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Ba'al /Cliff Simon Thunk,Discussion and Appreciation

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    haha, now I somehow have the pic of baby kittens climbing on a leg in my mind - have you ever seen something like that? xD


      LOL! My cat Sekmet used to "climb" my leg (I had these baggy jeans that I would wear) when I'd dangle a piece of meat or something. And when I say climb, I mean he would LAUNCH himself at me and then use his claws to climb up to my hand. Like you, I have this hilarious image of all these women launching themselves at Cliff.
      Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

      I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


      Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


        Originally posted by dancer_4_daniel View Post
        LOL! My cat Sekmet used to "climb" my leg (I had these baggy jeans that I would wear) when I'd dangle a piece of meat or something. And when I say climb, I mean he would LAUNCH himself at me and then use his claws to climb up to my hand. Like you, I have this hilarious image of all these women launching themselves at Cliff.
        haha, but please don't scratch him too much, ladies. we need him alive


          Nope, no scratching, lol.
          Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

          I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


          Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


            Cliff's opinion of the Lady Launching Process.....

            Or, it could be....

            Visit me on


              *teheee* yes, we are all bad girls and we need to be punished








                      Originally posted by Iffy View Post
                      cliff climbers I have this picutre in my head of all these gals trying to climb up Cliff and hanging from him
                      You laugh, but I can actually see it happening in a few weeks LOL!!

                      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post

                      Cliff would love the attention.
                      I don't know a man that wouldn't!!

                      Wanted to congradulate you on winning the Wii challenge with Cliff!! Can't wait to see it!!!

                      Originally posted by Arctic Goddess View Post
                      Cliff's opinion of the Lady Launching Process.....

                      Or, it could be....

                      OMG!! I seriously just lol'd!!!! That first pic just killed me!! HAHAHA

                      Side note, I'm working on our "Cliff-Divers" buttons right now AG....

                      I'm totally wearing mine to the Fan party.. And I'm not ashamed to admit I'm making it the right colours to match the pretty little sundress I plan to wear that night too!

                      Made by Me!


                        Lucky girls...I live close to Vancouver and I'd go to the con, but due to medical bills (from my car accident) and my college loan, I have to work. Say hi to him for me, lol.
                        Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                        I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                        Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)


                          Originally posted by dancer_4_daniel View Post
                          Lucky girls...I live close to Vancouver and I'd go to the con, but due to medical bills (from my car accident) and my college loan, I have to work. Say hi to him for me, lol.
                          Ugh, I'm literally 45 minutes away from where the con is being held, but all my geeky friends (and there are very few) are out of town for it.

                          Conflicted! What shall I do?
                          Too cool for a signature.


                            Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                            You laugh, but I can actually see it happening in a few weeks LOL!!

                            I don't know a man that wouldn't!!

                            Wanted to congradulate you on winning the Wii challenge with Cliff!! Can't wait to see it!!!

                            OMG!! I seriously just lol'd!!!! That first pic just killed me!! HAHAHA

                            Side note, I'm working on our "Cliff-Divers" buttons right now AG....

                            I'm totally wearing mine to the Fan party.. And I'm not ashamed to admit I'm making it the right colours to match the pretty little sundress I plan to wear that night too!
                            We are going to make an impression!!! LOL!!!

                            Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                            Ugh, I'm literally 45 minutes away from where the con is being held, but all my geeky friends (and there are very few) are out of town for it.

                            Conflicted! What shall I do?
                            Go anyway! You will meet lots of like minded people including Sun'shyne and I. We are strange, but fun.
                            Visit me on


                              Originally posted by Sun'shyne View Post
                              You laugh, but I can actually see it happening in a few weeks LOL!!
                              what EVER happpens, please make pictures or a video. I defeniteley want to see that xD

                              Side note, I'm working on our "Cliff-Divers" buttons right now AG....

                              I'm totally wearing mine to the Fan party.. And I'm not ashamed to admit I'm making it the right colours to match the pretty little sundress I plan to wear that night too!
                              haha, how cool is that? can you post a pic of them? I's love to see them.

                              Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
                              Ugh, I'm literally 45 minutes away from where the con is being held, but all my geeky friends (and there are very few) are out of town for it.

                              Conflicted! What shall I do?
                              I'm sorry to hear that. what about going alone - there would be a lot of geeks to meet at the con. It wouldn'zt be that funny as if you'd gowith your friends. But if you got the cahnce to go there do it


                                Yep. Carpe Cliffum-Sieze the Cliff...err, I mean the day. Yeah, that's what I meant...
                                Lt. Liam Mackenzie Harris

                                I'm an aunt again! YEA!!!


                                Carpe Cliffum-Seize the Cliff! (copyright me, lol)

