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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by PengYn View Post

    Vala: You're plotting something aren't you, Samantha?
    Sam: How did you guess?

    So, what is Sam plotting?
    One word: Jello.
    Last edited by Skydiver; 10 August 2008, 02:45 PM.

    Courtesy of smurf, as always


      Hey y'all. First I have some wonderful news. From Thursday till Sunday evening, I can't post a message here on Gateworld. I'm on a 4 day trip to Normandy. To see Omaha, Utah and the other beaches the allies landed.
      So expect an album with pictures of me, in battle dress, and some others as well.

      Something funny happend today, here we discussed about Sam's age and we referred to the "Entity" episode. Guess which episode was airing today on TV here? Yes Entity! I immeadiatly had to think of you guys.

      There's a Flemish detective series airing here (as in Morse, Midsomer Murder genre)(called Witse, after the inspector). And his right hand, assitant, is a woman. Called De Coninck. And her first name is .... SAM. Another woman called Sam. And yes, she's blond too. I think she resembles Sam in some ways ,don't know, I don't watch the show a lot.

      That's all I can think of this moment. I'll post something tomorrow, very maybe even today.

      Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


        Originally posted by Daivy View Post
        Hey y'all. First I have some wonderful news. From Thursday till Sunday evening, I can't post a message here on Gateworld. I'm on a 4 day trip to Normandy. To see Omaha, Utah and the other beaches the allies landed.
        So expect an album with pictures of me, in battle dress, and some others as well.
        Normandy! Awesome! My brother and I are fascinated with WWII history, especially D-Day, so we were thrilled when we got to visit Normandy a couple of years ago. We saw Omaha, Utah beaches, Brecourt Manor and Pont du Hoc, as well as the American cemetery at Colleville. A truly awe-inspiring sight, I'm sure you'll enjoy all of it.



          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          I'm home Thanks everyone for your sweet messages, here, on my profile page or through PM. They really mean a lot.

          Personal OT and probably TMI, so feel free to skip
          Feeling pretty crappy.The surgery took 1,5 hour instead of the planned 30 minutes, because there were some complications. That gave me quite a scare when I woke up and found out the time. What they found wasn't too good. It probably means we won't be able to have children the natural way, and that makes me very sad. It was not totally unexpected, cause that was the reason we're doing the whole hospital thing anyway. I really don't want to start a discussion about having children etc., to me and my husband, this news is very upsetting. We will have to think about what to do next (like IVF or adoption) and that's, well, not how you imagine things when you first start trying for a family. Luckily, we have a very nice doctor and another appointment to talk things through in september.
          For now I'm in pain and am taking it easy. Chatting with Meg, reading some fanfic on the couch and catching up here.

          The news that Sam will be in episode 20 of Atlantis makes me happy Hopefully they will do her some justice!

          Originally posted by Conn8d View Post
          Depends on how bad it was. Usually do nothing I guess cuz I don't know the whole situation. The parent could just be having a bad day, or have a lot of stress etc, or a scene could be interpreted out of context.
          But if it looked really bad, I'd tell the store security/management. If the store has a policy inplace, or feels something should happen, they can persue it.

          Oops...missed my 300th post!

          So to make up for it...
          Sam sure is a great character!

          P.S. I come bearing fic! A surprising and unique look at the stranded off world cliche.

          SG-1 Fic: Preserve Your Memories (They're All That's Left You)
          Title: Preserve Your Memories (They're All That's Left You)
          Author: abyssinia4077
          Fandom: Stargate SG-1
          Characters: Sam Carter, Daniel Jackson
          Rating/Warning: R (non-explicit sex)
          Disclaimer: Stargate and its universe are owned by MGM and many others, none of whom are me.
          Word Count: 8992

          Daniel has done what Daniel does best – seamlessly merged into a new life and accepted this village as home. For their part, the villagers have been remarkably welcoming, admitting these tall strangers with lighter hair and skin into their midst even as Sam can't quite let herself fit. Sam knows Daniel doesn't expect it to be home forever, suspects he gave up long ago on anywhere being home forever. She also knows she can't seem to take that step.

