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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
    So you are probably all about to post 'Wow Agent Dark, you are so awesome. Please have my babies and teach me all about Vista' (I actually get that alot, or variations of. Usually along the lines of 'omg your leet can u teahc me how to pwn noobs like u do? lol'. Or 'omg fsck hacker stop cheating fagg0t' after I've just owned the noob in question, which amounts to the same thing really.). Unfortunately, that will not be possible since I haven't actually upgraded to Vista yet. Far be that from destroying my argument though, since I have had a bit of a play around on Vista on other PC's and haven't experienced the rage that I see; and really don't see why there is so much rage. I haven't upgraded because I haven't actually needed to install it, don't have a copy of Vista to install in the first place (there's something I will deduct points for, as with all Microsoft OS's - why are they so bloody expensive?) and don't have a directX 10 video card to utilise the biggest feature of Vista anyway.
    By the time I figure out what this actually means, Microsoft will have come out with yet another OS.

    Kindred 1:

    Woohoo!! Commander Sam, finally.

    Great mix of strength and compassion in her scenes.

    I liked the whole episode. Looking forward to next week!

    Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
    Quint Studer


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
      1) AT 3 first time and excited
      2) Charmed pass
      3) I guess I am a penguin But I am not in the team penguins I am just a general shipper, I ship/slahs Sam with almost everyone
      4) chocolate of course I mean i am Belgian for a reason
      I answered over on the GABIT thread but there's a ship aspect to team penguins/ polar bears????

      owww please explian, I think I missed a memo.



        All this talk of dubious dubs/subtitles, particularly the Stargate ones (I personally very rarely watch anything other than in its original language, whether that's English, Spanish, French, Japanese or whatever because I find that I usually prefer the original actor's tone and expression, and I can try and remember my French/Italian etc with my French and Italian films, but anyhoo, that's me ) reminded me of an LJ post I once found. I don't think you need to have seen SGA S1 to find this amusing. Japanese import SGA DVDs, complete with insane nonsensical subtitles of doom:

        I'm very fond of "I am a Weir"

        Courtesy of smurf, as always


          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
          I'm doing a little Convention Research Project. So please respond

          Are you going to:
          1. AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
          2. Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
          3. Team Penguins or Polar Bears
          4. Peanut butter or chocolate
          1. None of the above, but will be anxiously awaiting trip reports from all attendees.

          2. Hope everyone with a ticket has loads of fun and tells us all the good stories.

          3. Most days more penguin than bear, unless it is hibernating season

          4. Peanut butter, definitely. But chocolate does have its own small place in the world now and then


            Originally posted by CapitaBlood View Post
            Sorry to all for the OT, and I'm very sorry, Tracy Jane if my post sounded rude, that was not my intention
            Don't worry about it. Rereading my post, sorry if it seemed like I snapped, I was just teasing. I just thought it was common knowledge that Castillian and Catalan were different languages.

            But seeing this: "Spanish (Catalan AND Castillian)" in your post really struck a nerve.
            I was just pointing out that I can't speak much of either. I noticed you posted about Catalan in the post above, and thought it would be considered more rude to say "my Spanish sucked" to someone from Catalunya, given what a political hotbed it is.

            And yes, Catalunya is "still" a part of Spain, I sadly don't need a reminder if this, but that can change and I hope to see it one day, or at least my children, grandchildren or whaterver.
            Nod. I understand that. There are so many differing views on what the future of Catalunya should be, but I should have followed the first rule I was ever taught about Catalunyan Independance "Unless you hold a passport from the area, don't open your mouth or give an opinion!". It's not really my place to say anything on the subject. I'm sorry, I was just trying to be respectful to both langauges spoken in the area.

            But what about all the "french" people who also have catalan as their mother tongue? Do they also speak Spanish?
            This is a very interesting concept, actually. When the former country of Czechoslovakia split into the Czech Republic and Slovakia, one started speaking "Czech" and the other "Slovakian". Funnily enough, they are still essentially the same language, though there are slight differences (Which used to be attributed to geographical dialects).

            To me, they speak Catalan in some areas of France, just as they speak Catalan in Catalunya and Castillian (I always seem to add the "o" on the end, nod sure why!) in other parts of Spain. But I know quite a lot of non-linguist friends who class Catalan as a Spanish dialect. *shudders*

            I think I look at it a bit like "Chinese". There is no language could "Chinese". There's Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese and other languages.... in the same way, I see the languages as Catalan and Castillian which fall into the Spanish language family. Does that make a little more sense?

            And here we don't say "Spanish" to refer to the language spoken in Spain, we say "Castillian" (and that is what's thought at schools), but I've always seen to people refer to it as "Spanish" in international forums, so I obviously incorrectly assumed that was the "political correct" term to refer to it.
            I really don't know the details. I think a lot of people assume there's just one language, which is "Spanish" (which generally is Castillian). I know that in my department (I'm a languages teacher), we teach pupils that "the subject is called Spanish, but the language we are learning is Castillian. There's another language in Spain called Catalan)."

            I don't like to bother other people with this anymore, so please could we take this to PM? I'm really curious to know other's people vision of our political conflict.
            Oh... well, ummm.... I've just finished responding to this. Plus I don't think it's "bothering" people as such. If you do want to continue the discussion, please feel free, but you know....

            Again, sorry for the OT and for offending people, I always knew delurking with my English language skills English was a bad idea
            No, your English skills are brilliant, it's just that I kinda stepped into a political hotbed (I should have known better).
            Yepp, it's blank down here.


