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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    God Bless and keep you Deejay... Your journey is new and bright today... Please know as you look in on us that you will be greatly missed and greatly celebrated in equal measure.



      hey I've only really just joined the thread, but I've really been touched by the out-pouring of love from Samanda. I feel so honoured to have been witness to it all.
      God Bless

      I just wanted to leave this, it's helped give me strength when I lost someone:
      The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away
      The Taking is so very hard
      Because what he Gives is so very good
      Blessed be the Name of the Lord
      sigpicMy Fanfic


        I didn't really know Deejay (mostly just from the little but telling things, like posts and rep comments) but what I did know was wholly positive. Who I know better is some of you, and just what she meant to you. So I offer my condolences to those who have lost their wonderful friend, and join you all in appreciating and celebrating what seems to have been a life well lived.

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          I'm very sad to hear of Deejay's passing.
          I will miss her thoughtful and often lighthearted posts.
          My thoughts are with her family


            Deejay, you have fought the good fight and have won the victory! I am thankful you are now in a much better place where there is no more sorrow, pain or tears. I have never met you on earth but will see you one day in heaven!

            When we all get to heaven -


              Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
              I didn't really know Deejay (mostly just from the little but telling things, like posts and rep comments) but what I did know was wholly positive. Who I know better is some of you, and just what she meant to you. So I offer my condolences to those who have lost their wonderful friend, and join you all in appreciating and celebrating what seems to have been a life well lived.
              Thanks for saying this, it's how I feel too but didn't know how to say.


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                Thanks for saying this, it's how I feel too but didn't know how to say.
                You're welcome Even if we didn't know her as well, I think we can both grieve for and yet celebrate someone who was so obviously loved by so many here.

                Courtesy of smurf, as always


                  I can't add anything profound regarding Deejay.

                  I know her family has faith so I hope they can draw comfort from that. It's hard for those left behind, I have lost too many friends and family, time is the only thing which can help. She can never die while her memory lives in your hearts.

                  Today is the summer solstice, an auspicious day in my religion, the cycle of life is older than us all, we will all follow Deejay in our time, she's just started her journey before us.

                  We were talking about another cancer sufferer, Joyce Grenfell, there is a programme on BBC2 in the UK tonight about her, if anyone is interested, it is called Comedy With Breeding.



                    Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                    I can't add anything profound regarding Deejay.

                    I know her family has faith so I hope they can draw comfort from that. It's hard for those left behind, I have lost too many friends and family, time is the only thing which can help. She can never die while her memory lives in your hearts.

                    Today is the summer solstice, an auspicious day in my religion, the cycle of life is older than us all, we will all follow Deejay in our time, she's just started her journey before us.

                    We were talking about another cancer sufferer, Joyce Grenfell, there is a programme on BBC2 in the UK tonight about her, if anyone is interested, it is called Comedy With Breeding.

                    I've set my recorder to catch that programme, dipsofjazz kindly alerted me to it. JG believed that death was not the end but the beginning. She was also kind, funny and gracious, with a self-deprecating wit, and provided entertainment to millions. Remind you of anyone?!
                    "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                      I'm very sorry to hear of the loss of DeeJay, i never met her nor did i know what she looked like, i just used to read her posts and found myself being drawn to her fight to beat her illness, i found that as time went by she was giving her "all" and more besides, she truely is a beautiful spirit up there among the stars.
                      God speed DeeJay, we will miss you but you have given much to many of us all around the world.


                        On behalf of the Sam/Jack Ship Family Thread, we'd like to extend our condolences to the Samanda thread members on the loss of Deejay. Like you, we are a close groups of friends and we can only imagine how a loss like this must feel. Know that our thoughts and prayers are with you, her friends; and please extend them to Deejay's family on our behalf.


                        The Sam/Jack Shippers


                          I was neglecting my copmuter for a few days, so I only just heard what happened to our beloved Deejay... I never met her, but from her posts and from the care and love she gave out to everyone, even when she was sick, I could tell that Deejay was a wonderfully kind woman. She will be missed greatly by all the Samandas.

                          Deejay, wherever you are up there, you're at peace now, and we're sending you our love.
                          All my love and *hugs* to Deejay's family,



                            On behaf of the John/Teyla shippers, we offer our condolences and sympathies for the loss of Deejay. All of GW is like a family, a great big family, and loosing a family member is something not taken lightly. We're sending our love and prayers to Deejay's family, and to all of those who are hurting from the passing of such a warm and friendly person.

                            Most sincerely,

                            The John/Teyla Shippers



                              Watching some more early Stargate today.
                              This is not all about Sam, so it's really off topic. Is the consensus for me to continue posting them here or should I look for a more appropriate thread?

                              I'll post it under a cut so those not interested in my inane ramblings don't have to read.


                              Broca Divide

                              Never really liked the idea of the dark/light side of the planet; lack of planetary rotation causes all kinds of problems, particularly at the dark side has trees, with leaves, err, no light, no photosynthesis. And that's the least of your problems.

