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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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      Originally posted by suse View Post
      I just ate some Chocolate Party chocolate last night. And saved the wrapper. Because I want more. I'm afraid it from Eastern Europe though.

      You had chocolate left????

      Originally posted by jz9 View Post
      Who is Mumsey? I don't remember seeing a post by this name before. Well whoever you are, Happy Birthday!
      Mumsey is from the G4. She is on the thread but with a VERY difficult name lol. SWO something ... I think.


        Hey Everyone,

        Originally posted by LilFerret View Post

        Well, I fall into the other category, being totally head over heels, but it does go way deeper than looks. If she didn't have a heart as bright as the sun, a sense of humor and wit as sharp as a knife, an honesty about her that astounds even the casual observer, and a love of life in general that radiates from her very being, I wouldn't have cried big heart-wrenching sobs every time I thought about the con when I had to leave. That continued for weeks upon weeks. And I certainly wouldn't be the same person I am today.

        I'm not sure WHO I'd be today.
        I was like that at AT3 and when I got home too.
        Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

        Happy Birthday Mumsey!!
        Sorry its late, hope you had a great day!
        Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
        Congratulations Sophie!
        Congrats Sofie!!

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          Well, I fall into the other category, being totally head over heels, but it does go way deeper than looks. If she didn't have a heart as bright as the sun, a sense of humor and wit as sharp as a knife, an honesty about her that astounds even the casual observer, and a love of life in general that radiates from her very being, I wouldn't have cried big heart-wrenching sobs every time I thought about the con when I had to leave. That continued for weeks upon weeks. And I certainly wouldn't be the same person I am today.
          I'm not sure WHO I'd be today.
          Awww...that is sooo sweet! I think that is one of the few things I am seriously concerned about when traveling over there next year. I just said goodbye tonight to a friend who was over for the weekend *Mara from the ship thread* and we're planning on getting together again in August but it was sad to say goodbye...and she lives in the same state as me!!! hard it must be to say goodbye to friends you may not see again..ever...that's gonna kill me...but I really can't not go for the fear...I still need to do conflicting this is!!
          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
          For Mumsey I just had to make something with AT3 pics Pics by my friend Alexa. To make you smile

          And now my sickleave is almost to an end, so also the insane amount of photoshopping I've been doing .... *sigh*
          Wow!! That is gorgeous!!!
          So when you say your sick leave is over...that's a good thing right??? Coz now I'm assuming you're doing great....yes??!!
          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
          I am a fan of the character of Sam because she is one of the best, if not the best, role model for women on television. The character is smart without being condescending, kind, compassionate, loyal and brave.

          I am a fan of Amanda because she is one of the best role models for women in real life. She is also smart, kind, compassionate, loyal and brave. She is famous without being condescending. She is genuinely grateful to the fans of Stargate. She mentors women in film and inspires many. She acts professionally and works hard. I wish she (and the other wonderful actors of Stargate) got a little more attention than all the spoiled, untalented, badly behaved so-called celebrities the "news" reports on so often.
          I'm a fan of Sam and Amanda for pretty much the same reasons EH-T...and I guess if I were to really think about it or write everything down about Sam and Amanda that makes me love and appreciate them...I could probably write a novel...there are so many reasons why they both are just the most wonderful women!
          Originally posted by ParadoxRealities View Post
          You think she makes herself miserable over anti-Carters? I don't. Girl's a class act (where's that class ACT sig? *searches*) and I think she takes that in stride. You can't be liked be everyone, right? It's been a rough year.
          (((PR)))...good to see you back...I hope that you will be able to pop in more often!!
          Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
          Happy Birthday Mumsey

          Congratulations Sophie
          Same here from me ladies!!!
          Originally posted by antoa View Post
          She's referring to the time I met RDA at the charity walk last year where he mocked me and then played with my Jack dollie.
          Though maybe she's referring to the fact that I remained conscious and coherent when I met him
          I am really glad I got to meet him outside of a con. He seemed very relaxed And also surprised to see a couple of SG fans.

