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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I will be watching Atlantis again next season with alot more interest as to how they are going to write Sam into the story. I've found Atlantis to be something to watch but not something as a "must see" kind of show and the only two characters that have grabed my interest right from the start is McKay and the Doctor and that is really because they have more, for want of a better word, "realness" about them.
    I will be bying the DVD's now that Sam is going to be in Atlantis and also the books' if she is written into the books, so i guess as a fan by bringing Amanda over they have at least increased the sales of DVD's and maybe books!


      Originally posted by minigeek View Post
      I agree with that. I thought Cameron's character was just about the least hot-headed here I've ever seen him thus far. He had to take over a serious situation and I think the writing and the acting both rose to the occasion for Mitchell in this episode. I actually found myself comparing the intensity of the episode to a few episodes of Farscape which I particularly liked, wherein we were given glimpses of the individual character's psyches via separate scenes in which two or three people interact in each one; a divided ensemble with a strong thread of continuity throughout. Claudia's scenes were especially powerful also.

      More to the point, this episode was not made into a farce - something we've seen too often of late on SG-1; there was enough humor to remind us not to wring our hands, but the scenario and the treatment of the story was handled with integrity, in my opinion. Not to leave out the valuable insight we were also given into the Ori and the doctrine of their followers. We've seen far too little of that throughout this arc until now.

      I think this is one of my all time favourite SG-1 episodes of any season, frankly, and I have to admit I didn't expect to see anything of this caliber anymore. It heartens me (as a viewer), that there may possibly be more of this caliber of episode to come. I can hope so, at least. Dream?
      I thought so too. If they had shown this caliber of show in s9... I don't think it would have been cancelled. If tptb would have written serious episodes instead of trying to turn it into a comedy... I would have been a lot happier. Yes I agree this episode certainly holds a bit of what SG-1 has always been about for me.


        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
        I'm impressed with your will power!
        I'm impressed with our shrillpower! (hehe, wrong thread, but I couldn't resist)

        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
        That's the image I can't seem to get out of my head.
        my second favorite scene in LiS was:
        The scene which begins with Sam asking Cam to bring her her laptop, but surprisingly (as a shipper) not because of the obvious reference to the ship in fishing as a password. What I LOVED about that bit was that Cam immediately assumed Sam the Colonel or Sam the Scientist wanted to do WORK on her laptop. But really, Sam the Person needed to make sure her personal files -- and by reference her personal life and those she cared about in it-- were taken care of. I can't picture an early Season Sam doing this, or being able to do this (having that many connections and a personal life actually needing a directory, I'm sorry to say). Even as late as D&C Sam had to write a letter to her father.. she didn't have personal letters ready to go. Yes, the fact that "fishing" was her password spoke of her relationship with Jack, but IMHO one of her whole issues with 'fishing' was also always her inability to just let go and relax and do nothing and be SAM... Jack just cared about her being SAM more than most people (sorry, couldn't help myself...)

        So a personal directory associated with 'fishing' acknowledges the changes she's gone through over the last 10 years in learning to be a whole person, and 'fishing' -- just being SAM -- is now crucially important to her. I mean, there's a directory on her laptop where she can go and "fish" whenever she needs to
        Hope this makes sense to someone...
        Wow, great insight, hadn't thought about that. Very cool that she is more open, willing to be vulnerable.

        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
        How many people here are not watchers of SGA and will be tuning in to see Sam?
        I admit it I am being dragged over to SGA... resented it at first, but I generally like scifi, so I will adapt I am sure. I still much prefer seasons 1 - 8 of SG1. I never watched SGA because the wraith things scared me, but I am now beginning to work my way into it - I have to understand what I am watching when Sam moves over.

        I am still not sure if I can watch SGA with my daughter - the wraith may be too much for her. SG1 was generally a safe bet for both of us.

        Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
        ok so the wraith are mutants. what happened when, apparantly, the ancients messed with the iratus bug and meshed its dna and created a creature that has to feed on life forms.
        we've also found out that along with sucking away life, the wraith can give it too....suck it out of some and give it to others.

        and we've found out that carson had a drug that could resequence the wraith dna, 'returning' them to human - bearing in mind that they were born wraith, not human are the wraith. that have terrorized pegasus galaxy for millennia. and the atlantis crew have a way to de-wraith them. but what will happen? to turn the wraith human you have to givev them drugs every day for all of thier life. (and like give them drugs against their will. the drugs also erase all of wh o they were, personality wise, and blank out their memories)

        and if you turn the wraith human, what next? they have no allies. once a wraith, always a wraith. and the formerly hunted human would love nothing better than to have their former enemies vulnerable. so you know if you dewraith the wraith, you make them vulnerable and weak and are condemning htem to death. but if you dewraith them, you save countless thousands/millions of sentient beings all across the pegasus galaxy. you end millennia of terror.

        but at what costs? commit genocide to save another race? or let the wraith stay as they are knowing that they are genetically forced to hunt for thier survival?

        Interesting moral dilemma, now I will have a different perspective watching the show. Thanks, made the wraith a little less frightening to me.

        I'm really hoping with focused writing energies/ only one show to write for, the entire franchise will be rejuvenated. Get better and better! Why not? People can always improve...

        I have to hope, since I enjoy SG1 and haven't really been drawn into other sci-fi shows yet.
        Words have tremendous power. The right words spoken by the right people at the right times can lift up communities, transform lives, mend relationships, break hearts—even topple empires.
        Quint Studer


          Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
          I don't think 2/3 of 2 million people come on gateworld... has Gateworld grown since I last looked... goes to check... nope still small part of fandom

          I for one am looking forward to seeing Sam on Atlantis! Sure I worry about the changes and no I don't want it to be at the expense of any Atlantis characters... and so far none of the interviews have stated it will be... so I'm staying positive...

          And by the way Amanda's performance on LitS was Wonderful! I have even rewatched the episode something that hasn't happened since s8! Yay Amanda!

          Actually from what I have read Stargate has over 20 million weekly viewers throughout the world. Gateworld appears to have just a tad more than 20,000 members. If we are to believe that each of these accounts are unique then that would mean that GW represents just over 1% of all Stargate fans. Last I looked on the lastest Should Sam should go to Altantispoll, there were like 150 people who had said they were unhappy about Sam's move to Atlantis. Even if we bump those numbers up to 200 unhappy campers, that's still only 1% of the GW members. I understand some fans are saddened, frustrated, and perhaps even down right angry by the recent news; however, just because a handful of people vote that they don't want Sam on Atlantis, it doesn't mean that the majority of fans feel the same way.

          However if the ratings next season suddenly take a 10-20% dose dive once Sam arrives on the show, then I will chalk it up as yet another executive blunder and hope that Amanda can manage to make it through the end of the season with a little less verbal abuse than Ben & Claudia seemed to have taken in S9. I'm sure we all emphathize with Atlantis fans because we've lived through the same fiasco. I just hope that the writers and producers have finally learned their lesson with SG-1 and can manage to write Sam into the storyline subtlely enough that all the majority of fans will be happy with the changes.
          Last edited by ForeverSg1; 18 January 2007, 09:38 PM.


            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
            Actually from what I have read Stargate has over 20 million weekly viewers throughout the world. Gateworld appears to have just a tad more than 20,000 members. If we are to believe that each of these accounts are unique then that would mean that GW represents just over 1% of all Stargate fans. Last I looked on the lastest Should Sam should go to Altantispoll, there were like 150 people who had said they were unhappy about Sam's move to Atlantis. Even if we bump those numbers up to 200 unhappy campers, that's still only 1% of the GW members. I understand some fans are saddened, frustrated, and perhaps even down right angry by the recent news; however, just because a handful of people vote that they don't want Sam on Atlantis, it doesn't mean that the majority of fans feel the same way.

            However if the ratings next season suddenly take a 10-20% dose dive once Sam arrives on the show, then I will chalk it up as yet another executive blunder and hope that Amanda can manage to make it through the end of the season with a little less verbal abuse than Ben & Claudia seemed to have taken in S9. I'm sure we all emphathize with Atlantis fans because we've lived through the same fiasco. I just hope that the writers and producers have finally learned their lesson with SG-1 and can manage to write Sam into the storyline subtlely enough that all the majority of fans will be happy with the changes.
            I understand their frustration too losing
            one of their favorite characters and hearing news that another one is going to be reoccurring. Will she be seen more like Hammond was on SG-1? Meaning the episodes will be shown less of the base and more adventures exploring new worlds? I don't know.
            I'll be honest, yes I was upset when Sam and Teal'c were pushed to the background in S9. like many Atlantis fans fear now, so yeah I can understand. I also didn't like the story's being written, but I also knew that it wasn't Ben or Claudia's fault for what the writers and producers developed in s9. I always felt bad for the two actors, being put in that situation. And LitS has given me reasons to hope, because for the first time in a season and half I saw a glimmer of hope that SG-1 was the show I once loved to watch. So maybe, possible, hopefully tptb are catching on.