          Ah congratz on the 300 posts

          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          Oh wow
          Although I still haven't watched the DVD set yet, I agree, they aren't using Sam enough. Like you said, those are small scenes cut out, but they sound really good, and if I were in charge, I'd fight to keep them in.

          Oh cool, thanks.

          I agree, poor little guy, I'm sure he didn't even do anything to deserve that. And like you, I also think Amanda is a great mom, a busy, and hard working mom, and but great mom none the less . And you're right, the way she's always talking about Olivia is very sweet . Like I posted, and you quoted from, Amanda probably would do what she'd have to do to protect Olivia, she said herself that since becoming a "Mum" she's become very protective. I mean, before she would have stopped and wondered "why", why is this person doing this, what made them do this, etc. Not now, hurting Olivia, bam, done! .

          And not just from those bad people, but from the paparazzi and what not. I mean those people are leeches, always trying to take pics of a celebs new born, without any concern for their privacy. Amanda protects Olivia very well from that, she doesn't want her little girl to be the topic of some dumb paparazzi mag. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, If you see Amanda and Olivia at the store shopping, leave them be, that's not actor and fan time, that's mother and daughter time, and that means more to Amanda.

          You're right, our Amanda sure would!!!! , that's what makes her a great mom.

          A rockstar? And all it did was throw you off? Wow, all she'd have to do to me is say "hi" and BOOM!!!, I'd be gone/done/finished .

          *Laughs hard* I'd probably spend forever going over what I'd say and do, but one I look into those beautiful blues, that's it for me. But I'm so glad that Amanda tries to make fans feel like friends, she even remembers them the next time they meet. And she cries when she meets fans (remember her GW play vid?) Good call on the "squeak". I wonder how Amanda feels knowing she intimidates fans.

          Smiles do help don't they? . And I don't doubt for 1 second that she gets people/fans telling her they love her for who she is and what she does all the time. But like you said, and I agree 100%, her heart does belong to her man-- no not Jack, but her Alan. Btw, from her point of view, he'd be Alan I, not II.
          All Amanda would need to do is look at me and I'd be on the floor

          Happy Birthday jafacakes sorry it late




            when you quote pics, do NOT use the img tags.

            All it does is get a couple of people that literally have nothing to do all day but run around the forum looking for people in threads - any threads - quoting pics so that they can then report all the posts.

            Not snipping the img tags are against our rules, so please snip the IMG tags and save me from an inbox full of snottily phrased reports of people quoting pics please.
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

              Vala: You're plotting something aren't you, Samantha?
              Sam: How did you guess?
              "Have you ever had a s'more, Vala?"


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                I would love to see more Sam and Vala. And really, I'd love to see Vala be more like Qetesh

                I loved Qetesh in Continuum. She kicked bootie.
                not a popular opinion on this thread, but i'd rather have very little of vala/qetesh/? in the future movies. she's my number one reason why i think s9/10 declined so much (with numbers 2-100 for another thread ).

                absolutely nothing against claudia.




                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                  Vala: You're plotting something aren't you, Samantha?
                  Sam: How did you guess?

                  So, what is Sam plotting?
                  : Hmm, What to do for Rocky on their date? .


                    Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                    Vala: You're plotting something aren't you, Samantha?
                    Sam: How did you guess?

                    So, what is Sam plotting?
                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    One word: Jello.
                    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                    "Have you ever had a s'more, Vala?"


                    Sam: "If I told you...I'd have to kill you..."


                      Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                      And if it's NOT a law, it should be. People are WEIRD about actors' kids. There are quite a few folks on another (I won't mention the name) board who gert weird about a certain actor's (Again, won't mention the name) kid. Almost as if they're as obsessed with the kid as they are with the parent.