          Not that we were crazy or anything.
          Originally posted by suse View Post
          ShYeah!!! Right......
          I was gonna say that!!! Hehehe...not crazy indeed!!!!
          Originally posted by LilFerret View Post
          And also the fans who dropped Sanctuary for lack of information.
          Sad...but their loss IMHO!
          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
          I can't believe you still have chocolate party chocolate left? How long have we been back from AT3?

          Folks, I say we smite her and stealeth said chocolate.

          Please? She glowered at me. I could really use some moral support here. Somebody?

          I am now totally depressed at my failure to incite The Samandan Chocolate Riot of 2008. I'm going to hide in that little corner over there and hope somebody comes to rescue me. But I shan't hold my breath. Because that would be bad. Worse than failing to incite a riot. Neep still loves me. Or Oober. One of them will come lick me and make me feel better. Right?
          There shall be no smiting here!!

          Okely dokely...having just popped back online after a most wonderful weekend with Mara I'm off to read some fanfiction then with luck...I shall sleep like a baby!!
          I just want to say that I love this thread...and I love the people in it!!
          That is all...night night folks...take care and have fun!!

          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by NZNeep View Post

            Boobies have nipples on them.
            Chuckling...Heh ahhhh you made my nose bleed again. D'oh


              Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
              Chuckling...Heh ahhhh you made my nose bleed again. D'oh
              No! The hockey stick made it bleed!

              Not me...

              I'm sorry.
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
                (((((scifithinker))))) *LICK* feeling better now?

                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Even better now.

                *happy sigh*

                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Boobies have nipples on them.
                Thank you for clearing that up. I really had no idea.

                In memory of Deejay.
                May we all be so well loved.


                  Hey Kiddies!

                  Thankyou so much for all your lovely birthday greetings. They are very much appreciated.

                  I had a wonderful day surrounded by my very small (there are six of us + one very lively dog) and sometimes incompatible (sister and Son-in-law don't get along very well) family. We all had a very nice lunch together and it was very nice to be the centre of attention and not a referee!

                  Huggles to everyone. (I don't do licking!)

                  Kay aka Mumsey aka SWMBOTGSG
                  For details of AT10 go to


                    Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                    I can't believe you still have chocolate party chocolate left? How long have we been back from AT3?

                    Folks, I say we smite her and stealeth said chocolate.

                    Please? She glowered at me. I could really use some moral support here. Somebody?

                    I am now totally depressed at my failure to incite The Samandan Chocolate Riot of 2008. I'm going to hide in that little corner over there and hope somebody comes to rescue me. But I shan't hold my breath. Because that would be bad. Worse than failing to incite a riot. Neep still loves me. Or Oober. One of them will come lick me and make me feel better. Right?

                    *Pats sft* There there, honey. I'll go on a chocolate riot with you. But we have to wait until Sky isn't looking. And Ferret can't come either cuz she'll steal all our booty. Uh, booty as in chocolate not as in uh, bootie. So don't even go there, Neep. And Ferret. and whoever else will go there.

                    "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                    SG-1 FanFiction
                    Sanctuary Fanfiction


                      Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                      *Pats sft* There there, honey. I'll go on a chocolate riot with you. But we have to wait until Sky isn't looking. And Ferret can't come either cuz she'll steal all our booty. Uh, booty as in chocolate not as in uh, bootie. So don't even go there, Neep. And Ferret. and whoever else will go there.
                      Ah, telling Neep not to go there, is like telling Jack not to watch the Simpson's

                      my fanfic


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Ah, telling Neep not to go there, is like telling Jack not to watch the Simpson's
                        <<raises brows>>
                        Pot and kettle, hon.

                        Mourning Sanctuary.
                        Thanks for the good times!


