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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    *bounces into thread*

    Hi Everyone,

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    thanks to morjana
    From TV Guide Online:

    Exclusive: Sci Fi Seeks More Sanctuary

    Nov 12, 2008 08:21 PM ET

    by Erin Fox

    Fear not, all forms of creatures, the "Sanctuary for all" will remain
    open for another season. has learned exclusively that Sci Fi channel has greenlit
    production on a second season of Sanctuary, ordering 13 new hours of
    the series.
    OMG!! SQUEEEEEEE! This is fantastic! WTG everyone at Sanctuary!!!


    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      thanks to morjana
      From TV Guide Online:

      Exclusive: Sci Fi Seeks More Sanctuary

      Nov 12, 2008 08:21 PM ET

      by Erin Fox

      Fear not, all forms of creatures, the "Sanctuary for all" will remain
      open for another season. has learned exclusively that Sci Fi channel has greenlit
      production on a second season of Sanctuary, ordering 13 new hours of
      the series.
      I actually noticed it on the GW front page before heading over here but it's wonderfully fantastic news just the same. Yay for Amanda! I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when she was first given the good news.

      Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

      And a little something I was fooling around with. A Gaia avatar (I think that's what they're called) for Helen.
      Too cute! *sits cross-legged* What program did you use to make it?


        Originally posted by Celandine View Post
        Too cute! *sits cross-legged* What program did you use to make it?
        Thanks I used this site


          Just saw the Sanctuary news and had to add my Woo Hoo! and Yee Haw!
          Go Amanda!


            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            OMG guys, I just had a really scary Amanda dream....... I dreamt I went to AT4 . Yeah, I was in the hotel, and I met Julia, and she said hi to me . Then I walked around a bit, I remember being uncontrollably scared my meeting my hero, my idol, my girl , but then, I came across a room with some of our follow Samandans like AT_Fan, Chelle, ChopinGal, EH-T, Julia, Sally, Sky, LilFerret and... I can't remember the rest . I was happy glad to see you guys, and at the same time, I was a little down because I saw your faces, and you'll were there with happy faces, confidence, and I was there all scared of looking dumb, and I remember thinking, I don't deserve to be at a party like this. Anyway you guys were all wearing your PJ's. As time went by I kept getting even more scared, and I was thinking "No, no, no, I can't do this, I can't do this, I'm gonna look like a total goof, she's not going to like me, I want to go home" Then I woke up. Oh, and Amanda wasn't even in the dream, could you imagine if she was?

            I think this dream actually opened my eyes a bit, lately I've been thinking about what it'd be like meeting Amanda, and what I'd do, but now after this dream, it's sorta made me realize I'd never be at ease, I'd be watching my every word, and I wouldn't even know what to give her as a gift-- flowers? Then I'd probably seem like I'm trying to hard, write her a poem? I'd probably Julia read it like she read her own to Amanda. I wouldn't even know how to start a conversation But yeah, I'm sure Amanda would want to rather talk to one of y'all, with confidence and what not, instead of little old me who'd be a walking train wreck every second. I enjoy just coming here and talking about her with you guys, making her cards and what not then going up to Amanda and looking dumb. Besides, I feel like I know her already through you guys, so it's all good.

            Oh, speaking of Julia's speech, I was browsing through the Gabit website, and I found an actual video of Julia's closing speech to Amanda, and it was so beautiful. Scroll down near the page and you'll find the video.
            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            well, if it eases your mind, don't worry about a gift. None are allowed

            Amanda doesn't want anything from her fans beyond their time. (and maybe a donation to a charity or two....completely voluntary)

            Rocky, just go with an open mind and you'll be fine. The other fans and amanda won't let you get all excluded. You're welcome to participate as much as you want to.
            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
            Rocky, I was just thinking today. I only saw Amanda at AT3. I watched her on stage and stood in line for my photo op and auto. I didn't have any conversation with her (besides her asking me my name, surely you could answer a question like that lol), I didn't get her a gift or write her a poem. Just enjoyed the event without any of those pressures. It was really cool There really isn't enough time for everyone to have real conversations etc. with Amanda. But it still is very awesome to "meet" her like this.
            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            Don't worry, you'd be among fellow "goofs" with the Samandans. (Ok, I hear you guys: "Speak for yourself, jckfan!")

            Though I haven't met anyone here in person (maybe in Chicago this summer? ) based on getting to know everyone here, I can't imagine you'd be excluded, Rocky. And Amanda would be cool with nervous fans by all accounts.
            Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
            Yeah I agree with you Lies I was to nervous at AT3 to actually talk to Amanda but that didn't stop me enjoying "meeting" her as you said, I had a blast! And Rocky one thing to maybe keep in mind is that at a GABIT event the fun and excitement (well in my limited experience anyway) is as much about meeting each other as it is about meeting Amanda herself. Seriously its a fantastic weekend!

            Thanks for the good words you guys, but... I don't know . Like I said on the Sam/AT thread, if I ever do meet Amanda, and that's a VERY BIG "if", I still can't ingore the thought that she wouldn't like me . I mean if I met her, I wouldn't even know how to say hi, I mean what would I say? "Hi, I'm Mike, it's an honor to meet you, I'm a HUGE fan of yours (emphasis on the H-U-G-E)*blah, blah, blah* you've had a huge impact on my life, and to so many others as well" and so on. I'm afraid she would think I'm corny . And could you imagine if she recognized my voice from my audio birthday message?

            As for the gifts, I meant getting her something at AT4, and I believe you Sky when you say I wouldn't be excluded, and I know Amanda LOVES all her fans, probably especially the nervous ones, it's just that I wouldn't want to make Amanda feel uncomfortable, I love her too much .

