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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
    Get thee to a Starbucks. They have pumpkin scones at this time of year.

    And actually I think that strange flavors is how we've americanized scones. From what I understand, a 'proper' scone is plain with jam and cream on top. Or maybe with some raisins or cranberries (this is what the scones an Irish grandfather from my dance school made us had in them). Am I right, or am I crazy?

    Oh and a ditto on the happy b-day to Teryl!
    bah...Starbucks is a waste of good money. I like to go to the Beanery instead. Very hip cool place where they have awesome tea and coffee, live bands on the weekends, a tv room, reading room and net access too!

    I can live without a pumpkin scone for now. Too much pumpkin 'this and that' everywhere anyways. By Thanksgiving I'll be hating anything pumpkin. *nods*

    Originally posted by PengYn View Post
    I had to share a cute Stargate related story with someone so here goes:

    My mom, who lives in South Africa, started watching Stargate 2 years ago when I left home and moved to the UK. She said it was her way of bonding with me even though I'm gone. Currently the channel that airs stargate is somewhere in season six and she updates me every week about her "date" with Richard Dean Anderson and she really enjoys the show. She knows I post here on Gateworld (although she calls it blogging - she classes everything done online as "to blog") and she thinks its great that I can meet and make friends with so many people online. Anyway, tonight she sent me a text because very recently another of her cable channels is running Stargate from the very beginning. This is what she said:
    "This channel is cool. Gives me an episode of sg1 series one every night. Getting clued up. Be able to blog soon. lol" This from a woman who, when I lived at home, didn't get why I loved the show so much.
    awe very cool! Least you two have a connection that you can share now. Seems she went out of her way to find something that you loved so she can be apart of it. That's love.

    Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
    I know what you mean Sky when I told people I was going to GABIT last year, after explaining what it was, people looked at me like I had two heads and asked "why I'd pay all that money just for that" people really don't get it do they? *shakes head sadly*

    Ah well we know why eh

    Way I see it, everybody has a fetish.

    My dad spends mondo money on violin sheet music, video, lessons, blah, blah, blah
    My mom sews...JoAnn Fabrics is her second home I think.
    My brothers each have something they love to do..and spend the money for it.

    I do Stargate. My fetish wins. j/k

    My point is, I like what I like and I know everyone has something they love just as much so no matter what they say I just conveniently switch the conversation around to point this fact out all the time. Kinda leaves them gapped mouthed but touche...I win.

    Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
    My mum passed many years ago (before MacGyver even), but I know she would have loved Stargate. My familial problem comes from my little big sister (I tower over her). She does not understand fandom, period! The internet scares the beJ**** out of her and when I talk about my on-line friends she "just rolls her eyes at 'that scifi stuff' and goes on on her own." as Sky puts it. I so want her to come to one of our events, just to see what goes on and feel the atmosphere. One day, maybe.

    I can't imagine my life without all this. I have 'family' all over the world. When RL gets tough they are all there for me, and I return the favour when they need it. You can't beat it! Those who don't experience it don't know what they are missing.


    Kay aka Mumsey
    Definitely. When I'm feeling low, I know I can be honest with you all about how I'm feeling and you guys just surround me in tons of Samanda love. It's awesome. You all rock!

    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
    Happy Birthday tara3583
    ooh another Birthday *bounce*

    Happy Birthday tara3583!

    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
    Hey I thought some of you might like this since a lot also watch Sanctuary.... Here is a spoiler of DK's interview... Martin is talking too and cameo of Amanda

    EDIT: And here is James' post on Sanctuary regarding the trailer
    whee! will get to both before the clock strikes midnight. Thanks for the linkage!

    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    hey look, a nice cute ship fic

    sam and jack, post s10
    And this one too! lol Thanks!

    Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
    Try this one-I don't know if it's the same story Sky meant, but it's the last one on Rolleson's LJ
    ah yes..much better!


      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      Scones over here are plain, or have raisins/sultanas in them. The plain ones are more traditional (to be taken with butter, jam and/or cream, depending on preference), the fruit ones are a little bit more moist and I prefer those as I like to eat mine unbuttered and without jam- weird person that I am. A little sprinkle of the warm tasting spices such as cinnamon is an option, but not sure how traditional that is

      I've just written a post about scones. Typical
      You are weird. (just kidding). I can't imagine not having butter on anything bread-like. I'd put it on cake if it didn't already have icing. *Butter*cream icing.

