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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    ah where's astro when you need her

    my fanfic


      Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
      ah where's astro when you need her
      She is going to charge for this one....


        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        LOL, we have TJ to translate French and German and astro to translate AD
        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
        ah where's astro when you need her
        Originally posted by JanSam View Post
        She is going to charge for this one....
        Well, if we all chip in I'm sure we can afford it


          Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
          k, lets get back on topic now

          An essay on Carter pwning noobs
          Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of Carter pwning noobs. Underestimate Carter pwning noobs at your peril. Given that its influence pervades our society, Carter pwning noobs is featuring more and more in the ideals of the young and upwardly mobile. Inevitably Carter pwning noobs is often misunderstood by those politicaly minded individuals living in the past, whom I can say no more about due to legal restrictions. Complex though it is I shall now attempt to provide an exaustive report on Carter pwning noobs and its numerous 'industries'.

          Social Factors

          Society begins and ends with Carter pwning noobs. The immortal and indispensable phrase ?honesty is the best policy? [1] created a monster which society has been attempting to tame ever since. While the western world use a knife and fork, the Chinese use chopsticks. Of course Carter pwning noobs smells of success.

          Did I mention how lovely Carter pwning noobs is? It grows stonger every day.

          Economic Factors

          Increasingly economic growth and innovation are being attributed to Carter pwning noobs. We shall examine the Maiden-Tuesday-Lending model, as is standard in this case.
          Annual Military Budget
          Carter pwning noobs

          How do we explain these clear trends? Recent studies indicate that the annual military budget is in financial terms 'holding hands with Carter pwning noobs.' What it all comes down to is money. Capitalists love Carter pwning noobs.

          Political Factors

          Much of the writings of historians display the conquests of the most powerful nations over less powerful ones. Comparing the general view of politics held by the poor of the west with those of the east can be like comparing Carter pwning noobsilisation, as it's become known, and one's own sense of morality.

          One quote comes instantly to mind when examining this topic. I mean of course the words of award winning journalist Augstin Bootlegger 'People in glass houses shouldn't through parties.' [2] Primarily, he is referring to Carter pwning noobs. Perhaps the word which sums up the importance of Carter pwning noobs to politics is 'participation'.

          One of the great ironies of this age is Carter pwning noobs. Isn't it ironic, don't you think?

          In my opinion Carter pwning noobs has, and will continue to be a major building block for the world in which we live. It enlightens our daily lives, brought up a generation and always chips in.

          I'll leave you with this quote from Uma Poppins: 'I wouldn't be where I am today without Carter pwning noobs.' [3]


          [1] Traditional - possibly first said by King Arthor... but probably not.

          [2] Bootlegger - Take It! - 1961 Viva Books

          [3] It Magazine - Issue 302 - Spam Media Group
          AD...this smacked of such wit and sarcasm...and imagination... I'd rep you if it would let me!

          I had a roommate who was a computer engineer (with a bachelor's in computer science) with a strong physical science background and he often liked to 'just string things together'. Often, no one questioned his ensuing whimsy of words (they thought he was serious... but then I think he did too at each onset)... but then their eyes would glaze over and they would quietly wait for an opportunity to change the subject.

          I truly am impressed by your above passage... and I remember well your wonderful posting of 'It's A Wonderful World'... sure would be great to see you write a (short if you want it to be) fic of Sam in Atlantis dueling technobabble successfully with McKay and/or the other scientists.


          To listen to Loius Armstrong sing this 'wonderful' song, click here


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          ah where's astro when you need her
          Astro was reading it while LOL at AD's wit.

          I especially loved the graph (don't ask me why, but I find graphs cool)
          Originally posted by JanSam View Post
          She is going to charge for this one....
          I don't think it is translatable... it's more like poetry... or like Alice Through The Looking Glass... AD is chortling at the heads that are being scratched, I do believe...
          Last edited by astrogeologist; 22 July 2007, 04:20 PM.


            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
            *happy dances in*


            I just submitted my very last Spanish assignment!! Class is officially over (for three weeks)!

            *happy dances out*
            :::Notes screen name::

            ::watches dance:::

            ::: Points and laughs :::

            Congratulations to our
            very own Spazzie!!!

            Mourning Sanctuary.
            Thanks for the good times!


              Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
              I truly am impressed by your above passage... and I remember well your wonderful posting of 'It's A Wonderful World'... sure would be great to see you write a (short if you want it to be) fic of Sam in Atlantis dueling technobabble successfully with McKay and/or the other scientists.

