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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
    Yay, my first post at Gateworld! Oh now I have to say something profound. I like fish… ing. Yes, I like fishing. No wait, I can do better than that:

    Thanks Bekah for inviting me. *waves to the crowd* I’ll try to stop by now and then, and if nothing else you’ll always find me over at the Sanctuary forum.

    And if I may be so straightforward I have a little fan project going on called The Ultimate Sanctuary Icon Challenge that I need some help with. And someone *points at Bekah* told be that you guys might be interested in doing some icons for this. The idea is to make a Sanctuary photo mosaic out of 3481 icons, and by now we’ve gathered a whooping 10, so only 3471 to go! If anyone’s interested you can read more about it on the Sanctuary forum right here.

    And one last thing; I love Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and Jack
    yay, welcome!!!!!

    Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
    Hi guys, before I get to work on my new super long catch up posts, which is like 50 pages long on Microsoft word . I wanted to come by and show off my new sigs, actually, there rotating sigs, so I want you guys to see them first. I'd like to thank RepliCartertje, Krissie678, Jumper_One, CalmStorm, and jasminaGo for helping me get these awesome sigs off the ground to this great thread. One more thing, I'm making my first Amanda album with all my most favourite pics, it's only a few pics now, but I'll add more pics soon, along with a Sam album. Here's the album:

    Amanda's Album

    And now, my follow Samandan's, what da ya think of my new sigs?-


    They're beautiful!! Great job


      Has everybody seen this behind the scenes from Continuum? (Beware spoilers!)
      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


        Originally posted by suse View Post

        <<POKE>> <<POKE>>
        Strix! We need another fic fix from you! How's it going?

        Man, work is killing me. So, it hasn't been going lately. I'll get back to it eventually, though.

        My LJ




            Happy Birthday Daivy!
            I hope you have a great day


              Happy Birthday Daivy



                Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post

                And now, my follow Samandan's, what da ya think of my new sigs?-


                I'm not sure it was fair but the second one is actually MY sig - with the ten years text on it. Or you're so great in Photoshop that you could copy my sig's look. Mine is:

                It's like the same, huh?


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                  Blegh. In spoilers because totally of topic ...

                  I'm going into the hospital on sunday, to get an operation on mondaymorning. Nothing big (well, to me it's a big deal of course, but it really is just a little operation ... it's going to take only 10 minutes), but no fun. I've never been in the hospital before (except for all the tests and stuff in the last couple of months, but they never made me stay!). I'll be going home on wednesday. So no Gateworld for me for a couple of days. I'm really supposed to pack my stuff now, busy day tomorrow, and sunday it's fathersday here too. I just went out and bought some new pyjamas and stuff. I'll be using the little travel bag I bought especially for AT3 ... how I wish I was packing for that =(

                  Anyway, I'll be back soon. And I can use my laptop (no internet though), so maybe I'll be up to photoshopping some pretties =)
                  Best of luck to you for a safe and speedy recovery =) I'm sure you'll while away the boredom making awesome pics for the rest of us to ooooh and ahhhhhh over, right? *hugs*

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  whistles innocently

                  cause i'm too impatient for her to catch on herself
                  LOL - the mighty noodle strikes again!

                  Originally posted by SunKrux View Post

                  I rarely pay attention to that.

                  Ok, gonna have to fix it now. I like living in Plateau Tormented Space better.
                  Oh Sky - it's not nearly as much power if Sunny can change it back herself! (((Sunny)))

                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  Discworld Con? That somehow sounds like something I would enjoy. =D
                  When, where and do they accept credit cards?

                  That pic is so *Daniel*! ;-)

                  I remember reading an interview with AT before season 4 or 5 where she talked about how before every new season she tries to find ways to make the character fun playing. She was always looking or new ways so Sam would not get boring.
                  I liked that. Instead of waiting for the writers to give her something to work with, she tried to discover new sides to Sam.
                  Gotta luv a gal who shows initiative Not to mention doing so gave AT some concrete creative control over the character of Sam. Smart lady! (Of course, we already knew that!)

                  Originally posted by Fresh_Horse View Post
                  Yeah, let's put 'em in one cage and shake it to see if they'll fight!
                  Ooh - now that seems somewhat cruel! Y'know Sam would so whip Daniel's butt with one arm tied behind her back

                  Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                  Thinking and praying for ya DeeJ!

