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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
    Hey! Stop stealing my lengthly posts
    (((Poz))) good to see you back

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
      I couldn't resist iconing the new TCA pics. Thanks to everyone who posted pics

      01. 02. 03. 04. 05.

      06. 07. 08. 09. 10.

      11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
      Wow, and...


        ...WOW . I had to break it up into 2 posts because all the pics together exceeds 20, but I just had to have them all showing in all their glory . Btw, "killer legs" is right .

        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
        and more ...

        16. 17. 18. 19. 20.

        21. 22. 23.

        24. 25. 26.
        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        wow, that woman is beautiful!

        (snipped pics so rocky doesn't faint)

        and more ...

        Wow, that woman is beautiful, Sally, you too the words right out of my mouth . Btw, glad you liked the "thank you." Great job SJ for turning Amanda into piece of art, which isn't all that hard anyway, I mean look at my 3 Amanda sigs. *thumbs up*


          Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
          Least you haven't mistyped anything as say...'bed'
          AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahahaha. Still one of my favorite typos of all time.



          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          I have that habit too, and once embarrassed myself with it in the worst way possible. I was at the dinner with Chris Judge at the Armageddon convention this year and I replied to something he said with "...indeed." Straight away, I clamped my hand over my mouth with a look of horror... but it took him a few seconds to work out what the hell was going on.

          Then he laughed his arse off at my discomfort.

          That was hysterical. Made even more so by the fact that I first read it as EMBRACED.

          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          lolol. And oh my word I say indeed a lot. I'm not even aware of how much I use the phrase anymore, it just happens. And I know that it must be a lot, because every time I'm talking to mum about something and she agrees she now goes "indeed". I've irreversably contaminated her!
          WOOT for irreversably contaminated! Hey Ames! Look...more Farscape language! must watch it.

          Sorry...carry on, PengYn...

          Originally posted by PengYn View Post
          They all laughed, and they still call me holy hannah *snort*.
          Holy Hannah PengYn...sounds like a kids show...

          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
          Yes she does! You should hear her impression of Becky! It's hilarious. Maybe we can get her to repeat the performance at AT4.

          (ducks and runs( from miffed offspring)
          OY! That's what got ME thowing on an accent at totally random and sometimes innapropraite moments! LOL


          YES PLEASE!


          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
          Eileen: "And your name?"

          Client: "Jack O'Neill."

          Eileen: "With 2 Ls?"

          Client: "Yeah, 2 L's."

          Eileen: "Jack O'Neill... with 2 L's."

          Client: "Yeah... Jack O'Neill with 2 Ls."

          Eileen: *is so glad client can't see manic grinning from other end of phone line*

          He had a sense of humour, too.
          Next time throw in the whole "no sense of humor bit."

          Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
          Only 6 Days Left Until

          Comes Out On DVD!!!!!

          This is Colonel Samantha Carter; telling you to buy, not download, not burn, BUY Stargate: Continuum. That’s an order!
          YES MA'AM! HEH And Rocky too.


            Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
            YES MA'AM! HEH And Rocky too.
            Thanks LilFerret, I did the same thing for AOT back in march, only that one was orange not blue, and it said 7 not 6, I thought Continuum comes out on the 30th, not 29. Oh well, it's still good, and you'd better listen to Sam, or she'll miss you up real bad .


              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
              "For Crying out Loud" was one of my favourite sayings many-many years before Jack was first heard to utter it.
              Yes she does! You should hear her impression of Becky! It's hilarious. Maybe we can get her to repeat the performance at AT4.
              (ducks and runs( from miffed offspring)
              I say FCOL...probably more than I should...but I too said it way before I heard Jack say it...but I dropped it for a while when one of the contestants on Big Brother kept saying it..and she just drove me up the wall.
              I'd love to hear Amanda do an impression of Becky...would be cool to hear the two of them talking at the same time!!
              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
              Oh cool, thanks for that EH-T, that was a good interview, but the part that had me squeeing and smiling was this-

              For her role, Tapping has lost the bobbed blond do of Sam Carter and gained a head of long, curly black hair. "The only hard thing, honestly, has been that my daughter, who is 3, is blond with blue eyes, and we always looked alike, and I had to come home and not look like her," Tapping said. "And she was awesome. She said, 'Mommy, I liking your dark hair.' And now she wants to dye her hair dark. She wants to look like Mommy."