                              But I liked Tuplo, liked the actor, loved the Minoan set and costumes. In later seasons, the medieval set was over used, I liked the variety in earlier years.

                              Love, love, love Sam and Daniel bonding over their mutual pout when Jack makes them leave Tuplo and co. They look like a pair of kids told by dad that the party is over.

                              Some good acting throughout, particularly from RDA as a caveman, I sometimes feel that the acting and production values for SG1 outshine the script by quite a big margin.

                              The First Commandment

                              SG1 attempts 'The Man Who Would Be King'

                              Another daft plot, no way SG1 should have not called for back up right at the start.

                              [shallow]Daniel looks hot as a hot thing in the bandana and Sam looks pretty, even in a boonie, which is quite a feat, both Daniel and Jack look like dorks in theirs.[/shallow]

                              Ooh, Sam goes against Jack's direct order to stop one of the slaves being beaten, very like Daniel saving the soppy princess in Need. Poor Jack, does anyone ever do as he says?
                              I don't buy Sam and Hanson, didn't find the actor that convincing and don't understand his motivations, think the problem lies more with the writing than the actor himself. They didn't look to me like an ex-couple, I just didn't believe in the relationship.
                              The lad playing the the native boy, Jamala was a good young actor.

                              The subplot about the sun being so strong it burns doesn't really work either; the cinematography just doesn't look hot enough, too many cool colours and too like um, well British Columbia. Part of the problem is, everyone looks cold in their desert robes!

                              Nice pep talk at the end between Jack and Sam regarding killing, Jack's black ops history would make that all the more poignant. I like how fast Sam recovers her equilibrium, she is affected by Hansen's fate, but not handicapped by it.

                              Cold Lazurus
                              What a fabulous location that sulphur pit is, particularly with the blue sky above and the blue crystals. Beautiful.

                              Love hearing Sam talk about being an auntie! I'd forgotten that scene (I really have only seen some episodes once).
                              Super slash goggles on!
                              For someone who doesn't tell his team much about his life outside the programme, Daniel knows a lot about Jack and his old family.

                              Of course, after a mission, Daniel and Sam go straight to Sam's lab to investigate the mystery of the crystals. That's our science twins. Running into Teal'c's room just like excitable children, I love them together. "We need your staff weapon!!!" No explaining, just their boundless enthusiasm. "You received permission for me to fire my staff weapon in the gate room?" Teal'c asks, as the alarms go off and the science twins share A Look.

                              The Jack/Sara stuff is very touching, RDA plays it very well, it's just sad that it's Crystal!Jack, not our Jack getting the closure. The actress playing Sara is fabulous but there is a huge plot hole left by Sara and Crystal!Jack/Charlie which was never addressed and would have been an interesting sub plot in a future episode. I wonder if they couldn't get the actress back.
                              I like the crystals as a life form, very unusual.

                              The Nox

                              Starts with Sam enthusing and explaining the gate horizon to the politician (he's another good actor - SG1 had lots of good secondary and guest actors). Makes her eyes light up like nothing else!
                              Sam and Daniel are still in the helmets. And still look like dorks, bless them. Noxworld looks an awful lot like British Colombia, or Wales, on a cold day. Just sayin'. You can hear the rain chucking it down on them.
                              Love the look of the Nox, particularly the woman, Lyra, she is just so ethereal, but I love their costumes and hair. Oh look, Armin Shimerman, as I said, good actors on this show.
                              Sam's hair has been tamed a little in this episode, it was a bit fluffy at the start of the season. Possibly the rain is dampening it down?
                              Nothing much else to say specifically about Sam, lot's of teamy goodness, this is a nice little episode, I wish we had seen more of the Nox than we did, particularly after the reveal of the city at the end.

                              Brief Candle

                              Sigh, another silly one.
                              The costumes look like something from A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum or Up Pompeii. And it looks like they found a sunny day in Vancouver, and no pine trees, will wonders never cease?
                              And all of them look to Sam to deliver the baby! But Daniel does.
                              Jack's team is highly amused by Jack's fan bringing him cake. Oh look, she's trying to belly dance. She's not very good. And Jack has the intergalactic STD, well done Jack.
                              Ah, Sam and Janet working together, there's a sight for sore eyes. Science!Sam, determined and brilliant but it's the old problem, they need an expert in nano technology, so it's Sam, a theoretical astrophysicist, who gets to wear the mantle. Have to hand wave it, they do it to Sam and Daniel more and more over the years.
                              Jack's a very good grumpy old man, and his little belly dancer sticks with him, which is sweet.



                                Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                                Watching some more early Stargate today.
                                This is not all about Sam, so it's really off topic. Is the consensus for me to continue posting them here or should I look for a more appropriate thread?

                                I'll post it under a cut so those not interested in my inane ramblings don't have to read.


