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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by CapitaBlood View Post
    Hi there
    I've been lurking here for ages, and thanks to the encouragement of a fellow Samandan I've decided to come out of lurkedom.
    Welcome to Samanda!! I hope you plan on attending AT4 coz then we can meet there!!!
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    That's exactly it. Also the name of my fanfic site that has very little on it. But in my opinion, any planet where Sam removes clothing has to be good, right? LOL.
    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    But I suppose that it was just the fact that if it is a planet address where Sam removes her clothing it is going to imprint itself in my memory. LOL guys are too much...but I'd have to agree with you...I think!!!
    Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
    It always makes me laugh that the only planet designation I can actually remember is one that didn't even feature on the show! LOL!

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    and who can identify
    Uhm...would that be Alan's registration plate number???
    Originally posted by Alan View Post
    LOL! It sure isn't me! LOL! And even Wikipedia couldn't help!
    I take that as a no then??? hehe!!
    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    Of course I had to know that one
    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    P4A771 was the Jaffa planet that forced the wormhole to jump from the sgc gate to the one in antarctica due to the energy fire from the staff blast weapons. Thus creating.. some snuggling.. and the best ever stargate outtake!
    Yay!! Clever you!!!
    I loveed that out take...I quote it far too often though...
    "Dear God...I'm stuck on a glacier with MacGyver!!!"
    If only I was!!!!!
    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    reminder!!! reminder!!! reminder!!!

    Your project has to be due in about 2 weeks, if you can before the 16th, if because of any reason you will not be able to do it, plaese mail or pm me thanks!!!

    reminder!!! reminder!!! reminder!!!
    Do we send it onto you or the person we're doing it for???
    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    You'll see me at AT3. I'll be difficult to miss since I tend to make a bit of a spectacle of myself at conventions. Unintentionally of course.
    I hope you're gonna be at AT4 too Amanda!!
    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
    For those that do not venture out of this thread much you may want to go check out this post to see some new promo pictures for "The Ark of Truth" including new team and individual pictures.
    What!!! ...there's actually other stuff beyond this thread??? No way!!!
    Just joshing!!!
    Originally posted by SunKrux View Post
    *smiles smuggly....
    Mine's already done. Mine's already done. Mine's already done.
    Would you like a medal or a chest to pin it on?????
    Sorry...I'm kinda in a stupid mood at the moment!!...WTG Sunny!!!
    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    My mother actually was watching and paying attention to SG this Friday...
    she kept asking where Sam was. "Where's Sam? Isn't she on this show?" And when McKay needed help..."Sam can help him. She's smart." And when they brought the Wraith through(to help)..."Oh, that must be Sam." *sees guys with guns come through the gate* "No, Mom. I don't think they'd have guns on Sam." It was kinda funny though...the whole time she wondered where Sam was.
    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    your mom is sweet. and smart.
    I agree!!!
    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
    Off topic...

    My very first real job interview! Today I had my preinterview screening. I had twice the required typing speed and I got over 95% in each of the tests. *grins*
    Now I'm just chilling, baby sitting my brother's motel. That means sitting on the internets with the phone and the office bell receiver in hearing range in case anyone wants to check in. Woots. Oh, and I just ordered pizza for the very first time... the pizza places in the city were within walking distance and I grew up too far out of town for them to deliver. So Woots.

    Anyone want some pepperoni?
    WTG Eileen!! Good luck with the job!!...and the pizza!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by NearlyCircular View Post
      In case you're lurking,
      Happy birthday from me too!!!
      Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
      This is one of Amy's copies (mine is shinier! lol)

      These sets were handmade by a friend of Amy's. Originally there were four sets and both myself and Amy's cousin were besotted with it, so she made a couple more copies. At the moment, we own three sets between us. can I get a copy of one of those??? :O
      Originally posted by Coley View Post
      Hi everyone. Just delurking to post on a Cult Times interview with Amanda. I'm not sure if this is old news or not. I only saw the magazine today - not sure how long it has been on the newstands. Anyway it is a fairly long interview with Amanda done just before the end of filming season 4. I only skimmed through the article as I really don't want to see spoilers. 2 items of note were that Amanda said she was looking forward to having 3 weeks off to be full time mum, but also said she had recently been on Gateworld to the New and Improved Anti Carter in Season 4 thread. (((Amanda))). I know a few people sent supporting fan mail to her at the start of the season, but I guess anyone who feels inclined to send further support now episodes have aired I'm sure she would greatly appreciate it!!
      Hi Coley...thanks for the update...I just want to know...WHY on earth did she go there when she could have so much more fun here?????
      I never go to anti threads...I just don't see the point!
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      thanks for the heads up
      hey, how about, when y'all are making out your christmas cards, how about you toss one in the mail to amanda?
      Amanda Tapping
      c/o Bridge Studios
      2400 Boundary Road
      Burnaby, BC V5M 3Z3
      Give her a little Samanda Lurve for the holidays
      Will do...on it right now Ma'am!!!
      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      and on a slightly less light note, DJ posted this in her LJ. It was friends locked, but she also asked for folks to let others know where she was, so i don't think i'm breaking a confidence by posting it here

      deejay435I haven't been online for a while. I don't know when I'll get back regularly. Things are pretty bad in my family right now. We're trying to deal with that issue, and the stress is horribly high. I have a good friend who is going into hospice and it's not looking like long for him. And on top of all that, my cat died suddenly this week.
      I appreciate any prayers you can spare for my father and my friend.
      And if those of you reading this can let my other online friends know I won't be around for a while, I'd appreciate it.

      so, anyone that has a free moment, you might want to drop a few virtual hugs her way. Just to let her know that we're here and we're thinking of her
      (((Deejay)))...sending my love and thoughts to you and you family and your friend.
      Originally posted by hisg1fans View Post
      So who is who? Mitchell as Bosley? Sam as Farrah Fawcett or Cheryl Ladd? Daniel as Kate Jackson? Teal'c as the other one (forget the name)?
      Sam would have to be Cheryl Ladd (Kris Monroe)...I could never get used to Farrah Fawcett...besides...Cheryl's way prettier...but Amanda....she's da bomb!!!!