              *Squeeing* Isn't that so cute? That reminds me of the last interview Amanda made with GW, but Amanda's right, they do like alike, and now Olivia wants to dye her hair too? Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? I guess a bond between mother and daughter is sacred. I mean look that them -

              Oh, btw the guys, it turns out I won't need the surgery after all . The last time I saw my doc, and got checked up, he said he had good news for me, it seems the damaged parts of my back that were damaged are actually getting better. They're actually regenerating themselves, he said it's not uncommon for someone with my age who's back injury to regenerate. Maybe it was luck, or maybe it was the good wishes from you guys that fixed me up. And lets not forget me seeing Amanda's beautiful smile and laugh everyday, either on pics, or Stargate, yup, pretty sure Amanda had something to do with it .
              That's great news about the surgery...or lack there of Rocky!!!
              And I agree...I thought that part of the interview was soooo cute!!!
              As for the bond between mother and daughter...I'm very close to my angel...not so to my mum though...I mean mum and I are ok but nothing like the bond I have with my baby girl!!
              Originally posted by Über View Post
              Me too.
              As am I.

              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              I couldn't resist iconing the new TCA pics. Thanks to everyone who posted pics

              11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
              Oooh...they are awesome!!! Would it me ok if I could snurch one or two to use as my avatar???
              Originally posted by EH-T View Post
              For my 1000th post I thought I would bring a gift. There have been a lot of recent interviews posted but I don't think this one has been posted yet. Apologies if I am in error.
              Thank you EH-T...and congrats on your milestone!!!
              WTG EH-T!!

              Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
              (((Poz))) good to see you back
              Are you in my head or what??? I was thin king the same thing!! Good to see you popping in Poz!!
              I love it when some of the "older" Samandans come back to visit!!
              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
              ~Amanda Tapping


                Hi guys, here's that important part of my "epic post" I was talking about, I thought I should talk about it because it really shows what kind of community we have here.

                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey Everyone,

                My 2,000 Post!

                I dedicate this post to Deejay, a Samandn of incredible strenghth...

                I recently heard about are good friend Deejay, and when I did, I felt do bad, and sad I just was in... I couldn't believe it. This is why I’m dedicating my 350th post to her. Oh and Julia, don't worry, I'll talk more about your milestone later .

                Part 1: Our good friend and follow Samandan Deejay

                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                Guys I just got this message through my LJ about DeeJay, I know others may have received it already, but just in case:

                "Hi there, my name is Lee. I am Denise's best friend from Florida. I just want to let her online friends know that she is in the hospital. Her family called me last night....and she is bad. Her kidneys are shutting down because she was so dehydrated and her tumors are growing. Please keep Denise and her family in your prayers."

                Keep DeeJay in your thoughts and prayers.
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                little photoshop work, if anyone wants to use them, made in support of deejay

                both in live journal 100x100 size and a 60x60 for GW
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                I received a very sad message from Lee this evening in regard to Deejay and she wanted me to let all her online friends know how Deejay is.

       name is Lee...I am Deejay's friend from Florida. I want to let her online friends know that she is not doing her doctors are saying "she is at the end of her life". It breaks my heart to know my dear friend is losing her battle against cancer and I cannot be there for her, but I can let her friends know and have everyone pray for her peace. As true as always, she is still fighting and will fight until the end. Her mom is having to decide where to take her when/if the hospital decides they can no longer do anything for her. She is on dialysis daily now

                When Jan was talking with her family member they were hoping since the chemo is the cause for the kidney's shutting down that after treatment they may start back up again, but they did say that the cancer will continue to run it's course. (((DeeJay)))
                Originally posted by majorsal View Post

                i can't think of anything else to say. (((deejay)))
                Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                That is sad news. My heart, love and support go to Deejay, her family and friends. It is not easy to loose someone you love to cancer.
                Originally posted by ~Sarah~ View Post
                My thoughts and prayers are definately with Deejay.... Hopefully everything works out in the end... I can't even imagine going through that....

