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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    so this doesn't sound like amanda will be in at least one ep *for sure* in the second half???

    does anyone know why it took so long for 'sanctuary' to start filming?

    i'm going to miss seeing sam...

    Yeah, I'm going to miss Sam too!!

    I'm not going to get my hopes up about another ep in the second half cos that way I won't be disappointed if it doesn't happen. It's still a possibility it will happen though.

    From a recent article I got the impression that Skiffy wanted to give them time to do it properly because they want it in their Friday lineup and have high hopes for it.


      Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
      From a recent article I got the impression that Skiffy wanted to give them time to do it properly because they want it in their Friday lineup and have high hopes for it.
      yeah, i remember that too. *sigh*

      too bad sam couldn't have been in more eps at the beginning of the season...


      *starts to shake*




        Originally posted by majorsal View Post
        s5 'search and rescue' AND 'continuum' spoilers
        joe didn't say that amanda/sam was going to be in the second ep, so i guess she'll be 'referenced' instead of seen in #2...

        i wonder if sam will make reference to being replaced at atlantis in 'contiuum'? prob not.

        well, i enjoyed the one season of atlantis i watched. C'est la vie.

        of course not. It was filmed over a year ago.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          'continuum' and s5 'search and rescue' spoilers

          Originally posted by suse View Post
          of course not. It was filmed over a year ago.

          then maybe it would have been a good idea 'not' to use the baal/execution excuse? you know, like picking homeworld security as the reason jack left the sgc, only to never really bring him up in eps where hws would have been brought up...





            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            then maybe it would have been a good idea 'not' to use the baal/execution excuse? you know, like picking homeworld security as the reason jack left the sgc, only to never really bring him up in eps where hws would have been brought up...



              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              I received the most beautiful gift tonight, which i can share. The author wants to remain anonyomous, but said that i could share it with you guys

              This Thread
              not of a spool
              it’s not for sewing though it’s quilting brings many hugs together
              though not string for tying has many hearts strung together

              This thread, where does it come from??

              This thread
              of strands that can stand alone
              strands that bend but do not break
              strands of many different colors, shapes and sizes

              This thread
              is, at times, both old and young
              savvy and naïve
              serious and silly
              bold and shy
              loud and quiet
              introspective and outspoken
              always kind and giving

              This thread
              that doesn’t knot up
              that will not break
              that is made of both iron and silk
              that shines like diamonds and gold
              yet weeps at injustice and mourns at loss

              This thread
              that wraps the world in its embrace and humor
              where does it come from you may ask?
              why from one woman we answer ~ Amanda

              This thread carries her kindness, her humor, her grace, her humanity throughout the world
              This thread is ~SAMANDA
              This thread is the community brought together by Amanda, kept together by those who share the attributes she embodies; kindness, humor, grace and love….
              That is lovely Sky and so very true, i truely believe that the human spirit is bound together by love that transends anything man made and what we give out so shall we reap


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                completed episodes 501, 02, and 03 have been leaked.

                Needless to say, don't go posting links here, or talking about how you see it if you do. Use spoiler space if you have to talk about it,, and don't go confessing to downloading, or i'm just gonna be deleting your posts
                If you talk about it don't you automatically confess to downloading?


                  Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                  I think Sam lives with the AF food because that goes with the job. But I'll bet she also has an appreciate for good food. Anyone who can make a mean souffle has an appreciation for good food. I would think it's the formulas and the way the ingrediants come together to create the whole that she especially appreciates. It's a science thing too (baking is anyway).
                  I'm definitely one of those people...I adore cooking, the science of blending flavors and colors together to make something magical...but you can usually catch me eating something simple because my schedule's too packed to worry about food except on weekends. Cooking is the only science I really understand.

                  ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
                  ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


                    Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                    If you talk about it don't you automatically confess to downloading?
                    No that's not a logical conclusion, there were hundreds of screeners sent out (according to JM).

