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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    What I would like to see for a 3rd movie... set in the future or current time. A New Threat or an old threat resurfaces (there are plenty of enemies we only saw once, they could bring them back). There is some reason to bring SG-1 back together. Sam, Jack,Cam, Teal'c, Daniel and Vala have all moved on but come back together on Sam's ship. But due to who the enemy is or the knowledge SG-1 has. They come back together for a mission to save Earth. There are a lot of ways to write it

    If they can bring Jack, who is the Head of Home World Security, back to go off world with the team then I'm hoping they can do something similar for Sam, especially if everyone on SG-1 has moved on to other things. S9 and S10 didn't show the gate very much it was mostly ships. Anything is possible if they decide to do another movie.


      Originally posted by MerryK View Post
      I really did not want to start this discussion, but just to clarify, since you seemed to misunderstand me... Sam was also with Mckay and Martouf in other universes...I deliberately said explicit proof of ship, which was not offered. Agreed, all they did was toy with the ship, and toy lightly IMO, so D&C really did come out of nowhere for me.

      My point was that TPTB take forever to actually say in undeniable terms things that fans consider important to know. So I was not surprised or offended at the speculation-serves-as-fact treatment of Sam's fate.

      Also, I don't hate S/J, I just don't actively ship them.
      She left Martouf for Jack and was on maternity leave (Ripple Effect by fellow shipper JM), and she wised up and left Rodney (TRNT)...


        Originally posted by mapsc View Post
        The Seed, S & R

        The speculation by Shep & company on the leadership change was nice. But that's all it was, speculation. All we really know is what Woolsey said in S & R(the skillset comment).
        It in no way makes up for the last scene of S & R. My SGA viewing days are over. Although I'll probably will tune in to Ep 20, if Sam makes an apperance. An appearance which I fully expect to be of the "cameo" variety.

        So, what's next for Sam?

        SG1 Leader: not a chance
        SG1 2Ic : that's my bet(in any future SG1 movies, her year on Altantis will be ignored)
        SGC Commander: Colonel's don't run the SGC and it wouldn't work for future SG1 movies
        SGC 2IC: I could live with this. She could go out with SG1 on an as-needed basis(say, future SG1 movies).
        Ship Commander: I could also live with this. Future SG1 movies are more likely to involve a ship rather than the stargate(see S9 & S10)
        Command of R & D at Area 51: I would view this as "Sam can't command on the front lines, so let's banish her to Area 51 and let her command a bunch of scientists.

        Sam's a Colonel. She belongs and is needed on the front lines.


        Good question! I will pick Ship Commander. This mobility would allow Carter the maximum flexibility to appear in an SG-1 movie, or an Atlantis episode, or the third Stargate series.

        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        In regards to the discussion about Sam getting promoted to General, the chances of it happening are EXTREMELY remote as she probably wouldn't have the all the relevant experience needed and because of the secret nature of the work she has been doing for the past decade or so.
        I agree. As much as I want to see a star on Carter's uniform, she will need to wait a few years. Eventually of course I expect to see her a general.

        Originally posted by MerryK View Post
        I really did not want to start this discussion, but just to clarify, since you seemed to misunderstand me... Sam was also with Mckay and Martouf in other universes...I deliberately said explicit proof of ship, which was not offered. Agreed, all they did was toy with the ship, and toy lightly IMO, so D&C really did come out of nowhere for me.

        My point was that TPTB take forever to actually say in undeniable terms things that fans consider important to know. So I was not surprised or offended at the speculation-serves-as-fact treatment of Sam's fate.
        You are right about the slow action of the TPTB. Hopefully by episode 20, they will have made up their minds and their decision does justics to Sam.

        OT -

        The ship was kind of hidden before D&C. RCC said in the Lost City commentary that it had occurred to them to ship JS when the two actors were practicing the hugging scene in Out Of Mind, which was the season2 Finale. Before D&C, I think 100 days was the only one in which Sam of this universe had displayed raw emotions toward Jack. I disliked this episode quite much, BTW.


          'the last man' and s5 spoilers -

          Originally posted by Celandine View Post
          These two put together equal one major explosive ending for my favorite character. Please, please let it not be so! I want a *happy* ending for Sam! Though going out in a blaze of glory sounds nice on paper, I'd much rather think she'd live to a ripe old age in command somewhere else.
          i didn't really mean to scare you .

          i was just thinking of sam actually commanding the phoenix, not the not liviing part. REALLY not that part.