              "You can't do that."
              "Oh? Why not?"
              "Maybe a little thing called resonance? Maybe a little thing like dangerously high voltages?"
              "Which is why they're connected in parallel. Not series."
              "Well then, perhaps you'd like to actually connect them in parallel?"
              "I'm getting there. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but I'm not finished yet."
              "Well that's perfectly clear. Should I come back next week when you are finished?"
              "Hey, you're quite welcome to do this yourself if you want. I personally prefer to take my time and make sure it's right. 'Dangerously high voltages' remember?"
              "Yes, well we don't have all week. Some of us would like our lab back."
              "Oh please, like you don't have a dozen other labs to work in."
              "This one is mine."
              "Oh of course - the attempts at scientific research that were lying around when I got here should have given it away."
              "Attempts? I seem to recall you telling Radek that they were quite impressive."
              "Lies and slander. I would never say that."
              "Oh come on, I haven't heard anything so rediculous since... well this morning actually."
              "Perhaps if you would - wait, what did you hear this morning?"
              "Oh, just Kavanaugh with some abstract idea that upping the frequency of our power supplies would make it easier to interface with the Atlantis computer system."
              "Err, ok."
              "Yeah, I know. I mean I toyed with the idea for about 5 minutes a while ago. It wouldn't make a difference and we'd probably just create new proplems in unconfigured Atlantis hardware."
              "Not to mention that we'd have to modify all our electric equipment to work properly."
              "Like I said, ludicrous. Why is he even here?"
              "He is pretty good at what he does."
              "Well, I'm banning him from even discussing the power systems anymore. It's probably better for everyone. Are you done yet?"
              "You know, I seem to recall you asking me to help out with this because you had other things to do."
              "Yes, well that was 3 days ago. I'm finished now."
              "Because I don't have other things to do."
              "Obviously not."
              "Ok, done. Oh look, it's lunch time."
              "Convenient timing. If I didn't know you better I'd say you were looking for an excuse to get me to finish it."
              "That... was almost a compliment."
              "Yeah, pretty good hey. I've been working on it. What's on the menu today?"
              "How would I know? I don't run the mess hall."
              "Ah, but you know you could order them to put whatever you want on the menu. Preferrebly something without lemon in it. Maybe spicy chicken wings for every meal."
              "That's a good idea. I'm sure everyone would appreciate that."
              "Well why wouldn't they? It's the only edible thing they'll cook. It's rather hard to come up with genius ideas when you have food poisoning from questionable mess food."
              "I'll pass your feedback onto them."
              "Good. Now, I have this experiment I want to go ahead with, but I'll need to take one of our generators offline."
              "There's no chance of it blowing up?"
              "Funny. That Wraith device we found? I've been thinking that it has to be something to do with...."

              Last edited by Agent_Dark; 22 July 2007, 05:04 PM.


                Arrrgh! Carter pwning noobs just changed my day! Cheered me right up. Maybe Carter can pwn the noobs at student health service. Need some pwning, they do.

                AD, brilliant. Don't ever change
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                  Arrrgh! Carter pwning noobs just changed my day! Cheered me right up. Maybe Carter can pwn the noobs at student health service. Need some pwning, they do.

                  AD, brilliant. Don't ever change
                  student health services is a fairly low level mob. you just need a fast weapon, even if it is less dps, so you can keep interrupting their spells. for a low level mob they do have some annoying ones. if you've got crowd control, use it on the dps mobs since they'll hurt the most. their tanks shouldnt bother you, just remember to keep your health up (mana if your a pally since mana=health for pally's) and you should be fine. take down their mages first (fast weapon means more intteruptions means they cant cast), then the tanks (who shouldnt be doing much to you since ur keeping ur hp up) then break the cc and own the dps.


                    Originally posted by zuz View Post

                    I've revised all of my Sam smilies. I've made more than 60 of them so far.


                    You can find them here:

                    If you like, feel free to snatch. Just no hotlinking, please.
                    Very nice

                    Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
                    *joins in the happy dance*

                    These next few days are going to go by so slowly, I just know it! I can't wait to meet you all!
                    *joins the dancing*

                    For no particular reason just felt like dancing

                    Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                    Well, this is a milestone post for me so it's an Amanda appreciation one. Not an original idea, but heartfelt.



                    WOW congratz on the 5000 posts
                    Love the poem and pics very nice

                    Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                    Thor: But why is jckfan mentioning it?
                    Sam: Yea, really, I thought she was more interested O'Neill's boxers.

                    Congrats on 5000 posts jckfan
                    LOL, nice one Mandy



                      Originally posted by Agent_Dark View Post
                      student health services is a fairly low level mob. you just need a fast weapon, even if it is less dps, so you can keep interrupting their spells. for a low level mob they do have some annoying ones. if you've got crowd control, use it on the dps mobs since they'll hurt the most. their tanks shouldnt bother you, just remember to keep your health up (mana if your a pally since mana=health for pally's) and you should be fine. take down their mages first (fast weapon means more intteruptions means they cant cast), then the tanks (who shouldnt be doing much to you since ur keeping ur hp up) then break the cc and own the dps.
                      Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant! I will keep that in mind
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
                        Well, this is a milestone post for me so it's an Amanda appreciation one. Not an original idea, but heartfelt.

                        Hey is the guy with the Pepsi in his hand, squishing Amanda's head?

                        *I'm squishing your head*

                        *squishing your head*


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                          Hey is the guy with the Pepsi in his hand, squishing Amanda's head?

                          *I'm squishing your head*

                          *squishing your head*
                          Squish eet! Squish eet!
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                            The GWers at the Sam/Jack Ship Family Thread invite friends of like minds to a special event:


                            5th Annual Ship Day
                            Saturday, July 28th
                            12-midnight - 12-midnight, Eastern U. S. Time
                            Gateworld Forums - Characters & Relationships

                            * graphic by Zuz


                            Congratulations, jckfan55, on 5,000 posts!!!
                            Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 23 July 2007, 05:01 PM.


                              advertising. please remove.

                              ps, go here for all your hot Sam/Vala discussion/pictures/fic:



                                I know that this afternoon's topic is pretty much over, and i couldn't stick my nose into it too much - i was playing auntie and couldn't type and control a fussy baby at the same time - but i will say one thing...while i didn't agree with wraith....whatever, i'm sorry, i can't remember it, opinion, i will say that taking her down and calling her a troll wasn't precisely nice.

                                so she had an opinion that the majority of us don't agree with. so, she was rather adamant about expressing it, but that didn't necessarily make her a troll.

                                when the discussion reached the level that it was apparant that there'd be no real discussion, she believed what she wanted, you disagreed, that's when it was time to walk away and let it go.

                                Maybe we should remember this for next time.

                                Thus ends my abc afterschool special moment
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