                    That is to say some people may have seen it through legitimate means, you can't apply a blanket everyone saw it through illegitimate means


                      And some of us are just gonna wait the month to see the first epi. I can't WAIT!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        in sam's fridge i see

                        a 12 pack of diet coke
                        few beers, maybe some other bottled adult beverages as her taste demands
                        a collection of condiments, ketchup, mayo, mustard, butter, jelly/jam etc
                        some kraft type sandwich cheese, some chocolate, probably some yogurt
                        she might have some milk and juice, but not big cartons. no more than a pint/half gallon of milk just cause she won't go through it fast enough before it goes bad
                        she'll also have some random left overs from take out or the meal she cooked the other night.
                        she might have a dozen eggs, just cause a couple scrambled eggs are a quick meal, and a partial loaf of bread since it keeps good longer in the fridge than it does out of it
                        What do you think sam has in her fridge?
                        Originally posted by antoa View Post
                        Dude. You just described my fridge.
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        i also used my fridge as a pattern/basis
                        Hehe...sounds a bit like my fridge too...except I have vegies in the bottoms and left over beef curry and pasta bake!! And my bread is actually i the freezer.
                        I pretty much agree with your list Sky...
                        12 pack diet coke
                        6 pack Heineken beer
                        1ltr light milk (have no idea how the gallon/pint thing works)
                        2ltr orange juice or apple/pear juice!
                        packaged tasty cheese slices
                        1 doz eggs
                        assortment of condiments (mayo, mustard, sauce etc)
                        yoghurt - vanilla or strawberry flavoured
                        left over Chinese/Thai food

                        I'll go with the idea that she freezes her bread and has a bag of frozen mixed vegetables in the freezer along with ice cubes and a tub of chocolate choc chip ice cream!
                        If she's anything like me, she hides her chocolate bars in a casserole dish!!
                        Hey! When you have kids and a hubby who lay claim to anything that doesn't have your name on it then one must resort to drastic measures!!
                        Do you think she keeps her coffee in the fridge??? They say it's best to refrigerate coffee once it's been opened...I used to but now it's more handy to keep it on the bench with the tea and sugar!
                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        I received the most beautiful gift tonight, which i can share. The author wants to remain anonyomous, but said that i could share it with you guys

                        This Thread
                        not of a spool
                        it’s not for sewing though it’s quilting brings many hugs together
                        though not string for tying has many hearts strung together

                        This thread, where does it come from??

                        This thread
                        of strands that can stand alone
                        strands that bend but do not break
                        strands of many different colors, shapes and sizes

                        This thread
                        is, at times, both old and young
                        savvy and naïve
                        serious and silly
                        bold and shy
                        loud and quiet
                        introspective and outspoken
                        always kind and giving

                        This thread
                        that doesn’t knot up
                        that will not break
                        that is made of both iron and silk
                        that shines like diamonds and gold
                        yet weeps at injustice and mourns at loss

                        This thread
                        that wraps the world in its embrace and humor
                        where does it come from you may ask?
                        why from one woman we answer ~ Amanda

                        This thread carries her kindness, her humor, her grace, her humanity throughout the world
                        This thread is ~SAMANDA
                        This thread is the community brought together by Amanda, kept together by those who share the attributes she embodies; kindness, humor, grace and love….
                        Thank you Sky and a huge than you to the anonymous author...I wish you weren't anonymous...that was so shouldn't hide. But thank you so much. How true are those words.

                        I'm only jumping in really quick tonight...have just come home from work and need to go out to niece and nephews birthday...but I just wanted to check in with you all...please take care and stay safe.

                        I keep having weird dreams...and they're all the same...well very similar anyway...I've had three this week alone...not bad ones mind you...just weird...thankfully I can rest assured that they won't come true.! It's just weird how they keep occurring and I have no idea why...just weird I guess...kinda like me which kinda explains it all!