                  See Ann there are advantages to being stubborn determined =D
                  What a cute lil guy!!!
                  I lit a luminary for you at our Relay for Life Friday night ... keep smilin', and it will keep you strong!

                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  we'll help her. All us fanfic writers, we can do dialogue =D

                  actually, sounds like she just needs a writing partner. like she comes up with the story then has a co-writer work on the dialogue.
                  Somehow I doubt she's have to wait long for volunteers
                  ...and no, unfortunately I'm not one of them, seeing as I tend to have the same issues - great plots, not-so-great dialogue. On the upside, I now have something else in common with AT! Yay! =D

                  Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                  I'd volunteer =D
                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  raises hand =)
                  As I was saying about the wait time for volunteers ... LOL

                  Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                  Yay, my first post at Gateworld! Oh now I have to say something profound. I like fish… ing. Yes, I like fishing. No wait, I can do better than that:

                  Thanks Bekah for inviting me. *waves to the crowd* I’ll try to stop by now and then, and if nothing else you’ll always find me over at the Sanctuary forum.

                  And if I may be so straightforward I have a little fan project going on called The Ultimate Sanctuary Icon Challenge that I need some help with. And someone *points at Bekah* told be that you guys might be interested in doing some icons for this. The idea is to make a Sanctuary photo mosaic out of 3481 icons, and by now we’ve gathered a whooping 10, so only 3471 to go! If anyone’s interested you can read more about it on the Sanctuary forum right here.

                  And one last thing; I love Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and Jack =D
                  Welcome to Samanda, and GW!

                  Originally posted by Rocky89 View Post
                  Hi guys, before I get to work on my new super long catch up posts, which is like 50 pages long on Microsoft word . I wanted to come by and show off my new sigs, actually, there rotating sigs, so I want you guys to see them first. I'd like to thank RepliCartertje, Krissie678, Jumper_One, CalmStorm, and jasminaGo for helping me get these awesome sigs off the ground to this great thread. One more thing, I'm making my first Amanda album with all my most favourite pics, it's only a few pics now, but I'll add more pics soon, along with a Sam album. Here's the album:

                  Amanda's Album

                  And now, my follow Samandan's, what da ya think of my new sigs?
                  Hi Rocky =) I wonder how many posts that'll have to cover ... hmmmm.
                  As to your new sigs, they're all great, but I love the middle one the best (11 years of Sam) - 'tis very nicely done indeedy!

                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Happy Birthday Daivy!
                  I hope you have a great day
                  Happy Bday Daivy!!! Hope it's a great one, full of friends and family, laughter and good cheer!
                  ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                  SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                  ames on facebook
                  ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                    Originally posted by ames View Post
                    Oh Sky - it's not nearly as much power if Sunny can change it back herself! (((Sunny)))
                    True that.
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                      Yay, my first post at Gateworld! Oh now I have to say something profound. I like fish… ing. Yes, I like fishing. No wait, I can do better than that:


                      Thanks Bekah for inviting me. *waves to the crowd* I’ll try to stop by now and then, and if nothing else you’ll always find me over at the Sanctuary forum.

                      And if I may be so straightforward I have a little fan project going on called The Ultimate Sanctuary Icon Challenge that I need some help with. And someone *points at Bekah* told be that you guys might be interested in doing some icons for this. The idea is to make a Sanctuary photo mosaic out of 3481 icons, and by now we’ve gathered a whooping 10, so only 3471 to go! If anyone’s interested you can read more about it on the Sanctuary forum right here.

                      And one last thing; I love Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and Jack
                      Hey I know YOU!!!
                      :: waves to the very talented 2Shy

                      ::tackle hugs:::
                      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                      It's 2SHY!!!! Hellloooooo!

                      For those of you who don't know, 2shy is awesome with the photoshop. More than a little bit addicted, is that girl. She created the images in Kirfect's Helen through the ages video and has done some awesome pictures of Helen with her famous "friends".

                      Welcome to Samanda, 2Shy

                      TJ (the trollopy one)
                      It is true 2Shy is my Co-Conspirator in the Helen Through The Ages video. Almost everything that is still in the video is because of 2Shy. You should all venture over to the forum or to see her work. Amazing stuff I am telling you what. What? Oh that was me saying what. What? Stop that nevermind...

                      Joining the hugs for DeeJay!

