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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
    about unending:
    Daniel had Vala, Sam had Teal'c (in what ever relationship you care to think) that leaves, Cam and Landry
    LOL...oh I have visions in my head...and it's almost bedtime...arghhhh!!
    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
    clandry is....disturbing
    as well as clandry and bawking making its way over here from the anti s10 thread
    as to sam/teal'c in unending
    folks, before you get your panties in a was a timeline that will now never happen.
    as far as i see it, sam turned to teal'c because he was all she had. daniel had vala, cam was being a prick, landry is ewwe. but teal'c is her best friend. the only one of her team that's never left her. the only one that seemed to support her and understand her.
    sure, he knows about her and jack and the confession...but he also knows that she's human and it's not normal for a human to be alone for years and years...and i'm not talking sexually. i'm talking emoitonally
    sam needed someone to keep her from going nuts and teal'c was that someone
    My knickers panties are just fine thanks Sky...but hear ya and agree with your sentiments!!
    Originally posted by rderoch View Post
    For those of you that are interested in the commentary for Unending:

    Full Unending commentary (for those that haven't been able to get the discs yet, you can play this along with your vid file ) - 30MB
    Amanda talking about Sam/Teal'c - 500K
    Thank you!! Much appreciated!!...Wish we could see them talking...instead we have to imagine them sitting there in their underwear casual clothes, chatting about the ep!!
    Originally posted by becky_preen View Post
    Dear All,
    the G4 are pleased to announce that Registration will open for AT3 on Tuesday 14th August at 5pm Local UK Time which is currently BST- British Summer time.
    We look forward to welcoming you to London in May next year for our third event with Amanda in the UK.
    Best Wishes
    Becky, Kay, Julia & John,
    The G4
    ...I want to go...I really do...but....

    Night folks...take care, be safe, have fun and hug your loved ones!


    Have fun all of you of to Comic Con...don't forget to say hi from all of us!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      About Unending...
      I understand people being possessive of their favorite ship, but FIFTY YEARS. That's a really, really long time. A lifetime.

      And I have to say it again... it only took Jack three months to jump in bed with another woman when he believed he was stranded. One hopes he wouldn't wish a lifetime of loneliness upon Sam (or Teal'c), having been there himself. I know I wouldn't wish that on anyone I love. Truly.

      I think it's great that Chris and Amanda played it that way. I obviously picked up on it, consciously or not, because it seemed to me that there was something going on between them while I was watching the ep the first time. And I admit I liked it.

      The big reset button has pushed again, so as far as Sam is concerned, her love (or not) for Jack is unchanged. It does add an interesting twist to Teal'c's character.

      My LJ


        Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
        About Unending...
        I understand people being possessive of their favorite ship, but FIFTY YEARS. That's a really, really long time. A lifetime.

        And I have to say it again... it only took Jack three months to jump in bed with another woman when he believed he was stranded. One hopes he wouldn't wish a lifetime of loneliness upon Sam (or Teal'c), having been there himself. I know I wouldn't wish that on anyone I love. Truly.

        I think it's great that Chris and Amanda played it that way. I obviously picked up on it, consciously or not, because it seemed to me that there was something going on between them while I was watching the ep the first time. And I admit I liked it.

        The big reset button has pushed again, so as far as Sam is concerned, her love (or not) for Jack is unchanged. It does add an interesting twist to Teal'c's character.

        Here's my pet theory:
        I think that Sam relied on Teal'c for emotional support from the get-go. I mean, everyone relied on her and talked about how long it would take to find a solution. Everyone expected her to come up with the solution and she felt that pressure in spades. The only person who I never saw nor sensed applied any pressure, consciously or unconsciously, was Teal'c. He just accepted that it would take as long as was needed, that Sam was doing her best and that whinging about it wouldn't make things go faster nor would it help Sam complete her task. Not that whinging is his m.o. of course.

        So I think she leaned on him for emotional support because she knew he wasn't judging her. She knew she could count on him to simply be there for her.

