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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    canada, from my understanding, has very strict 'actors' kids' laws. I don't know the details, but i think it's against the law to snap pics of children without their parent's permission, even if those kids are on a public street.

    I do know, couple of years ago, at Lake Louise, Olivia was about a year old and amanda had taken her there. Daddy brought Olivia up to mommy and they said 'ok folks, kids are here, put your cameras down'...and all but one person - not a professional but a fan that likely didn't know the law - obeyed.

    there's a few photos lurking about that were taken by that fan, but they can't be posted here because they are not officially released photos. In fact, that instance is what spawned our 'no photos of the actors' kids unless they are officially released' rule.

    Stuff like you see in People, with the paparazzi catching an actor walking their kid to school, that doesn't happen in canada because it's against the law
    Where in the World is George Hammond?



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        Originally posted by Frostfox View Post

        Sam and Vala. Saddened but unsurprised at the amount of character stuff cut from seasons 9/10. Always the first thing to go, usually in favour of things I'm not interested in, such as big bangs and space battles. One of the many down sides of loosing Janet was that it left Sam isolated as the only regular woman on the show, adding Vala could have been a gift to both the character and to Amanda, handled properly but for some reason, they didn't use the opportunity to the full. Ah well, it's in the past now, too late for 'what if's'.

        I'd really like to hope that there will be a third movie, and that both women will be back for it... and that the writers will give us at least one good scene between the two of them. They didn't write much in the way of good stuff for them during the run of the series, and we wouldn't have gotten ANY wonderful moments between them at all if the two actresses hadn't been so talented and so determined to show us SOMETHING. And they did. The moments between the two of them that I liked most weren't scripted in, they weren't given to us by the writers, they were given to us by AT and CB. I enjoyed the articles and interviews when CB first joined the cast - they seemed to get along well, and AT seemed to be extremely gracious and welcoming to CB, which must have made a very intimidating situation for CB a lot easier.


          I would love to see more Sam and Vala. And really, I'd love to see Vala be more like Qetesh

          I loved Qetesh in Continuum. She kicked bootie.
          Where in the World is George Hammond?



            Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
            I just watched the deleted scene thing from the Atlantis S4 DVD (thank you, Netflix!). I'll put my comments in spoilers, just in case:


            Of course, most of the deleted scenes involved Sam, and most were "relational" scenes that didnt really have much to do with the actual plot of whatever story they were trying to tell, but that we, as Samandans, would have loved to see.

            You know, usually these kinds of things make me mad because the guys always seem to cut out emotional fallout stuff, or relational bits that give the characters more humanity, but this time they actually explained it fairly well. They were truly regretful that they had to cut so much of this stuff out, and it was all due to time constraints.

            I was all bent out of shape because in Trio, they cut the Jack stuff, while they kept McKay's rambling idiocy about who has the better body. But they didn't really have much of a choice because of the way the two pieces were shot. The former was easier to cut, and the latter would have chopped up the whole scene, so knowing that helped a little.

            There was a cool scene with Ronan that showed Sam asking after various bits of his stuff, and her face when he explained the wraith necklace was pretty funny!

            The Trio scene about being with Jack was cute and made me want to squee, but it really did feel a little awkward. 'Course that could be because Amanda wanted Sam to feel that way, and it just worked well in that respect.

            Last, there was a very sweet scene between Sam and Caldwell that did a lot to bring both of them out of their command roles and into human being mode. Caldwell was very encouraging to her, and I really liked him in that moment. She confessed to really missing SG1 and being in the field, and how she was a little lonely. He told her how she was supposed to be where she was, and how she deserved it, and some other stuff I can't remember.
            They cut it partially for time and also cuz they felt Mitch played the scene almost romantically, which I didn't really see. It would have been really nice to have that in the episode. I think it would have assauged some of our "They're not using Sam enough!!" stuff.

            ohhh boy....
            that takes me waaaaay back to a certain episode of the X-Files I'd love to forget...

            Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
            And not just from those bad people, but from the paparazzi and what not. I mean those people are leeches, always trying to take pics of a celebs new born, without any concern for their privacy. Amanda protects Olivia very well from that, she doesn't want her little girl to be the topic of some dumb paparazzi mag. I've said it before, and I'll say it again, If you see Amanda and Olivia at the store shopping, leave them be, that's not actor and fan time, that's mother and daughter time, and that means more to Amanda.

            A rockstar? And all it did was throw you off? Wow, all she'd have to do to me is say "hi" and BOOM!!!, I'd be gone/done/finished .

            *Laughs hard* I'd probably spend forever going over what I'd say and do, but one I look into those beautiful blues, that's it for me. But I'm so glad that Amanda tries to make fans feel like friends, she even remembers them the next time they meet. And she cries when she meets fans (remember her GW play vid?) Good call on the "squeak". I wonder how Amanda feels knowing she intimidates fans.
            I agree, if you see Amanda out and about with Olivia then that's their time, not fan time. Even though she's famous, she still needs her time to be a mom- spend some quality time with her daughter

            I'd probably be trying to plan what to say, but even standing 10 feet away, I'd be toast! Never mind standing infront of her at the autograph table! lol! I'd come off like such an idiot, just standing there and grinning from ear to ear... But it would be ok, just because it would be Amanda
            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            I would love to see more Sam and Vala. And really, I'd love to see Vala be more like Qetesh

            I loved Qetesh in Continuum. She kicked bootie.
            She sure did!!!
            I was really rooting for Qetesh over Ba'al, not just 'cuz it was Vala, but because she was kicking his butt so bad.


              <<Peers at Current Active Users Viewing This Thread>>:

              4/5 of the people listed at AT3 peeps.

              Also, not sure I ever welcomed you EvenstarSRV


              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Originally posted by tayradio View Post
                I'd really like to hope that there will be a third movie, and that both women will be back for it... and that the writers will give us at least one good scene between the two of them. They didn't write much in the way of good stuff for them during the run of the series, and we wouldn't have gotten ANY wonderful moments between them at all if the two actresses hadn't been so talented and so determined to show us SOMETHING. And they did. The moments between the two of them that I liked most weren't scripted in, they weren't given to us by the writers, they were given to us by AT and CB. I enjoyed the articles and interviews when CB first joined the cast - they seemed to get along well, and AT seemed to be extremely gracious and welcoming to CB, which must have made a very intimidating situation for CB a lot easier.
                I think I read somewhere that the cute hug Vala gave Sam at the end of The Road Not Taken wasn't scripted and was something that Claudia Black came up while shooting. I'm really glad she did, because I loved that scene.

                I'm re-watching season 10 right now (thank you Netflix!) and I just love all the Sam/Vala interaction in Uninvited, especially the scene in Landry's office. I wish there had been a bit more Sam/Vala in Memento Mori, especially since since it involved Vala's memories as a host.

                Oh, and thanks for the welcome suse! I loved all the reports and pictures from AT3, and now I'm determined to make it to AT4.



                  In their honour spam



                    to the
                    Samanda Family,



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      canada, from my understanding, has very strict 'actors' kids' laws. I don't know the details, but i think it's against the law to snap pics of children without their parent's permission, even if those kids are on a public street.

                      I do know, couple of years ago, at Lake Louise, Olivia was about a year old and amanda had taken her there. Daddy brought Olivia up to mommy and they said 'ok folks, kids are here, put your cameras down'...and all but one person - not a professional but a fan that likely didn't know the law - obeyed.

                      there's a few photos lurking about that were taken by that fan, but they can't be posted here because they are not officially released photos. In fact, that instance is what spawned our 'no photos of the actors' kids unless they are officially released' rule.

                      Stuff like you see in People, with the paparazzi catching an actor walking their kid to school, that doesn't happen in canada because it's against the law
                      I couldn't find any reference to a law like that, but I did find photos of an actor's kids out in public in Toronto.