                      I just happened to look up at the post before mine and Sunny is on top of me!!!!

                      "The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it."--Thucydides


                        Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                        I'm not sure it was fair but the second one is actually MY sig - with the ten years text on it. Or you're so great in Photoshop that you could copy my sig's look. Mine is:

                        It's like the same, huh?
                        Well it has been said that imitation is the surest form of flattery... (at least, I think that's how the saying goes ... wee bit sleepy over here...)
                        I like both your version and your current sig as well! (I so need to go dabble in photoshop so I can make my own of these days!)
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                          Note to self: pack ear plugs for AT4, just in case!
                          Hey!!! I'm bad but geez...I'm not that bad...I'm a good girl I is!!!
                          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                          I agree, the actors must be so bored with the same old questions, particularly after a decade or more. I like to ask about new projects, actors love to tell you what they are up to and as a fan you like to hear about it.
                          Beau Bridges had fabulous stories about Hollywood royalty and his family.
                          Michael Shanks had a new baby and was full of talk of him (his first boy) though I liked how he always said he had three children, not two plus one from a previous relationship, you got the feeling he cared for all three equally.
                          I seem to remember talking with Amanda about Coronation Street, I was at collage with the son of one of the long serving actors on the show, I had some silly stories about the cast. Amanda is such a fangurl of Corrie! It's cute to see her gushing like a fan. One of our table was talking to her about Essex life, not personal stuff just general but it also engaged Amanda's interest.

                          I'd love to meet Beau...I think I can safely say that I've grown up watching him on tv.
                          I can imagine that they would get tired of the same questions but also in defense of the fans, not everyone is aware of all the questions asked and some only ever make it to a few events so what may seem like a good question to the fan, may have already been addressed several times...but being the troopers and good sports that they are, the actors always seem happy to answer the personally, I like to just chat nonchalantly about whatever is the weather and music and real life stuff...and sometimes goofy stuff like when I asked Chris about his buttock was just begging to be asked...and kids...I love talking about the kids...I just kinda get nervous about asking too much that may be perceived as being to personal...know what I mean??
                          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                          I enjoyed some of 9 & 10 but this was a total gift of an opportunity ignored. They had left the Jolinar plot lie fallow for years, this was a point when they could have brought it back and would have been a great, natural way to humanise Vala, here interactions with Sam would have been interesting. She was a one shot character and turning that into a regular is difficult, Vala flip flopped between canny space pirate (a cliché, but fun) and a little girl in pig tails (a waste of Vala and CB both).
                          You've got two great actress' use them. But then, they never used Amanda to the best of her abilities, she got some good stuff but it could have been so much better, stronger. We heard that she was a speed demon and competitive but we didn't see much of it, it's the old show, don't tell maxim.

                          You know...I never thought about the whole ex host thing before...until now...and I have to say that it was a missed opportunity. I think they could have done something really cool with the history that both Sam and Vala had in common...even though Sam was host to a Tok'ra and Vala was host to a Goa'uld...the potential there for something juicy and of real substance was sorely missed!
                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          an episode like death knell, cept with sam and vala stuck or lost on a mission, and the two of them have to use their goa'uld powers and memories. what if qetesh had heard about the ark? or jolinar had searched for it, or for some weapon or whatever, and the two of the m have to work on stuff.

                          basically, sam out grew the show and outgrew the abilities of these writers.
                          Ooooh...sounds great Sky!!! gonna write a fic about it...with some whump and all???
                          You know this whole thing about the writers and all, I'm just wondering if they sometimes got it wrong because they had so many different writers who couldn't all appreciate each character for what they were.
                          Originally posted by suse View Post
                          I second that!
                          All in favor say "AYE!!"

                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          how about this, and i know it'll focus mainly on season 10
                          If you could make up a sam/vala moment in any of the s9 or 10 episodes, how would you make it up? what would you put in?