                Skydiver, I stole the little icon with the pink ribbon and blue background... Those look great, and they're such a wonderful idea!!!
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                Yeah I cried when I got the message. It was very shocking to me especially after we just talked to her last week on IM and she seemed so upbeat. She and her family are in my prayers!! Jan had her laughing on the phone (even if it was at my expense But that's OK laughter is wonderful medicine and I am very glad to hear it!! And everyone's thoughts, prayers, concerns have been/ are being expressed to Deejay, her family and friends and they are truly blown away by it. And I just want to say it's great to be a part of this little community/ family! ((Samandans))
                Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                That's the worst possible news. I pray that Deejay and her family are able to get all the support and love that they need at this time. Joyce Grenfell, a great British comedienne who was less well-known for her strongly spiritual side, once said "life is spiritual, and therefore eternal" and I do so hope that this is true, and that Deejay will find peace. She's certainly had a big effect on everybody on this thread, and her fighting spirit is an inspiration to us all. Our love and thoughts are with you Deejay.
                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Welcome back DJ, we missed you!
                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                Hooray for Deejay

                Hey Deejay, I wanted to tell you I updated my sigs to include your support ribbon. Welcome back, and remember, if you ever need a friend, you got lots here.
                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Update on Deejay

                I just got off the phone with Deejay, she received the flowers we sent her and wanted me to thank everyone for them, she said they were very lovely. She appreciates the support everyone is giving her and laughed when I told her she's taking over the thread. She's still fighting, and using that Polish stubborness (which a few of us also have, it comes in handy sometimes She doesn't know how long she'll be in the hospital, or when she'll be able to go home.
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                I just talked to Deejay. She wasn't sure how much longer she would be in the hospital. They are talking about putting her in Hospice because the dialysis works on some days and some days it doesn't. Jckfan She liked being compared to Sam! That made her smile. Again she said the flowers were Beautiful and thanked everyone for sending them!!! She really appreciated all our prayers and warm thoughts!!!
                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                Update on Deejay:

                We (Jan, Ann and I) were just talking to Deejay's sister on IM. She says that Deejay has accepted what is to come, but she put up a good fight. It's a very difficult time for them, but she wanted us to know how much Deejay appreciated everything we did for her. We sent her hugs through her sister, she promised to keep us informed and we let her know about the donation that the Samandan generously donated ... she was overwhelmed with everyone's kindness and thoughtfulness
                Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                Just seen a message from Ron, Deejay's brother, on the Samanda group; he says they're hoping to get a laptop to her later, so she may drop in! If I'm not here when you log on Deej (and I'll try to get on as much as possible later), MUCH love to you. xxxx
                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                Sam: I think this might be too formal for a visit to Deejay.

                In case you stop in--Hi Deejay! *jckfan waves wildly* (((Deejay)))
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                I sent this to Deej a few months ago. Lots of hugs to her...

                In the dark, the candle light shone out around the silhouettes of SG-1 and looked really cool.
                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                OK, I know some people weren't too keen on the flowers but I wanted to get something sent quickly. I paid for the flowers, so that all the donated money can be sent to Deej and her family.

                Deej will be receiving a bigger and prettier version of this:

                With a card saying:

                "Hey Deej! Here is a hug from Samanda, we won't go into the licking. Know that you are loved and that our thoughts and prayers are with you. Lots of love, the Samandans."