      I like scones unless they are too dry. I can't stand dry bread. No biscotti for me. If I wanted stale bread I'd get the heels out of the cabinet.

      Mourning Sanctuary.
      Thanks for the good times!


        Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
        You're just feeding the stereotype

        I perfer the fruit scones too since I also eat them sans butter or anything else. But the pumpkin ones at Starbucks are yummy - they have a bit of frosting on them.

        Sam doesn't seem like a scone person, but I think AT might like them... I am just assuming this since her parents are English and she was born there. (see I'm feeding the stereotype now and bringing it back on topic!)
        I find the Starbuck pastries to be overly spiced and too sweet. I think I'm a little too picky and can do them better myself. If I have the time.

        Yeah, I bet AT likes them. Whether she eats them is another topic we probably shouldn't get in to.

        Mourning Sanctuary.
        Thanks for the good times!


          It's that time again, the time for SECRET PROJECT #206, henceforth known as, "Project Code: Infinity" (don't ask).

          If you are a fan of Sanctuary and/or Stage 3 Media, please email us for more details--


          - Vikki & Gillian

          PS. I was watching season 4 the other day... I really love that bob she's got for the first half of the season! She looks so cute!

          San Diego Comic Con 2007 Attendee
          San Diego Comic Con 2008 Attendee


            Originally posted by suse View Post
            You are weird. (just kidding). I can't imagine not having butter on anything bread-like. I'd put it on cake if it didn't already have icing. *Butter*cream icing.

            I like scones unless they are too dry. I can't stand dry bread. No biscotti for me. If I wanted stale bread I'd get the heels out of the cabinet.

            Ah, but when I was smaller getting out the butter and everything was just too much effort- I wanted my scone immediately I got so used to it that I don't mind it now

            Courtesy of smurf, as always


              Hi all

              Hope everyone is keeping well.

              I need a beta for the Sam/Vala- Women of the Gates ficathon. Story is 3,500 words.