                        Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                        I couldn't find any reference to a law like that, but I did find photos of an actor's kids out in public in Toronto.
                        It's also just common courtesy. Going around taking pictures of famous people when they're just trying to escape the Hollywood scene is one thing, but taking pictures of their kids is taking it to a whole new level that shouldn't exist. I remember a while ago Johnny Depp punched a paparazzi guy in the face for bugging his son and trying to ask him questions after he'd told him to leave the kid alone. yeah Johnny! He had to spend the night in prison, but that just goes to show how much power these people have. It's scarry if you ask me.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          canada, from my understanding, has very strict 'actors' kids' laws. I don't know the details, but i think it's against the law to snap pics of children without their parent's permission, even if those kids are on a public street.
                          And if it's NOT a law, it should be. People are WEIRD about actors' kids. There are quite a few folks on another (I won't mention the name) board who gert weird about a certain actor's (Again, won't mention the name) kid. Almost as if they're as obsessed with the kid as they are with the parent.

                          Sorry folks (not you guys...I am referring to that site I mentioned), but I do believe (insert actor name here) would be skeeved out by your attention to their child...not impressed that you care. And your "obsession" over the parenting skills of that individual is weird too. People are SUPPOSED to be good parents. I have never felt someone should get KUDOS for giving their kid a roof over their head, and food to eat.


                          Some people are just...weird.


                            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
                            And if it's NOT a law, it should be. People are WEIRD about actors' kids. There are quite a few folks on another (I won't mention the name) board who gert weird about a certain actor's (Again, won't mention the name) kid. Almost as if they're as obsessed with the kid as they are with the parent.

                            Sorry folks (not you guys...I am referring to that site I mentioned), but I do believe (insert actor name here) would be skeeved out by your attention to their child...not impressed that you care. And your "obsession" over the parenting skills of that individual is weird too. People are SUPPOSED to be good parents. I have never felt someone should get KUDOS for giving their kid a roof over their head, and food to eat.


                            Some people are just...weird.
                            It comes out of people using people in the public eye in a skewed, reflective manner. There is a major difference between admiring someone/disliking them and idealising or demonising them into a version of something they never had, would like to have, or hate. But when children get're crossed way further over the line of common courtesy then you should have. Most of that stuff should remain private and pass without comment. Even if people gossip about how they're doing it 'badly', they never stop to think about how they might do it themselves, or whether said person would behave so if obssessives weren't detailing all the movements of them and their kids and forever harping on about them

                            Back on topic: Genuinely lovely pic spam, PengYn

                            Courtesy of smurf, as always


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              canada, from my understanding, has very strict 'actors' kids' laws. I don't know the details, but i think it's against the law to snap pics of children without their parent's permission, even if those kids are on a public street.

                              I do know, couple of years ago, at Lake Louise, Olivia was about a year old and amanda had taken her there. Daddy brought Olivia up to mommy and they said 'ok folks, kids are here, put your cameras down'...and all but one person - not a professional but a fan that likely didn't know the law - obeyed.

                              there's a few photos lurking about that were taken by that fan, but they can't be posted here because they are not officially released photos. In fact, that instance is what spawned our 'no photos of the actors' kids unless they are officially released' rule.

                              Stuff like you see in People, with the paparazzi catching an actor walking their kid to school, that doesn't happen in canada because it's against the law
                              It is probably a good thing I"m not a moderator, Sky.

                              IMO, I wouldn't allow ANY photos or discussion of actors' parents, spouses, kids, family, etc., whether they've been released officially or not. Besides being illegal, rude, weird, and very disrespectful of the actors, it is OFF TOPIC!

                              The forum is about the show, the characters, and the actors. Nothing else.

                              Thank you for doing what you do, Sky.



                                Vala: You're plotting something aren't you, Samantha?
                                Sam: How did you guess?

                                So, what is Sam plotting?

