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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Skydiver View Post

    I think sam will do the same thing. she will reach a point - i kinda think she was at that point at the beginning of the ori story - where she realizes that life won't wait for her and if she wants to live a life, she'll need to take steps to make it happen.
    I agree, and I think if the movies turn out to have legs, we may even see some of that happen on-screen because I think it's the kind of thing that can happen in a movie situation, and still work - given most post-series movies have the heroes reunited via exceptional circumstances - they all "move on" with their lives in different ways. I definitely can see that happening for Sam.

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
      I agree, and I think if the movies turn out to have legs, we may even see some of that happen on-screen because I think it's the kind of thing that can happen in a movie situation, and still work - given most post-series movies have the heroes reunited via exceptional circumstances - they all "move on" with their lives in different ways. I definitely can see that happening for Sam.
      Shippy Stuff:
      I really wanted that to happen in the second movie, but that was before we found out that she'd be camping out on Atlantis for so long. So yeah, maybe in any future movies? And yes, I've gone back and forth with this, but I'd like her to be with Jack by then. There! I said it!

      I think that's cool, mini, because you could see her kinda struggling with the decision to go on a one-off mission while a little one is at home. I've always been a fan of the stories that can show that dual side of Sam, at odds with each other at times.


        Originally posted by scarimor View Post

        I can't see Sam ever cutting loose from the SG programme. I think she'll always be connected and working with it, somewhere, somehow. Maybe not at the SGC, but at an outpost or on a ship or dropping in to Area51. She might cut back, take up racing (tweaking her demon-vehicle of choice with her customised power source). Or maybe she'll go in some other direction within the programme - undercover field operative putting her lockpicking skills etc. to use

        Of course, if Earth ever goes down the wrong road
        (ala Road Not Taken)
        she 'll go rogue. Yeah, rogues rock
        Put that in spoilertabs for the onces who haven't seen the ep yet

        Honestly as much as I like Rogue Sam...I don't see it happening. I think Sam (well at least our Sam) wouldn't ever go the wrong side. She really has her ethics. I don't see her going off that way. I think she then would rather leave the SGC and don't help them then become like that ep... Of course if they threaten (sp?) her with her own life and the life of friends and family. I can see it happening though.
        But not out of her own... That is imo not Sam...

        I think that RepliCarter said that nicely in Gemini when they talked together...

        REPLICARTER: You have untapped greatness inside you, Sam, but you're limited by your own fears. You play by the rules, you do as you're told, and you deny yourself your own desires.

        CARTER: I have no desire to rule the galaxy, believe me.

        REPLICARTER: All humans desire power. It's just that most of them are never in a position to attain it.

        I think that is who Sam really is and no I don't think it is fear what would preven her from ruling the galaxy but more her ethics and the way she looks at things...As much as I would love to see Sam as rogue...I don't see it happening ever...Unless it is AU...then everything is possible. But our Sam would never go the wrong lane. Ok from time to time maybe but not like in that ep...


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
          And we already know that Sam looks great in leather and she's already got the lockpicking down to a science. Sam would most definitely be a rogue! heh

          Re. Sam and family. With respect to all the shippers (of all varieties ) Sam appears to be single at the moment, and I can only see Sam having lil babies within a steady long-term relationship. She did share in bringing up Cassie - who is her daughter in all but biology - so in a way she has already had a family and that family's all grown up now.

          It's not impossible that Sam will have kiddie winkies, but it doesn't look on the cards at the moment (to me).


            Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
            Bad Guys and Sam...


            I actually really enjoyed the episode but I did miss Sam.

            I think the one thing that it did show quite enormously was how the team struggle without her around.

            Teal'c was clearly not eager to go without her; Daniel commented at the end how they really should have brought someone who knew what they were doing with the Gate...there was a definite sense that she was missed and that she is a vital part of the team.

            I was thinking back to early S9 when effectively there was the same set-up of Vala, Cam, Teal'c and Daniel with no Sam, and I think that's what they missed in early S9 was those little mentions.

            I missed the start of the episode does any know
            why sam was missing?

            sig by starlover1990


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
              Shippy Stuff:
              I really wanted that to happen in the second movie, but that was before we found out that she'd be camping out on Atlantis for so long. So yeah, maybe in any future movies? And yes, I've gone back and forth with this, but I'd like her to be with Jack by then. There! I said it!

              I think that's cool, mini, because you could see her kinda struggling with the decision to go on a one-off mission while a little one is at home. I've always been a fan of the stories that can show that dual side of Sam, at odds with each other at times.
              Well, yes precisely. I think having that "conflict" (if you will) is something that could only be beneficial to the character. If it's shown. There's a lot of potential there. And I completely concur with you on the (other) stuff, too!

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                It's not the same...

                ...without Sam. I didn't like Bad guys that much because Sam wasn't in it. I don't know it just isn't the same. she needs to be there.
                : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                Geeky : Oh brother...
                : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                  Originally posted by scifi_girl View Post
                  I missed the start of the episode does any know
                  why sam was missing?
                  I haven't seen it yet, but I've read spoilers....
                  Sam was busy in D.C. breifing the president on the AU that she visited. Cam commented that it had taken a lot longer than it was supposed to take. S/J shippers are pretty happy at the moment (especially since it was Valentine week). I hadn't really cared about this episode when I read the spoilers, but now that I know they actually mention Sam I am content. (Why couldn't she have been in D.C. at the beginning of season 9?)


                    see, i CAN see sam going rogue. But it'd have to be one heck of a reason. Like back in s1 and apophis attacking earth. or like fifth man, where jack was trapped, something life and death.

