    still no answer from FedCon Germany...
    I'm sorry you are not feeling well, Fainne. I had the flu for three days last week. It seems to be traveling around the world. I hope you get better soon.
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      Originally posted by Fainne View Post
      hihu Ba'alians,

      ver god conversation in here. CD i second that.

      i personally am very glad i didn't buy the ticket to London. one of my housemates gave me a stomach bug and im even to week to only sit up

      still no answer from FedCon Germany...
      Aww hun, I hope you feel better soon!!!

      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post

      Well, now, maybe I should tell him he needs to cover his face too. I'll get him a veil. (giggle) He works so hard to keep in shape, it's frustrating when he won't show it off. I think a lot of it has to do with Michael Shanks, who often criticized him for taking off his shirt. It made him a little more reserved about it. Shanks would often say that fans don't ask the female actors to remove clothing, so why should they ask him?

      But, since Cliff now won't go there, I respect that. Personally, I think his taking his shirt off at three conventions helped him gain more fans. Women really wanted to see him at conventions after that. Suddenly, everyone knew who Cliff Simon was. It did get a bit over the top in Chicago in 2007, however. One fan was asking every actor to remove their shirt. The shirt removal was halted for all the actors at that point. It was fun while it lasted. And we can still admire a very hot man in this thread.

      CD, I'll let Cliff know your comments the next time the topic comes up. With me, it comes up at least every second con. He's so much fun to tease.And he has such a wicked sense of humour.

      I'm sorry you are not feeling well, Fainne. I had the flu for three days last week. It seems to be traveling around the world. I hope you get better soon.
      Silly Michael!! Ruining it for the rest of us!!!

      Made by Me!


        Really I'm just happy w/ the arms and a shirt.

        Are any of us EVER over the arm porn? LMAO I mean it's Arm..... and it's Porn... can it get any better than that?!
        So true



          thanks everyone. I'm better today. AG you had it for 3 days??? i nearly died from having it only one day...

          I'm happy with this armporn too. though i enjoy thosewithout-shirt-pics too. but it's all about if he's comfortable or not.


            For the record Michael Shanks has never criticized Cliff for taking his shirt off.

            I first saw Cliff at German City Con, and was utterly blown away by both his presence and his amazingly incredibly lithe and limber body...uh where was I? At the con in London where Michael Shanks had to cancel, and Cliff stepped up to carry the whole con - well he was just amazing. He has the stage presence and charisma to hold a room full (nearly a thousand I believe) of people with just a smile and couple of lines.

            Perhaps, having been an Olympic level swimmer, a dancer at the Moulin Rouge, and a member of a South African male strippers troupe, he's just decided that he's spent enough of his career sans shirt? A sad sad day indeed, but I fully respect his decision. And frankly, I'd travel miles just for his wonderful smile alone. And those eyes! He has amazingly kind eyes. They melt you on the spot!


              i tend to agree gipsy. somehow i can't see someone as professional as Cliff allowing a fellow actor to dictate his actions.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                Originally posted by GateGipsy View Post
                For the record Michael Shanks has never criticized Cliff for taking his shirt off.

                I first saw Cliff at German City Con, and was utterly blown away by both his presence and his amazingly incredibly lithe and limber body...uh where was I? At the con in London where Michael Shanks had to cancel, and Cliff stepped up to carry the whole con - well he was just amazing. He has the stage presence and charisma to hold a room full (nearly a thousand I believe) of people with just a smile and couple of lines.

                Perhaps, having been an Olympic level swimmer, a dancer at the Moulin Rouge, and a member of a South African male strippers troupe, he's just decided that he's spent enough of his career sans shirt? A sad sad day indeed, but I fully respect his decision. And frankly, I'd travel miles just for his wonderful smile alone. And those eyes! He has amazingly kind eyes. They melt you on the spot!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i tend to agree gipsy. somehow i can't see someone as professional as Cliff allowing a fellow actor to dictate his actions.
                Not to rain on anyone's parade, but I was there when Michael did criticize Cliff publicly. <snip...personal issues are off topic>
                Last edited by Skydiver; 07 November 2008, 04:18 PM.
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                  *cuts the tension in the room with some pics!!!


                  Made by Me!




                      inter actor relations seem a bit off topic for a fun thunk thread.

                      how about folks get back to enjoying the eye candy and enough with the gossip and innuendo
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?





                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          inter actor relations seem a bit off topic for a fun thunk thread.

                          how about folks get back to enjoying the eye candy and enough with the gossip and innuendo

                          [mod snip - insinuations are no more welocome than gossip and innuendo]

                          So, since we talked about our favorite Ba'al episode, which one was maybe not the favorite one? For me, it would be the ones where Ba'al was seen only "on screen" talking to a team member. That would have been when he was on another ship or in another location and the only interaction he had was over a video screen. I think the episode was called, "Homecoming".
                          Last edited by Madeleine; 08 November 2008, 01:57 AM.
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                            I am so dismal w/ names of episodes Yeah, that one is not a favorite of mine either. I always wanted him in the one were the System Lords go to Earth for negotiations.



                              Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                              I am so dismal w/ names of episodes Yeah, that one is not a favorite of mine either. I always wanted him in the one were the System Lords go to Earth for negotiations.

                              Now THAT would have been a great episode with Ba'al in it. But considering how much Ba'al we did get in season's nine and ten, I suspect if they had brought him in earlier, he would have been killed off as Cronus was, and we'd be thunking over someone else - maybe not quite as hard though.
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                                I didn't like their Kronos, I just could not imagine him eating his own kids. He wasn't nasty enough