            Originally posted by hedwig View Post
            A thought in passing - for another movie, maybe she could be in command of her own ship (and as somebody else said, definitely not the "Phoenix"), and most all the action takes place on the ship, therefore, the whole team, as well as Jack (fill in blank for plot line as to why he's also there ...) could be there with her, and she gets to be involved in the action as well??? Just a thought ...
            loving that idea!

            i really, really, really, reeeeeeeeally wonder what sam's command position will be...

            one thing i'm almost 100 percent certain of; they WON'T kill sam carter off!! at least permanently.

            i don't know why i put that in spoiler tags.

            Last edited by majorsal; 20 July 2008, 03:24 PM. Reason: forgot a word



              Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
              What I would like to see for a 3rd movie... set in the future or current time. A New Threat or an old threat resurfaces (there are plenty of enemies we only saw once, they could bring them back). There is some reason to bring SG-1 back together. Sam, Jack,Cam, Teal'c, Daniel and Vala have all moved on but come back together on Sam's ship. But due to who the enemy is or the knowledge SG-1 has. They come back together for a mission to save Earth. There are a lot of ways to write it

              If they can bring Jack, who is the Head of Home World Security, back to go off world with the team then I'm hoping they can do something similar for Sam, especially if everyone on SG-1 has moved on to other things. S9 and S10 didn't show the gate very much it was mostly ships. Anything is possible if they decide to do another movie.
              all my biggest desires/dreams on the third movie are s/j related , but...

              this is hard to say, but i don't really care anymore if sam's a member of sg1. after seeing her commanding atlantis, i feel that's almost a step back for her, and that includes if she commanded it again.

              possible movie ideas:

              the ascen come back.

              the aliens from 'grace' come back. and with maybe sam having her own ship, they want to talk to 'her' first.

              replicarter is NOT dead! she's causing havoc. oh, that wacky replicarter.

              all of sg1 are dying. this brings some of the atlantis characters into it to help.


              possible next series idea (that just popped into my head ):

              sam is in command of an expedition that's tera-forming a planet, and she can pick *anyone* she wants as her premier staff. she picks mckay/science, keller and beckett/medical, lorne/military leader, tomin/(haven't decided, but i like the actor ), and....

              i'm really liking this idea. would anyone like to contribute on the cast?

              (this post really went everwhere, didn't it? )




                Originally posted by jz9 View Post
                OT -

                The ship was kind of hidden before D&C. RCC said in the Lost City commentary that it had occurred to them to ship JS when the two actors were practicing the hugging scene in Out Of Mind, which was the season2 Finale. Before D&C, I think 100 days was the only one in which Sam of this universe had displayed raw emotions toward Jack. I disliked this episode quite much, BTW.
                Don't forget Broca Divide. In her 'touched' state she reverted to primitive uninhibited behaviour and launched herself at him.

                When she asked "Don't you want me?" he said "No! Not like this!" (Read "in other circumstances, yes!")

                To put my two pennyworth in on the subject of TPTB and fan reaction... While they are eager to please the fans (to sell the 'product') they don't care about the (to them) niggly little details that have so upset some of us here. As for Joe, I have nothing but contempt for him and his blog. He lives to tease and stir up the fans. He always has, since the first time he came to a con and realised how passionate we can be. He drops his little bombs and then sits back and watches the 'fun'. I personally don't like being used like that.

                For details of AT10 go to


                  Originally posted by Alan View Post
                  I could not agree more. I mean...we're not mind readers. If the intent isn't clear on screen then all we can do is interpret what we see. And if we've interpreted something one way when TPTB mean another then it seems to me that something isn't working. And that something is TPTB's writing. They seem to want us to read between the lines all the time rather than give us concrete answers and it is really bugging the hell out of me.
                  Totally agree.

                  SGA spoilers:


                  In fact. I was emailing a friend right after S&R, and I said if it wasn't for GW, I would be completely LOST by Carter's write-out. Totally confused without the RL backstory.

                  I watched SG way before I know there was a GW. I went to the GW homepage for SG news for quite awhile before I even knew what a forum was.

                  If I was my usual Joe/Joelene fan with no access to RL spoiler info, this ending would be completely befuddling.

                  Originally posted by Charlie View Post
                  I've got to get to bed cos I start back at uni in the morning, so I cant weigh in on this discussion yet....

                  I just dropped by to say I just finished watching (my legal copy because even though I'm an aussie I have a canadian dvd player from when I lived there) copy of Continuum and wanted to say SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

                  I HEART AMANDA!
                  Good luck back at uni!

                  And, I can't WAIT for Continuum.

                  Originally posted by MerryK View Post
                  Whoa, whoa, I'm no military expert, but surely you can't go from Lt. Colonel to Brig. General in two years!
                  Why not? I think you can under certain circumstances.

                  Edit: oops this was answered by our military expert... see below:

                  Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
                  Reasons Sam is promotable:

                  1) During war, any 'time-in-grade' restrictions become mute. Whoever can get the job done is promoted. Earth has been 'at war' the entire time Stargate has been on the air. 'Peace-time' restrictions went out the window when Apophis came through the gate, when the Ori tried their first foothold, and when the Wraith attacked the SGC.

