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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
    What is that she's auctioning off? I've seen that in some other photos too
    Looks like Concept Art for something, maybe the 'Entity Mainframe' thing that Sam ended up in from Entity


      O.K., Major Sal's question, hmmm....What will they do with Sam on Atlantis? I'm going to answer that two ways. I'll tell you what I want to see then I'll tell you what I expect to see.

      I want to see Sam saving Atlantis from iminent danger. She could be aboard the Deadalus or Odyssey and they could get a distress signal from Atlantis while still a great distance away. Dr. Weir or Col Shepperd could tell them to stay away, because they weren't going to make it on time and the city was about to fall. (I just think Elizabeth and John are heroic enough that they wouldn't drag others to their deaths if there was no way to save the city anyway.) Sam and Caldwell could butt heads over what to do next, and Sam would win. She'd come up with a plan to speed up the Deadalus and save Atlantis.
      Of course, for this to work the new "bridge" between the solarsystems would have to be down.

      What I expect to see is Sam in Atlantis helping McKay with a crisis he can't handle (but thinks he can) and a lot of cute Sam/McKay banter where he wants her bad and she shuts him down. They'll figure out the solution together and share the hero rights, which Sam won't mention and McKay will brag about forever. Not a bad scenario, but I like Sam saving Atlantis singlehandedly better.

      Again, thanks for all the great pics and stories! I've been giving out green left and right, but if I missed any of you I'm sorry.

      As to Olivia staying at home, my heart aches for Amanda. I know it is tough on her. The twins were just a little older than Olivia (2) when I had to go away for 10 days. It killed me. I was in L.A. and they were with hubby in Arkansas. It was business and I wouldn't have been able to spend time with them anyway, so they were better off home with Dad but it nearly killed me. I know it is hard for Amanda, too, but it will be a lot less stressful for Olivia this way. Kudos to Amanda for making a very wise mommy decision even though it is hard to be away from her baby.

      Last edited by Gate gal; 20 November 2006, 08:10 PM.


        Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
        What is that she's auctioning off? I've seen that in some other photos too
        Is that a sketch of the set for the ep Entity?? It kinda looks like it from what I can gather from the bottom of the pic!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          did amanda say what she was going to do between cons? visit relatives or sight seeing or creating a cure for cancer, so on?




            I thought she was supposed to be flying you over for tea, Sal. Did you forget??


              Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
              What is that she's auctioning off? I've seen that in some other photos too
              It is the concept drawing for Entity
              My View From The Peanut Gallery


                Good night Samandans...I'm gonna have an early night tonight...thank you once again to all the Samandans who went to Gabit and posted the wonderful pics and stories...I'm so happy for all of you...that you all had such a marvellous time...that's really great!
                And to all the other me...who didn't go to Gabit...thanks for the games and the posts and for keeping Samanda going...

                (((Amanda))) thank you Amanda for bringing us all together...gee...I feel all mushy inside tonight...must be that exquisite post from mini in the Gabit thread...thanks everyone!!
                "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                ~Amanda Tapping


                  Ah... The group pics and such... I'll have to upload those onto a photobucket account of some kind ASAP, as soon as I get confirmation from those in the pics that it's kosher. And LOL, TJ! You mean you didn't get "boob girl's" permission to post her picture on the internet BEFORE you did it? Haha. Niiiiiice.

                  I've been trying to read the thread and catch up on what was said and what wasn't said. I knew that many of us would have the bases covered, so I didn't worry about it. But I'm surprised that very few have replied about AT's new project and her role in it - I guess it doesn't matter until it's completely off the ground, but I'm curious to see what it is.

                  She (and Thomasina Gibson) pretty much gave these clues:

                  1.) It's a sci-fi series
                  2.) She'll be an EP and most likely will star in it (though I think that was a definite, I'm not sure)
                  3.) The series is one of the reasons why her hair is longer
                  4.) Some aspect of it will take place at Bridge Studios, at some point

                  Now that she's made it kinda public, this will be a nice opportunity for all of us to keep our eyes peeled for any kinds of developments after Avalon, including imdb, the various casting sites, etc. We may not be able to find anything about it until everything is set in stone and she formally announces it, but it couldn't hurt if we're all aware of it...

                  Oh, and though I still need a day to get all of the con stuff in order before I post much of anything, I just wanted to give a shout-out to one Samandan in particular whom I really didn't get a chance to know before GABIT. gatenv is really cool (uber-cool, Ambermoon ), and if you get a chance to hang out with this particular lady, make sure you take it! Great sense of humor on that one.

                  I'm looking forward to getting the perspectives of other people who went, who may or may not be Samandans, so if you guys catch any LJs going up over the next few days, please post links! Many Samandans who would normally catch that are either still on shoddy Internet in the UK, or are vegging out a bit in the UK, the States, and Canada. Thank ya kindly!