              If anyone would like to volunteer, please can they PM me? *smiles sweetly in hopes someone does*.
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                the cinnamon treat....just take a pie crust. sprinkle - liberally - cinnamon and sugar on it and then bake it.
                you end up with a flaky crust covered with cinnamony sweetness
       pun intended!! It sounds I'm assuming the pastry is a sweet pastry not savory??? Must ask mum (in law) to help me make some...she's a great cook my mum (in law)!!
                Originally posted by Celandine View Post
                I LOVE strawberry milk! Can't believe you don't as I've never met a person who hasn't yet...well until now. lol
                Well it all started when I was a little tacker...about 8 years old I dad used to work for a bakery and he used to swap bread with the milkman for milk and dad comes home with all these different flavoured milk...strawberry, chocolate, malt, egg flip, caramel and to cut a long story short...I never used to have a problem with milk til this one fateful day when we had fish and chips for I'm eating my chippies and drinking my strawberry BigM when all of a sudden I feel really sick and...well lets just say...dinner didn't stay down long and neither did the ever since then I haven't been able to drink strawberry milk...but I still love my chips...go figure!!
                Originally posted by Tittamiire View Post
                *pokes around in Chelle's head* hehe
                Ouch!!! Hey!! I said ribs not head!!!! No wonder my head was throbbing today...sheesh!!!
                Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                Get thee to a Starbucks. They have pumpkin scones at this time of year.
                The only thing I love from Starbucks is the coffee!!
                I love the plain scones with jam and cream on them but I do also love the fruit scones...that is the ones with sultana's in them!! My mum (in law) makes the best scones south of the equator...and the best carrot cake in the universe!!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                at least you're never the target of Morris Dancers and random sword bearing individuals
                Of which i DO have photographic evidence
                And where is said evidence then??? Feel free to share!!
                Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                I had to share a cute Stargate related story with someone so here goes:
                My mom, who lives in South Africa, started watching Stargate 2 years ago when I left home and moved to the UK. She said it was her way of bonding with me even though I'm gone. Currently the channel that airs stargate is somewhere in season six and she updates me every week about her "date" with Richard Dean Anderson and she really enjoys the show. She knows I post here on Gateworld (although she calls it blogging - she classes everything done online as "to blog") and she thinks its great that I can meet and make friends with so many people online. Anyway, tonight she sent me a text because very recently another of her cable channels is running Stargate from the very beginning. This is what she said:
                "This channel is cool. Gives me an episode of sg1 series one every night. Getting clued up. Be able to blog soon. lol" This from a woman who, when I lived at home, didn't get why I loved the show so much.
                That is so cool PengYn!! Yay to your mum!! She sounds really cool!!! That's a really sweet story!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                you're lucky. my mom just rolls her eyes at 'that scifi stuff' and goes on on her own.
                I don't even tell people about my conventionng and stuff. they just give you that 'you're spending money to do what???' look, so it's not worth it
                Originally posted by samcarterrules View Post
                I know what you mean Sky when I told people I was going to GABIT last year, after explaining what it was, people looked at me like I had two heads and asked "why I'd pay all that money just for that" people really don't get it do they? *shakes head sadly*
                Ah well we know why eh
                It's funny you know...I was just discussing this the other day with a fellow SG friend! He has the same problem but then he pointed out that he has a friend who doesn't understand our interest in the conventions and all things scifi, yet he will go to all the football games during the football season and pay big bucks for the footy gear and tickets a lot of sport buffs do...and that seems acceptable to society to do travel to see their team play...and not just to inter state games but also to international why are we any different???
                My big bro doesn't appreciate my interest in here or else where for that matter because quite frankly he doesn't get it...but none of my family do...yet here he is, tomorrow morning he is flying his family interstate to go to the set of a tv show they that's the pot calling the kettle black!!!
                So depending on my frame of mind...I either feel happy to discuss my intentions of traveling overseas to attend an event or I avoid it at all costs...but the sad thing is...I found something that has totally peaked my interest and has made me happy in oh so many ways...and my kids's peaked their interest in science and maths in a way that no teacher has been able to...and I feel I can't share this with those who are supposed to be my I guess I can honestly say that I totally sympathize with you all because I guess some of us are in the same boat.
                Originally posted by SWMBOTGSG View Post
                I can't imagine my life without all this. I have 'family' all over the world. When RL gets tough they are all there for me, and I return the favour when they need it. You can't beat it! Those who don't experience it don't know what they are missing.
                Kay aka Mumsey
                Yay!! Thank you Kay!!! That was brilliantly said!! I agree with you whole heartedly! But...I can imagine my life without all of you...and believe me when I say put it gently, it just wouldn't be all!! When I first came here I was just coming out of a very bad spot in my life...this has been a godsend for me...I wish I could convey to all of you how much this has helped me and changed me into the better person I am today. I kinda feel sorry for those who have no concept of how wonderful this fandom wonderful this place wonderful the people in here truly are...I feel so blessed, so lucky to have found it!!! I can't wait for AT4 to meet some of you...I'm really excited about it already and I hasn't even been planned yet...but I'm confident that it will happen!!!!! Yay!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                i can't even imagine what i'd be doing without fandom. and it's not fandom as a whole, it's the friends i've made. it's knowing people and talking to people from all over the world
                my sister runs aroudnthe country doing marathons and i'm like 'umm, i do the same you know' just not nearly as often
                my younger cousins, however, were duly impressed with my photo with rick and amanda however. they thought it was cool....didn't even show the sisters.
                Speaking of did the wedding go???
                Originally posted by LaCroix View Post
                Yeah!! My Dad's up and walking with his walker right now!!!
                Yay for your dad!!
                Speaking of dad's...I went out to visit my dad today...he's just started radiation on Thursday...2 hits a day for the next 3 weeks then another dose of chemo...I'm taking him for his last 2 doses of chemo as I'll be on holidays then...but he's doing remarkably fact, he had to do this survey thing about how he's handling the chemo and fair dinkum, it was weird...we did it was basically a list of symptoms he should be feeling and he had to state whether he was feeling them and to what degree. So I'm listening to the list of symptoms and I'm actually answering them with him...his answers were all to the negative...that is to say he was feeling absolutely great with no side effects but me...the one without the bloomin cancer...I'm feeling about 85% of the symptoms to varying degrees...nausea, back pain, muscle aches, sore eyes, tiredness, dizziness, loss of appetite...and the list goes I'm thinking...bugger, I've got the symptoms while he gets the treatment and gets better...I can live with that!!! You know how you hear about when a woman is in labour and her sibling miles away feels the's kinda like that...fair dinkum...we went through that list and mum was stunned...hubby just confirmed it...except I don't agree with the irritability one...I think I've been ok in that area...hubby said he should have married dad...cheeky sod!!
                Oh...and yeah...just found out that it's lung cancer and that if this treatment doesn't work, they won't be able to do anything else for him...bit of a surprise there for us but...he'll be right!
                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                Happy Birthday tara3583
                Happy birthday Tara!!!!
                Can I just say a bug huge thank you to NC for the really cool birthday cakes she bakes for our birthdays...they are really really sweet!!!
                Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                Hey I thought some of you might like this since a lot also watch Sanctuary.... Here is a spoiler of DK's interview... Martin is talking too and cameo of Amanda
                Thank you!!! Amanda looks so usual!!! You gotta love Damien...and Martin!!!
                Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                d'oh, must have frakked up the link
                but yeah, i'm sure that's the fic
                gracias DJ
                Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                de nada
                Is that Spanish???
                I'll just stick with Oz...Thanks mate!!! You little rippa!!!
                Originally posted by Vikitty View Post
                It's that time again, the time for SECRET PROJECT #206, henceforth known as, "Project Code: Infinity" (don't ask).
                If you are a fan of Sanctuary and/or Stage 3 Media, please email us for more details--
                - Vikki & Gillian
                PS. I was watching season 4 the other day... I really love that bob she's got for the first half of the season! She looks so cute!
                I have no idea what time it is but I can't work my emails properly so can I PM you in the Sanctuary forums??? And why can't we ask???
                As for Amanda's hair in season 4...I love's probably one of my fav Sam hair do's!! She does look cute!!! I mean she looks cute all the time but that hair style just makes her look very innocent!!!