                  2) If you don't believe the 'at war' line of reasoning, how about this one. We don't know when Sam was promoted to Colonel, the ceremony was never shown. 'Stargate' time doesn't equate to 'real-life' time, as evidenced by this week's episode that 'three weeks have passed' since Teyla's baby was born in the last episode. Who knows, she may have 3-5 years in grade and we just don't know it because it wasn't shown on the screen. TPTB seem to like this excuse, so I'll use it too

                  3) Sam has been called from other duties back to the front line, not once, but twice. She has a proven track record of winning in three separate campaigns (Goa'uld, Ori, Atlantis). Plus, she has lead missions in all three situations. People who can win are promoted faster than others.

                  4) Who knows how the Stargate story will progress. The Wraith have shown an interest in attacking Earth and I expect them to try again. The IOA may have pulled Sam back from Atlantis to protect Earth from the Wraith since she has worked with the enemy first-hand now. Woolsey can run Atlantis until it is threatened by an enemy again. With both Jack and Landry approaching mandatory retirement age, there have to be people in the line of succession. Sam is an integral part of that line and is without a command at the moment, so what better place to put her than leading the SGC.

                  Go Sam
                  GO SAM!! Great, informative post. Thanks!

                  I guess I wonder how Sam feels after what Woolsey did to her. For me, it is not so much what Sam could to, but I wonder what she would WANT to do.

                  Maybe this is the final straw for her and she leaves the military? (It is what I would contemplate, frankly. After all she has achieved, this is how they treat her?!!?? WTF.)

                  Maybe she takes an extended leave to think things out?

                  Maybe she is tired of front line danger at her age and career level, and she chooses the private sector on her own terms? She could have her pick of civilian and/ or research jobs and call her own shots.

                  Again, looking to a blog for info on your favorite scifi character is crazy. I haven't read the JM blog in months - I only know what all the nice Samandans have posted.

                  A story should live on it's own, without editing and JM blog Cliff notes to make it understandable.
                  Last edited by tagger; 20 July 2008, 04:38 PM.
                  Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                  Quint Studer


                    As far as seeing Carter promoted, I'm not afraid to say I loathe the idea. Why? Because we already know the commander position (be it of a ship OR a base) is not seen as often on screen. Now, of course, that being said, I understand we are technically just dealing with movies here...but look what happened with Jack? I am ok with him not being active in Season 8, and being gone completely (save for an episode or two or five in SG-1 and SGA) in 9 and 10...but a lot of folks stopped watching, some of which still watch 1-8 now, and have NEVER watched 9 and 10. Some of us on this very thread.

                    What about the fans who despised Unending and Ark of Truth for the simple fact that Jack O'Neill wasn't in it? Forget the fact that the plot arc had nothing to do with him...They just felt he should be there (did I mention I didn't?).

                    Do we really want to lose another big portion of fans who only watch for Carter?

                    I ADORE AT. That's common knowledge. I think. But I watch the show for the show. Both of them. Do I miss Jack? You betcha. Do I miss Sam's presence on Atlantis? Sure do! But I will keep watching, because I love the show/franchise itself. And I loved SG-1, even without Jack.

                    But there are those who would/have give(n) up on the franchise completely without certain characters, Carter being one of them.

                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    jack being hammond's second was just fanon.
                    BUMMER. Kinda thought that, though. Mostly because SG-1 was his flagship team (hence...1) and he always turned to Jack.


                    Originally posted by tagger View Post
                    Maybe this is the final straw for her and she leaves the military? (It is what I would contemplate, frankly. After all she has achieved, this is how they treat her?!!?? WTF.)

                    Maybe she takes an extended leave to think things out?

                    Maybe she is tired of front line danger at her age and career level, and she chooses the private sector on her own terms? She could have her pick of civilian and/ or research jobs and call her own shots.

                    Again, looking to a blog for info on your favorite scifi character is crazy. I haven't read the JM blog in months - I only know what all the nice Samandans have posted.

                    A story should live on it's own, without editing and Cliff notes to make it understandable.
                    I'm sorry, but I don't see Samantha Carter as the quitting type. She wouldn't break with the military because she was given a different assignment. Anyone in the military (and their families, having been a Navy wife twice now) knows that re-assignment is the one great constant in your career. It is actually quite common. Having SG-1 be the same 4 people for 7/8 years was odd enough, by military standards, whether they were enlisted OR officers. Hammond keeping the same position for 7 years was odd as well.

