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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    I'm curious as well.

    Don't worry, I have my ways of getting answers. Don't I, Mimi?
    Yes, yes you do. Hehehe...

    The song is called Star Trekin', and there's at least one cute (as in clever) SG vid to it, which is how I got intro'd to the song in the first place. (As is the case with 'Cows With Guns', which is a great Jaffa vid ... very tongue in cheek, of course...)

    And I'm in bed, under the covers.
    I was about to PM you to tell you g'nite, actually.
    Shutting down machine now ...

    G'nite to all y'all ...
    ...awaiting inspiration...and time/energy/know-how!

    SanctuaryWorld - Enter the New Reality
    ames on facebook
    ames on LJ (codename "bluejelloqueen", of course! )


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      my biggest issue with season 9 was like someone said....all of a sudden instead of it being a team show, it was the adventures of daniel and vala with a minor supporting role by cam, and the chick and the black guy got used as a plot device
      PERFECT explantion.




        Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
        did you guys really hate s9 that much? i agree it was different, and i really wish they could have kept jack in there, but i think they did okay with what they had. i mean, amanda was out for the first six weeks on maternity leave, so they had to write her out, but once she was back, i don't feel like she was pushed too far to the side.

        the thing was, there were now 5 people on the team to write for, instead of four, so now each person had to have fewer lines so everyone could speak. and they had two brand new characters that they had to develop. Sam was semi-featured in a few of the eps-- beachhead and the fourth horseman, at least, although i agree that Mitchell got the bulk of the good stuff. as it went on, i didn't feel she was being snubbed so much as she was having to share with more people, and a new 'leader' of sg-1, even though he wasn't, really.

        that being said, there were a few eps that i could absolutely have done without (Talion comes to mind)!

        in all, i guess i can see where you're coming from. s9 is certainly my least favorite.

        i really didn't mean to write so much...
        Oh I dont Hate season 9 infact i kinda love the ep line in the sand, it just annoys me that Sam was pushed to the side in the last too seasons

        Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

        I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


        My thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family *sending hugs and kisses with them*

        Originally posted by Pharaoh Atem View Post
        David has open a ask Amanda thread ...

        GW will be interviewing Amanda on feb 7th

        Originally posted by ames View Post
        And you want to call yourself a hoser??? Sigh.....*shakes head*
        At least you DID get it without explanations eventually I guess there's hope for y'all yet *ducks incoming smack*
        Oh, and welcome EH-T!!!

        Hear, hear!!! Gotta love fics and official DVDs ... and the rest of fandom too, of course But yeah, I'll def be keeping my Sam-withdrawls at bay with the other sidelines ... I might even manage to write more fic if my muses would just cooperate... *smiles sweetly but not quite pleadingly - yet - at said muses*

        Gah! I want!!! Can I please snurch? It's so ... Samandan I promise to credit you!

        Oh no no no no no *shakes head*
        Someone please send these crazy folk some Blue Jell-o, stat?!?!

        Um, how exactly does 'blue' taste?
        Hmmmm ... could be a highly contentious topic, if allowed to run rampant.
        I mean, technically you could have blueberry, or wildberry, or blackberry even.
        In my experience, the best blue is the raspberry flavour -- slushies, freezies, and Jello ... mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmblue!!!!

        So long as we only heard about it vicariously and via brief-ish guest spots, eh? On the other hand, just imagine the fic-fodder ... then again, we hardly need TPTB to make it happen for us to AU it that way, right?

        *snort* Nice Bekah

        I'm liking your plan B!

        I heartily second that opinion!!!

        And just to return to both the joyness that is Jello and the mod-placating realm of on-topicness once again ...
        We know that Sam's favourite flavour of Jello is blue ... but what is Amanda's?
        *looks around inquisitively*
        There you are theres something to ask Amanda





            Originally posted by Amanda_Tapping_Fan View Post
            Oh I dont Hate season 9 infact i kinda love the ep line in the sand, it just annoys me that Sam was pushed to the side in the last too seasons
            i think line in the sand was season 10... that's one of my favorite eps because of the sam whump, among other things...

            "The men cheered! The women fainted! The children waved multi-colored flags!" -Amanda Tapping

            SG-1 FanFiction
            Sanctuary Fanfiction


              Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
              i think line in the sand was season 10... that's one of my favorite eps because of the sam whump, among other things...
              It was S10, late S10. It's the ep that paired Sam and Mitchell. <<shudder>> No more about granny!