                    They've ignored the jolinar aspect, but i think if the threat was great enough that her contacts couldn't protect her (the prez, jack, hammy, kerrigan, etc) that she'd seek refuge off world for her and her family

                    for her to seek shelter from corruption, it's have to be insurrmountable. Trnt spoilers
                    that was the bad thing about trnt. they never took things that one step too far to push sam over the edge. so, she'd fight within the system, until the stakes got too high, then she'd fight outside the system.

                    for her to leave and go rogue? in that episode she'd have to know that jack had been murdered or cassie or something just as dire.

                    sam DOES have it in her to go rogue. I've made her do it in fic, so i can see it happening obviously. but the impetus has to be something big and earth shattering and life altering to so totally tick her off that she doesn't care anymore
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      you know, maybe i'm stuck in a rut, but i see her teaching. I see her using her knowledge to get herself a few patents, so she's not worrying about money, and i see her teaching.
                      She does have a flair for explaining things and she loves to share her knowledge. I think she's a natural teacher. (that may be something some people find off putting, but I like that quality in her).


                        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                        see, i CAN see sam going rogue. But it'd have to be one heck of a reason. Like back in s1 and apophis attacking earth. or like fifth man, where jack was trapped, something life and death.

                        They've ignored the jolinar aspect, but i think if the threat was great enough that her contacts couldn't protect her (the prez, jack, hammy, kerrigan, etc) that she'd seek refuge off world for her and her family

                        for her to seek shelter from corruption, it's have to be insurrmountable. Trnt spoilers
                        that was the bad thing about trnt. they never took things that one step too far to push sam over the edge. so, she'd fight within the system, until the stakes got too high, then she'd fight outside the system.

                        for her to leave and go rogue? in that episode she'd have to know that jack had been murdered or cassie or something just as dire.

                        sam DOES have it in her to go rogue. I've made her do it in fic, so i can see it happening obviously. but the impetus has to be something big and earth shattering and life altering to so totally tick her off that she doesn't care anymore
                        I am not saying she can't go rogue...but like you said someting really bad must happen to her or there must be a treat (sp?) or something like it that there isn't a way out...
                        I think she could go rogue if it is about her friends/family/earth...things that are really important to her and that she wants to save...

                        I can not see her go on the wrong lane on her own honestly... I don't think she has that in her...

                        as for Jolinar I don't know how much she can affect Sam's judgement. I think there is a part where she really gives 'ideas' (for a lack of a better word) to her. And that Sam also follows them...I think that you could see that in Tok'ra. But they neglected that arc for so long so I don't know how Sam now deals with it now. If jolinar still has a big influence or not. I think with the time that has passed she has learned her own feeling from Jolinar her feeling but I think if there would be a time she had to be rogue...I think Jolinar will certainly help her over the edge

                        But in the end I can't see Sam going rogue on her own...or for something little...I think it must be huge before she goes rogue...


                          my point about jolinar would be if it would make sam a target. before they gave up the storyline, the nid was always trying to get its hands on sam or teal'c to 'study' them.

                          the threat of the nid COULD possibly drive sam away from Earth. Fear for her own survivial and nowhere to turn to could send her out on her own
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                            I haven't seen it yet, but I've read spoilers....
                            Sam was busy in D.C. breifing the president on the AU that she visited. Cam commented that it had taken a lot longer than it was supposed to take. S/J shippers are pretty happy at the moment (especially since it was Valentine week)....
                            lol! aw... this is so cute. Bless the shippers


                              Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                              lol! aw... this is so cute. Bless the shippers
                              Hey, crumbs can taste like caviar when you're starving to death.

                              I admit, I choose to believe that scenario, myself.

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by scarimor View Post

                                Re. Sam and family. With respect to all the shippers (of all varieties ) Sam appears to be single at the moment, and I can only see Sam having lil babies within a steady long-term relationship. She did share in bringing up Cassie - who is her daughter in all but biology - so in a way she has already had a family and that family's all grown up now.

                                It's not impossible that Sam will have kiddie winkies, but it doesn't look on the cards at the moment (to me).
                                Honestly, I have never seen children in the cards for Sam. I understand that she's considered the possibilities, but if her biological clock were really ticking and she was desperate to have a child, I believe she would have done so with Pete. I think Sam realized when she said goodbye to Pete that she may be giving up her only chance to have a child and a family.

                                Right now Sam's life revolves around her career, one that isn't 9-5 where she can simply drop the kids off at a daycare and pick them up in three days when she returns from a mission. I know Jack told her in Affinity that other people do it, but Jack himself knows how hard that really is to do. He probably missed out on a great deal of his own child's life because of his career and I can't imagine Sam being ok with that.

                                Some people may believe that Sam was waiting for Jack, but even if you believe they are married now, Sam still isn't pregnant and the clock is still ticking. At some point, she has got to make a decision and I just don't see her giving up her career just yet; and while Jack may be wonderful with children, he's also 55 years old and at some point in his life he's got to realize that it may be too late. I just don't see either Sam or Jack showing any signs to call it quits and raise a family together.

