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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
    Curious. I wonder if the women at the gym recognized her

    Or maybe they had just been waiting for a reason to approach AT and the hair change was an innoculous reason to do so without seeming to be ....'fangirly' (if that is a word).

    The blonde/brunette question has always been an interesting one to me and I've had some experience with it. Unfortunately, it still seems to have a 'real' impact in professional interactions. I have blue eyes and long 'in between' hair, not light blonde, but not brown either. The most common term I've heard is 'dishwater blonde', which I really don't like. Somebody said 'carmel blonde' once, and I think that fits.

    I seem to get a different reaction from people depending on whether or not they think I have 'blonde' or 'brown' hair. The people who think my hair is 'brown' never say anything odd or mention hair at all.

    However, in 1999 (not that long ago) shortly after receiving one of my greatest professional compliments ("You were the best analyst in the world. Again.") from our largest competitor and was feeling rather proud of myself, one of my 'big' bosses asked me why I was being sent to 'the' big international convention in our industry to represent our company.

    Before I could say a word to answer him, he said (and I swear to god this is true word for word as I'll never forget it) "Oh. No wonder we are sending you. Every company who has ever tried to sell me something has sent a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes". So much for being the 'best analyst in the world'. And so much for blue-eyed, blonde women being taken seriously

    Needless to say, I was speechless. He didn't even realize just what he had said, which is what makes it so bad. I think my only reaction was to bat my eyelashes, swing my hair as I turned away, and tell him I'd bring him back a pen. That comment certainly brought my feet slamming back down to the ground after feeling like I had accomplished something pretty darn good.

    It will be curious to see what reaction AT gets and whether or not we'll read/hear different descriptions of her in the press and interviews. To me, her hair color doesn't really make any difference to who she is as a person or how good of an actress she is. But, I know from experience for others it does make a difference.

    We'll have to remember to ask about this again at AT4! After hearing all of these good stories, I may have to venture forth to my first 'con'
    I think he was teasing you because he liked you, but didn't know how to express his 'interest'


      Amanda referenced the fact that she wanted to direct from S2 or S3 on and let it be known to TPTB, as did Michael Shanks. He got his chance in S3; she finally got hers in S7. She was happy and supportive of Michael but the fact is that she was put on a waiting list for her opportunity. So what was the confounding variable? Rhetorical question as I'm not looking to turn this into a feminist debate. Just reportin' the facts.

      I think her becoming an exec producer and helping to shape a new program is definitely a step up for her! Her perseverance and grace-under-pressure have served her well. Classy lady.


        Originally posted by silly sally View Post
        I think he was teasing you because he liked you, but didn't know how to express his 'interest'
        I hadn't thought of that!

        Thanks. I'll have to look at him in an all new light the next time I see him


          Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
          I hadn't thought of that!

          Thanks. I'll have to look at him in an all new light the next time I see him
          But he still sounds like a ******... don't do it!
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            glad folks are making it home. I finally did late last night and crashed for a few hours.

            the weekend was wonderful and fun and just flew by. I can't list all the names of all the folks i met, cause i know i'll forget some and i don't want to do that.

            Becks and Mumsy loved their bracelets - my sincere thanks to everyone that chipped in (more on this later) and, thanks to ames, the jello and peanut butter tasting was a success...and we had TONS of chocolate - much to the amusement of the young men manning the refreshment stand in the marlborough room.

            AT3 was lovely and those going to go, you'll have a blast!!
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Some more Q&A's ...

              Q: what did change in your life because of motherhood
              A: Everything (with a big sigh)
              A: (paraphrasing) She said that since having Olivia, she would be able to kill if someone would hurt her. Not thinking of circumstances that made that person do it, no, just kill.
              (I think she said that she gave an esosomething answer (sorry, don’t know the english word), but that it’s just true, that when you are a parent everything changes, and people in the audience who are a parent would know).

              Q: did you ever corpsed on stage (I’m not sure what that means though)
              A: she told about a theathre production she was once in, and the show ran for a looong time. The guys she was playing with, was bored of it and would say completely diferent lines and would give her an evil grin (with his back to the stage). She pretended to give him the finger behind the mic.
              She also told about another production, the woman who would enter the stage in front of her, always “passed wind” right before going on stage, leaving Amanda gagging and trying to remember her lines behind her.
              And she told about the Vagina Monoloques. That she got a different monoloque than she thought she would (my angry vagina). She decided to make it a funny monoloque though (quote) “because vagina’s are funny” (lol). Anyway, she was very busy at the time, so she didn’t have a lot of time to prepare. She was mixing things up (funniest quote of the weekend) “there’s no naquadah in a vagina” (insert much laughter).
              She knew there were a bunch of fans coming to see the show, and first she thought “wow, cool they are coming to see me” and then she thought “darn, they know ME and are coming to see ME). She told when entering the stage, she passed a door, and it was the very first time she really wanted to run. Just hit the streets and run for a loooong time. But, she didn’t. She made it on stage, did the monoloque, and ... blanked. She forget her lines (I don’t rememer exactly, but I think she said she picked it up again, and people didn’t really notice). She said, the second night she rocked though.