                          Season Nine
                          Avalon 1
                          Avalon 2
                          The Ties that Bind
                          The Powers that Be
                          Beach Head
                          Ex Deus Machina
                          The 4th Horseman 1
                          The 4th Horseman 2
                          Collateral Damage
                          Ripple Effect
                          Off The Grid
                          The Scourge
                          Arthur's Mantle

                          Season 10

                          Flesh and Blood
                          Pegasus Project
                          Counter Strike
                          Memento Mori
                          Company of Thieves
                          Quest 1
                          Quest 2
                          Line in the Sand
                          The Road Not Taken The Shroud
                          Bad Guys
                          Family Ties

                          How would you promote the friendship/relatioknship between the two women?
                          do just one eps, do several, whatever works.
                          But if you could go back in time and promote the sam/vala angle, what would you do and how would you do it?
                          Oh man...I can't think much today being Sunday and all...but I wuld think there would have been a great opportunity to do something special between the girls in the eps Uninvited, Memento Mori, Company of Thieves, The Quest 1&2, Line in the Sand and Family Ties...even though they did have a little moment in family could have been better...but as to how...I have no idea!
                          Originally posted by 2Shy View Post
                          Yay, my first post at Gateworld! Oh now I have to say something profound. I like fish… ing. Yes, I like fishing. No wait, I can do better than that:
                          Thanks Bekah for inviting me. *waves to the crowd*
                          And one last thing; I love Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and AT and Sam and Jack
                          Yay!! 2Shy!!! Awesome to see you here!!!
                          Cool Rocky!!! I like your sig pics!
                          Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                          2Shy! You did it! *tacklehugs*
                          Stacks On!!!!!

                          Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                          Has everybody seen this behind the scenes from Continuum? (Beware spoilers!)
                          Nope...but have now!! Thanks wibbling!! That was so cool...pardon the pun!!!
                          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                          ~Amanda Tapping


                            Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                            Happy Birthday Daivy!!

                            Thought I might as well say night night as I'm off to close my eyes...well after I get the dinner started!!
                            Take care everyone and stay safe!
                            Last edited by Chelle DB; 14 June 2008, 11:24 PM.
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Well here it number 200!

                              So here is a Father's Day gift (aka shameless self promotion). I just started writing fanfiction and really like it. Not a Sam fic(yet), but we like Teal'c too, don't we?

                              Title: Finding Hope
                              Author: Conn8d
                              Rating: PG
                              Fandom: Stargate Sg-1
                              Pairing: Teal'c/Drey'auc
                              Spoilers: Nothing specific, Pre-Series
                              Summary: Teal'c's thoughs on his way to meet his son. (A sort of Father's Day ficlet)


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              how about this, and i know it'll focus mainly on season 10

                              If you could make up a sam/vala moment in any of the s9 or 10 episodes, how would you make it up? what would you put in?

                              Season Nine
                              Avalon 1
                              Avalon 2
                              The Ties that Bind
                              The Powers that Be
                              Beach Head
                              Ex Deus Machina
                              The 4th Horseman 1
                              The 4th Horseman 2
                              Collateral Damage
                              Ripple Effect
                              Off The Grid
                              The Scourge
                              Arthur's Mantle

                              Season 10

                              Flesh and Blood
                              Pegasus Project
                              Counter Strike
                              Memento Mori
                              Company of Thieves
                              Quest 1
                              Quest 2
                              Line in the Sand
                              The Road Not Taken The Shroud
                              Bad Guys
                              Family Ties
                              How would you promote the friendship/relatioknship between the two women?

                              do just one eps, do several, whatever works.

                              But if you could go back in time and promote the sam/vala angle, what would you do and how would you do it?
                              I think that they had an oppritunity in Memento Mori to explore Vala's past as she regained her memory. In dealing with her regained memories of being a host, I think Sam is the person Vala could turn to because Sam has her experience with Jolinar as well as experience with memory devices. I also think that Family Ties could have had a Sam/Vala talk about fathers (simialr to the conversatio with Landry). Sam sort of went through problems with her father and came through the other side with a good relationship with her father.

                              So today the museum I worked at held a premier and VIP opening event for our new exhibit on refugee camps. I had to do interviews and get photographed performing my role within the exhibit. I now have more respect for Amanda and anyone else who has to do that sort of thing on any sort of regualted basis. I mean it is hard to know what to say all the time, and to have photographs taken from all sides! Amanda always does so well.
                              Go Amanda!

                              And lastly I'd like to dedicate this post to Deejay and her family. My family's thoughts and prayers are with them! <3

                              (((((((((((Deejay and family))))))))))))
                              Last edited by Conn8d; 14 June 2008, 11:40 PM.


                                Originally posted by kir_fect View Post

                                Joining the hugs for DeeJay!

                                Welcome 2Shy!! Your work is awesome

