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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Fresh_Horse

    ??? Are you implying that they set it up so shippers could read favoritism into it?

    In reality two people on this thread who are not shippers seem to read favoritism into it, while the shippers counterargument is based on actual AF regs. rofl

    As a Jack fan I think that Jack has more fun with the ceremony (you can always make it a really short speech) than with the paperwork that came before it.
    I can't speak for jkfan, but I felt that they were implying something other than Sam being promoted because she is Sam and saves the planet a lot.

    As Skydiver said, it's the sloppy writing which does it and changing the script by a couple of words would remove any hint of impropriety and nepotism.
    Jack might have meant by 'cool things' announcing the promotion, but that's not what was shown on screen and Sam shouldn't have looked surprised, she should have been aware of the promotion process going on.

    Seahen's post was interesting; promotion being mostly about number crunching, which makes sense but removes some of the mystique about it.



      Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
      I can't speak for jkfan, but I felt that they were implying something other than Sam being promoted because she is Sam and saves the planet a lot.

      As Skydiver said, it's the sloppy writing which does it and changing the script by a couple of words would remove any hint of impropriety and nepotism.
      Jack might have meant by 'cool things' announcing the promotion, but that's not what was shown on screen and Sam shouldn't have looked surprised, she should have been aware of the promotion process going on.

      Seahen's post was interesting; promotion being mostly about number crunching, which makes sense but removes some of the mystique about it.

      Ah, sorry, I edited my post after you had written this.

      Skydiver is right with the sloppy writing but it's been sloppy for ages.
      They never explained where Jack was at the beginning of season 7. He wasn't there most of the time but we didn't get any explanation.
      We never do.
      For what it's worth: promotions in general are not handed out by just pointing at someone and saying "I promote you". This goes for all professions. Why anyone in their right mind could read the scene as "he did it by himself out of favoritism" is beyond me. This were different if it were a science-fiction show that played in the future (where society may have different views on how to promote someone). In today's society it just isn't that easy and knowing that I could never see what you see in that particular scene.
      But that's ok. :-)

      You know what is funny? I remember that years ago, around season 7, people were discussing why Sam hadn't been promoted. Back then someone who probably knew more about promotion regulations in the AF than I will ever care to, pointed out that it had been a rather long time since Sam's promotion to Major. If the time between two promotions is too long, the officer somewhat loses credibility. The board that decides about these promotions would get suspicious and wonder why the officer was suggested so late, when it - if he/she were such a valuable asset to the AF - should have been done ages ago.
      There was also an argument about Sam's age and that she should have had a higher rank at the time, given her age and position.

      Some complain if a person doesn't get promoted, some complain if they do.


        All this talk of cheese is making me hungry...

        I will just accept the noodle for what it is then! I will question it's relevance or its presence....


          Nice and quiet in Samanda thread tonight...I'm going to go have my sticky date pudding then find me some nice Sam fics to read...for those of you interested in the next Stargate franchise will be's a little story from GW home page...

          There is also a poll up which asks which season of Atlantis is the best so far...I like the results...seems to me that Amanda/Sam may be a winning force...or at the least, a force to be reckoned!!! Or do you think it just a coincidence that season 4 is doing so well??? My Samandan brain thinks otherwise...I do like to credit Amanda for a lot of it...of course I love Jewel as well.

          Night all, take care.

          For the Samandans who are as blissfully unaware of the Samanda group...we're here:

          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Hey Everyone,

            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
            Howdy! I was asked to come over here and clarify Air Force Officer Promotions in regards to Sam's promotion to Lt. Col. I didn't have a chance to go back and see what was discussed, so if I take this in a totally different direction, I apologize now!

            I was an Air Force officer for eight years so I have some experience in this matter. Air Force officer promotions are done through a board process. Commander's can't just decide to promote an officer they like, at any given time. The board looks at all promotion eligible officers (which is basically determined by your total commissioned officer time), and rates them 1-however many. Then they decide how many they need to promote over the next year or so, and the first however many then are "Selected" for promotion. They'll generally divide that number up by 12, and spread those promotions out over the next year. So, say they decide to promote 600 Majors to Lt. Col, then the board will look at all eligible Majors' packages (consisting of their job history and performance reports), rate them all, and select the first 600 for promotion. Then, the first of every month, they'll promote 50, in order from 1-600. When you have been Selected for promotion, you are still your current rank, but you know that you will be promoted, sometime in the next year. This is fairly simplified, but I don't want to confuse the issue with insignificant details.