        I think they built on their longstanding friendship and became closer and closer...and then only when Sam gave up do I think that perhaps they became more. We're talking a good 20 years into their scenario here too btw. TWENTY YEARS. Sam, who's spent 20 years to find an answer hits her last dead end. She's angry at herself for putting them all in that situation to begin with, and then to fail like that....well the self-recrimination would have been substantial. She falls apart and leans on Teal'c, who's been there for her for forever now...10 years on SG-1 before the ship and 20 for 30 years he's been her friend and supporter, unquestioning, undemanding...always there.

        You know...I never got how people could suggest that Sam is defined by her romantic entanglements. I've never, ever seen her that way. I think her emotions and relationships season her, add more depth and flavor and character and humanity to her...but they don't make up the whole. I don't think and never have that Sam ever had to rely on what her feelings were or weren't for Jack in order to have a purpose and I chuckle at the silliness I see as some of those same people claim she's too perfect and does too much. Well, which is it? Is she super Sam who always saves the day or is she an empty, vapid shell who has no worth beyond her love life?

        The romantic in me hopes that one day, when duty no longer stands in the way, she'll have the chance to explore her feelings for Jack in a meaningful way.

        But in this scenario, Jack wasn't an option and Teal'c, who's always been there for her...especially during the decades on the ship, was. Now whereas I don't think she derives her worth from her romantic side, I do think she has a lot to offer and I've always hope she'd find that kind of emotional, personal fulfillment.

        Can you imagine how lonely she would have been without him? How utterly set apart she was as "the one who would fix things"? I wouldn't want that for her.

        I'm GLAD she had him there. I'm glad that she allowed herself this emotional and physical support and release.

        And now that time out of time never happened. SG-1 never spent those decades on that ship. Daniel and Vala seem content for the time being just to work together and get on each other's nerves and Sam and Teal'c continue to enjoy a friendship that's lasted 10 years for her and 60 for him. She doesn't remember what never happened.

        But he does. He knows and he can never tell.

        In my mind's eye, I think Sam notices him watching her for a second longer than necessary. I think sees a new layer of depth that wasn't there before the ship; a spark of something...sadness? regret?...when she looks into his eyes. And she has to stop herself several times a day from asking him about it because she knows instinctively that it's related to the decades he spent with her and the others that she can never be told.

        But she senses no anger, no bitterness, no resentment on his part. Only a deeper, truer connection to someone who has been and continues to be one of the best friends she will ever have.

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
          About Unending...
          I understand people being possessive of their favorite ship, but FIFTY YEARS. That's a really, really long time. A lifetime.

          And I have to say it again... it only took Jack three months to jump in bed with another woman when he believed he was stranded. One hopes he wouldn't wish a lifetime of loneliness upon Sam (or Teal'c), having been there himself. I know I wouldn't wish that on anyone I love. Truly.

          I think it's great that Chris and Amanda played it that way. I obviously picked up on it, consciously or not, because it seemed to me that there was something going on between them while I was watching the ep the first time. And I admit I liked it.

          The big reset button has pushed again, so as far as Sam is concerned, her love (or not) for Jack is unchanged. It does add an interesting twist to Teal'c's character.

          Exactly!! Good point!
          It was 50 years on ship and Jack didn't wait 3 months! And I adore Jack and Sam.... I like that Chris and Amanda found these little moments. These two actors have had to find little moments for their individual characters for a year and a half (not talking about a relationship). I thought it was a good episode and even knowing now that Teal'c and Sam had these little moments that alluded to more means that neither of them spent a lifetime alone. Who would be selfish enough to wish a life of loneliness on anyone! Good points Strix!


            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            The SyFy Genre Awards Voting is now open so go along and vote for Amanda.

            You can vote online once per day
            Hey just a reminder ...don't forget to vote
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 26 July 2007, 09:11 AM.


              just because...


                Originally posted by Admiral Q O View Post
                just because...

