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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by tsaxlady View Post
    How about a little Caption This:

    Daniel: Teal'c really called us Huey, Dewey and Louie? Wait a minute--which one am I?


      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      i do think that not trying another addy was a bit blind,b ut when you consider that she was hurt too, cold, tired, stressed and clinging to the 'every planet only has one gate' i can see her making the determinatino that she did
      I don't think that thinking outside the box was one of Sam's strong suits in the early days - as opposed to a few years later, when blowing up a sun or flying an asteroid through Earth was all in a day's work - and to the best of her knowledge, no planet had more than one stargate (I can't think of anywhere but Earth that had two) and Earth's only stargate was under a mountain in Colorado Springs.

      Hypothermia, exhaustion, stress and possible injuries - she would have been expelled from the stargate pretty quickly and she's not somebody to complain about or even mention injuries she would consider minor, so I don't think that can be ruled out - can't have helped her thinking ability.

      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
      the other planets taht they'd been to, the broca divide one, emancipation one, argos, all of them were warmer, yes, but primitive
      Didn't they screen planets via MALP before checking them out? Maybe they were avoiding the very cold planets - or dumping them on another SG team. Plus, if the planet's were terraformed, it makes sense that the climate would be reasonably warm for most of them. SG-1 didn't travel to cold planets too often, at any rate.

      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


        congratz to the fanfiction award winners! ~so proud~




          Originally posted by ReganX View Post
          I won something?
          Checked the site - "Three Men And A Little Theoretical Astrophysicist" won Best Humor Story.

          Anyone who voted for it - thank you!

          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by ReganX View Post
            I won something?
            LOL! Yes you did!! Congrats!!


              Originally posted by jckfan55 View Post
              I think your reasoning is good. The thing didn't seem to want to power up properly so why would she think dialing a different address would work?
              Yeah. I mean, if I were to write an email but when I clicked Send the mail app failed to respond no matter how many times I banged on the button/keys, I don't believe I'd think it was a problem with the recipient's server.

              Then again! If something similar happened when I dialled the telephone -- hmm... yeah, I might try a different number. hmmm....

              In any case, I'm wanting to watch the ep again. My initial reaction to this discussion was that I had never thought Carter was missing an obvious solution, but now I'm not so sure that that's an accurate memory.


                Congrats to everyone who won an award!!!
                Shows how much talent we have on Samanda eh

                and the fact that you all can write such an amazing stories about Sam just shows uw how a good character she is
                And how excelent Amanda portrays her there couldn't be anyone else but Amanda to play Samantha!!! she is just the best and not only for being Samantha but for everything she does...Amanda is really a great person!

                I hope all of you who are going to AT2 will have a great time...


                  this is something amanda said in her recent (to be posted here) interview -

                  "right now i'm contractually obligated to the next season for a full 20 episodes, if there is a next season," tapping says. "so i don't know. also, olivia is at the age now where i don't think bringing her to my little trailer every day is such a good idea. so it's going to be interesting. next year is going to be a much more difficult year because i will want to spend more time with her. she'll be at the age where i feel like i need to be with her and i'll be here. we'll see what happens."

                  ever since i read this... we don't have to wonder about this now, since the show's canceled, but i was wondering if amanda was thinking of pulling back *substantially* in (what would have been) season 10? selfishly, that upset me. realistically, i applauded her (like i did with rda). but i just want as much amanda/sam as possible.

                  just wanted to say that.




                    maybe not s10, but i think she could have been thinking on alternatives for s11 and possibly thinking of things like RDA, taking some time off to spend with olivia

                    and you know, notto ignight the debate here,but if vala had been a bit more substantial, it could have worked for AT to draw back a little. still be in teh show certainly, just to a lesser extent which would give her time off, kinda like RDA did

                    but who knows, all speculation
                    Where in the World is George Hammond?



                      Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                      maybe not s10, but i think she could have been thinking on alternatives for s11 and possibly thinking of things like RDA, taking some time off to spend with olivia

                      and you know, notto ignight the debate here,but if vala had been a bit more substantial, it could have worked for AT to draw back a little. still be in teh show certainly, just to a lesser extent which would give her time off, kinda like RDA did

                      but who knows, all speculation
                      At least the movies should provide a less time-consuming schedule than a full season would have.

                      Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                        Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                        At least the movies should provide a less time-consuming schedule than a full season would have.
                        Thats true


                          Congradulation's to those who won.


                            Originally posted by Strix varia View Post
                            I won something? Oh wow! *runs off to awards site*
                            Yes, you did rather well! Congratulations.

                            Not only do I think "The Knife's Edge of Madness" is an awesome Sam story, it's one of my top three favorite fanfics ever. I recommend it highly.


                            In memory of Deejay.
                            May we all be so well loved.


                              Originally posted by Skydiver View Post
                              and you know, notto ignight the debate here,but if vala had been a bit more substantial, it could have worked for AT to draw back a little. still be in teh show certainly, just to a lesser extent which would give her time off, kinda like RDA did

                              but who knows, all speculation

                              vala (and claudia) wouldn't have worked for me, if she 'had' been used as amanda's relief. it's not that i have anything against vala/cb, it's... you can't say what IT is that draws you to someone. it's just something that that person has that gets to you. it's like when i saw jessica steen in 'earth 2'. to me, she stood out in that cast big time. i acutally think i would have given atlantis a try if jessica had remained weir.

                              like i said, i have nothing against claudia, but if she'd been used (as vala) to be amanda's relief and/or substitute... i'd be lost. and it really isn't anything but what that someone has that grabs you. (amanda had me at hello)




                                Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                                like i said, i have nothing against claudia, but if she'd been used (as vala) to be amanda's relief and/or substitute... i'd be lost. and it really isn't anything but what that someone has that grabs you. (amanda had me at hello)
                                I agree, Vala's a great character, but there's no way she could fill the hole that Sam would leave. They are just apples and oranges.

                                Archer: Lieutenant Mayweather tells me we'll be arriving at Kronos in about eighty hours. Any chance he'll be conscious by then?

                                Phlox: There's a chance he'll be conscious within the next ten minutes... just not a very good one.

