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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
    Another scene before that also got my attention

    While Keller was working on her leg, Sam said that at least one of them has to come up with a way out, and Rodney looked at her hopefully.

    Her line "Sorry. All my energy's focussed on not screaming in agony."

    The way she said it, like it was no big deal, was excelent.

    And then "This isn't my first rodeo, Rodney"

    and... oh, well the whole episode and every line she had there was awesome.
    Yeah, the first one sort of had a quality of "I'm a little busy here,"not a pitch for sympathy.
    And the second line you mention really pointed up Sam's experience & her toughness. *We* know that, but it was good to have it pointed out & good to have it highlighted for fans who might not know Sam.


      Saw the article on the home page about the Contiuum release. Sounds great. Only downer is that I was hoping Amanda would be on the commentary. Would have loved her stories of filming in the Arctic. Especially glad now I'll get to hear about it at AT3.

      Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


        Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
        *waves* hey Samandans!
        I reckon Trio too

        I love that line! and her "Oh that was fun" line, its just so Sam

        plus I liked the cut scene that JM posted on his blog, the S/J shipper one...
        Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
        You're right, anything is possible. And that's all the fun, it's not predictable. (except for the reset button at the end)

        But as long there is more Sam in Continuum than what I saw in AoT, I'll be happy.
        Same here!
        I was just watching some of season 8 and I just happened to turn on Affinity and now i'm SUPER annoyed from watching mr. potato head..... *is sick* So now i'm really hoping that
        we'll get something BIG like a make-out scene on board the nuclear sub or something (once the heat's turned on of course) cuz I'M SICK OF POTATOES AND I NEED SOME GOOD SOLID S/J LOVIN'!!!! Something like Broca Divide + Chimera - Potato head + lotsa Jack = Continuum

        Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
        Hah. I just watched S10's "Uninvited" today for the first time...oh for shame...I loved Sam at the end. Actually through the whole episode. But especially at the end at the cabin. That scene is awesome. I wish they made it longer! The look she gave Teal'c when he said she wasn't a gambler is priceless!
        Lol, that's one of my fave s10 eps almost solely because of that scene!!! it was priceless alright!!!
        Originally posted by Charlie View Post
        so pretty! where did you get the pics for the first two from? i want copies!
        Thanks charlie!!! I don't have the link to teh first one, but it was posted on this thread.... *looks around for link* yep, I've lost it.
        the other one was on JM's blog!
        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        Hey look!!

        There's an auction for a lunch with Amanda on the set of Sanctuary over at the Waterkeeper Alliance auction site.

        There's also some other Stargate goodies too.
        1. Visit the Set of Stargate Atlantis and Enjoy a Lunch Joe Flanigan
        2. Lunch with Jewel Staite on the Set of Stargate Atlantis
        3. Signed Double Kayak Paddle from the Cast of Stargate Atlantis and the Cast of Stargate SG-1

        This one would be totally cool :

        Intern at Valhalla Motion Pictures (for 1 week)
        That. Would. ROCK!!!!!
        Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
        Alan- that's a really good quote. I can't see McKay ever working that out though. He always makes to put his foot in it one way or another
        I just wanna say that I LOVE the pic of Sam in your sig, the larger one when she's got iher hair in a ponytail.


          Hey Everyone,

          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
          I'd only be an "a few hundred dollars nutcase."
          If I won lunch with AT in a lottery, say, I'd have to convince her I'm not a nutcase b/c I'd probably get all tongue tied and just stare at her in awe--or worse, chatter nervously like an idiot.
          That would be me to I think, I wish I had the money. Ah well and I'd worry I'd have nothing to talk about with her and I'd embarrass her by turning into a squeally fangirl hope I can try not do that at AT3

          Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


            Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
            What I liked about it is that Sam didn't have to be nasty or confrontational to get her point across & that Rodney realized he was going off on tangents. They seemed to really develop a decent working relationship by the end of the season. Too bad it took them a while, imho, to get Sam "right" in Atlantis.
            I loved and disliked the scene where
            Rodney went on and on about Sam's body vs. Keller's. I didn't like going down the road of Rodney ogling on the one hand. But I think he was trying not to offend Sam when he commented on her being too heavy for the boxes & just dug himself into a hole. He saw Keller looking at him & decided he better compliment her too & I just got worse and worse. Then when he said something like "I couldn't decide between you" the best moment for me was Sam saying "trust me, you'll never have to." And again, the *way* she said it. Classic.
            Go AT! Go Sam!

            i just love 'trio' for sooo many reasons!

            i adore s4's 'sam as commander' time. the only thing i'd change is *more* time given to sam, but i understand the reasons why it couldn't happen. but still

            spoilers for the new short interview with robert/woolsey on gateworld's front page:

            i have a feeling they're not going to explain what sam's up to after being given the heavy-ho.

            that sam WILL be back! , and that robert's looking forward to some kind of confrontation between woolsey and sam because, quoting him, "why I took her job, so to speak".

            i wish they'd start filming 'sanctuary' already! i want enough time to have passed (after they've finished 'sanctuary') so amanda will have time for atlantis.

            hmm... maybe amanda can have enough to join the show 'lost' too...




              Originally posted by PengYn View Post
              Time travel is awful and definitely headache producing material.