            So, the only influence Jack would have had on Sam's promotion, would be her performance reports, which would also have been signed by General Hammond, not just Jack. Plus, as her commanding officer, he is her advocate. It's his job to make her sound like she walks on water. He did swear her in, but that is not the same as selecting her for promotion. The show did make it seem like Jack was the one who decided to promote her, but that is not how it's done in the real AF. Granted, this is a TV show that can do whatever they want, but when it comes to this kind of stuff, TPTB seem to like to follow AF procedure. So, when Jack said that he got to do really cool stuff like promote Sam, I took that to mean that the really cool stuff was performing the promotion ceremony.

            Hope this clarifies things, if not let me know.

            Oh and SAM RULES!
            Thanks Seahen great explanation! And Sam sure does rule
            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            *Squeals(sp?) and Runs*
            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            'message in a bottle'. jack gets harpooned against the wall.

            i wish that would have been sam. imagine the GREAT sam whump if it had!

            That would have been great! I wonder if there's a fic out there?

            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


              Skydiver is right with the sloppy writing but it's been sloppy for ages.
              the writing has been very sloppy, ever since season 7 in my opinion. and it just got worse as the years wore on.

              not explaining where jack was, not adequately explaining where sam was in s9, the whole co-leaders fiasco, nepotism of daddy/daughter in the same chain of command just so they could stick in a soap opera angle of lam/landry angst and they toyed with cam/lam ship.
              the silliness of bounty and family ties, the idiocy of beaming a sky scraper out of a city??? And do we even want to discuss the clones?????

              Basically, the boys spun stories and didn't look much beyond the stories themselves. they seemed to ignore the framework that those stories were set in, thus they seemed to ignore little things like AF regs and the dichotomy of a top secret project vs aliens running around kansas and fell back on the plot device of 'we signed a non disclosure'

              Basically, the writers just cranked out stuff and didn't seem to look beyond week to week.

              and, in a lot of this, Sam took the brunt of it. In my very non-objective opinion, it felt like she was 'punished' for inconveniencing them with maternity leave. Once she returned in s9 (and wasn't even given a decent reason for being gone while daniel's actor takes a couple of episodes off and he gets a whole plot arc), what the writers may have meant as 'let's give the new mommy time off' seemed to be more of 'yeah, well, give her some technobabble and stick her in the corner'

              Teal'c suffered. in s6 especially, the addition of jonas allowed him to move from 'silent alien muscle and convenient holder of 'i once heard a legend about.....' info dump', into a more mentoring role. then that development was lost and, especially in s9 and 10, teal'c was just there to be tortured, cameron was just there to be whumped on, sam was just there to babble.

              The sam character has always been highly criticized, because for every fan of sam, there's a few that just do not like the character and take issue with everything she does. and that is thier right, i'm not saying that. They're entitled to their opinions just as we are. However, in thier passionate pursuit of 'all things sam does wrong' it means that every little thing she does will be twisted and spun into being wrong. The same leeway and latitude that vala got as to her behavior, sam got the polar opposite, as in zero leeway at all.

              and the writers just exacerbate that when they do things like - with mis written words - imply that jack can promote sam on a whim 'for services rendered' , or that she's so incompetant that it's okay and perfectly fine being put second to an inexperienced male simply because 'that's the normal way of things'.

              So, if you like sam, you just have to accept that those that dislike her are just as devoted to those that like her. that their opinions are just as valid, and you just ignore them, let them be, and simply immerse yourself in your own enjoyment.
              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                [QUOTE=ames;8390573]Actually, that was quite helpful! Thanks
                ...not that there's anything wrong with confusion - this is *me* speaking, after all - confusion is like a middle name! LOL

                Don't forget the panda option - they swing both ways
                Sky's noodle = bad, cookies = good, greens = great, blueygoodness (aka blue jello) = awesome, licks = wet (except for lilferret's, apparently!), Amanda Tapping = rocks!!!
                Jan and Mandy keep the hazmat suits, Tracy has the liquor cabinet keys (although Neep seems able to get in there without any assistance ... hmmm).
                Dark side has cookies. Seems unfair. Then again, dark side also has comfy gutters. I think. Wait - are the gutters on the dark side, or do we have to choose between gutters and cookies? Gah! Hmmmm.... then again, no one has actually determined where the dark side is, or what it is the dark side of, so maybe it's not such a bad thing? *ponders* We'll go with that
                Last seen Newbie Edb digging in Jan and Mandy's closet looking for Hazmat suit for defense against massive amount of licking and possible Wet Noodle of Doom. Brings one Lantern for The Dark Side wherever that is; one Ladder for The Gutter near The Dark Side to be used either to get into the Gutter unless pushed in, or out of The Gutter. No choosing between Gutters and Cookies necessary..Cookies found in the Gutter near cozy, comfy fireplace. Tries to decide if Okra is good, maybe Okra and Wet Noodles. Heard whistling Penguins and Pandas and Polar Bears, oh my! on the way to the Showers where much discussion has occurred lately, looking for the Party there with AT and RDA and a bunch of crazy Samandans. Life is Good is the rumor. G'Day all!!!!!!!!!!!


