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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
    It's not just sci-fi though. I've been a huge sci-fi/fantasy fan all my life. I love fantasy novels and fantasy games. My major in college was computer science/programming and every where I went I felt like the odd man out. Twenty years ago, there were perhaps two or three women in my programming & science classes.

    One would think that that would all be behind us now and yet even today, nearly twenty years later, I find myself playing an online game and listening to shouts on the chat lines that women/girls don't play fantasy games and I find myself sitting there thinking to myself "We don't? Who says?"

    I think it's time society opened it's eyes and realized that women are not molded from the same cookie cutter mold. We are unique and individual and while some of us are quite happy with staying at home and taking care of our families, some of us want to touch the stars, but it should be up to us not society as to which path we choose to take.

    I guess it's one of the reasons why I am hoping that Amanda's new series really takes flight, not just because she deserves it after dealing with the boys club for the past decade, but rather I'm hoping that a new generation of girls will see Amanda in her new series and she can be a role model to them as well.
    I received my degree in Computer Science 20 + ... ok, a few more than 20 years ago. Three women started in my graduating class, 2 finished the degree. Does that make it a high percentage?

    I'm hoping Amanda's new series is a success for her and the others. I also hope it helps start breaking down the barriers in television today. I can't wait to see what happens when shows aren't dictated by networks. I believe niche programming can be very succesful on the internet.

    I'm off to try and catch up with the rest of the thread.


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
      I just saw a really cool SG-1/SGA vid by youtube user budongchow, and I thought I'd share.

      The song is REM's "End of the World," which admittedly has been done several times for SG-1. However, this is probably one of the highest quality music videos I've seen on youtube. Just as a forewarning, the episode has clips (as in 3 to 5-second clips) of every season from both series, including episodes up to Sunday and The Road Not Taken, at least - and maybe even beyond that.
      Thanks for the rec, that's quite a good one.

      Originally posted by tagger View Post

      we are sooo dead in the morning...

      pasta is beginning to scare me

      pasta prima-scara

      fettucini afraid-o
      Hey! I just realised it's 8pm and I haven't had dinner yet. Pasta sounds good especially the prima scara

      Originally posted by tagger View Post
      *puts on exoskeleton*

      *hunkers down behind riot shield with stargatebarbie and RoX*

      *blames everyone else for all misbehavior*
      *looks askance at tagger*

      Hey! No hiding behind me! For once it wasn't me causing trouble.

      Here, have some popcorn and snag yourself a drink it could be a while before Sky wakes up.

      *calculates international time differences*
      *sets up video camera so I don't miss anything when I go to bed*
      *orders in more popcorn*


        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
        Now you've gone and got her all excited.
        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        yes, i know.

        and then i'm gonna head off to bed pretty soon and leave her all excited and destined to be unfulfilled

        cause i'm mean that way
        Spoken like a true dominatrix. Poorlucky? TJ. And good morning

        But I'm a little worried for the people contemplating writing Sky/Cam RP fic. I reckon we'd learn that Sky's got more than a noodle in her arsenal


          Originally posted by scarimor View Post
          But I'm a little worried for the people contemplating writing Sky/Cam RP fic. I reckon we'd learn that Sky's got more than a noodle in her arsenal
          Dude I am totally prepared to fight for my ship! Cam/Sky 4eva! They are my new OTP!

          man I can't keep getting away with this *giggles*

          I'm developing a nervous twitch waiting for the imminent noodling...


            Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
            ooh, THAT sounds kinky.

            girls, jaffas and blue jelly.....sounds like a recipe for a Pr0n fic
            Ah...yeah...ok...but you know the jaffa's are really yummy??!!
            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
            And Sky, just for the record, I can not be held responsible for any of my posts today. Blame it on the medicines. I'm pretty sure I've got the flu.
            (((Michelle)))...hope you're feeling better!!
            Originally posted by crazedturkey View Post
            Dude I am totally prepared to fight for my ship! Cam/Sky 4eva! They are my new OTP!
            man I can't keep getting away with this *giggles*

            I'm developing a nervous twitch waiting for the imminent noodling...
   are just begging for it...cruising for a bruising is what we say...but you've planted the seed of a Sky/Cam ship...holy hannah...that is...weird!!

            Night night Samandans...I'm off...take care, be safe and be happy...hug your loved ones!!
            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
            ~Amanda Tapping


              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
              guys, enough of the other fans. Let them see/think/feel what they want

              Let's get back to sam please

              ok, someone who's seen bounty tell me this please
              did they give the name of his high school??? i gotta know, cause if it's mine, i'm gonna have a fit
              I'm not sure if someone else has already answered this question as I still have three pages to read but...