              Part of the problem with time travel is that when you do go back in time you've permanently left your original time line. Time splits off into an infinite number of quantum states - the quantum mirror that sg1 encounters in TbftGoG set that ground rule for the stargate universe.

              Everytime there's a choice made, it causes a new time line to form in parallel with the original. Theoreticallly the time line where sg1 goes back in time and never returns still exists in parallel to the time line where Goa'uld infested Daniel and geeky Sam go back in time also in parallel to the final collapsed time line where everything works out.

              Simplified (I think), the original team ie. (our Teal'c, Daniel, Jack, and Sam) leave their timeline to go to Ancient Egypt and mess things up so that when it comes back to their present day, that future has been altered to something it was never meant to be.

              So the altered versions of themselves then find Teal'c (Geeky!Daniel dies) and go back in time, meeting Daniel again (because he's already there in 3000BC). However because the original!team already left the video tape for the future to find, it means that once the altered!team had pushed time back on track ie. by starting the uprising against Ra, history continued as it was meant to. Meaning that the present day team no longer have to go back in time because the team made sure that their future selves would find the tape and the ZPM in a dig destined to take place before they ever had to leave in the jumper.

              Even I don't fully understand my own explanation lol. I hope I at least made some sense.

              it makes sense , but i'm still bothered by the idea that sam, jack, and teal'c were executed and that daniel lived out the rest of his life in ancient egypt without *them*. and this group were the ones we'd been watching for 8 years. so even though the geekys helped to fix the timeline, a sam-jack-teal'c-daniel died in the far past...




                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                Hey Everyone,

                That would be me to I think, I wish I had the money. Ah well and I'd worry I'd have nothing to talk about with her and I'd embarrass her by turning into a squeally fangirl hope I can try not do that at AT3

                (sorry, envy overcame me for a minute)



                  anyone know if there's a high res version of this pic anywhere?
                  Attached Files
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                    Hey Everyone,

                    That would be me to I think, I wish I had the money. Ah well and I'd worry I'd have nothing to talk about with her and I'd embarrass her by turning into a squeally fangirl hope I can try not do that at AT3

                    That's be me if I won the lottery for the lunch with AT, or even at AT3 (which I'm not going to): Gaping at Amanda, making a total fool of myself, then trying to speak and only being able to make fangirl giggles and squees, and attempts tounge-tied rants. Basically, I'd look like a total, complete, utter, babbling fangirl of an idiot. lol!
                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    i just love 'trio' for sooo many reasons!

                    i adore s4's 'sam as commander' time. the only thing i'd change is *more* time given to sam, but i understand the reasons why it couldn't happen. but still

                    spoilers for the new short interview with robert/woolsey on gateworld's front page:

                    i have a feeling they're not going to explain what sam's up to after being given the heavy-ho.

                    that sam WILL be back! , and that robert's looking forward to some kind of confrontation between woolsey and sam because, quoting him, "why I took her job, so to speak".

                    i wish they'd start filming 'sanctuary' already! i want enough time to have passed (after they've finished 'sanctuary') so amanda will have time for atlantis.

                    hmm... maybe amanda can have enough to join the show 'lost' too...

                    ok, if Amanda joined Lost I would be sooooo excited I'd literally be boncing off the walls!!!! That would be awesome, and then my friend who pointedly refuses to watch stargate (but loves Lost) will be like "omg! she's awesome...FINE I'll watch stargate!" and then she'll realize just how great Amanda is as Sam
                    That's my evil plan. mwahahahah.


                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      it makes sense , but i'm still bothered by the idea that sam, jack, and teal'c were executed and that daniel lived out the rest of his life in ancient egypt without *them*. and this group were the ones we'd been watching for 8 years. so even though the geekys helped to fix the timeline, a sam-jack-teal'c-daniel died in the far past...

                      There is an absolutely amazing fic by Scarimor that deals with the time before geeky sam et al came along in ancient egypt. it describes an incredibly herioc sam and teal'c act, and is seriously one of the best fics i've ever read, pro or fan. Here's the link:
                      I loved it so much I actually printed it out so I could read it over and over again!

                      "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

                      SG-1 FanFiction
                      Sanctuary Fanfiction


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                        anyone know if there's a high res version of this pic anywhere?
                        Sky, I think I have a bigger one of that at home. If you are a member of repro images, look there cause I think I got it from there; not 100% sure though.

                        Also I am not sure it is a bigger one but I'll have to see when I get home in about errr... 7 hours, give or take...Ugh I hate 12 hours shift...

                        eta: nvm I only found this pic on the site:

                        Will have to check for the pic you are looking for sky...might be on it...might not be on it. will look for it later today or after sleep


                          that one's close, thanks

                          i tried stargate hub, but man as cool as it is, that site's so bogged down with flash that it's near impossible to navigate.

                          why cn't people ever get it through thier heads that 'clean and simple' is a perfectly good way to have a site??
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                            anyone know if there's a high res version of this pic anywhere?
                            that's such a good pic of Amanda! seriously, that girl takes the best photos.... and I love the outfit she was wearing

                            I haven't seen this one before, so i'm not sure about a hi-res version.....


                              I made this (gutterish) S/J sig... felt we're all in need of some gutter while we wait for 104 more days..... *sigh*



                                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                                anyone know if there's a high res version of this pic anywhere?
                                Is this what you are looking for
                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

