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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    for example, my mom and i discovered, when we wanted to do crackers, cheese and fruit for dinner that it cost us $40 dollars for crackers, cheese, grapes, strawberries adn some other fruit. we coulda hit the 'all you can eat steak buffet, about twice each for the cost of that one meal.

    for one or two people, it's often cheaper to go out, than to buy the ingredients to cook
    That's definitely true if you buy everything only when you need it...there are a lot of ways to make it work even for one or two people. I'm from a family of nine, and we ate out about once a year and made food from scratch the rest of the time, and didn't spend nearly that much on one meal. But you're probably right about Sam—she wouldn't be home often enough to make buying in bulk worthwhile.

    ~Friendshipping (among others) the two most awesome women of Stargate.
    ~My Stargate fanfic can be found on my Livejournal


      Originally posted by rderoch View Post
      As for pop, I usually buy a couple of cases of diet pepsi at a time. How long is it supposed to be good for?
      look on the bottom of the can. there's an expiration date. my experience with diet coke, you have abuot a month after the expiration date before it needs to get poured out
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Hi everyone !

        It's been a while scince i've posted so i'm firstly gonna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND CONRARTS ON THE MILSTONES to everyone i missed , i've been able to drop in but unable to have much time to post here unfortunitly but know i'm back yay .

        Unwell day today
        Eraly this morring i wokeup unable to breath properly i made an apointment at the doctors and it turns out i had small asma attack brought on by the cold i have it was a little scary i was almost in tears but until i got to the doctors i was able to relax my breathing enough i'm know on antibiotics and i see the dr next on mon so i'm hoping i'll beable to go back to wrk on tuesday .

        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen




            Originally posted by suse View Post
            Agreed about the milk. i can smell it turning at least 3 days before it actually does for most people. As soon as I do... I might be able to use it for cooking, but to drink? Nope, down the drain.

            Thanks Mom, for the extra sensitive nose.

            Soda? I so rarely but it that it never has a chance to go bad. Though I sometimes have flat diet soda at scifithinker's and it hasn't killed me yet. I find it odd that i so rarely drink sodas put the first thing I do at her place is pop a can. Huh.

            Probably because I don't drink juice and rarely have fresh milk in the fridge. (Notice how I didn't say I rarely have milk in the fridge. ) And yeah, I'm not supposed to have the carbonation, so I let some of my soda go somewhat flat before I drink it. The rest of the time, I can't resist the bubbles.

            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            look on the bottom of the can. there's an expiration date. my experience with diet coke, you have abuot a month after the expiration date before it needs to get poured out
            NutraSweet/aspartame breaks down with heat and age. Because of this, restaurants still serve diet fountain drinks with saccharine. Yuck. It's so hot here now that a couple of hours in my trunk (boot) means they go bad even sooner.

            Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
            Wow, who knew so many Samandans has science experiments going on in their fridges

            Now that's a testament to Sam Carter
            And it's Mandy for the win! She actually made this discussion include something on topic. Wheeeeeeeeee!

            Sam likes the taste of diet cola better than the sugary stuff. Me too.

            In memory of Deejay.
            May we all be so well loved.


              HAPPY BIRTHDAY

              Sure I'm late, but I called her the day before to say happy birthday, so according to the law of averages, I'm golden. Right?

              HAPPY BIRTHDAY
              BEKAH SEE!

              In memory of Deejay.
              May we all be so well loved.


                What a lovely song choice Chelle, very true, and uplifting. Unfortunately I only read your post now as I just got back from ice-skating, and I'm listening to Bon Jovi waiting for my mum to pick me up so we can go out to the dvd store. "Bells of Freedom" started playing and I'm thinking of Deejay. It's damn powerful song and I now look like the bride of chucky lol.



                  Originally posted by Torri012 View Post

                  Loooooooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeee it!!!

                  Can I snurch? With credit, of course.