                As soon as I hit send I wondered what her family will thing about the licking... oh well Deejay need laughter and love right now, right?
                Originally posted by atfan View Post
                Maybe the Samamanda's could do something that would benefit not only Deejay but the countless others with cancer a fundraiser possibly even get Amanda involved, a tribute to Deejay? Donate the money to Cancer research?
                I put together a lot of the posts we made for Deejay over the past little while she was sick, I think our posts reflect on the kind of people we are, and by reading these posts here, you can that here at Samanda, we're good people, and a family. When one of us is sick, so many of us reply here, or PM the person in question to wish them well, like when I told you guys about my back surgery, I got a bunch of warm messages from you guys, and that means something.

                We should feel good about ourselves because in the time Deejay had left, we gave her something special, we gave her true friendship, you guys write these posts, wrote her letters, made these Deejay ribbons for avatars and sigs, send her cards with flowers, even made her a Youtube vid. I hope she lived a happy life, and I hope she passed on knowing she had true friends. Let’s never forget Deejay, and what she brought to this thread. Oh and atfan that’s a great idea, I think Amanda would really like being involved in something like that. She already does work with another charity and with her support we a lot of good thingd could very well come out of it, not just for the countless others with cancer, but for Amanda as well. Great idea.

                (To Be Continued)


                  Part 2: Amanda's gift to Deejay

                  Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post

                  Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post

                  Just have to say AT is beyond awesome. Such a generous, caring and gracious lady.
                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  yes she is.


                  Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                  Yes she is...and what she did for Deejay was just amazing and selfless.

                  There's a Samanda group?? I didn't know. How come I didn't know??? Hmmm...well, I just wanted to say....hmmm...I don't remember what I was gonna say...bummer...anyhoo...I left a message there...will continue to keep Deejay in my thoughts.


                  Night all...have fun!
                  Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                  Thanks Mandy.

                  I am amazed that Amanda called Deejay. That is just ten shades of awesomeness. To the tenth degree! WOW!
                  Originally posted by wibbling View Post

                  We were all very thrilled to hear that Amanda phoned you Deejay -- and it's a testament to just how many lives you have touched.
                  WOOOOOOOW, as soon as I heard that, I was just beyond amazed, blown away, and extremely proud of Amanda and even more privileged to be an Amanda fan . Things like that, only show how selfless, caring down to earth, generous and an overall good-hearted, kind person she is. I know Amanda has always been just wonderful and kind to her fans when she she meets them, she welcomes them, listens to them, keeps her eyes on them and makes them feel special, and it's those people who feel warm and love from her. But to actually take the time to call them when they're sick, and wish them well how incredibly selfless, honorable, and sweet is that?

                  I'm glad Deejey knew that Amanda was thinking about her, and I hope she felt happy and special knowing that someone she considered an idol was calling her and telling her these kind words of what a good person DJ was. Amanda Tapping really does change and touch lives. I am sooooooooooooooo happy and lucky that we were blessed to have an amazing woman like Amanda in this world.

                  (((YOU ROCK AMANDA )))

                  Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post

                  That's great that your mom likes the internet a little more now! *waves 'hi' to deejay's mum* And Amanda's got a new fan! YAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!

                  It's really great to have you back! *HUGS (gently)*
                  Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post

                  My brother just got me a laptop so I could have 'net access and the first place I came to check was Samanda...I am overwhelmed by all the support!

                  As many of you know I'm in Hospice after spending two weeks in the hospital-and through it all I've felt the love and support coming from here. It has moved me beyond the ability to put it into words.

                  About keeping in contact with me, my cell gets no tower here, so I left an outgoing message on it with my address and landline. So contact me there-I love your phone calls, they uplift me! With any luck I'll feel awake enough some nights to make it in chat.

                  Again...Thank You ALL for the support. It means the world to me! You all mean the world to me!!!
                  Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                  Hey! It's as great for me to be back, believe me! I have missed you all like you wouldn't believe. I am so touched by all these messages. my mom is reading these with me and says to say hello and that you all have changed her opinion of the internet. She used to think you could not really be friends with strangers you meet online and she knows now she was so wrong.

                  She plans to watch Sanctuary when it comes on because of how wonderful you've all been, and because of Amanda's kindness. Yay! A new fan for Amanda!