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post

                    edit: so this was my 2500 post eh...well I had expected something more...well at least it had a great quote in it
                    Congrats on 2500, Eve!

                    Originally posted by scarimor View Post
                    Hey, scarimor here, borrowing Kat's gorgeous lil laptop (I want one!) to tell you that I will never ever ever forget the wonderful sight (and sound) of Amanda Tapping running up and down the aisle at the charity auction, singing the Bay City Rollers and "Truly Scrumptious" from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang to raise more money!

                    (and it worked )

                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    Hey! minigeek now (on same cool laptop!!! - thanks Kat!! )

                    Lets not forget when Amanda inhaled an ENTIRE BALLOON full of helium and sang "ding dong the witch is dead".. lol ... definitely something that has to go on the Gabit DVD if you ask me! Or maybe the look on poor Julia's face when she (Amanda) took the balloon from the fan and prepared to inhale it! I don't blame her a bit, mind you, one never knows what might end up in someone's balloon eh? Uhm.... yeah.

                    Oh! And Jester/ChopinGal just ran by... she's off for TEA with Amanda right NOW! (darn her, we're all soo jealous and happy for her at the same time lol - well, more jealous really - can we take her out and take her place quickly?! Heheh) No, not really. She promised to tell Amanda "HI" from all of Samanda and give her our affection(s).

                    I also had the rare and wonderful privilge this morning (with Skydiver) of presenting the (dum dee dum) POSTER! Yay!!! Amanda was so moved by everyone's messages and signatures. She pointed to several of them right off the bat and said: "Oh, I met her last spring!" and "Oh wow! She's the lady that gave me that great book on potty training, I remember her!!" ... she really remembers everyone she meets, it's totally real with her, no pretense. Names, faces, everything. She cares and it so shows. I feel so absolutely honored to have been able to present our Thank You to her and I promise to share the poster with you all very soon (when I can get the images online properly). We all got hugs... many hugs! lol She hugs a LOT! I'm still squeeing from all my AT hugs!! Wheeee! And I do not squee! Er.. normally! But for special occasions, I will. ANd this definitely qualifies. All of us got enough AT hugs to last us through until the NEXT AT3... oops, I said the N word (ducking and running from lurking G4 members....)

                    I should also add before i have to sign off that the G4, well everybody from the wonderful volunteer stewarts to the Mumsey, Becks, John and Julia. I have never been to a con before but this has been and continues to be such a fantastic experience. I don't think any other con could live up

                    Anyway, I better go before I run over anymore, there's more to share in terms of wonderful mini moments but it'll have to wait till I can put more thoughts into words.

                    Love to all, thanks again for letting me present the Thank You poster! And SQUEEEEEE again for my AT hugs!!!!! (she gives good hug baby ! LOL!)

                    mini(the silly happy)geek
                    Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                    Hey all, Strix here posting on Kat's computer... It's been a great weekend so far, but I'm disappointed that it's ending so soon. Jckfan, I successfully farmed out two of your questions, but I chickened out in asking any myself so you can thank Minigeek and Coley for asking them.

                    Minigeek asked if Amanda thought Sam would like to be a general, and Amanda said that she thought that Sam would not turn the honor down, but she'd really rather be "hands on" and keep going through the gate. She would rather be doing things than giving orders.

                    Coley asked the question about what script Amanda would like, romantic comedy, sci-fi, drama, etc. Amanda said she'd love to do a nice romantic comedy.

                    Amanda also mentioned that she loves working with David Hewlett (and his sister), and she would look forward to working with him again. She said he's very talented and a nice person. It sounds like she probably will be doing some eps of Atlantis next season because they are opting to exercise the extension on her contract in order to do that. She mentioned that she thinks that McKay is probably smarter than Sam, but not as wise.

                    She mentioned that she'd like to return to the stage eventually, perhaps after Olivia is a bit older. The stage in London would be ideal. The role she'd love to play is Eleanor of Aquitaine. I've probably botched the spelling on that...

                    One of her favorite movies is The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie.

                    I'm sure we'll think of more things later....
                    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
                    Okay I'm at the airport in LA waiting on my connection flight home - I've been reading the thread backwords so if someone has alrady talked about sorry for the repeat-

                    I asked Amanda about Chris's stunt - at first she looked at me with a very blank look on her face - it was not until I said something about Chris's dress that she all of a suddened went "ooh" smiled turned a little red in the face and then told how it was a scene from
                    the final episode and something bad has just happened and she had this emottional scene to do. Chris had gotten the wardrobe department to make him a pair of taraway pants - he opened the door and then pulled his pants off leaving him standing in a thong with a big SG1 on it - everyone had a big laugh at the stunt - then she said she had a hard time filming the scene again because she never knew what the person coming through the door would look like.

                    The BCR song was "Saturday Night"
                    I love reading the stories everyone posted. I can't wait to hear more. And see lots of pictures. Thanks everyone who posted pics. They're great. Can't wait to until others find time to post more and whatnot!


                      OK, a plea for help.

                      I am about to start my Women of the Gate fic and I need to understand more about how the Intergalactic Bridge works. I've checked the forum and various other sites but I'm still a little vague on the details.

                      Can someone who has seen The Return Pt 1 PM me how its supposed to work?

                      Many thanks.
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Amanda when she saw how much money they had raised for the charity event.

                        Amanda thanking everyone for all the support they had given to her over the years and for the money they had donated to the charity.

                        It was a extremely emotional closing ceremony.

                        I lost it as soon as they showed us the check and I continued to cry up until Amanda said her last good-bye. I wish I could post what Julia said to Amanda on behalf of all her fans, but I could never do her justice. Hopefully, they will post it up on the Gabit website, because it was simply beautiful and expressed perfectly how most of Amanda's fans feel about her.

                        Amanda and the guest from Hearing Dogs showing everyone the money we had raised.

                        I've had a few moments last night to upload some more photos of Amanda for anyone who wishes to check them out. Feel free to snag any of them. All I ask is if you do post them up on other websites, forums or ljs, that you give me credit. I'll try to add more when I get some free time. Unfortunately my husband and I are still traveling so my internet connection is sporatic at best. Although I have to admit it was very nice riding the train from London to Edinburgh last night and being able to log on to SaGC and read everyone's posts.

                        AT2 Photos
                        Last edited by ForeverSg1; 21 November 2006, 03:00 AM.


                          Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post

                          I've had a few moments last night to upload some more photos of Amanda for anyone who wishes to check them out. Feel free to snag any of them. All I ask is if you do post them up on other websites, that you do give me credit. I'll try to add more when I get some free time. Unfortunately my husband and I are still traveling so my internet connection is sporatic at best. Although I have to admit it was very nice ride the train from London to Edinburgh last night and being able to log on to SaGC and read everyone's posts.

                          AT2 Photos
                          The photos are brilliant! Amanda is so... now I'm nearly in tears and I wasn't even there...
                          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                            Originally posted by ForeverSg1 View Post
                            It was a extremely emotional closing ceremony.

                            I lost it as soon as they showed us the check and I continued to cry up until Amanda said her last good-bye. I wish I could post what Julia said to Amanda on behalf of all her fans, but I could never do her justice. Hopefully, they will post it up on the Gabit website, because it was simply beautiful and expressed perfectly how most of Amanda's fans feel about her.

                            Amanda and the guest from Hearing Dogs showing everyone the money we had raised.

                            I've had a few moments last night to upload some more photos of Amanda for anyone who wishes to check them out. Feel free to snag any of them. All I ask is if you do post them up on other websites, forums or ljs, that you give me credit. I'll try to add more when I get some free time. Unfortunately my husband and I are still traveling so my internet connection is sporatic at best. Although I have to admit it was very nice riding the train from London to Edinburgh last night and being able to log on to SaGC and read everyone's posts.

                            AT2 Photos
                  , I'm not a guy of showing emotions but those photos are enough to come crying very near! Really perfect photos, showing the situation and emotions very, very good! I would lave to here/read, what Julia said to Amanda! I'm sure it was wonderful.

                            Thanks again for letting us all take part on Gabit by the gorgeous reports and photos.


                            Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                              More AT2 gushing (and I mean gushing!):

                              (warned ya!!!)

                              mini (the exhausted - but finally home!) geek
                              Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                              And Amanda. Amanda. She was so lovely and generous and fantastic. I don't believe that there is a fake bone in her entire body. She cares so deeply for other people. She truly holds a deep affection for her fans, and she has such a gift of vibrancy; of personality and humor. I mentioned this in the Sam Character thread as well, but when she saw the poster with everyone's messages and signatures on it, she pointed to several of them and she mentioned how she'd met this person or that one recently or what she recalled about another - just from reading their names. I cannot express how moved I was by that. I was so in awe at the time I don't think I said very much of articulate relevance, but that lovely lady is such a class act, I feel honored just to be her "fan". And I do not say that lightly.