                  "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                  SG-1 FanFiction
                  Sanctuary Fanfiction


                    Originally posted by Torri012 View Post

                    That's really beautiful! Well done.
                    Originally posted by helenmagnus23 View Post
                    Hi everyone !

                    It's been a while scince i've posted so i'm firstly gonna say HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND CONRARTS ON THE MILSTONES to everyone i missed , i've been able to drop in but unable to have much time to post here unfortunitly but know i'm back yay .

                    Unwell day today
                    Eraly this morring i wokeup unable to breath properly i made an apointment at the doctors and it turns out i had small asma attack brought on by the cold i have it was a little scary i was almost in tears but until i got to the doctors i was able to relax my breathing enough i'm know on antibiotics and i see the dr next on mon so i'm hoping i'll beable to go back to wrk on tuesday .

                    That must have been scary, *hugs* hope you feel better soon.
                    Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                    Happy Birthday from me too.

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                      The latest issue of the official Stargate magazine is mostly devoted to the new movie, Stargate: Continuum, and I have to say that after reading it, I’m really excited. It sounds like it’s going to be great. The magazine has the following interview with Amanda, written by Bryan Cairns. I put it into spoilers because there’s quite a bit of information about the movie. There are also references to Atlantis and Sanctuary. I’ll put the non-movie parts in another post, so you can read those without being spoiled for the movie if you prefer.

                      First up is a picture of the first page of the article, spoilers for size.

                      Question: Stargate: The Ark of Truth is still fresh in everyone's minds - do you prefer those continuity-heavy stories or the more stand-alone ones like Stargate: Continuum?

                      AT: In a way, I think I prefer the stand-alones because it feels like a whole new adventure. They both have their place. Stargate: The Ark of Truth made so much sense for wrapping up 10 years of the show. It was the right way to do it, and wrapped up the storyline beautifully. It was important for the fans that we finished that thread and it served a purpose. And it was done well, with a big budget and huge effects. The next one we shot was Stargate:
                      Continuum which felt like an early Stargate SG-1 episode, like a team episode. We still dig into the mythology in Stargate: Continuum because you can't help but do that; we have so much of it. I do kind of prefer the stand-alones though.

                      Question: Stargate: Continuum throws the SG-1 team into an alternate reality. Where does Carter find herself?

                      AT: Along with Daniel and Mitchell, Carter finds herself in a reality where nobody believes them initially, where they are tossed aside and told to live these quiet unassuming lives and not to contact each other. It's a very lonely reality they find themselves thrown into. Then all of a sudden we have the classic, "I told you so" moment, and then it's high adventure. But, there is an interesting point Beau Bridges' character makes which is, we keep saying, "We have to go back and change the time line! We have to go back and change the timeline!" and he says, "My God! That is so arrogant! Who is to say your timeline is any more important than this one? You do that and you change the lives of millions of people. How dare you?" It is a bit of a reality check where you go, "Oh yeah! Still, the aliens are coming! We have to do something!"

                      Question: Daniel has to deal with losing a leg, while Mitchell meets his grandfather. Is there a personal arc for Sam too?

                      AT: Not in that sense, no. What felt most poignant to me in the playing of it was leaving her comfort zone. It's a very short section of the movie where they are tossed into this reality where Sam can't talk about astrophysics; do any of the things she is good at, be involved in any of those things, or be in touch with the people she knows and loves. It's this, "Oh man. Without my work or friends, what do I have?"

                      Question: By now, most people know you filmed scenes in the Arctic. When it was initially mentioned, did you have any reservations at all?