              I'm still typing out more, so much was said


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post

                Q: did you ever corpsed on stage (I’m not sure what that means though)
                It means (I think) - died on stage. It's a theatrical saying meaning you completely mess up and forget your lines.

                Yeah, she said she kept putting Stargateisms in her piece.


                  Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                  It means (I think) - died on stage. It's a theatrical saying meaning you mess up and forget your lines.
                  Ahh, that makes sense. I thought it meant `did you ever play a corpse on stage`, but the answers she gave make more sense now I know this


                    A big thanks to all of you who have posted some of your experiences at AT3 and some of your pictures! For those of us who have not been able to meet Amanda, the sharing of your experiences is the next best thing! And I know all of you are very tired from wonderful trips, so it is even doubly appreciated!

                    Amanda looks really good with dark hair. I'm glad she decided to dye her hair because it looks so much better than wearing a wig while playing Helen. Helen will look that much more striking on TV!


                      I wanted to add my thanks for all the wonderful reports coming from those of you who went to AT3. I really appreciate you taking the time to share your experience with those of us who couldn't make it. It's been wonderful reading so far, and I look forward to more reports as y'all get rested up and recovered.

                      BTW: If I haven't greened you for a report, it's only because the fridge is empty at the moment.


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                        Some more Q&A's ...

                        .. snip..

                        Q: did you ever corpsed on stage (I’m not sure what that means though)

                        I think 'corpsing' on stage specifically refers to getting the giggles, and not being able to hide it. Apparently Judi Dench is a renowned corpser, and is also known for trying to catch out her fellow actors with practical jokes to make them corpse when on stage.
                        "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Some more Q&A's ...

                          Q: what did change in your life because of motherhood
                          A: Everything (with a big sigh)
                          A: (paraphrasing) She said that since having Olivia, she would be able to kill if someone would hurt her. Not thinking of circumstances that made that person do it, no, just kill.
                          (I think she said that she gave an esosomething answer (sorry, don’t know the english word), but that it’s just true, that when you are a parent everything changes, and people in the audience who are a parent would know).

                          I'm still typing out more, so much was said
                          esoteric answer (not sure if that's the right spelling). Yes, she said that since becoming a "Mum" she knew this, whereas before she would have thought why is this person doing this, what made them do this, etc. Not now, hurting Olivia, bam, done!

                          The auction was really fun. Legends brought a pair of uniform pants she wore as Carter....but they were ones that were altered from when she was pregnant. She was really embarrassed she said and she seemed to be. But she was a trooper and when someone asked her to model them, she put them on over her jeans and walked up and down the aisle while people bid on them. It was very funny. Most every item she ran up and down the aisle from bidder to bidder trying to get them to higher and higher on their bid. Enticing them them with item, saying "you know you want it..." and things like was great. Then everyone who bought an item got a hug and a thanks from gracious.

                          Only 4 hrs of sleep in the last 36, I'll try to remember more too. Hopefully haven't doubled up on anything.

                          Hello to everyone I met....missed meeting some people, have to catch you at AT4!!!!



                            Originally posted by wibbling View Post
                            I think 'corpsing' on stage specifically refers to getting the giggles, and not being able to hide it. Apparently Judi Dench is a renowned corpser, and is also known for trying to catch out her fellow actors with practical jokes to make them corpse when on stage.
                            You where much nearer than me



                              Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
                              Amanda also shared that, now that she's a brunette, she seems to be treated differently and that led to a discussion of "who has more fun in the board room - blondes or brunettes"? My paraphrase but AT said there were women in her gym who never spoke to her and became chummy after she became a brunette. And I think she feels more assertive in her role as exec producer as a brunette exec producer too. Perceptions and stereotypes of cute blondes. Do men take darker-haired women more seriously? That's the question of the day ... go to it, Samandans.

                              I think Amanda is so ready to let 'er rip with Helen. She seems so excited about the many possibilities to come - such as Helen's associations with famous historical characters like Einstein and Churchill and FDR. She's hoping they can incorporate those connections into the storylines.
                              Cool! I like the way she thinks. And we know from the interview with the one producer that her producer title "is not a vanity title"--she's very involved in the direction of the show, so we just might see these things.


                                Originally posted by Mousie View Post
                                You where much nearer than me

                                you were pretty close! I only know 'cos I'm a theatre nerd, and read far too many books about the theatre...!
                                "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

