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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Ok i have had a wild idea about something, Who here in england watches the paul o grady show? Now i think we should email them to see if he cant get AT and RDA on the show while they are over here in the uk!!!!! Can you imagine it it would be great the email address to contact them is
    [email protected]

    if more than just one email them then they might look into it or do something about it!
    what do you think
    i Just emailed them and in the email it says that the read and reply to ALL emails sent so i really think we should do this

    Live for today, for one day there will not be a tomorrow

    Help me get to film school

    One Year, £8000 to raise. Just what will i do to raise it?


      Originally posted by Bex Calo
      Ok i have had a wild idea about something, Who here in england watches the paul o grady show? Now i think we should email them to see if he cant get AT and RDA on the show while they are over here in the uk!!!!! Can you imagine it it would be great the email address to contact them is
      [email protected]

      if more than just one email them then they might look into it or do something about it!
      what do you think
      i Just emailed them and in the email it says that the read and reply to ALL emails sent so i really think we should do this
      That's a great idea, i love Paul O'grady and i think Amanda would be really funny with him, RDA has a lovely way about him that it would be interesting to see the fun between them!
      I'll be sending my email to him, you never know, they might just have them on his show!


        Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
        Yup. And though I have the same squicky feeling about the whole Pete affair as you do, I still believe that Sam acted mostly in character. I do wish that she'd taken him to task for some of the blatant things he'd done, but you know what, I know strong women who would have done the same thing.

        So this brings me to what may prove a somewhat controversial subject about Sam's character:

        I come from a... I don't know if culture is the right word... mentality, maybe, where people didn't talk about the squicky stuff. A man grabs your thigh at work? You brush him off without really looking at him, then both of you go about your day as if nothing had happened except that there's something there, that feeling akin to what Stephen King is so able to evoke in his writing. Sam gives off that vibe, sometimes, and it was especially clear with Pete.

        Now, I'm not saying that Sam was raped as a child, or beaten by her ex-fiance, or anything so tragic. But she may have come from a culture where "bad" was simply not talked about and thus, allowed to flourish. For instance, Jack has never been able to talk about "the bad thing" that happened to his family. He lost his wife, whom he loved very deeply, over that inability.

        Anyone else know what I'm talking about? If so, do you think this might be what the writers meant to portray all along?
        I think that after Sam's mom died (I wish they would give the woman a name), that Sam lived with a "suck it up and fly straight" attitude from Jacob. There was definitely a distance between them in "Secrets" and "Tok'ra I&II" which didn't really go away until Jacob was blended, so I doubt that they communicated to well. And given that she lost her mom right when she was hitting the teen-age years, her opinion of what is normal in a relationship may very well have been warped a bit, especially if she had no one to talk to.


          Hi Everyone!

          Morjana just posted a link to this on the Spoilergate group. I thought you all might be interested in reading the first letter as it has some excellent points about women in the sciences (and it mentions Sam Carter).

          I have to say I agree 100% with Ms. Gedelian.


            Originally posted by Melora
            Hi Everyone!

            Morjana just posted a link to this on the Spoilergate group. I thought you all might be interested in reading the first letter as it has some excellent points about women in the sciences (and it mentions Sam Carter).

            I have to say I agree 100% with Ms. Gedelian.

            thanks for posting Melora! Great letter and view on this topic.
            I'm a guy, who has chosen physics as my "professional course" if you can name it that way -> means that I have most lessons on high school, besides German, in pyhsics. We're nine guys in this lessons, but I would love to have some female backup in there. And when I look at the girls in the maths course I can see some really good girls there, too. As Cynthia writes, I also don't see a difference in the abbilities of women in science or maths in general and I'd love to have some Sam Carter like girls in physics courses - okay it hasn't to be astrophysics - I don't understand most things too, but it'd be cool to have some girlpower in there!
            AND: here again we can see, that Stargate is and has, what people want to see, so I again don't really get, why SG-1 was canceled - without intending to start a discussion on this topic here and now!!!

            we love and need you!

            Thank you SO much Amanda! (Icons by various great artists)


              Originally posted by Melora
              Hi Everyone!

              Morjana just posted a link to this on the Spoilergate group. I thought you all might be interested in reading the first letter as it has some excellent points about women in the sciences (and it mentions Sam Carter).

              I have to say I agree 100% with Ms. Gedelian.

              thanx for posting the last comment about Sam
              i agree with her!


                I just started to navigate around the new SG website and if anyone wants to make me a friend go ahead...the more the merrier I would say...

                It is still under construction but it will be one day ready lol...


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                  I just started to navigate around the new SG website and if anyone wants to make me a friend go ahead...the more the merrier I would say...

                  It is still under construction but it will be one day ready lol...

                  i like how it is till now!...really like the replicarter's just a beautiful pic(makes me think to make a wallpaper with it)


                    Hey y'all I'm back again, How ah y'all doin'? I will come on more regurly, but with school and my vacation to Egypt. And when ya forgot to come on this Forum or are just a bit too busy. So plz fprgive me for not comin' online more OK But I will from now on.

                    Oh In MN, (Minnesota) there's in the (well distance is relative) neighborhood of Marshall of a town called Olivia. The city is exactly on well what is that highway, interstate called? 212 I think (I'm not American so sorry for the wrong use of highway and interstate)

                    Greets and see y'all soon and hope now the winter recess is there Amanda can join some good vacation (and there's always time for it) Party time!

                    Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                      Sorry guys! THANKSGIVING here and all, didn't realize how busy I'd be!

                      Well, the owner of number 277 ... is none other than...



                      ::::confetti!::::: LOL

                      Lookin' WAY forward to meeting everyone at AT2!

                      Hugs All**
                      mg (back to the turkey/family thing #2 lol)

                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      *Looks at clock* Well it's Monday now, the day you've all been waiting for...that's right it's Thanksgiving

                      Oh yea and it's also the day I pick a number

                      So now without further adieu (cause you know I've been stalling right )

                      The winning number is.....


                      Congratulations whoever you may be

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Happy (Canadian) Thanksgiving and cause I don't know when the American thanksgiving is, Happy Thanxgiving America !

                        Thank you Ambermoon for the sigs!


                          Originally posted by starlover1990
                          i like how it is till now!...really like the replicarter's just a beautiful pic(makes me think to make a wallpaper with it)
                          That's Sam in the replicator stocks


                            Originally posted by scarimor
                            That's Sam in the replicator stocks
                            a yeah i'm sorry made a little mistake ..maybe because the site is from replicartertje and it's on a replicater ship...that gets me confused


                              OMG, you're kidding me????


                              dangit, now i AM getting excited.
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by KatG
                                Kind of describes S9/S10 don't you think?
                                I prefer "disaster area".

                                Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje

