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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by NZBG View Post
    Hey! I slept for something like... 3 hours this morning! After I went for a walk at 6.30am to get some McDonald's hotcakes. I haven't had them in years!

    Now, what did I come in here to say again? It was something about Amanda.


    I will come back if I remember.

    (It was probably something to do with how great she is, or something.)
    oh man I love mcdonalds hot cakes havent had them in ages, mmmmmmmmmm

    Originally posted by NZBG View Post
    Hehe! OH MY, I just thought of something! I'm going to make some blue jello up so it's set and I can eat it when I'm watching Sanctuary! Thanks for giving me the idea Eve!
    LOL, nice

    Originally posted by astrogeologist View Post
    Off topic: Does anyone here watch "Without A Trace?"

    I've seen so many tributes to Stargate in WOAT, that I can't believe that it's not being talked about or mentioned anywhere (at least anywhere that I can find )

    Stargate and Without a Trace


    and not back to regularly scheduled programing... Carter Rocks!
    I watched for a little while but then the second season clashed with something I would have rather watched so i stopped watching

    Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
    Sanctuary prediction! You heard it here on launch date ...

    The show will really catch fire and go into full-time production. We will then begin to see former Stargate actors making guest appearances, for example: JR Bourne (Martouf), Teryl Rothery (Janet), Maybourne and Simmons and maybe even Don Davis (Hammond), Jackie Samuda (Nirrti) ... wouldn't that be a hoot?

    Canadian film/TV industry seem pretty tight with their members and connections so why not?!
    OMG, Teryl Rothery on Sanctuary would ROCK *squeeee*

    Oh Man Im so jelous of you all I cant watch Sanctuary Till Thursday, I think im gana Cry, it completly sucks *tear*.



      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
      ETA: I think it's interesting that those who are English (that is, ones with an English accent) are so particular about accents, and are so intent on addressing it when they don't find one to be "authentic." It seems to me that there have been loads of actors from NZ, Australia and Europe who try their hand at an "American" accent, and if the twang is there, so to speak, it's not a huge deal about where their character is supposedly from (Texas vs. New York vs. LA vs. Alabama), or whether or not it rings true. At least not for me. Unless it's the husband from Medium. That one's just a bit too bad to ignore.
      It's true, I'm English, and sound very English apparently, and I'm very fussy about accents for some reason. I always think, if you can't do a good one, then stick to your native tongue and change the story to accommodate it! But I thought Amanda did a great job; yes, there were some more 'Americanized' (or 'Canadian-ized'!) words, but that's very true to the story; born and bred in the UK and now living (for who knows how many of her 157 years) in what seems to be a US city, it's inevitable that some of her intonations will change to match her new home. She's also a fantastic actress, what a different role to Carter!

      Originally posted by resurgamlaura View Post
      Its a bit like a French person, or someone who's heard enough French spoken, hearing someone speak their language with the wrong pronounciation. It just jars. Particularly as a lot of actors used to go 'posh', even though I've only known a handful of people who actually speak like that (and I'm surrounded by ex-public schoolers at uni)- its a fallacy. We're also exposed to American accents more through TV, so I think we find it a tad easier to pick up. Not surprisingly, the best actress I've seen doing an English was Gillian Anderson- with her naturally quiet, almost low voice and being from England originally and having a husband from over here as well. I think everyone was blown away by her voice in 'Bleak House'.
      Have go agree with that; GA's accent was faultless in the wonderful Bleak House. (and I've seen her on stage twice in London, excellent, though US accent both times).

      Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
      That was the first movie I saw Renee and I thought she was English. It's easy to fool me (and it has nothing to do with my being an American). I have a regional accent--I just don't know what it is
      lol! I'm not sure what accent I have either. Of course I don't think I have any, but my friends would say it's a "Surrey accent" I think, which makes sense as that's where I live! I agree about Renee Zellwegger, she completely nailed the voice. The best I've seen for non-native English speaking is Cate Blanchett, who has managed three 'ordinary' English voice (Ideal Husband, Heaven, Notes on a Scandal), but made all of them quite different from each other. But she's the Meryl Streep of her generation.
      "Many a good hanging prevents a bad marriage," William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night


        Samandans--I don't think my dad quite gets this forum I spend time on, but he thanks you all for your kind wishes. I have managed to get him to watch SG1 a time or two (around S7?) & I think he was pretty impressed with AT; but my mom doesn't like SF, so there you go.

        must re-try the Sanctuary site again to see if I can download. I think it might be a good sign that high demand led to it being shut down for awhile...


          Originally posted by ChopinGal View Post
          I don't know enough to judge Amanda's attempt and she hasn't been onscreen much for us to hear a lot. Tracy Jane, however, has studied and teaches languages so she has a better take on all this.
          I'm just poking my head in and saying that I *love* what Amanda has done with Helen's accent.