                Gotta go finish up as it's Sunday already (12.16am) and I have to work night night all, take care, be safe and have fun!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                  Try this one-I don't know if it's the same story Sky meant, but it's the last one on Rolleson's LJ

                  Ooh thanks for that Deejay visa Sky great fic rec

                  Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
                  Thankyou all for the birthday wishes and cake
                  Here's a funny little story that happened to me yesterday, i'd bought this 'posh pud' for dinner last night but had to put it in the freezer at work until i was due to come home, i got home realised that i'd left the thing at work so bought a choc cake on the way over to my mum.
                  Got back home and later in the evening my daughter came over to see me and i told her that the 'posh pud' was still sat int the freezer at work buuut we have cake! and as i said 'we have cake' this picture of Jack O'neill came to mind and, well lets just say that i had a hard time trying to explain what i found so funny about the words 'we have cake'!
                  Belated Happy Birthday wishes tara3853! Glad you had a good day and thats a cute pudding story yay for cake!

                  Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
                  Ah, but when I was smaller getting out the butter and everything was just too much effort- I wanted my scone immediately I got so used to it that I don't mind it now
                  I'm a scone snob, it has to have clotted cream and strawberry jam, oodles of both...even as a youngster heh.
                  Thank you to Lies for my signature pic
                  My Fanfic~My Femslash


                    Stuck Purchase Details

                    To order a DVD, simply contact Mr. Bourne at this address, [email protected] and make arrangements with him about payment. Options for payment are Paypal, money order, and check. Be sure he has the shipping address along with your payment.

                    Postage and material needs have necessitated an increase in price to $30 (Canadian). Mr. Bourne, not realizing the international draw, underestimated costs previously.

                    Format of the disc is NTSC but there is no region coding on the disc. Mr. Bourne has sold a few previously to European residents and the disc played in Region 2 players with no problem.

                    Once Mr. Bourne has received payment he will then direct another party to have the DVD shipped out to the address he was given. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

                    If you have any issues or concerns about payment please direct those to Mr. Bourne.

                    Shipping or delivery concerns should be directed to me.

                    One final note from Mr. Bourne: This movie is quite edgy and does deal with controversial issues; I hope no one is too offended. It is meant to challenge and generate thought and discussion but not meant to offend. The movie is rated R for language and a scene of sexuality.
                    Last edited by JanSam; 10 November 2007, 06:52 AM.


                      Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                      Stuck Purchase Details

                      To order a DVD, simply contact Mr. Bourne at this address, [email protected] and make arrangements with him about payment. Options for payment are Paypal, money order, and check. Be sure he has the shipping address along with your payment.

                      Postage and material needs have necessitated an increase in price to $30 (Canadian). Mr. Bourne, not realizing the international draw, underestimated costs previously.

                      Format of the disc is NTSC but there is no region coding on the disc. Mr. Bourne has sold a few previously to European residents and the disc played in Region 2 players with no problem.