                      AT: Initially, no. I was like, "The Arctic. Oh my God! What a fantastic idea! Oh wow! An adventure of a lifetime!" Then we had this briefing that lasted about four or five hours where Barry Campbell, who initially brought the idea to the Stargate producers, and his associate, went through all that could go wrong up there, and the very real and possible dangers that we were facing. By the end of the meeting, I was like, "Wow. This suddenly seems a little different." It is an adventure, but the anticipation before going up - we really didn't know what to expect. Meeting at the airport with this very small rag tag crew looking at each other with wide eyes going, "Oh my gosh! What are we doing?" For me, one of the defining moments was in Prudhoe Bay, which is your last stop on land before you fly out over the frozen ocean. We had to suit up into full Arctic gear in case the plane crashed. You're not allowed on the plane unless you have everything, and your pack has been checked. The plane took off and we started going over open water very quickly and then over the frozen ice. I had this moment of, "There is no turning back now. This is it Tapping. You just have to give into this adventure." So all the fear and anxiety melted away because, "I'm on the plane, the plane is going to the ice camp, so suck it up." ! would love the opportunity to do it again, because there are so many things I would do differently. I would pack a lot less and know where to put my packs so my toothpaste doesn't freeze. It's all the stupid little mistakes you make that are tragically inconvenient. You just don't think of these things. You go to put your boots on and they're frozen because of the floor. You soon learn all the tricks.

                      Question: The cold there must be unbearable. Did it ever get to the stage where it was hard to focus on acting or did that just enhance the performances?

                      AT: Well, for the most part, it enhanced them, but there was one moment where we were shooting and it was incredibly windy. With the wind chill factor, I don't even know if they could gauge exactly how cold it was. It was about minus 58 when we set out with the wind whipping at our backs. Ben and I were in this 1940s Arctic gear where the exterior is canvas, which after two hours starts to break down with the wind whipping at it and the ice pelting at it so much. You begin to feel a draft a little bit on your back even though you're wearing fleeces and silks underneath. One time I was really cold and turned to Ben and said, "Are you feeling it now?" and he said, "Yeah, this is cold!" We had to do this talking scene where we run into O'Neill for the first time and it's like "Wooooo ... cold." Then it's, "Who is on the first snowmobile back to camp? I hate to be a wimp here but …" When the submarine surfaced, it took a long time for that to happen. We were on the ice for a very long time. All in all, it totally enhanced the performance. You start to think outside of yourself after a while.

                      Question: During the Arctic trip, was there a specific 'pinch me' moment?

                      AT: I'm telling you, there were dozens of 'pinch me' moments! One of them was when the submarine finally surfaced and it hit the mark exactly right. It's this astoundingly majestic thing; when you hear the ice start to crack, and then the submarine surfaces with this noise. Ben and I did this long helicopter shot, so we were tossed way, way out onto the ice and we were on our own. First of all, it could be anyone walking; it didn't need to be actors necessarily but Ben and I were like, "Damn straight we're doing this." There was a moment I said, "No one has walked here before, Ben." And he was like, "And nobody will ever walk here again. How lucky are we?" It's an ice sculpture garden you're walking through. That was a huge 'pinch me' moment for us. The first sunset was huge, and the first sunrise. Brushing my teeth outside the hooch as the sun is rising while it's minus 40, and you're on five feet of ice was big. I was thinking, "I am a mom! What am I doing?" But it was fantastic.

                      Question: How was it having not only Richard Dean Anderson back, but Don Davis too?

                      AT: It was great. I love Don. As soon as he opens his mouth, you go [in a drawl] "Oh, Don Davis is back!" He's such a great man, and I miss him dearly, so it was really nice. We did these great scenes down in the bunker below Washington with him and William Devane. It was cool, but would have been cooler if we'd had Dr. Fraiser back too. And Richard was back. He came up to the Arctic about three or four days after Ben and I. He was typical Richard. His hair had grown so he had to come into the girl's hooch to get it cut. It's like nothing has changed with that man. It's hilarious and he is a total goof. You just go, "Ooooooo Richard."

                      Question: The Stargate universe has such an extensive rogues gallery. What made Ba’al such a good adversary for this movie?

                      AT: He’s just so sarcastic and the relationship between him and O’Neill is so much fun to watch. They just riff off each other so well, as do Cliff Simon and Richard, so it translates very nicely. He’s probably the most snidely arrogant of the System Lords, and therefore the easiest to poke fun at, and the most worthy of dying. You love to watch him and love to hate him.