            Hopefully tptb have learned their lesson. They don't have to develop the Sam character so that's one good sign. Sam has already interacted with Atlantis and several of their characters. So she isn't brand new. So yes I'm hoping all the hard and unfortunate lessons were learned in s9. And I hope the writers respect the Sam character, the Atlantis characters and write episodes that will keep us all entertained on Atlantis and in the SG-1 Movies.

            On a side note... lol I was busy modifying my previous post when you sent your reply. Yes I do that all the time. I agree with you and you said it much better than I did.
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 18 January 2007, 10:28 PM.


              OK, so I saw LitS, and loved it. But I couldn't find anything unique to say about it that hadn't already been said, so... I wrote an episode tag for it, for those who would like to read some fic. What can I say? It was an inspiring episode. And I couldn't get the idea out of my head. Anyway, it could use some work, but I guess it's OK.

              I Shall Have No Regrets

              ETA: It's a convo between Sam and Vala.
              Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 18 January 2007, 10:26 PM.


                Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                That stuff is FANtastic!

                Sharpie ink, I mean.

                *inhales deeply*

                Heh, I guess this shows how many pages I have just caught up on... I was avoiding spoilers until I had seen LitS. Anyway... Today was one of the rare days when I get to run around with a sharpie and a box cutter! Favourite part of my job

                Ok... about LitS:

                I loved this episode! I was actually drawn in and taken along with the story... that has been rare lately (I will never forgive the teachers who taught my to analyse... lighting, music, symbolism... I ignored all that the first time and let myself go along with it ). Although, I did wonder why Sam had time to reapply her lipgloss when she was dying...

                Amanda's acting was so good! I... I kept wanting to reach out and grab her shoulder. I flinched at her pain, it was amazing. At the end of the episode I signed onto msn and said as much to my friend. She said "I luff her."

                I replied, "that's because Amanda is... luffworthy."

                Like other have said, I was even pleasantly suprised by Vala. From her development in the Quest to this... I'm enjoying where her character is going now.
                Last edited by NZNeep; 19 January 2007, 12:59 AM.
                Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                  Originally posted by Deejay435 View Post
                  Going OT for a moment to fill you all in on the latest, since so many have PMed or greened me to ask:
                  Last CT scan wasn't good. The tumor is growing again-it's twice the size in volume, which explains the massive pain I've been in lately. Other tumors that weren't growing before now are.
                  I've stopped the clinical trial and go back to traditional chemo on Friday. My fingers are crossed and I'm hoping that this will work as quickly as the last chemo I was on.
                  Don't worry, I'm still fighting.
                  (((DeeJay)))...we'll be thinking of you and sending our good vibes across the waters!
                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  Haven't heard of Julia in a while...but the last time I heard something of her carer...She said Julia was doing better but still in the hospital with something on her stumach, she didn't know much more...But if I know more I will update you
                  Thanks Eve...good to know she's doing better!
                  Originally posted by Pitry View Post
                  Line in the Sand and Sam - sorry all you people who didn't get to watch the episode yet.
                  I loved the implication about Sam's beliefs in this one. Isn't it great, that after 10 years we can still learn new things about the character?
                  An dI have been wondering about that exact same thing since ages - as a person who's day job is to fight gods, where do her own personal beliefs fall?

                  And at the same time they introduce that - her belief/ hope that somewhere out there there's a god who's listening - also her despair of that. That's another side of Sam we've hardly - if ever - seen. How many times did she think she was going to die? How did she deal with it? I felt she was clinging to a faith - one that's hard to keep as it is, when all you see for ten years is how people abuse others' beliefs, how they abuse that concept of godhood, and not only she's kept it, but she's still keeping it.
                  Just loved it.