                              Julia (god bless her) had the opportunity at the end of the ceremony to tell Amanda (on behalf of all of us) just how much she's meant to so many thousands of people over the years. How much we love and respect her (as a person, beyond the character she portrays on TV), and how completely we support her now and into whatever her future brings in terms of her career. I think I cried through most of what she said, as did many of us, because we'd all gotten to read the news articles in the magazines from time to time where Amanda's been interviewed, or where it's been mentioned that she sometimes hops online and sees nothing but mean-spirited digs - I know how many people (fom the Sam thread and elsewhere) have wanted for so long now to have an opportunity to let Amanda know the flip side of that coin; how much respect, admiration, and heartfelt affection there is amongst her fans, beyond those..... other voices (no matter how loud they might sometimes seem). I suppose there is a great deal of truth to the old addage that the negative things are always somehow easier to believe than the positive when it comes to ourselves. But Julia (bless her again, we love you so much for it Julia), she stood up there there on stage and said everything we'd ever wanted to. What's more, she said it all so eloquently and with so much grace and honesty, I couldn't wait to hug her afterwards, to thank her (and the other G4).

                              In any case, I really hope Amanda came away from the event believing every word that Julia said. She deserved every syllable. As self-deprecating as she can be sometimes, I often wonder if she truly realizes what a remarkable commedienne she really is. There's rare and wonderful energy about her presence which you don't often find even amongst a whole room full of actors. The fact that she carries herself with grace and humility (that same self-deprecating kind she uses to pick out aspects of her own life in order to make you smile), is so refreshing and so spontaneous, you can't help but laugh with her. Artistically speaking she has a gift, but more than that... she herself is a gift. To every one of us who has had the opportunity to meet with her or to see her.

                              I really believe that there are people who are put on this Earth whose karma is meant to reach out to others and change their lives (in whatever way, great or small). To have that kind of influence is a responsibility as much as it's a fantastic gift, and not everyone lives up to it. Amanda Tapping does. She represents everything that's praiseworthy about human spirit, and she passes that along to others in the most simple, most articulate way of all - she cares. And so did every single one of the fantastic people from here and all over the world that I had the pleasure to meet with this weekend at AT2. If every one of those people represents even ten others, and each one of these is inspired to give more, laugh harder and stand up straighter due to Amanda's influence, then she's truly - beyond everything and anything else - has made a powerful impact with her integrity.

                              So my heartfelt thanks go out to her as well. When I signed up for Gabit 2 this past year and paid for my ticket, I had no idea the event would have such a sizeable impact on the way I view not only Amanda, but this fan group. Words cannot express my gratitude at having been allowed to "be there" amongst so much love and generosity. A lot of us were in tears when we saw that giant cheque on stage at the end of the event. I think all 200+ of us knew in advance that we were going to aim high, but I don't think we even dreamed we could get that high. Quite a few people are now also going on to Avalon to try and raise even more for a good cause. And that's what the weekend was about. Shared laughter, stories, experiences and joy.
                              anything left to say, exept no all dry eyes anymore and WOW?

                              Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


                                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
                                OK, a plea for help.

                                I am about to start my Women of the Gate fic and I need to understand more about how the Intergalactic Bridge works. I've checked the forum and various other sites but I'm still a little vague on the details.

                                Can someone who has seen The Return Pt 1 PM me how its supposed to work?

                                Many thanks.
                                From the transcript (for anyone else who is interested, spoilers for that episode):
                                McKAY: So, I’m in Atlantis and I need to get to Earth. What do I do? Since we no longer have access to a ZedPM – due to unforeseeable circumstances – my only option would be to call the Daedalus and spend the next three weeks twiddling my thumbs waiting to get back home ... until now. (He turns and points to the screen.) I give you the McKay-Carter Intergalactic Gate Bridge.
                                (On the screen, a horizontal line of circles appears across the width of the screen. The line is broken in the middle by a larger icon.)
                                McKAY: Thirty-four Gates from both the Milky Way and Pegasus Gate systems have been strategically placed in the massive void between our two galaxies. Simply enter on either side – for example, Atlantis – and boom! A macro that I have written specially for the occasion will command each Gate in the chain to store you in its buffer and forward you along to the next, and the next, and the next, and the next, and the next until you arrive here.
                                (The circles depicting the Stargates flash sequentially along the line until they reach the central icon.)
                                McKAY: Once at the midway space station you simply exit the Pegasus Gate system and enter the Milky Way Gate system where a similar macro designed by yours truly will forward you along to the SGC. Total travel time, a little over thirty minutes. Cue applause.
                                (The crew – somewhat reluctantly in some cases – politely applauds him. Rodney waves magnanimously.)
                                McKAY: Thank you. Enough.
                                (The crew stops clapping.)
                                McKAY: The midway space station isn’t completed yet so we will be testing the system today using a Puddle Jumper. Now, given the history of ...
                                (He is interrupted by Colonel Steven Caldwell walking onto the Bridge.)


                                From that it sounds as if the Midway Space Station will be a pressurised station, so you could simply 'walk' from Earth to Atlantis without the need of a puddle jumper. Since it wasn't completed as of 'The Return pt1', they needed a Puddle Jumper to make the trip.