                    As far as asking for re-assignment, well, that can be done. No one says she'd get it automatically. That's entirely up to her superiors, and, in some cases, as it would be in a case like this one, the President and his people. As much as Carter's done for the country, in this ongoing saga we've watched, the decision wouldn't be hers. The choice maybe, the final say, no.
                    Last edited by LilFerret; 20 July 2008, 04:41 PM.


                      I am not saying Sam is a "quitter". I am saying Sam is sick of the military way of doing things.

                      I am saying she re-groups to something totally unexpected and different.

                      In reality, taking the unexpected step takes much more courage than taking the expected, known step.

                      If Sam leaves what she has always known, it is much more scary than just taking the next militarily dictated step.

                      * In SG TV reality, Sam leaving the military is not possible. Sam has to stay in the SG military structure in some way for the SG story to continue. I am contemplating Sam realities outside of TV script limitations.*
                      Last edited by tagger; 20 July 2008, 04:58 PM. Reason: More iderzzzz.
                      Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
                      Quint Studer


                        From JM's blog today regarding 'Ripple Effect'

                        Aeon writes: “Hi Joe, I noticed you’ve written ‘Ripple Effect’ and I have a little question: In the AU where Janet and Martouf came from, Sam was on maternity leave, was she married to Pete?”

                        Answer: Nope. She was married to Jack.


                          Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                          Don't forget Broca Divide. In her 'touched' state she reverted to primitive uninhibited behaviour and launched herself at him.

                          When she asked "Don't you want me?" he said "No! Not like this!" (Read "in other circumstances, yes!")

                          To put my two pennyworth in on the subject of TPTB and fan reaction... While they are eager to please the fans (to sell the 'product') they don't care about the (to them) niggly little details that have so upset some of us here. As for Joe, I have nothing but contempt for him and his blog. He lives to tease and stir up the fans. He always has, since the first time he came to a con and realised how passionate we can be. He drops his little bombs and then sits back and watches the 'fun'. I personally don't like being used like that.

                          we think alike

                          honestly though, if a member of TPTB have to explain the plot - behind the scenes - to have it make sense, then - in my opinion - they didn't do their job that good in the first place.

                          Their job is to make something that makes sense WITHOUT behind the scenes explanations.

                          Even if stuff in the seed did explain more, and ALLEDGEDLY we'll get more in eps 20 (let's remember that AT's second episode has yet to be confirmed) they have yet to come up with a logical explanation.

                          TPTB have a long and sad track record of kinda treating the character like, well taking her for granted. so they seem to be more careless with what they do with her than they are others.

                          There are definitely times when i wish we were back in the 'joe doesn't interact with the fans' days.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                            from jm's blog today regarding 'ripple effect'

                            aeon writes: “hi joe, i noticed you’ve written ‘ripple effect’ and i have a little question: In the au where janet and martouf came from, sam was on maternity leave, was she married to pete?”

                            answer: nope. She was married to jack.

                            THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
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                              Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                              Don't forget Broca Divide. In her 'touched' state she reverted to primitive uninhibited behaviour and launched herself at him.

                              When she asked "Don't you want me?" he said "No! Not like this!" (Read "in other circumstances, yes!")

                              To put my two pennyworth in on the subject of TPTB and fan reaction... While they are eager to please the fans (to sell the 'product') they don't care about the (to them) niggly little details that have so upset some of us here. As for Joe, I have nothing but contempt for him and his blog. He lives to tease and stir up the fans. He always has, since the first time he came to a con and realised how passionate we can be. He drops his little bombs and then sits back and watches the 'fun'. I personally don't like being used like that.

                              I have to say I'm beginning to agree with you Mumsey. I had quite a large comment that went with the question I asked and Joe kinda took the whole thing outta context to give the answer he wanted. I actually told him I liked the IOA angle that what I didn't like was how they treated Carter in the gate room, blah, blah....I ranted a bit then asked what he posted. He totally ignored the rest. Kinda irked me. So, yeah, I think he's a bit of a "pot stirrer". This isn't the only time he's done that. He did it to EH-T's question last week too and I'm certain to many others. I've gone to the comments section and looked at the actual posts before but I don't know, like everyone's said if it's not on the screen does it matter if it's in the blog?

                              I ask him questions or post my opinions just to let him know when there is something I feel very strongly about. Carter's treatment was something I felt very strongly about. Doesn't mean he's going to change it; doesn't mean he really paid attention to what I wrote; but I feel better that I expressed my opinion. Not sure I'll do it again though.



                                lessee, to derail the topic of our opinoins of joe - fascinating though they may be-

                                a topic pertaining to sam

                                It's vacation time.

                                Sam has two weeks off. And she's got a good enough job (someone once figured out that SAm, with her haz duty pay and everything makes between 70-100,000 a year, and that was a major's pay) that anything - within reason - is within reach

                                So, what would Sam do with two weeks off?
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