                      Sorry folks (not you guys...I am referring to that site I mentioned), but I do believe (insert actor name here) would be skeeved out by your attention to their child...not impressed that you care. And your "obsession" over the parenting skills of that individual is weird too. People are SUPPOSED to be good parents. I have never felt someone should get KUDOS for giving their kid a roof over their head, and food to eat.


                      Some people are just...weird.
                      *prepare for a little rant*
                      I agree. It makes me sick. I find it really infuriating. It's one of those things that really gets under my skin.
                      It's like the other day I saw this article in a magazine that was about the top ten trendiest kids in hollywood or some cr@p like that. And had all these pics of kids/babies under 5 years old and information on how to dress like them and what kind of lives they have. Some of them were only a year or so old! WTF!
                      It's insane and pathetic. Obviously these people don't have a life of their own...


                        Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                        It is probably a good thing I"m not a moderator, Sky.

                        IMO, I wouldn't allow ANY photos or discussion of actors' parents, spouses, kids, family, etc., whether they've been released officially or not. Besides being illegal, rude, weird, and very disrespectful of the actors, it is OFF TOPIC!

                        The forum is about the show, the characters, and the actors. Nothing else.

                        Thank you for doing what you do, Sky.
                        I think there is a proper context that others in their family can be shown/mentioned. There have been pictures of her and Alan at awards shows. Personally, I had the pleasure of meeting her sister-in-law and mother-in-law at the VM play in Toronto and chatting for a few minutes while they patiently waited for her to finish talking to all her fans. They both seemed rather amused by the attention Amanda was getting. And of course, Amanda has to talk to everyone that's there. She's such a people person. So they had to wait for a while.
                        Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                        William Shakespeare

                        Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                          to me, it's one thing like....oh the 'end of season' photo where many of hte actors/cast/crew brought their kids. they knew the photo was being taken and put their kids into the photo

                          it's another when they're walking down the street - off the clock so to speak - and the paparazzi grabs a photo
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            I agree with hisg1fan. I think an actors family should only be mentioned rarely if ever and never shown in the forums. This is a fan forum, sure some people have met the actors and some on many occasions, but we are all still fans.

                            I think sure discuss the many characters they play, directing, producing, etc...anything in the business. However, their family should be left personal. I think the families will go to events to support them, but we need to remember they aren't in the business. So just because they are there doesn't mean that we should be discussing them like we do the characters or actors in the show... In my opinion it's off topic.


                              Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                              I agree, if you see Amanda out and about with Olivia then that's their time, not fan time. Even though she's famous, she still needs her time to be a mom- spend some quality time with her daughter
                              Well said . Amanda should be able to go out and be able to share they day with her little girl in peace, and not have to worry about fans or paparazzi coming in and totally talking time away from each other. Besides Amanda's always busy working trying to maker her fans happy, so in return they should show her the same respect and courtesy by giving letting Amanda be, and letting her be a mom to Olivia, after all, they grow up so fast .

                              I'd probably be trying to plan what to say, but even standing 10 feet away, I'd be toast! Never mind standing infront of her at the autograph table! lol! I'd come off like such an idiot, just standing there and grinning from ear to ear... But it would be ok, just because it would be Amanda
                              You'd do better than me . But yeah, the people who went to AT3 are like heroes , because they not only met Amanda, they not only bought/made her gifts, they not only asked her questions, THEY SPENT THE WEEKEND WITH HER AND HAD PARTIES WITH HER!!! . But you're right, she'd still treat you with respect and friendship, no matter how you introduced youself, because you said it, it would be Amanda .


                                Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

                                Some people are just...weird.
                       least we're a good weird in here...

                                Nice spamming Pengyn yay pretties to start the day with.

                                Minor OT rant...I keep trying to watch the Perseid meteor shower and our flipping weather has given me cloudy skies every single evening *mutters*
                                Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                                My Fanfic~My Femslash