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              I'm doing a little Convention Research Project. So please respond

              Are you going to:
              AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
              Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
              Team Penguins or Polar Bears
              Peanut butter or chocolate
              I'm a Panda - somewhere in between the two!
              Both! (though chocolate if I have to decide)
              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

                Are you going to:
                AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
                Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
                Team Penguins or Polar Bears
                Peanut butter or chocolate

                AT3 (I'll be the one with the halo)
                Charmed Pass
                Polar Bear
                Peanut Butter

                Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
                I answered over on the GABIT thread but there's a ship aspect to team penguins/ polar bears????

                owww please explian, I think I missed a memo.

                Penguins represent the shippers
                Polar Bears represent the non shippers (but we all get along in here )

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                  I'm doing a little Convention Research Project. So please respond

                  Are you going to:
                  AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
                  Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
                  Team Penguins or Polar Bears
                  Peanut butter or chocolate

                  for me

                  still don't get the polar bears/penguines
                  definitely chocolate
                  for ME!
                  I don't either
                  Gatecon (which is right next door-or at least on the next block:-)


                    Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                    All this talk of dubious dubs/subtitles, particularly the Stargate ones (I personally very rarely watch anything other than in its original language, whether that's English, Spanish, French, Japanese or whatever because I find that I usually prefer the original actor's tone and expression, and I can try and remember my French/Italian etc with my French and Italian films, but anyhoo, that's me ) reminded me of an LJ post I once found. I don't think you need to have seen SGA S1 to find this amusing. Japanese import SGA DVDs, complete with insane nonsensical subtitles of doom:


                    I'm very fond of "I am a Weir"


                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      I'm doing a little Convention Research Project. So please respond

                      Are you going to:
                      AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
                      Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
                      Team Penguins or Polar Bears
                      Peanut butter or chocolate
                      1. AT3
                      2. Charmed
                      3. Penguins
                      4. def. chocolate!!!!


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                        Oh... well, ummm.... I've just finished responding to this. Plus I don't think it's "bothering" people as such. If you do want to continue the discussion, please feel free, but you know.....
                        Well, I'm glad this is resolved, I confess I was worried becasue I'm here to make friends, not the contrary! See you at AT3, because now I'm curious


                          Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                          I'm doing a little Convention Research Project. So please respond

                          Are you going to:
                          AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
                          Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
                          Team Penguins or Polar Bears
                          Peanut butter or chocolate
                          Weekend pass
                          Team Panda I can be both
                          Peanut Butter no nuts though - we have Mandy and JanSam for that AND chocolate (Reese's anyone?)

                          Mourning Sanctuary.
                          Thanks for the good times!


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            Are you going to:
                            AT3 And /or gatecon (not the creation con in april, gatecon in august)
                            Charmed / weekend pass or VIP vs Gatepass
                            Team Penguins or Polar Bears
                            Peanut butter or chocolate
                            For me:

                            Gatecon -> VIP
                            Team Penguins


                              Originally posted by CapitaBlood View Post
                              Sorry to all for the OT, and I'm very sorry, Tracy Jane if my post sounded rude, that was not my intention But seeing this: "Spanish (Catalan AND Castillian)" in your post really struck a nerve. And yes, Catalunya is "still" a part of Spain, I sadly don't need a reminder if this, but that can change and I hope to see it one day, or at least my children, grandchildren or whaterver. But what about all the "french" people who also have catalan as their mother tongue? Do they also speak Spanish?

                              And here we don't say "Spanish" to refer to the language spoken in Spain, we say "Castillian" (and that is what's thought at schools), but I've always seen to people refer to it as "Spanish" in international forums, so I obviously incorrectly assumed that was the "political correct" term to refer to it.

                              I don't like to bother other people with this anymore, so please could we take this to PM? I'm really curious to know other's people vision of our political conflict.

                              Again, sorry for the OT and for offending people, I always knew delurking with my English language skills English was a bad idea
                              One of the hardest things I have done in my life is study in Germany after only a few years of German classes. I was there for two months and never became fluent. There was a woman in our group whose German was awful. She tried, constantly made terrible mistakes and laughed at herself all the time. It was wonderful. I have a great deal of respect for people who try to communicate in languages not their own when they know they're not fluent.

                              I have a vague knowledge of the historical conflict surrounding the Catalan push to secede, but I had no idea that the languages are different. Here (US) we only hear of Spanish. I like learning about the different cultures of the people who post here, and I'll now have to do some research. I've learned at lot from Tracy, and I'm happy to learn from you as well.

                              One of the things about SG-1 is that they constantly are making contact with other cultures. Yes, it's Daniel's specialty, but they all have to struggle to figure out how to respond to new peoples. How many times have people wanted to kill Sam for acting like a man? The stress would have to be tremendous even if language were not an problem.

                              In memory of Deejay.
                              May we all be so well loved.


                                Originally posted by scifithinker View Post
                                One of the things about SG-1 is that they constantly are making contact with other cultures. Yes, it's Daniel's specialty, but they all have to struggle to figure out how to respond to new peoples. How many times have people wanted to kill Sam for acting like a man? The stress would have to be tremendous even if language were not an problem.
                                And that's why we have (well-written) fanfic. To flesh out the stuff that might take too long to convey on the 42 minutes onscreen.

                                Some of my favorite fanfics delve into just that, the culteral taboos SG-1 breaks by just being SG-1.

                                Mourning Sanctuary.
                                Thanks for the good times!