                                Broca Divide

                                Never really liked the idea of the dark/light side of the planet; lack of planetary rotation causes all kinds of problems, particularly at the dark side has trees, with leaves, err, no light, no photosynthesis. And that's the least of your problems.

                                But I liked Tuplo, liked the actor, loved the Minoan set and costumes. In later seasons, the medieval set was over used, I liked the variety in earlier years.

                                Love, love, love Sam and Daniel bonding over their mutual pout when Jack makes them leave Tuplo and co. They look like a pair of kids told by dad that the party is over.

                                Some good acting throughout, particularly from RDA as a caveman, I sometimes feel that the acting and production values for SG1 outshine the script by quite a big margin.

                                The First Commandment

                                SG1 attempts 'The Man Who Would Be King'

                                Another daft plot, no way SG1 should have not called for back up right at the start.

                                [shallow]Daniel looks hot as a hot thing in the bandana and Sam looks pretty, even in a boonie, which is quite a feat, both Daniel and Jack look like dorks in theirs.[/shallow]

                                Ooh, Sam goes against Jack's direct order to stop one of the slaves being beaten, very like Daniel saving the soppy princess in Need. Poor Jack, does anyone ever do as he says?
                                I don't buy Sam and Hanson, didn't find the actor that convincing and don't understand his motivations, think the problem lies more with the writing than the actor himself. They didn't look to me like an ex-couple, I just didn't believe in the relationship.
                                The lad playing the the native boy, Jamala was a good young actor.

                                The subplot about the sun being so strong it burns doesn't really work either; the cinematography just doesn't look hot enough, too many cool colours and too like um, well British Columbia. Part of the problem is, everyone looks cold in their desert robes!

                                Nice pep talk at the end between Jack and Sam regarding killing, Jack's black ops history would make that all the more poignant. I like how fast Sam recovers her equilibrium, she is affected by Hansen's fate, but not handicapped by it.

                                Cold Lazurus
                                What a fabulous location that sulphur pit is, particularly with the blue sky above and the blue crystals. Beautiful.

                                Love hearing Sam talk about being an auntie! I'd forgotten that scene (I really have only seen some episodes once).
                                Super slash goggles on!
                                For someone who doesn't tell his team much about his life outside the programme, Daniel knows a lot about Jack and his old family.

                                Of course, after a mission, Daniel and Sam go straight to Sam's lab to investigate the mystery of the crystals. That's our science twins. Running into Teal'c's room just like excitable children, I love them together. "We need your staff weapon!!!" No explaining, just their boundless enthusiasm. "You received permission for me to fire my staff weapon in the gate room?" Teal'c asks, as the alarms go off and the science twins share A Look.

                                The Jack/Sara stuff is very touching, RDA plays it very well, it's just sad that it's Crystal!Jack, not our Jack getting the closure. The actress playing Sara is fabulous but there is a huge plot hole left by Sara and Crystal!Jack/Charlie which was never addressed and would have been an interesting sub plot in a future episode. I wonder if they couldn't get the actress back.
                                I like the crystals as a life form, very unusual.

                                The Nox

                                Starts with Sam enthusing and explaining the gate horizon to the politician (he's another good actor - SG1 had lots of good secondary and guest actors). Makes her eyes light up like nothing else!
                                Sam and Daniel are still in the helmets. And still look like dorks, bless them. Noxworld looks an awful lot like British Colombia, or Wales, on a cold day. Just sayin'. You can hear the rain chucking it down on them.
                                Love the look of the Nox, particularly the woman, Lyra, she is just so ethereal, but I love their costumes and hair. Oh look, Armin Shimerman, as I said, good actors on this show.
                                Sam's hair has been tamed a little in this episode, it was a bit fluffy at the start of the season. Possibly the rain is dampening it down?
                                Nothing much else to say specifically about Sam, lot's of teamy goodness, this is a nice little episode, I wish we had seen more of the Nox than we did, particularly after the reveal of the city at the end.

                                Brief Candle

                                Sigh, another silly one.
                                The costumes look like something from A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum or Up Pompeii. And it looks like they found a sunny day in Vancouver, and no pine trees, will wonders never cease?
                                And all of them look to Sam to deliver the baby! But Daniel does.
                                Jack's team is highly amused by Jack's fan bringing him cake. Oh look, she's trying to belly dance. She's not very good. And Jack has the intergalactic STD, well done Jack.
                                Ah, Sam and Janet working together, there's a sight for sore eyes. Science!Sam, determined and brilliant but it's the old problem, they need an expert in nano technology, so it's Sam, a theoretical astrophysicist, who gets to wear the mantle. Have to hand wave it, they do it to Sam and Daniel more and more over the years.
                                Jack's a very good grumpy old man, and his little belly dancer sticks with him, which is sweet.

                                For Broca, I always took it to mean that because the trees were so dense there was very little light (dark side) not to do with the planet's rotational axis. but that could just be me!
                                your FC shallow comment was hilarious! loved the boonie comment lol!
                                Ah the joys of shooting in BC!
                                sigpicMy Fanfic