                          Sunday afternoon and I'm watching SG1 season one again.
                          Under the spoilers for those interested.


                          Thor's Hammer

                          Starts with Daniel and the Malp standing at the top of the gate ramp - before the wormhole engages, oops, bit of a blooper that, they'd have been toast.

                          Yay for the Wonder Twins in their matching boonies.
                          I liked the psudoViking society, it's a shame we didn't see more of these folks. And the introduction of the Unas. SG1 developing it's own mythos, which it abandoned or ignored in later years (and I'm not talking about years 9 & 10 here).
                          The Wonder Twins are so passionate in looking for their missing half of their team. Interesting that the ex-Goul'd, Kendra, dresses in posh velvet and is prettier than the natives (and now I re-watch it, clearly from a different ethnic background to the blonde Vikings, that's smart casting) and it's fitting that she now believes in Thor and co.

                          Ooh, they've taken off the boonies and put on the mighty Helmets of Dork! And Jack makes Daniel be the on to destroy the Hammer, canny leader, our Jack.

                          Not much Sam, but a good teamy episode which holds up well and has consistent internal logic and world building.

                          Torment of Tantalus

                          Not convinced by the sudden retcon of early gate history, but a charming episode and bonus points for having Catherine in it.
                          Wonderful actress playing her. She's laying the guilt on Daniel for not telling her he's home from Abydos. Oh, she's being shown as brighter than her father and Earnest, SG1 is so good at strong women! Catherine is a driving force in the Stargate Program, not just a pretty face. Interesting, they are using Catherine's father's smoking as a shortcut to showing the period sections, along with the music, which is exactly what DS9 did when showing historical periods (Little Green Men and Far Beyond the Stars). Smoking is such an unusual thing now in North American culture, it can be used to pinpoint past times.
                          This is the Daniel in Wonderland episode. You have to feel for him.
                          Any the Catherine/Earnest love story has a happy ending, huzzar!


                          Our first real look into the Jaffa.
                          Chulak still looks like British Columbia but the whole episode is worth it for Bra'tac! I hart Bra'tac.

                          The Wonder Twins on the case again, Sam's going against Jack's orders again, to go cover the gate, bad Sam as she and her partner in crime get sidetracked by the procession in the woods. Some nonsensical stuff, why are the precious Goul'd larvae just in a pretty fishbowl with some random drapes in the middle of nowhere? Sam finds a new use for a vacuum flask, Daniel commits infanticide.

                          Fire and Water

                          Good acting from all the principles, including the glorious Teryl. The team do the shock of loosing DJ very well, I was going to say particularly Amanda but RDA and CJ are also both very strong, seems almost unfair to single her out. The tension in RDA's face when he's at the debriefing is fabulous.
                          I'd forgotten the military funeral for DJ. Jack's words are lovely, Daniel was the teams conscience, I'd forgotten that too and Sam and Jack placing the wreath into the wormhole (shallow moment, Amanda looks lovely in the dress uniform, but boy does she tower over Teryl. Oh, and MS looks edible when wet).
                          Super slashy moment ahoy!
                          Jack holding Daniel's wake and smashing Hammond's car window, all that pent up passion.

                          I like Nem, he looks very much like a Dr Who monster and I like Daniel trying to communicate with him, very in character. Ah, Daniel's apartment, full of priceless junk. Peach suits Amanda, brings out the blue of her eyes.
                          Nem has an alien mind, an alien perception of time and life span, I wish we'd seen him again in the fight. They are using Daniel's beard growth to show the passage of time, I didn't think I was much of a fan of the floppy hair, but he looks so pretty in this one.
                          Dr McKensie, I presume? Sam looks more and more brittle throughout the episode. Argh, now Sam's done an undergrad psych course, they don't need to load her with all this baggage, deep cleansing breaths, convention of genre and all that. Jack's determination when he tells her that they are going back to find their missing team mate is fabulous, his eyes are so ferocious, no one messes with his team.
                          Love the exterior shots, that doesn't look like British Columbia with those gas giants looming across the sky - that's the sort of stuff I miss from later seasons, they seemed to get lazy about the alienness of where they were going and relied on the village set too much.