              There is a sign in the beginning of the episode when they are driving that says "Town of Auburn, Shawnee County, Kansas Population 21, 211" and below it is another sign that reads "Welcome Back George Washington Grads!"


                Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                This is my 51st post. Such a jabber jaw.

                Well the week is almost over. Thank you who ever is up there listening.
                When I was growing up I watched Poltergeist when I was way too young. It took me years before I would go to bed with the closet door shut. I had to have it open so I could see inside. Oh and this would make me pee my pants. :: Creepy kid voice:: There here.

                As an Adult I watched White Noise not to long ago and man that movie freaked me out.

                This will help get those bad images out of wee little brains. I promised another video and this one is pure Amanda. I hope enjoy. It is only 2 minutes do to killing my computer several times. This one is for all the Aunties ::HOLLER:: donut, bread buttered or not and of course jello lovers here!



                Now I need to go find a nightlight and a blankie and open the closet door.

                The integration of the still photos with the music beats is awesome. You are on a roll! Loved all the many different Sams you captured on this one!

                I only watched it once but would also love to see some of Sam from Nightwalkers in S6 - she looked so good in her "(Wo)Men in Black" outfit there too. How do all of you splice these clips together so well? Bow to your brilliance.

                Keep 'em coming! Great job.
                Last edited by ChopinGal; 08 February 2007, 06:32 AM.


                  Cam, daring to sing "once I had a secret love" and promptly getting struck down
                  by the wet noodle of doom!

                  If you look closely, you'll see the perpetrator walking away from the scene of the crime ... er, Sky, what size boot do you wear?
                  Last edited by ChopinGal; 08 February 2007, 06:32 AM.


                    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                    Suddenly, I'm more excited about season 4 SGA than the remainder of season 10 SG-1. Now, Major Sal, if you can just persuade Joe to put RDA in that Sam episode for a little Sam/Jack romance...Oops, wrong thread.
                    same here. For the first time in 3 years, i'm looking forward to atlantis and sg1....oh just put it out of its misery please

                    Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                    OH, who's going to give us that fanfic? I love it!

                    It looks like its pick on Sky night in Samanda.
                    sniff, sniff. mommy!!!! everyone's picking on me

                    Originally posted by crazedturkey View Post

                    Sam: Cam it's Ok. You'll get past this
                    Cam: *sobs* I just don't think that I can live without Skydiver!

                    Oh, you're so gonna get it.

                    Originally posted by tagger View Post

                    we are sooo dead in the morning...

                    pasta is beginning to scare me

                    pasta prima-scara

                    fettucini afraid-o
                    be afraid, be VERY afraid

                    Originally posted by crazedturkey View Post
                    Dude I am totally prepared to fight for my ship! Cam/Sky 4eva! They are my new OTP!

                    man I can't keep getting away with this *giggles*

                    I'm developing a nervous twitch waiting for the imminent noodling...
                    only cause ya were picking on me while i slept

                    Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                    I'm not sure if someone else has already answered this question as I still have three pages to read but...


                    There is a sign in the beginning of the episode when they are driving that says "Town of Auburn, Shawnee County, Kansas Population 21, 211" and below it is another sign that reads "Welcome Back George Washington Grads!"


                    must have been a HUGE class. considering that Auburn has less than 2000 people.

                    at least they got the name of a real town, although it doesn't have a high school. With a pop of 1100, i'd be surprised if they have a grocery store
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Cam: "Uncle, uncle!"

                      QOEC (Queen of Emerald City): "That's auntie, NEW auntie, to you, bud!"


                        I don't really mind whether it's ssn 4 SGA or ssn 10 SG1, just as long as there's a lot of Sam! whoever has the most of, that I want! Loving the Sam, but that wasn't really a suprise was it...

                        BTW loved this episode major Sam whumping, still a little mild I think but very cool none the less.
                        This also goes back to the younger Sam, so adorable...

                        : Now you, you I would listen to if you were reading a phonebook.
                        Geeky : Oh brother...
                        : See I love this whole sexy librarian thing...

                        Supporting Samantha Carter as leader of Atlantis


                          i loved jol mems/tdyk

                          even moer more than the whumpage, i loed the friendship. these three guys, without even delaying, just went 'ok, let's go get sam's dad'

                          it was a wonderful moment of friendship and loyalty. they risked thier lives for their friend.
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            *wanders in again to leave a few more caps from Bounty*








                                *wanders out again to pick up the kids....*