                  And on another note... *hugs Deejay* !
                  Well said Pitry!
                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  That are exactly my thoughts about that moment...
                  It means so much more then just talking about Sam her believes...It is really seeing another part of her character. I mean we all know that science is an important part of her life. and fighting against people who poses as God but how does she look at things... I mean does she believe. I always wondered that myself. And now we got an answer. In the moment she really thought she was going to die, she believes.
                  So I think she relies on Him for a lot, they just don't show us that...and I think that is also a great part of Sam besides the science...And I am for once happy they showed us that part too...
                  It is good to know that with all she has been going through she still has faith...
                  Isn't funny how in times of need we all seem to turn to Him...whenever something catches us by surprise we say "Oh God" or when something bad happens we pray to Him...and how even when someone we don't know but are connected to...through an internet website such as GW for example...needs just a little more help and support through prayers and good wishes, we turn to Him...I'm not a religious type person...I don't go to church and I'm not big on prayers either BUT...lately...I've been looking up and saying the odd little one like...for rain...coz we need it desperately, for people I've never met but are having a rough time, and just to say thanks when I've had a great day...and it makes me there's gotta be something to it right?
                  Well ok..that was weird even for me...but it just spewed out...sorry!
                  Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                  How many people here are not watchers of SGA and will be tuning in to see Sam?

                  I already watch SGA so I'm going to get the added benefit of seeing Sam
                  I already watch SGA...can't wait to see how Sam fits in!
                  Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                  Actually from what I have read Stargate has over 20 million weekly viewers throughout the world. Gateworld appears to have just a tad more than 20,000 members. If we are to believe that each of these accounts are unique then that would mean that GW represents just over 1% of all Stargate fans. Last I looked on the lastest Should Sam should go to Altantispoll, there were like 150 people who had said they were unhappy about Sam's move to Atlantis. Even if we bump those numbers up to 200 unhappy campers, that's still only 1% of the GW members. I understand some fans are saddened, frustrated, and perhaps even down right angry by the recent news; however, just because a handful of people vote that they don't want Sam on Atlantis, it doesn't mean that the majority of fans feel the same way.

                  However if the ratings next season suddenly take a 10-20% dose dive once Sam arrives on the show, then I will chalk it up as yet another executive blunder and hope that Amanda can manage to make it through the end of the season with a little less verbal abuse than Ben & Claudia seemed to have taken in S9. I'm sure we all emphathize with Atlantis fans because we've lived through the same fiasco. I just hope that the writers and producers have finally learned their lesson with SG-1 and can manage to write Sam into the storyline subtlely enough that all the majority of fans will be happy with the changes.
                  I don't think the ratings will drop at all....I think with Amanda they'll sky rocket...but that's just me...I think any show woud benefit from Amanda's presence...IMHO...coz she's just the best!!!

                  Hi Samandans...bye Samandans...need to get to too buggered to do anything to all the newbies and congrats on the milestones...good night all...take care, be safe and keep on smiling...coz LTS...and's good for you!!..Oh yeah...hug your loved ones!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Hi Everyone, Long time, hows life in samanda.

                    I originally had worries about sam moving to atlantis but i worry less and less the more i watch the character and Amanda, It makes losing SG1 THAT much easier to bear, knowing she will be on Atlantis. I Love Atlantis and think that the characters are really good, some like Mckay and sometimes sheppard are Great, There just not SG1 level for me, though neither is any other show. I also think Atlantis is getting better and better as the years go on, like i thought SG1 did.

                    Season 10 has really impressed me so far, and has jumped back up to the level of greatness it once was in Seasons 1-8, Which will also make losing SG1 harder to.

                    Quest Part 2 and Line In The Sand Spoilers -

                    Sam was so great in both these episodes , her scenes with baal and that beatiful punch knocking baal on his butt was a classic scene, reminds me of sam from the early years - like in the Fifth Commandment, when she walked up to that guy working with Jonas Hansen and punched him in the head to get his attention. He SO DESERVED IT!

                    And Damn Amanda plays wounded well. she was awesome in this episode, it made me feel real emotion for one of the team, something i havent felt for in a while, her scences with Mitchell brought me in the episode more than probably any other in the past 2 seasons. If a main character is to be Whumped, let them show the characters the depth they really are, not like alot of "Torture Teal'c Scenes" that have been on lately.