                          Hathor Oh boy...

                          I remember being distracted by the cheezyness of this episode and the Red Wig of Camp the first time I saw it.
                          Good continuity with the archeologists quoting Daniel's work!
                          For me, SG1 never had really credible vilains until Ba'al, the rest of the Goul'd were too campy, they didn't have the menace of the Cardassians or The Shadows or the political intrigue of the Minbari/Naarn conflict.
                          The actress is lovely, beautiful eyes, shame about the wig/plot/costume.
                          Ah, men being led around by their, egos, so no change there then. And poor Daniel gets raped, which is rather glossed over, this being prime time US tv suitable for kids, more dodgy biology with procuring the seed of life to make the larvae specific to those they are to be implanted in. How come the Tok'ra queens look like Elgeria and the Goul'd queen looks like a beauty queen. And don't get me started on the handy dandy Jaffa maker nipped into her costume...
                          Ah the good bit - go girls! Sam organises the 5th Column.
                          The phrase 'saucy minx' could have made for Dr Fraser, it really could. 'Libidinous' is a great word to use, clever to avoid upsetting the Moral Majority by using that instead of horny.
                          Love, love, love Sam apologising to Hammond for the crack on the head but overall, a bit of an embarrassment of an episode.

                          And now, hot smoked salmon salad and a glass of cider, methinks.



                            Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                            Wow!! That is gorgeous!!!
                            So when you say your sick leave is over...that's a good thing right??? Coz now I'm assuming you're doing great....yes??!!
                            Thanks for caring Chelle I'm doing OK, will try to get back to work half days next week. I've taken it easy last week, so I felt pretty OK. But this weekend I tried to do a little more and I felt ... not so great. So will see how it goes. I've heard it's normal to need a couple of weeks.

                            I did manage to finish my final, not sure about the word, paper? to get my official title (I think it's something like CPA in the US). I have to turn it in this week, I had 5 years for it and they expire after next week lol. Me bad. But yay, it's done. So I hope it will be sufficient so I can finally get my title.

                            Uhh, to be on topic
                            PSA Commercial, was linked on another forum (not sure how old it is, she has long blonde hair): A commercial with AT about saving the planet earth.


                              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                              Uhh, to be on topic
                              PSA Commercial, was linked on another forum (not sure how old it is, she has long blonde hair): A commercial with AT about saving the planet earth.
                              *grins* Amanda and Mary McDonnell in one clip
                              *fangirl gone wild*

                              Thanks for all the congrats btw *hugs all*
                              Made some more AT3 icons!!


                                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                                Sunday afternoon and I'm watching SG1 season one again.
                                Under the spoilers for those interested.

                                Fire and Water

                                Good acting from all the principles, including the glorious Teryl. The team do the shock of loosing DJ very well, I was going to say particularly Amanda but RDA and CJ are also both very strong, seems almost unfair to single her out. The tension in RDA's face when he's at the debriefing is fabulous.
                                I'd forgotten the military funeral for DJ. Jack's words are lovely, Daniel was the teams conscience, I'd forgotten that too and Sam and Jack placing the wreath into the wormhole (shallow moment, Amanda looks lovely in the dress uniform, but boy does she tower over Teryl....

                                Lots of good comments, but I've singled out a few. I agree with the shock scenes. They all showed their shock in a slightly different, but believable way. I'd want Fraiser to be my doc if I were in shock. She's so soothing with Sam & the others, but without being "sickly sweet." I think that helps Sam--who we already sense doesn't want to appear "weak."
                                "why can't I stop shaking?" ((Sam))

                                And yeah--you forget how tall AT is when she's standing next to the guys--but next to TR, she does tower.