          To me, it's (as Tracy Jane pointed out) a hybrid. But not exactly the same as Tracy said.

          When I closed my eyes and listened hard, she had a mix of slight cockney twang very occasionally (from Helen's days mixing with folks in the East End of London) with a classier more subtle measured British tone most of the time. Having mixed with physicians in the London of that day Helen would have mixed in well spoken circles. I think the measured tone she adopted for Helen for present day speaks of the years of fighting and protecting and losing people she knew and loved. A slow, gentle-yet-hard (if you understand me) firm, very patient and beautifully dark and mysterious voice all wrapped up in one. Perfect! And British in so many subtle ways.

          For me, Amanda got it just right and made Helen's voice unique. Unique for a unique character in a unique world.

          To influence the quality of another's day. That is the essence of life.sigpic


            Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
            It is set in an undefined, somewhat Gotham City world with a foot in historical Victorian-era London, they decided it would be easier if they didn't specify a city. Damian said they were going for a London/ New York / Gotham City cross

            So far I only recall the city being called referred to as "Old city" and "New City". Sanctuary is actually located on the river looking across to the new city.
            Yeah that's what I was going to say...
            on screen after an 1888 flashback... "The Old City" Present day. was on screen....

            On another note I thought the transition from past to present was done well with the lights flashing on Helen in 1888 to the squad car lights flashing in present day.... I also thought Will's dream was done well! It certainly had a 1970's feel to it for when he was little. (TV, hair, clothes, furniture) ... so I thought they did well! I knew it was another flashback or something not in current time.... so I think the Sanctuary crew did their homework. I'm sure it took a while to create so many different scenes/using different props for different time periods. This isn't funded through a big money network, but out of pocket of the Executive Producers so I think they are doing a great job!! I think it has the same quality of scenes that you can find on any big money TV shows.... Just my opinion
            I really hope all that makes sense... Sanctaury crew GREAT Job ... I'm impressed!!


              Originally posted by wibbling View Post
              It's true, I'm English, and sound very English apparently, and I'm very fussy about accents for some reason. I always think, if you can't do a good one, then stick to your native tongue and change the story to accommodate it! But I thought Amanda did a great job; yes, there were some more 'Americanized' (or 'Canadian-ized'!) words, but that's very true to the story; born and bred in the UK and now living (for who knows how many of her 157 years) in what seems to be a US city, it's inevitable that some of her intonations will change to match her new home. She's also a fantastic actress, what a different role to Carter!
              LOL, I guess we all have things that we're especially particular about. For me, it's like nitpicking about someone's accent if they were trying to be Southern (south of the Mason-Dixon line - or from places like Louisiana, the Carolinas, Arkansas, etc) and failed to say "ya'll" instead of "you all," or pronounced the "ing" parts of words, instead of ignorin' 'em. Or like disputing whether or not someone sounds authentically from New York or Los Angeles. In the grand scheme of things, unless the person slips quite a bit or forces it, I think the general gist is more than enough.

              But again, my experience with accents is extremely limited, so it may just be me and my ignorance again.


                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                I'm just poking my head in and saying that I *love* what Amanda has done with Helen's accent.

                To me, it's (as Tracy Jane pointed out) a hybrid.
                Oh, don't get me wrong. It doesn't bug me. In fact, that it reminds me of my fathers in the way it sort of varies speaks to why its perfect. Not any one pattern, but a mix and for the same reasons - she's lived in more than one place and thus shouldn't speak a 'pure' accent.

                Though I know not enough to correctly place it so accurately


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
                  LOL, I guess we all have things that we're especially particular about. For me, it's like nitpicking about someone's accent if they were trying to be Southern (south of the Mason-Dixon line - or from places like Louisiana, the Carolinas, Arkansas, etc) and failed to say "ya'll" instead of "you all," or pronounced the "ing" parts of words, instead of ignorin' 'em. Or like disputing whether or not someone sounds authentically from New York or Los Angeles. In the grand scheme of things, unless the person slips quite a bit or forces it, I think the general gist is more than enough.

                  But again, my experience with accents is extremely limited, so it may just be me and my ignorance again.
                  Woohoo shouts from the southerner ... you mean people actually want to talk like us ... on purpose! If anyone ever meets me they know I'm southern... there an't no disguisin it And you mean to tell me the rest of the world actually pronounce the "ing" on words... lol I actually have to work really hard to lose part of the slooow draw and make a conscious effort to pronounce entire words... not shorten them which comes natural to me. So my accent does tend to be thicker at times.