      I have to go...should have been off 30 minutes ago...night all, take care, be safe and have fun!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping



        I cant wait to THE ARK OF TRUTH and the next ATLANTIS eps
        (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje
          Samantha Carter talking about McKay here:

          I loved it Not sure if it has been posted here already though
          lol just watched it! Loved the last part 'that's an order'


            Originally Posted by RepliCartertje
            Samantha Carter talking about McKay here:
            I only got to hear the vid my quicktime doesnt wrk at the moment but i loved it especialy the last part THATS AN ORDER

            Watching season 4 as ordered colonel and loving it
            (''For all Eternity'') Ripperette,MultishipperAmanda=Angel Magnett,Teslan,Willen


              Hi Everyone,

              Originally posted by Celandine View Post
              Ooh like those games that have been out for a few years..think they're called "Scene It?' That would be pretty dang cool if they made one like that. Would make an excellent choice for game night *nods*..though come to think of it, I might win every time as most of my friends either don't watch the series or only show a passing interest in it. *sigh*
              Yeah that's it "Scene it" that would be fun eh
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              thanks for the heads up

              hey, how about, when y'all are making out your christmas cards, how about you toss one in the mail to amanda?

              Amanda Tapping
              c/o Bridge Studios
              2400 Boundary Road
              Burnaby, BC V5M 3Z3

              Give her a little Samanda Lurve for the holidays
              Oh d**n, I already sent out my cards, do you think I'd still have time to mail one to Amanda?
              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              and on a slightly less light note, DJ posted this in her LJ. It was friends locked, but she also asked for folks to let others know where she was, so i don't think i'm breaking a confidence by posting it here

              deejay435I haven't been online for a while. I don't know when I'll get back regularly. Things are pretty bad in my family right now. We're trying to deal with that issue, and the stress is horribly high. I have a good friend who is going into hospice and it's not looking like long for him. And on top of all that, my cat died suddenly this week.

              I appreciate any prayers you can spare for my father and my friend.

              And if those of you reading this can let my other online friends know I won't be around for a while, I'd appreciate it.


              so, anyone that has a free moment, you might want to drop a few virtual hugs her way. Just to let her know that we're here and we're thinking of her

              My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family
              Originally posted by sofie View Post
              lol just watched it! Loved the last part 'that's an order'
              I loved it too

              Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                i think you'll be fine mailing one to AT. Even if she doesn't get it before christmas she'll still get it. I'm not even sure if she'll be picking up mail or if they'll hold it until she goes back for taping, but it'll be there if she wants it.

                It's just a way for us to say 'you rock and we like you'
                Where in the World is George Hammond?



                  *runs in*

                  Just made a Sam banner, I wanna share it with you!!


                  (You can find a bigger version on my photobucket...)

                  *runs out*


                    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                    i think you'll be fine mailing one to AT. Even if she doesn't get it before christmas she'll still get it. I'm not even sure if she'll be picking up mail or if they'll hold it until she goes back for taping, but it'll be there if she wants it.

                    It's just a way for us to say 'you rock and we like you'
                    That's a great idea! Its the thought that counts right? I'll put a card in the mail tomorrow, thanks Sky

                    Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                      Originally posted by sofie View Post
                      lol just watched it! Loved the last part 'that's an order'
                      Hey, who am I to disobey an order from an officer and a woman and a woman in uniform?

                      THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                      K-9, CLASS and much more...


                        On the list of things for Christmas for Sam: (I think I remembered the first ones correctly)

                        Year's supply of blue jello
                        Her own F302

                        Her belated Medal of Honor


                          Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                          On the list of things for Christmas for Sam: (I think I remembered the first ones correctly)

                          Year's supply of blue jello
                          Her own F302

                          Her belated Medal of Honor
                          Her own X-306.

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            hi i am new could somebody tell me what the sam/ amanda tapping' s cars can you put the pictures of it
                            please could you tell me


                              Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                              *runs in*

                              Just made a Sam banner, I wanna share it with you!!


                              (You can find a bigger version on my photobucket...)

                              *runs out*
                              ooh very pretty...thank you for dropping that off

                              Originally posted by Alan View Post
                              Hey, who am I to disobey an order from an officer and a woman and a woman in uniform?
                              Indeed! I rarely do what I am told but who could disobey that order
                              Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                              My Fanfic~My Femslash


                                Originally posted by chelle db View Post

                                WTG Eileen!! Good luck with the job!!...and the pizza!!
                                Thanks to everyone who wished me luck The main part of the interview was today, with an interview, a group exersize and a rollplay. The only bit I regret and wish I could take back was in the interview when I said some thing like "sorry, that's sounds hoaky as hell but I mean it."

                                And one of the interviewers (they were really nice) laughed and said "hoaky as hell?"

                                I went red and replied, "ah, a phrase I picked up from a Canadian friend."

                                Other than that, it was good. I think. I will find out in a few hours

                                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!