                    Both these episodes were Excellent in my opinion, and are the best Ori episodes so far. Both in my opinion were True team episodes, where everyone had something to do, and nowone was wallpapered.


                      Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                      Yeah, that's not how I interpreted it at all. (Not saying you're wrong, just that I saw it differently.) It didn't seem like Sam was issuing orders so much as begging him to do what she felt was the best option. And I didn't see Cam panic at all... he was obviously very concerned for Sam, but he always had a plan of action. Maybe not the one Sam thought was best, but he wasn't jumping around trying to figure out what to do, either. Of couse, he wasn't familiar with the tech, because that's Sam's skill set, not his, so he had to follow her instructions there.
                      Oh, I actually generally agree with you
                      except I think there was a bit of panic there at a few points when he couldn't understand and act quickly enough. I'm one of the few (I think) who's never really disliked Cam (someone referred to him as a slightly annoying kid-brother which I think fits). I just meant that the episode did a good job of highlighting the central absurdity of putting Cam in charge of Sam on SG-1, which I think even TPTB realized and proved themselves in this ep. Sam's experience and knowledge make it ludicrous for Cam to be expected to be in charge of SG-1 and in charge of her. This episode PROVED it.
                      Last edited by JenniferJF; 19 January 2007, 01:36 AM.


                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        This one just makes you want to cry
                        which just shows what a superb actress Amanda is
                        Yeah tell me about it...I really cried at that moment...Yesterday I had fun with making caps...and I think I outdone myself...101 caps only of Sam...I know way to much but there are really a lot of caps I like but one I really love cause I didn't see it while watching it but with freezeframing I noticed...

                        She cries also... that really makes it sad...amanda really is AMAZING!!!!

                        Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                        How many people here are not watchers of SGA and will be tuning in to see Sam?

                        I already watch SGA so I'm going to get the added benefit of seeing Sam
                        I do watch SGA from time to time but after I heard of people it is worth it to watch..but I know now I will certainly tune in for SGA just cause of Amanda..
                        Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                        Like this


                        The Force is with us!

                        pic by JanSam
                        You polar bears are need someone else to help you so you can fight...what you can't do it on your own?? Great manip btw Jan

                        Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
                        Good point! Maybe we need to rethink this ship commander thing......nah, they wouldn't dare.

                        Wow, my next post is 2,000. I better try to think of something really good to say.

                        I got nuthin.
                        CONGRATULATION ON REACING 2OOO POSTS!!!
                        you always have great post and nice insights!!! thank you for it all...

                        Ok is going to bed after a hard day of work...well I only will have 4 hours of sleep...nearly enough but I'll survive with it


                          a new poll if folks want to play


                          who should lead Atlantis
                          Where in the World is George Hammond?



                            Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                            Yeah tell me about it...I really cried at that moment...Yesterday I had fun with making caps...and I think I outdone myself...101 caps only of Sam...I know way to much but there are really a lot of caps I like but one I really love cause I didn't see it while watching it but with freezeframing I noticed...

                            She cries also... that really makes it sad...amanda really is AMAZING!!!!
                            I thought she did, but I wasn't sure. Wow.


                              Originally posted by parsifal View Post
                              "Line in the Sand"

                              If this is the only line regarding religion, I don't think it constitutes a declaration of some kind of faith.

                              Doesn't it, tho? -cont. LitS discussion
                              If at a time her life's in peril, she thinks she's going to die, her mind wanders to the faith aspect - doesn';t this show some sort of belief? Sam's feeling she's losing hope in that belief, I think, at that moment - but her disappointment that there's no god coming to help is a bit of admition she's hoped - therefore believed, even in a small capacity - that there is one.
                              Or so it appeared to me...
                              Pinky, are you thinking what I'm thinking?
                              Yes, I am!
                              Improved and unfuzzy banner being the result of more of Caldwell's 2IC sick, yet genuis, mind.
                              Help Pitry win a competition! Listen to Kula Shaker's new single
                              Peter Pan R.I.P


                                Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
                                Like this


                                The Force is with us!

                                pic by JanSam

                                I mean *cough* *cough*... hey, no fair sending in the bears while I'm asleep!