                      Once Mr. Bourne has received payment he will then direct another party to have the DVD shipped out to the address he was given. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

                      If you have any issues or concerns about payment please direct those to Mr. Bourne.

                      Shipping or delivery concerns should be directed to me.

                      One final note from Mr. Bourne: This movie is quite edgy and does deal with controversial issues; I hope no one is too offended. It is meant to challenge and generate thought and discussion but not meant to offend. The movie is rated R for language and a scene of sexuality.
                      YAY! Just sent my email and payment. *wiggles* Can't wait to see it!

                      Thanks Jan for the info! *greens*


                        MGMs site has posted still from the next episode of SGA "Seer" there are several of Sam. Check them out HERE

                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                          MGMs site has posted still from the next episode of SGA "Seer" there are several of Sam. Check them out HERE

                          Thanks for bringing them pictures to our attention, tsaxlady! They're great! I'm looking forward to The Seer very much!

                          THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                          K-9, CLASS and much more...


                            Hi Everyone,

                            Originally posted by tara3583 View Post
                            Thankyou all for the birthday wishes and cake
                            Here's a funny little story that happened to me yesterday, i'd bought this 'posh pud' for dinner last night but had to put it in the freezer at work until i was due to come home, i got home realised that i'd left the thing at work so bought a choc cake on the way over to my mum.
                            Got back home and later in the evening my daughter came over to see me and i told her that the 'posh pud' was still sat int the freezer at work buuut we have cake! and as i said 'we have cake' this picture of Jack O'neill came to mind and, well lets just say that i had a hard time trying to explain what i found so funny about the words 'we have cake'!
                            A belated Happy Birthday!!
                            Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                            Stuck Purchase Details

                            To order a DVD, simply contact Mr. Bourne at this address, [email protected] and make arrangements with him about payment. Options for payment are Paypal, money order, and check. Be sure he has the shipping address along with your payment.

                            Postage and material needs have necessitated an increase in price to $30 (Canadian). Mr. Bourne, not realizing the international draw, underestimated costs previously.

                            Format of the disc is NTSC but there is no region coding on the disc. Mr. Bourne has sold a few previously to European residents and the disc played in Region 2 players with no problem.

                            Once Mr. Bourne has received payment he will then direct another party to have the DVD shipped out to the address he was given. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

                            If you have any issues or concerns about payment please direct those to Mr. Bourne.

                            Shipping or delivery concerns should be directed to me.

                            One final note from Mr. Bourne: This movie is quite edgy and does deal with controversial issues; I hope no one is too offended. It is meant to challenge and generate thought and discussion but not meant to offend. The movie is rated R for language and a scene of sexuality.
                            Oooh thank you Jan I just e-mailed and made my payment (hope I used PayPal right) I can't wait to see Stuck *bounces* green headed your way Jan

                            Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


                              Woo Hoo! Stuck!

                              Is the paypal email address the same as the regular email? I assume so, but want to make sure.

                              Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
                              William Shakespeare

                              Meddle ye not in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and tasty with ketchup.


                                Originally posted by JanSam View Post

                                Stuck Purchase Details

                                To order a DVD, simply contact Mr. Bourne at this address, [email protected] and make arrangements with him about payment. Options for payment are Paypal, money order, and check. Be sure he has the shipping address along with your payment.

                                Postage and material needs have necessitated an increase in price to $30 (Canadian). Mr. Bourne, not realizing the international draw, underestimated costs previously.

                                Format of the disc is NTSC but there is no region coding on the disc. Mr. Bourne has sold a few previously to European residents and the disc played in Region 2 players with no problem.

                                Once Mr. Bourne has received payment he will then direct another party to have the DVD shipped out to the address he was given. Please allow two weeks for delivery.

                                If you have any issues or concerns about payment please direct those to Mr. Bourne.

                                Shipping or delivery concerns should be directed to me.

                                One final note from Mr. Bourne: This movie is quite edgy and does deal with controversial issues; I hope no one is too offended. It is meant to challenge and generate thought and discussion but not meant to offend. The movie is rated R for language and a scene of sexuality.
                                Thanks for the info, JanSam! I knew you'd come through for us!

                                I do have a question: How do I pay via Paypal via an email address? I've never used Paypal before.

                                THE TARDIS DATA CORE - Encyclopaedia and reference site covering DOCTOR WHO, K-9 AND COMPANY, TORCHWOOD, THE SARAH JANE ADVENTURES,
                                K-9, CLASS and much more...