                Sam: I can't believe this.
                Cam: I know, I thought for sure Jackson would be winning.
                Sam: Well you know, Vala has been watching wrestling on SciFi.
                Cam: Oh so that explains...that position.

                my fanfic


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Well, it totally flew over my head until I came here. But,
                  I won't ever take S/T as canon. It's just them speculating in a commentary, and it wasn't scripted. And if that's what Amanda and Chris wanted to allude to when they played that part, then ok. I guess I can deal with that.
                  Even if it was canon, it is also canon that not only does Sam not remember their relationship, it never happened to her. Time was turned back for everyone except Teal'c, so the Sam/Teal'c, Daniel/Vala and Cam/Landry ships never happened.

                  After being stuck on the ship fifty years, its hardly surprising that they turned to one another. They've always been close.

                  If TPTB decide not to ship Sam and Jack, then I would welcome a Sam/Teal'c pairing, they're really sweet together, but if they do decide to go with Sam/Jack, "Unending" is not a barrier to it.

                  Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                    I don't know what haze my brain has been in but I finally noticed that my Stargate SG-1 season 10 DVDs are estimated to ship out at the end of September and I just noticed why - I was trying to buy season 10 and SGA season 3, not realizing they weren't both being released at the same time. DUH!!! And since I chose to have them both shipped together, it wouldn't go out until mid-September.


                    Anyway, I changed my order so I'll be getting season 10 next week. WOOHOO! I can't wait!

                    Is there a list of all the episodes that have commentaries and who does them?

                    Thanks to Starlover1990 for the banner


                      Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                      Wow, December?? Why can't they release the dvd's world wide at the same time?? We Aussies are getting the season 10 dvd's on August 29...just in time for my birthday and season 3 of Atlantis is being released in mid September before it even airs on the telly here.
                      The December date for UK was for the Box set. We are getting the individual DVDs on a monthly basis starting with the first 4 episodes on August 13th.

                      Kay aka Mumsey
                      For details of AT10 go to


                        which is actually a lot later than normal. the uk used to start getting its individual discs in jan or feb with the boxed set around christmas time

                        s10 is months late
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          Oh my gosh you guys - I just figured out how to see the comments and such for "reputation earned" and you all left me loads! Thank so SO MUCH for the warm welcome! I'm so touched! And I'm glad you enjoyed the wacky Sunset Atlantis video I shared a week or so back.

                          I hope you're all well and wish you much love, laughter and light!
                          Sig by LadyBozi


                            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                            it's nice to get a confirmation

                            i'd heard some rumors, and put that together with what amanda had said about her and chris playing homage to the sam/teal'c it wsn't unexpected.
                            While it wasn't the perfect outcome (that would have been Sam/Vala ), I'm not opposed to Sam/Teal'c. It's much better than another alternative which I personally have no wish to see happen.

                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            a vala/sam cat fight for daniel?
                            pffft, Sam and Vala would only put a cat fight on for the benefit of themselves


                              Originally posted by meredithchandler73 View Post
                              I don't know what haze my brain has been in but I finally noticed that my Stargate SG-1 season 10 DVDs are estimated to ship out at the end of September and I just noticed why - I was trying to buy season 10 and SGA season 3, not realizing they weren't both being released at the same time. DUH!!! And since I chose to have them both shipped together, it wouldn't go out until mid-September.


                              Anyway, I changed my order so I'll be getting season 10 next week. WOOHOO! I can't wait!

                              Is there a list of all the episodes that have commentaries and who does them?

                              The cover isn't that much of a list. It is listed on each disc under the title of Languages.


                                Originally posted by meredithchandler73
                                I don't know what haze my brain has been in but I finally noticed that my Stargate SG-1 season 10 DVDs are estimated to ship out at the end of September and I just noticed why - I was trying to buy season 10 and SGA season 3, not realizing they weren't both being released at the same time. DUH!!! And since I chose to have them both shipped together, it wouldn't go out until mid-September.


                                Anyway, I changed my order so I'll be getting season 10 next week. WOOHOO! I can't wait!

                                Is there a list of all the episodes that have commentaries and who does them?


                                Amanda does 3 commentaries, Chris does 1 and the rest are by the various directors, producers and writers.