                        Night all, enjoy your weekend and stay safe.
                        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                        ~Amanda Tapping


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          I received the most beautiful gift tonight, which i can share. The author wants to remain anonyomous, but said that i could share it with you guys

                          This Thread
                          not of a spool
                          it’s not for sewing though it’s quilting brings many hugs together
                          though not string for tying has many hearts strung together

                          This thread, where does it come from??

                          This thread
                          of strands that can stand alone
                          strands that bend but do not break
                          strands of many different colors, shapes and sizes

                          This thread
                          is, at times, both old and young
                          savvy and naïve
                          serious and silly
                          bold and shy
                          loud and quiet
                          introspective and outspoken
                          always kind and giving

                          This thread
                          that doesn’t knot up
                          that will not break
                          that is made of both iron and silk
                          that shines like diamonds and gold
                          yet weeps at injustice and mourns at loss

                          This thread
                          that wraps the world in its embrace and humor
                          where does it come from you may ask?
                          why from one woman we answer ~ Amanda

                          This thread carries her kindness, her humor, her grace, her humanity throughout the world
                          This thread is ~SAMANDA
                          This thread is the community brought together by Amanda, kept together by those who share the attributes she embodies; kindness, humor, grace and love….
                          that's beautiful. Won't let me green you, so please consider yourself greened!
                          "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                            Originally posted by Erin13 View Post
                            I'm an Iced Tea junkie.... Venti, Black, Iced Tea with 3 raw sugars please I swear the Starbucks' around hear know me by my car

                            Sam usually has water by her plate except on those occasions you mentions in 'Upgrades' (beer & diet soda). I don't remember seeing anything else.
                            I tend to do camomile tea these days, as I have to keep away from caffeine. It tastes a bit like boiled underpants, but it's very good for calming you when you're agitated!

                            As for Sam, I think she's a bit of a coffee girl; she was delighted to receive a coffee from Mitchell in Line in the Sand, and then disappointed it was decaff. Or is that only when she's working too hard and needs a boost?
                            "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                              Originally posted by suse View Post
                              <<Will not bait the Brit. Will not bait the Brit...>>

                              Wanna bet about the weight issue? At over 100 calories (US) for 8 ounces (non-diet obviously) - when the stuff comes in 12/20/24 oz containers it certainly is an issue. Especially when many drink several a day. Not all of us (read: almost none of us ) have your metabolism. Wench.

                              100 cal is a good brisk walk in my book OK, I don't really drink soda, and I walk about three times as fast as a normal woman...

                              Green tea is the way *nods*. And 'normal' tea. Preferrably served with cake. Mmm. Cake.

                              Courtesy of smurf, as always


                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                                I received the most beautiful gift tonight, which i can share. The author wants to remain anonyomous, but said that i could share it with you guys

                                This Thread
                                not of a spool
                                it’s not for sewing though it’s quilting brings many hugs together
                                though not string for tying has many hearts strung together

                                This thread, where does it come from??

                                This thread
                                of strands that can stand alone
                                strands that bend but do not break
                                strands of many different colors, shapes and sizes

                                This thread
                                is, at times, both old and young
                                savvy and naïve
                                serious and silly
                                bold and shy
                                loud and quiet
                                introspective and outspoken
                                always kind and giving

                                This thread
                                that doesn’t knot up
                                that will not break
                                that is made of both iron and silk
                                that shines like diamonds and gold
                                yet weeps at injustice and mourns at loss

                                This thread
                                that wraps the world in its embrace and humor
                                where does it come from you may ask?
                                why from one woman we answer ~ Amanda

                                This thread carries her kindness, her humor, her grace, her humanity throughout the world
                                This thread is ~SAMANDA
                                This thread is the community brought together by Amanda, kept together by those who share the attributes she embodies; kindness, humor, grace and love….
                                Beautiful Thank you, whoever wrote it!

                                And my drink of choice is hot green tea, lemon flavoured. No calories too I don't think we have rootbeer here, I've had it once in the US, really didn't like it. And pepsi or coke doesn't matter to me, as long as it diet ... really can't stand consuming so many calories in a drink, so has to be diet.