                  I really enjoyed the conversation about Emancipation, incredible thoughts and analysis as always!

                  Love you all!
                  Those words were from a friend, a friend who passed away knowing friendship, and it's you guys who help make the hard times easier of her. And I know how she felt, I've only know a lot of you guys from here, and I've never even seen most your faces, but I feel like I know you all very well, and I trust you guys. And Deejey felt that way too

                  (((Good-bye Deejay, We'll Miss You)))


                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Good point Daivy, I've always know Amanda's english, but I've only heard her say a few sentences in her english accent. 2 questions about Amanda:

                    1. Does anyone know what else Amanda is? She's English, but what else is she, what other background does she have?

                    2. This may sound silly, but what's her first accent, Canadian or English, and how old was she when she came to Canada?

                    I'll admit, at first I didn't think all that much about Sanctuary, but now that the hype is getting bigger, I'm really excited too. *Thumbs up* Btw I had no idea Amanda had to cut back her acting and producing salary just so the show would have enough money for the effects. A lot of actors wouldn't want to cut back 2 salaries, and you're right LilFerret she should be getting a lot more $$$, I mean she's earned and deserves it. Wow, Amanda is such a team player, dying her hair, cutting back her salaries so much for the benefit of the show, I didn't think it was possible, but I love, respect and admire this woman so much more right now for doing that. It's attitude like that, that makes a job all that much better. YOU ROCK AMANDA, LET'S HEAR IT FOR AMANDA
                    That's because she's not in it for the money. She's in it because she loves it, and it shows in the caliber of her work.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Wow, that's in an awesome and wicked poster, I love it, it's so dark, haunting and so real. I'm really glad a Sanctuary poster is finally made because it reminds you that the show is coming, and it increases the hype and popularity of the show even more, I mean this is it, it's official, Sanctuary is coming to TV. I look at this poster, I see Amanda in front, and I realize that show just keeps getting more popular. But the part I love the most, the part that makes the poster awesome, the part VERY BEST part of it is-- you guessed it Julia it's because Amanda's front and centre. Our Amanda Tapping, The Brains, Beauty, Writer, Producer, Director And The STAR of Sanctuary, doesn't that just have a ring to it? Oh, and thanks for the IGN review morjana
                    The only thing that worries me about the poster is no Bigfoot. I hope he's still in the show.

                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                    OT: Since there are a lot of MW fans here as well! The 2nd part of Martin's interview is on GateWorld for those interested
                    Martin is awesome. He has so much passion for his work and has so much joy, it's contagious.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    For her role, Tapping has lost the bobbed blond do of Sam Carter and gained a head of long, curly black hair. "The only hard thing, honestly, has been that my daughter, who is 3, is blond with blue eyes, and we always looked alike, and I had to come home and not look like her," Tapping said. "And she was awesome. She said, 'Mommy, I liking your dark hair.' And now she wants to dye her hair dark. She wants to look like Mommy."

                    *Squeeing* Isn't that so cute? That reminds me of the last interview Amanda made with GW, but Amanda's right, they do like alike, and now Olivia wants to dye her hair too? Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? I guess a bond between mother and daughter is sacred. I mean look that them -

                    Isn't she just the most adorable thing? She looks so much like her mommy.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    Only 6 Days Left Until

                    Comes Out On DVD!!!!!

                    This is Colonel Samantha Carter; telling you to buy, not download, not burn, BUY Stargate: Continuum. That’s an order!
                    Ma'am, yes ma'am! On preorder now, ma'am! (and Rocky)

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    ...WOW . I had to break it up into 2 posts because all the pics together exceeds 20, but I just had to have them all showing in all their glory . Btw, "killer legs" is right .
                    That's because her legs are 3 miles long.