                  Originally posted by ames View Post
                  Actually, that was quite helpful! Thanks
                  ...not that there's anything wrong with confusion - this is *me* speaking, after all - confusion is like a middle name! LOL

                  Don't forget the panda option - they swing both ways
                  Sky's noodle = bad, cookies = good, greens = great, blueygoodness (aka blue jello) = awesome, licks = wet (except for lilferret's, apparently!), Amanda Tapping = rocks!!!
                  Jan and Mandy keep the hazmat suits, Tracy has the liquor cabinet keys (although Neep seems able to get in there without any assistance ... hmmm).
                  Dark side has cookies. Seems unfair. Then again, dark side also has comfy gutters. I think. Wait - are the gutters on the dark side, or do we have to choose between gutters and cookies? Gah! Hmmmm.... then again, no one has actually determined where the dark side is, or what it is the dark side of, so maybe it's not such a bad thing? *ponders* We'll go with that
                  Last seen Newbie Edb digging in Jan and Mandy's closet looking for Hazmat suit for defense against massive amount of licking and possible Wet Noodle of Doom. Brings one Lantern for The Dark Side wherever that is; one Ladder for The Gutter near The Dark Side to be used either to get into the Gutter unless pushed in, or out of The Gutter. No choosing between Gutters and Cookies necessary..Cookies found in the Gutter near cozy, comfy fireplace. Tries to decide if Okra is good, maybe Okra and Wet Noodles. Heard whistling Penguins and Pandas and Polar Bears, oh my! on the way to the Showers where much discussion has occurred lately, looking for the Party there with AT and RDA and a bunch of crazy Samandans. Life is Good is the rumor. G'Day all!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Oh no, Newbie Edb steps all over "ames" words as she tries to quote them. Now their all stuck on the bottom of Newbie's feet as she tries to shake them off and give back to "ames." Silly Newbie..............sorry "ames"................waits for the Wet Noodle to strike...............ooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....nnnnnnnnnooooooooooooooo


                    LOL - nah, I doubt Sky'd brandish her particular weapon of doom for miscoding a quotation ... that's more reserved for prolonged off-topic discussion or acute misbehaving!!!

                    Note I said acute, not general misbehaviour - else us Samandans would be getting noodled right, left, and centre!
                    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                    ames on facebook
                    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                      Originally posted by ames View Post
                      LOL - nah, I doubt Sky'd brandish her particular weapon of doom for miscoding a quotation ... that's more reserved for prolonged off-topic discussion or acute misbehaving!!!

                      Note I said acute, not general misbehaviour - else us Samandans would be getting noodled right, left, and centre!
                      Whew!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Offers last half eaten cookie as apology. What's "a cute" misbehavior????????


                        Originally posted by Edb View Post
                        Whew!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!! Offers last half eaten cookie as apology. What's "a cute" misbehavior????????
                        *grin* I'm going to let Sky answer that one
                        Oh Sky.........

                        PS: thx for the cookie - you don't have cooties, right?
                        ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

                        SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
                        ames on facebook
                        ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


                          Originally posted by Frostfox View Post
                          That's all correct, however, the show implied that Jack promoted her, wink, wink, nudge, nudge. Which irritated me as I want Sam to get her promotions because she's Sam and fabulous, not because of
                          hmm? no it didn't.. reading too mcuh into things imo. It's funny though - I take it from your profile that you're a daniel/jack slasher? Generalising quite a bit here, but I find it ironic that quite often both the shippers and the slashers read way way too much into scenes to find things that aren't actually there and quite often come up with similar conclusions. It's just that one camp will love it and the other will hate it. Always found that amusing.

                          Anyway, all that ship/slash nonsense is irrelevant because there is only only one thing you need to know about Sam and that is that she owns noobs gg no re


                            Originally posted by ames View Post
                            LOL - nah, I doubt Sky'd brandish her particular weapon of doom for miscoding a quotation ... that's more reserved for prolonged off-topic discussion or acute misbehaving!!!

                            Note I said acute, not general misbehaviour - else us Samandans would be getting noodled right, left, and centre!

                            .... too true; Sky's noodle would be exhausted!
                            "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                              Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                              .... too true; Sky's noodle would be exhausted!
                              Has anyone seen the noodle? I doubt it exists


                                Originally posted by ames View Post
                                *grin* I'm going to let Sky answer that one
                                Oh Sky.........

                                PS: thx for the cookie - you don't have cooties, right?
                                Oh no, no cooties............but I made sure the cookie was nice and clean...............I washed it off ...........with soap and you like bubbles????????????