                    Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                    Woohoo shouts from the southerner ... you mean people actually want to talk like us ... on purpose! If anyone ever meets me they know I'm southern... there an't no disguisin it And you mean to tell me the rest of the world actually pronounce the "ing" on words... lol I actually have to work really hard to lose part of the slooow draw and make a conscious effort to pronounce entire words... not shorten them which comes natural to me. So my accent does tend to be thicker at times.
                    Haha, well unfortunately I think that ignoring "ing" has become a bit of a national pandemic. So you're definitely not alone. But I do think it has become a bit of an easy stereotype identifier for other parts of the country/world - especially for those who want it to be obvious where the character is coming from.

                    Besides... there are some words that just wouldn't sound right if the "g" was there. Freakin' and frickin' come to mind.


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      Woohoo shouts from the southerner ... you mean people actually want to talk like us ... on purpose! If anyone ever meets me they know I'm southern... there an't no disguisin it And you mean to tell me the rest of the world actually pronounce the "ing" on words... lol I actually have to work really hard to lose part of the slooow draw and make a conscious effort to pronounce entire words... not shorten them which comes natural to me. So my accent does tend to be thicker at times.
                      You know ann, I could never tell you had an accent from reading this thread And Spazzy, you do know that some of us actually do pronounce the "ing"

                      my fanfic


                        saw sanctuary on youtube, really liked it, but i'm definitely gonna have to wait until next week probably to buy the proper version (bundle deal for 1-4). although i do think its over priced a bit, considering its a bit more expensive than itunes. 2.99 for 17 minutes is a bit steep. hopefully the price will come down.


                          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                          Woohoo shouts from the southerner ... you mean people actually want to talk like us ... on purpose! If anyone ever meets me they know I'm southern... there an't no disguisin it And you mean to tell me the rest of the world actually pronounce the "ing" on words... lol I actually have to work really hard to lose part of the slooow draw and make a conscious effort to pronounce entire words... not shorten them which comes natural to me. So my accent does tend to be thicker at times.
                          LOL, Nice



                            Thanks for the info!

                            I decided to watch the youtube version at this point just to see what the show was like in general. At this time, I will just say WOW! I'm really impressed! I'll admit I wasn't expecting it to be this good -- I know AT is in it and I think she is fantastic, but I didn't know if I would like the story and feel to the show. Well, it blew me away! I'm very intrigued with it, and very importantly for me, ALL the acting was really good. I just think they did such a good job of effects, music, and characterization in 17 minutes so far. I really liked even the performances of the actors who only had small parts. I liked the feel of the show as well, and I want to know what is going to happen next. It is a great setup so far. Great start to Sanctuary so far!! And I haven't even seen it in a format that is good quality yet. I'll probably wait a few days or maybe a little longer, and then purchase the webisodes.


                              accents. I love accents!

                              I have a question though, can someone who knows both tell me if they think the NZ accent is similar to the Aussie one? The Aussie accent is more jarring to me than British, Canadian and most US accents... is this because the NZ accent is closer to those than the Aussie on, or because I watch more tv from those countries and I'm used to those accents?

                              Another thing that's weird... if I'm watching a show, I get used to those accents. Then if a Kiwi actress or actor pops up, it always takes me ages to place it because I can't figure out of it's NZ, Aussie or South African when usually (when I haven't got my ear in for the British, Canadian or US show I'm watching) they sound completely different to me.

                              Heh, if anyone can work out what I'm trying to say... you can have a cookie.

                              Oh! then there are people like Anna-Louise Plowman (Sarah and Osiris in SG-1). She's a NZer, but she was educated in London and now lives on both sides of the Atlantic, I think. When I heard her, I knew there was something familiar.
                              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                                Originally posted by JuliaR View Post
                                I'm just poking my head in and saying that I *love* what Amanda has done with Helen's accent.

                                To me, it's (as Tracy Jane pointed out) a hybrid. But not exactly the same as Tracy said.

                                When I closed my eyes and listened hard, she had a mix of slight cockney twang very occasionally (from Helen's days mixing with folks in the East End of London) with a classier more subtle measured British tone most of the time. Having mixed with physicians in the London of that day Helen would have mixed in well spoken circles. I think the measured tone she adopted for Helen for present day speaks of the years of fighting and protecting and losing people she knew and loved. A slow, gentle-yet-hard (if you understand me) firm, very patient and beautifully dark and mysterious voice all wrapped up in one. Perfect! And British in so many subtle ways.

                                For me, Amanda got it just right and made Helen's voice unique. Unique for a unique character in a unique world.

                                I think "the measured tone" is spot on ... thanks. There is something steady and controlled and objective in her speech and that would evolve from her experience and her medical background. The need to be in control ... she's one cool and powerful presence. What will be fun to watch is if she ever reaches moments of not being in control, of letting her emotions overwhelm her, defenses down ... I think the writers and Amanda are setting us up for some interesting moments. Many layers to Helen.

                                Also agree with chocdoc that even the minor characters were quite good in their roles. Everyone definitely seems invested in this, want it to work.

                                LOL Aren't we the armchair critics?!!