                    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                    WOOOOOOOW, as soon as I heard that, I was just beyond amazed, blown away, and extremely proud of Amanda and even more privileged to be an Amanda fan . Things like that, only show how selfless, caring down to earth, generous and an overall good-hearted, kind person she is. I know Amanda has always been just wonderful and kind to her fans when she she meets them, she welcomes them, listens to them, keeps her eyes on them and makes them feel special, and it's those people who feel warm and love from her. But to actually take the time to call them when they're sick, and wish them well how incredibly selfless, honorable, and sweet is that?

                    I'm glad Deejey knew that Amanda was thinking about her, and I hope she felt happy and special knowing that someone she considered an idol was calling her and telling her these kind words of what a good person DJ was. Amanda Tapping really does change and touch lives. I am sooooooooooooooo happy and lucky that we were blessed to have an amazing woman like Amanda in this world.

                    (((YOU ROCK AMANDA )))

                    Those words were from a friend, a friend who passed away knowing friendship, and it's you guys who help make the hard times easier of her. And I know how she felt, I've only know a lot of you guys from here, and I've never even seen most your faces, but I feel like I know you all very well, and I trust you guys. And Deejey felt that way too

                    (((Good-bye Deejay, We'll Miss You)))
                    Two amazing women that have touched all of our lives indelibly.
                    Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                    William Shakespeare

                    Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                      That's because she's not in it for the money. She's in it because she loves it, and it shows in the caliber of her work.
                      Well said , I could speak volumes about how great Amanda is, but I think I already did a pretty job in those post of mine you quoted. I'm so grateful Amanda does what she does because she loves it, and because of the fans, she doesn't let money or fame go to her head. Instead she lets her family, friends, fans and her dedication to work go her head, and if that isn't down to earth I don't know what is.

                      The only thing that worries me about the poster is no Bigfoot. I hope he's still in the show.
                      Amanda's in it, and thats the important thing .

                      Isn't she just the most adorable thing? She looks so much like her mommy.
                      She is isn't, she's one of the cutest little babies I've ever seen, even her name is cute, and I'm a guy, I usually don't say things like that . You're right, they do look alike, they have the same eyes too, Amanda even said so, that's why she was nervous about dying her hair, nervous she and Olivia wouldn't like alike, and now Olivia wants to dye hers too I love this pic because it shows the loving bond between them, I mean Amanda looks so happy and Olivia is so cute!

                      Ma'am, yes ma'am! On preorder now, ma'am! (and Rocky)
                      Thats right you'd better listen to Amanda, cause you know what happens when you cross her.

                      : He's right

                      That's because her legs are 3 miles long.
                      Tell me about it, here take a look, I don't know about you, but damn those legs nice -



                      Two amazing women that have touched all of our lives indelibly.
                      Agreed. Wow, you quoted me a lot here


                        Here is my HQ collection of Amanda on TCA (lilferret has some photos on her LJ from this set)...


                          For those of you heading off to ComicCon this weekend have a great time and safe travelling! (I wish I could go )

                          And for those of you planning to fit in a trip to see the X-Files as well that weekend, make sure you do because it's great!!! But I'm totally biased

                          Does anyone know what panels Amanda will be on?


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                            For those of you heading off to ComicCon this weekend have a great time and safe travelling! (I wish I could go )
                            And for those of you planning to fit in a trip to see the X-Files as well that weekend, make sure you do because it's great!!! But I'm totally biased
                            Does anyone know what panels Amanda will be on?
                            I'll second that RoX...have fun all you ComicCon goers!!
                            IIRC, Amanda will be on the SG1 Ark of Truth panel and the SGA panel...and IIRC, there is also one for Sanctuary...or something like a panel...but I could be mistaken...sorry I can't be of any help.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                              Thank you EH-T and Prion!!

                              (((Sunny)))...well even though you can't get to ComicCon, at least you get to have dinner with some lovely ladies.

                              Thanks Lies!!!
                              I'm confident!!

                              Mine almost stopped. That's not a good it???

                              Staying positive....staying positive...not just for the ship but for another movie!!!!

                              Actually soccer is just soccer and football is I'm not confused but I can totally understand if you are!!
                              "He'll be along momentarily" = "He'll be here in a sec"
                              Hey...I wonder if Helen knows how to play cricket??