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                Happy Birthday Becky Preen
                Originally posted by Bekah See View Post
                i think line in the sand was season 10... that's one of my favorite eps because of the sam whump, among other things...
                Did I say it was seaon 9 I know it is in season 10.....oh I think I know what happened that was my stupid brain mixing sentences together I was talking bout season 9 and how I liked it but in the previos post I was talking bout LITS and I was saying that I did like that ep and here I go again I'm ganna shut up now



                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  *rollseyes* And I thought this was an Amanda Tapping Appreciation Thread!

                  And Missus... You've not been on MSN for days!
                  The new wireless router isn't cooperating with my computer. I can only get on for about half an hour a day when I can steal my sister's one. Le sigh. And when uni starts for the year in a couple of weeks, I will be working full time and studying full time. *cries and clings to Samanda*

                  Originally posted by EH-T View Post
                  Love the responses to my name!

                  To explain to the non-Canadians, we Canadians are often accused of saying "eh". For example, "How's it going, eh?". The word "eh" is pronounced like the letter A. So EH-T is pronounced the same as AT as in Amanda Tapping. Got it?
                  Exactly... eighty!
                  Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                  Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                  Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                    Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                    I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.
                    I'm so sorry about your loss LaCroix. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family tonight. Take care and be safe.
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by rolleson View Post
                      Okay. Everything I learnt about America and American history came from either the Bill and Ted cartoon or the Simpsons. lol.
                      Hehe...I learned a lot from some old Johnny Cash and Johnny Horton music!!!
                      Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
                      *pssst, ames, that icon was made by PengYn, fyi.
                      *thinks it's funny so many folks are now using "snurch" a lot more.
                      Makes you go Hmmmm.
                      So what is the origin of "snurch" then???
                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      If you haven't seen the commercial for the upcoming Atlantis episode here it is...
                      " come own schwarzenegger start swinging." Keller says to McKay at the end. lol that was funny. So we get whumped Sam and humor too.
                      Have I said I am looking forward to this episode yet lol
                      ...that was brilliant...
                      I love how Sam yells out to Jennifer by her first name not surname...personal touch there!!!

                      Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                      Lol. ^^
                      It's Star Trekkin' by The Firm
                      Had to say it really quietly because any minute Sky might start singing..
                      Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                      this song:
                      hey it is a Stargate vid too so enjoy and don't blame me for giving the link and for you singing it all night
                      OMG...that is so awesome...I'm gonna be singing that at work tomorrow!!!
                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Exactly... eighty!
                      Hehe...and I thought it had something to do with Teal' know..."T"...nevermind!!!

                      Happy Birthday Becky!!!

                      Gotta choof...night all, take care, be safe and have fun!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        oops, just found the star trekin track on itunes and had to download it.

                        I just pleased Sanctuary in making it to TV, I not that impressed with SGA.


                          HI SAMANDAN FAMILY

                          I just watched the TRIOtrailer on the sifi site and sooooooooooooooooo cant wait to see this eps it looks like a classic
                          (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


                            Hey Everyone,

                            I didn't get to post yesterday b/c my internet was being bad, so I 'zatted' it. LOL

                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            my biggest issue with season 9 was like someone said....all of a sudden instead of it being a team show, it was the adventures of daniel and vala with a minor supporting role by cam, and the chick and the black guy got used as a plot device

                            which was fantastic if you liked that new set up...if it didn't appeal to you, thre wasn't much else to enjoy in it because it was so massively unbalanced.
                            I agree Sky the new characters were definitely placed front and centre, which personally made me almost right away dislike them. Then there was the action!Jackson and Vala thing and poor Sam and T reduced almost to background characters, it was kinda hard to watch IMHO
                            Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                            I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                            My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family

                            Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
                            Happy Birthday Becky!!

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Originally posted by LaCroix View Post

                              I won't be online for a very long while. My Father just passed away. I'll see you when I can.


                              I'm sorry to hear of your loss Fran and I'm sending out some mighty positive thoughts hoping that helps. Take care.

                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              this song:

                              hey it is a Stargate vid too so enjoy and don't blame me for giving the link and for you singing it all night
                              hehe..I've heard the song before, but never saw a vid of it. I love it! *bookmarks to watch many times later* Thanks Eve!

                              Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post

                              Ditto from me! Hope you have an awesome day with lots and lots of spoiling Becks!


                                ok, topic of the day

                                Let's say that Sam had been put in charge of throwing a birthday party for someone at the sgc (equality my tush, trust me, it's the women that end up doing this social stuff)

                                what would she do???
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