                      Question: Director Martin Wood called Stargate: Continuum the best Stargate project ever. Do you agree?

                      AT: Aside from 10 successful years of television? It's hard because everything has its merit. I just saw it for the first time on Sunday. We had a cast and crew screening and it is wonderful. It's epic, feels big, the story is good, and it has all the right elements to make up a really rocking Stargate SG-1 story. It has humor and great relationships. It's one of our best for sure because we were allowed to make a movie, and had so much more money.

                      Thanks. I'm jealous about how much quicker you get your copy than those of us in the boonies.

                      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        Sending all the positive vibes your way rocky
                        Me too. (((ROCKY)))

                        Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          look on the bottom of the can. there's an expiration date. my experience with diet coke, you have abuot a month after the expiration date before it needs to get poured out
                          I should be safe then. I go through a case in about 2 weeks.

                          Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                          NutraSweet/aspartame breaks down with heat and age. Because of this, restaurants still serve diet fountain drinks with saccharine. Yuck. It's so hot here now that a couple of hours in my trunk (boot) means they go bad even sooner.

                          And it's Mandy for the win! She actually made this discussion include something on topic. Wheeeeeeeeee!

                          Sam likes the taste of diet cola better than the sugary stuff. Me too.
                          Strictly diet pop for me. Doesn't matter which sweetener. There's a lot of diabetes in my family, so I grew up using saccharine. Drinking a non-diet for me is pointless, as it just tastes so sickeningly sweet it does nothing to quench the thirst. Of course, given my druthers, I'd go for a cold beer.

                          Oh, great. Now Mandy's gonna have a big head.

                          I wonder if Sam prefers Pepsi or Coke? At AT3, Amanda was drinking ginger ale. Though I wonder if she's ever had the REAL ginger ale.....Vernors.
                          Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                          William Shakespeare

                          Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                            Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                            Strictly diet pop for me. Doesn't matter which sweetener. There's a lot of diabetes in my family, so I grew up using saccharine. Drinking a non-diet for me is pointless, as it just tastes so sickeningly sweet it does nothing to quench the thirst. Of course, given my druthers, I'd go for a cold beer.

                            I wonder if Sam prefers Pepsi or Coke? At AT3, Amanda was drinking ginger ale. Though I wonder if she's ever had the REAL ginger ale.....Vernors.
                            Ok, let's not get into a Coke or Pepsi debate , because clearly one choice is superior to the other.
                            I like most diet soda, except for root beer.
                            I wonder if Sam ever drinks ginger ale with Teal'c. Didn't he order Ginger ale at the bar in Nightwalkers?

                            Speaking of that episode--I loved Sam's look when Jonas was chowing down in the diner. He says something like:
                            "I'm enjoying this traditional American food." and she says : "We have another tradition called hardened arteries." or words to that effect. Great moment.


                              Originally posted by scifithinker View Post

                              And it's Mandy for the win! She actually made this discussion include something on topic. Wheeeeeeeeee!
                              Heh, it's what I do

                              Originally posted by rderoch View Post
                              Oh, great. Now Mandy's gonna have a big head.
                              I have no idea what would give you that idea

                              my fanfic


                                Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                                Ok, let's not get into a Coke or Pepsi debate , because clearly one choice is superior to the other.
                                I like most diet soda, except for root beer.
                                I wonder if Sam ever drinks ginger ale with Teal'c. Didn't he order Ginger ale at the bar in Nightwalkers?

                                Speaking of that episode--I loved Sam's look when Jonas was chowing down in the diner. He says something like:
                                "I'm enjoying this traditional American food." and she says : "We have another tradition called hardened arteries." or words to that effect. Great moment.
                                Ah yes: "We have another tradition. Its called hardened arteries." One of several moments in S6 where Amanda really got to show just how good her comic timing is via the power of snarky Sam. Of which Jonas always seemed to be on the receiving end

                                Courtesy of smurf, as always