                              Not sure where her family tree goes to...if she's happy to oblige that information than sweet otherwise I'm happy to not know.
                              Amanda was 3 when she moved from England to Canada...I would assume that her accent is predominately Canadian but I could imagine that if her parents both have a strong British accents than she may slip into that as well...wouldn't be hard. I know that when I was visiting my cuz in NZ many many years ago, I didn't realize that I had picked up a bit of a Kiwi maybe she has some British mannerisms...who knows!!!

                     least he didn't call you a "dirty girl" again!!!

                              Night all...take care and have fun!!
                              wait a second.....Kiwi's dont have Accents
                              No but he did do other things like say that I scared him and almost drew on Fred....luckly Eileen stopped him...but didnt he throw him at a wall??? I cant remember....Neep????

                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              Only 6 Days Left Until

                              Comes Out On DVD!!!!!

                              This is Colonel Samantha Carter; telling you to buy, not download, not burn, BUY Stargate: Continuum. That’s an order!
                              AHHHHHHH I have to wait till august 8 till I can buy mine....I WANT IT NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW...............ok over it now....

                              Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                              I have that habit too, and once embarrassed myself with it in the worst way possible. I was at the dinner with Chris Judge at the Armageddon convention this year and I replied to something he said with "...indeed." Straight away, I clamped my hand over my mouth with a look of horror... but it took him a few seconds to work out what the hell was going on.

                              Then he laughed his arse off at my discomfort.

                              yeah but he didnt realise you did it till YOU TOLD HIM

                              Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                              Hi guys, here's that important part of my "epic post" I was talking about, I thought I should talk about it because it really shows what kind of community we have here.

                              I recently heard about are good friend Deejay, and when I did, I felt do bad, and sad I just was in... I couldn't believe it. This is why I’m dedicating my 350th post to her. Oh and Julia, don't worry, I'll talk more about your milestone later .

                              Part 1: Our good friend and follow Samandan Deejay

                              I put together a lot of the posts we made for Deejay over the past little while she was sick, I think our posts reflect on the kind of people we are, and by reading these posts here, you can that here at Samanda, we're good people, and a family. When one of us is sick, so many of us reply here, or PM the person in question to wish them well, like when I told you guys about my back surgery, I got a bunch of warm messages from you guys, and that means something.

                              We should feel good about ourselves because in the time Deejay had left, we gave her something special, we gave her true friendship, you guys write these posts, wrote her letters, made these Deejay ribbons for avatars and sigs, send her cards with flowers, even made her a Youtube vid. I hope she lived a happy life, and I hope she passed on knowing she had true friends. Let’s never forget Deejay, and what she brought to this thread. Oh and atfan that’s a great idea, I think Amanda would really like being involved in something like that. She already does work with another charity and with her support we a lot of good thingd could very well come out of it, not just for the countless others with cancer, but for Amanda as well. Great idea.

                              (To Be Continued)
                              those are beautiful 350 and 351 posts



                                My, we are a chatty lot arent we?

                                Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                                For my 1000th post I thought I would bring a gift. There have been a lot of recent interviews posted but I don't think this one has been posted yet. Apologies if I am in error.

                                Congrats EH-T on your mega-milestone! Now how the heck did you get there before me?

                                Gotta love those bearing gifts to their own celebrations though..hehe. Thanks for the link to the interview as it's new to me.

                                My favorite quote in the article...
                                "I think for some reason I've been blessed in my career to play very strong, very smart women."
                                I can't agree more.

                                Originally posted by Stéphanie Anne View Post
                                I have made a little movie of Amanda for Daivy , some time ago .
                                I can't post it here because it's too big .
                                ( 535 kB (548.208 bytes)-Windows Media Player )
                                But you can sent me a private message with your e-mail adress and I will sent it to you .

                                greetz Stéphanie Anne
                                Welcome Stephanie Anne to Samanda! Hope you have fun here and keep coming back to join in on the craziness.