            I don't know why, but it's actually really, and I mean REALLY been bothering me lately that I've never met her, and probably never will . I guess it because lately I've been hearing lots of stories from you guys (stories which I LOVE ) and not just the recent ones, but stories from pages and pages back, and by now if someone asked me to talk about any one's story or stories about meeting Amanda, I could tell them the stories off by heart. I really could . And what REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bothers me a lot, and it shouldn't but it does, is that I don't even have 1 story of my own .

            And what's also bugging me a lot is, and this is gonna sound incredibly silly, but I wanted to meet Amanda before we get too old (NOT calling Amanda old) it's just that I see pics of her and fans from like the 90's and recent pics with you guys from the Gabit cons, CC and Gatecon, and what not, and I see you guys all happy, having fun, and all. I mean, I'm super happy for y'all but, I'm also a tiny bit sad, not before, but now now, because wish I could have a pic with her too . And then I hear talk about AT8 and then I realize she'll be like 48 , but just as beautiful then if not more . And I want-- I'd like to meet her now, like you guys do, while we're all still young . I'd like to meet and talk about her about things going now, and what now, not in years from now asking about things that happened, and when it's all over, see what I'm saying? I guess it's because I feel like I'm missing out you know.
            Last edited by Rocky89; 13 November 2008, 09:35 AM.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              thanks to morjana
              From TV Guide Online:


              Exclusive: Sci Fi Seeks More Sanctuary

              Nov 12, 2008 08:21 PM ET

              by Erin Fox

              Fear not, all forms of creatures, the "Sanctuary for all" will remain
              open for another season.

     has learned exclusively that Sci Fi channel has greenlit
              production on a second season of Sanctuary, ordering 13 new hours of
              the series.
              Originally posted by morjana View Post
              Thank you, Sky, for relaying the news!


              Excellent news!

              (Does snoopy dance of joy.)

              Thanks so much ladies! Did I ever mention I love you?

              Pardon me a moment, it is not like me, but I'd just like to squeeeeeeeeeeeee!

              Very happy for Amanda and the Sanctuary cast and crew. They make me proud!

              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
              From Joe's blog:

              "SG-1 and Atlantis owe much of their success to great characters like Jack O’Neill, Daniel Jackson, Amanda Tapping, Teal’c, and McKay."

              Heh, Amanda really did contribute to the success didn't she?
              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
              Nope. She'll be hooked completely if you can get her there. People have become fans after experiencing a convention. (seeing just how cool the stars and the fans are)

              Hmmm. Interesting. All the other names listed are character names, but he lists Amanda instead of Carter. Wonder what that means?
              Maybe he thinks Amanda is quite a character.

              Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                Thanks so much ladies! Did I ever mention I love you?

                Pardon me a moment, it is not like me, but I'd just like to squeeeeeeeeeeeee!

                Very happy for Amanda and the Sanctuary cast and crew. They make me proud!

                Maybe he thinks Amanda is quite a character.
                Of that, there is no doubt. Very interesting slip though.
                Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                William Shakespeare

                Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                  eek, no post in 7 hours....mmhm

                  shall we start to speculate on thanksgiving?

                  how would the team/sam celebrate the holiday?
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    eek, no post in 7 hours....mmhm

                    shall we start to speculate on thanksgiving?

                    how would the team/sam celebrate the holiday?
                    Jack would...BBQ a turkey ...Sam would see the smoke...there'd be nibbles and beer and cake...Sam and Jack at Thanksgiving...mistletoe...yes, that's right - mistletoe.

                    THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                      Agreed. Maybe not the turkey, but something would definitely be put on the grill.

                      Also, no leftovers.


                        They would have it at Janet's and Jack would keep trying to baste the turkey with beer, asking Sam to watch his six

                        my fanfic


                          or jack does 'beer can bbqing'

                          where you prop the turkey up on a beer can and grill it
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                            They would have it at Janet's and Jack would keep trying to baste the turkey with beer, asking Sam to watch his six
                            I thought you were a polar bear???
                            I still have yet to upload my film of the polar bears at Sea World on a holiday...I will'll love it Mandy!! It was sooo cute!
                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            or jack does 'beer can bbqing'
                            where you prop the turkey up on a beer can and grill it
                            I'm still trying to see it but...I just keep seeing Jacks bbq as a pimped up beer keg turned into a he's literally cooking on the keg!
                            I'm not that familiar with Thanksgiving and all that goes with it so I'm just gonna wing it and say that I think that if Sam's not working on thanksgiving then I can see her and the team hanging out at Jack's house or the cabin having whatever it is you all have on thanksgiving...and maybe a bit of drinking and some poker!! And some huggin' by the fire and...oh wait...this isn't the ship thread...whoops!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by Chelle DB View Post
                              Night all...been a good day with the news on Sanctuary...bit disappointed with some of the reactions on the GW home page but I guess that's bound to happen.
                              oh, the dingwadders have to have something to ding about!

                              but yeah, it's quite a mixed boat of jealousy, bitterness, and the lovelies from another forum that will *never* get over their perceived betrayal. but enough *fans* of sanctuary are stating their opinions.



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                or jack does 'beer can bbqing'

                                where you prop the turkey up on a beer can and grill it
                                Wow, that sounds like a rather strange way to cook a turkey.

                                This talk of Thanksgiving reminded me that this year will actually be my first time celebrating the holiday (lifelong vegetarian, so all the turkey eating...not so much. ). I'll be going with my parents to a restaurant that serves a completely all-vegetarian/vegan thanksgiving feast, which should be quite fun.


